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主要讨论了国土星卫片的成象比例尺,卫星姿态误差对图象几何精度的影响及其姿态参数的控制精度等问题。在简化模型的前提下,按照严谨的数学关系,本文导出了卫片的比例尺和误差计算的数学解析式,并提出了在给定最大定位误差时,对卫星姿态控制精度的总体设计要求。  相似文献   

国土星成像几何特性的误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论卫星姿态参数误差、轨道参数误差以及地面起伏对国土星卫片几何精度的影响。文中按照比较严格的数学关系,导出了误差计算公式,并给出了典型算例。试验的结果,可作为提出轨道及姿态数据精度要求的依据,也可作为对卫片进行几何处理的基础。  相似文献   

法新社2009年6月24日报导,一项最新研究显示,环绕土星运行的土卫二冰态表层下可能是一片咸海水,从而增加了太阳系存在外星生命的可能性。这一消息引起了人们对土卫二情况的关注。  相似文献   

<正>法新社2009年6月24日报导,一项最新研究显示,环绕土星运行的土卫二冰态表层下可能是一片咸海水,从而增加了太阳系存在外星生命的可能性。这一消息引起了人们对土卫二情况的关注。  相似文献   

火卫二(Deimos)是火星自然卫星之一,研究人员利用火星探测器对其地形地貌开展了大量研究.首先对火卫二的基本参数及起源假说进行了介绍,进而全面梳理了与火卫二相关的航天探测活动,重点对地形地貌探测活动进行了详细介绍,并对围绕火卫二地形地貌的研究成果进行了归纳分析,结果表明火卫二表面分布有撞击坑、风化层、明亮的反射物质及...  相似文献   

美国航空航天局的"新地平线"号是目前正在飞往矮行星冥王星途中的一艘无人探测飞船。"新地平线"号有望成为第一个飞越冥王星及其卫星(冥卫一卡戎、冥卫二尼克斯、冥卫三许德拉及编号为S/2011P1的冥卫四),并对它们展开  相似文献   

正位于美国加州的卫星运营商卫讯公司计划在2020到2022年间采用太空探索技术公司的重型猎鹰火箭发射其3颗"卫讯3"大型通信卫星中的一颗。这项合同是"卫讯"第二次试图用"重鹰"发射。由于"重鹰"研制出现严重推迟,该公司原定用"重鹰"发射的"卫讯2"卫  相似文献   

针对火星接近段导航通信时延大、存在通信盲区、自主导航可用观测信息有限等问题,提出了一种基于一组火卫二相对探测器视线矢量测量的天文自主导航算法,每个导航周期测量一组火卫二视线矢量可得到其中某一时刻探测器的完整轨道信息的估计值,该方法不依赖于轨道渐近线方向等先验信息。考虑到存在火卫二和火星在同一视场的情形,此时结合火星中心视线矢量方向以及火卫二的星历信息可估计出精度较高的探测器轨道半径,作为第一种方法的补充观测量,提高导航精度。最后给出仿真校验,验证了该方法的导航精度和可行性,表明该方案能够满足未来火星探测接近段自主导航需求。  相似文献   

<正> 为推广国土普查卫星照相资料的广泛应用,1986年9月2日至9月6日在航天部中国空间技术研究院举行了“国土普查卫星图象计算机预处理方法评市会”。与会代表有来自航天部、有关单位和院校等22个单位的专家和从事遥感图象处理的科技人员65人。会议听取了送审单位的技术报告10篇。会期还邀请北京航空学院、总参测绘局、国家测绘局、总参技术局的有关专家作了一些专题报告。代表们认为这些报告及其经验对开展国土卫星图象预处理具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

<正>韩国作为发达国家,并不满足于民用消费品的畅销,同样对军工和航天充满了兴趣。韩国航天事业的发展虽晚但卓有成效,韩国SI成像服务公司宣布,韩国多用途卫星3A的商业销售已经开始,使韩国成为继美国之后第二个公开销售0.5米分辨率卫片的国家。韩国在运载火箭领域同样投入巨资,新的KSLV-II火箭正在有条不紊地进行研制,2016年火箭的主发动机已经开始长程试车。谈到韩国运载火箭,很多人都会  相似文献   

火星电离层探测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
火星已经成为深空探测的重要目标之一, 登陆火星并在火星生存是人类探测火星的终极目标, 因此电离层是必须了解的火星电磁环境. 火星电离层探测包括直接探测和间接探测. 直接探测精度高, 有较高的空间分辨率, 但是观测时间短, 无法提供长期稳定的探测结果. 对火星电离层的间接探测结果主要来自无线电掩星探测和顶部雷达探测. 无线电掩星探测可实现对火星电离层整个电子密度剖面的长期稳定探测, 但其空间水平分辨率较低, 且可探测的电离层太阳天顶角范围受到地球与火星轨道的限制. 顶部雷达探测对火星电离层的探测具有很高的时间分辨率和空间分辨率, 且同样可进行长期稳定探测, 为火星电离层研究提供了最新的支持. 通过对火星电离层探测的基本方法及典型观测结果的分析, 提出通过几种探测方法适当结合的方式, 同时对火星电离层进行观测, 能够大大推进对火星电离层的研究.   相似文献   

总结了我国卫星的发展道路。指出20年来我国卫星的发展主攻方向是应用卫星,主要目标是高中低三类轨道的通信、遥感和科学实验卫星,发展的步骤采取了步数少、步距大、起点高的途径,发展方针是依靠自力更生和全国大协作。文章扼要介绍了自80年代我国卫星转入应用后的情况,已在教育、广播、通信、资源、测绘、气象、科学研究和国防建设等领域应用并作出了巨大贡献。文章最后指出了我国90年代卫星应用的光明前景。  相似文献   

The current lunar exploration has changed from a single scientific exploration to science and resource utilization. On the basis of the previous lunar exploration, Chinese scientists and technical experts have proposed an overall plan to preliminarily build a lunar research station on the lunar South Pole by several missions before 2035, exploring of the moon, as well as the use of lunar platforms and in-site utilization of resources. In addition, China will also explore Mars, asteroids and Jupiter and its moons. This paper briefly introduces the ideas of Chinese scientists and technical experts on the lunar and deep space exploration.   相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: to develop a methodology for the estimation of land surface temperature for non-urban areas and to analyze the sensitivity of the methodology. The key element of the methodology was the development of emissivity maps based on CORINE Land Cover and the ASTER spectral library. Land surface temperatures were derived from NOAA/AVHRR data and the methodology was applied at a national scale in Greece, with emphasis given to non-urban areas. A sensitivity analysis was performed in order to determine the variables that mainly affect the estimation of land surface temperature. A varying propagation error was identified depending on the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere, as well as the land cover type. The methodology was applied to a series of 25 AVHRR images and the results were compared to in-situ measurements from representative stations.  相似文献   

In 2018, China successfully launched three new Haiyang (which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites which are an ocean color observation satellite HY-1C (operational), an ocean dynamics environment satellite HY-2B (operational) and the China-France ocean satellite CFOSAT (experimental). In 2019, all the three satellites had finished their commissioning phases and were declared operational. HY-2A satellite continues to operate in-orbit, and its operational status is basically normal. So in 2020, China has 4 Haiyang satellites in-orbit, China's ocean satellites enter into a new operational application phase. The operation of the ground application system of Chinese ocean satellites is stable. In 2019, Beijing, Hainan, Mudanjiang, and Hangzhou ocean satellite ground stations had received the data of HY-1C, HY-2A, HY-2B, and CFOSAT 5012 orbits and 26.46 TB data had been distributed to both domestic and international users. Chinese ocean satellite data has played an important role in marine disaster prevention and mitigation, development and management of marine resources, maintenance of marine rights and interests, marine environment protection, scientific researches, and blue economy development.   相似文献   

The launch and successful operation of Chinese–Brazil Earth resources satellite (CBERS-1) in China has accelerated the application of space technology in China. These applications include agriculture, forestry, water conservation, land resources, city planning, environment protection and natural hazards monitoring and so on. The result of these applications provides a scientific basis for government decision making and has created great economic and social benefits in Chinese national economy construction. In this paper we present examples and provide auxiliary documentation of additional applications of the data from Earth resource monitoring.  相似文献   

Data acquired by Landsats 1, 2, and 3, are beginning to provide the information on which an improved mineral and energy resource exploration strategy can be based. Landsat 4 is expected to augment this capability with its higher resolution (30 m) and additional spectral bands in the Thematic Mapper (TM) designed specifically to discriminate clay minerals associated with mineral alteration. In addition, a new global magnetic anomaly map, derived from the recent Magsat mission, has recently been compiled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and others. Preliminary, extremely small-scale renditions of this map indicate that global coverage is nearly complete and that the map will improve upon a previous one derived from Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory (POGO) data. Digital processing of the Landsat image data and Magsat geophysical data can be used to create three-dimensional stereoscopic models for which Landsat images provide surface reference to deep structural anomalies.Comparative studies of national Landsat lineament maps, Magsat stereoscopic models, and metallogenic information derived from the Computerized Resources Information Bank (CRIB) inventory of U.S. mineral resources, provide a way of identifying and selecting exploration areas that have mineral resource potential. Landsat images and computer-compatible tapes can provide new and better mosaics and also provide the capability for a closer look at promising sites.  相似文献   

Remote sensing activities in India over the past decade are briefly described in the paper; some important application areas are explained. Some results are highlighted. Activities in India for building remote sensing spacecraft, sensors and ground segment are summarised. Some facilities in India for remote sensing applications including low cost interpretative equipment developed are described. The paper also outlines the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) series, the first of which is presently under development for launch in 1986 and the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) under evolution.  相似文献   

空间增材制造技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国空间站旨在进行大量在轨科学实验和空间应用研究,在轨保障是支持空间站在全寿命周期内完成载人航天任务的重要途径.传统地面制造及上行补给方式难以满足较大规模应用的需求,亟需一种创新性的保障模式突破资源瓶颈,空间增材制造技术具有极大的潜力实现即造即用的资源保障模式.本文根据空间增材制造技术的最新研究进展,结合中国空间站和载人深空探测任务需求,对空间增材制造技术的在轨应用模式进行分析,提出了中国空间增材制造技术未来发展所面临的问题和解决途径.   相似文献   

Space law education has an essential role in the space capacity building of a country because of its importance for human resources development in space law. Comparisons between Canada and China, the European Union and China and the United States of America (USA) and China in space law degree education, course, teaching methodology, institute and practice and communication platform are provided in an attempt to review some issues which exist within the Chinese space law educational system and to seek a better choice for China’s space law education reform. Chinese space law education has achieved noticeable progress over the past two decades. However, it is still limited in comparison to its counterparts in Europe and Northern America. The range of the space law degree education programmes and space-law-related courses is comparatively limited. A gap remains between space law education and practice in China. Chinese space law classes are still dominated by the teacher-centred teaching methodology, although several universities have some new teaching practices. The establishment of seven space law-related research institutes plays an increasingly important role in Chinese space law education, space law and policy research and legal advisory services for the Chinese government and non-governmental sectors. However, these institutes still have a long way to go in comparison with their counterparts in Europe and Northern America. While China has established domestic research platforms for space law communication through international cooperation, it does not provide space law practice platforms for space law education. While international space law does not provide a direct legal foundation for space law education in China, Chinese educational laws can lay a profound legal foundation for Chinese space law education. To promote its national expertise and capacity in space law, based on the three-pillar model and the experiences of its counterparts in North America and Europe, China should adopt a systematic and sustainable regime for its space law education.  相似文献   

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