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VSAT 卫星通信系统是80年代初发展起来的一种灵活方便的通信系统。文章介绍了一种VSAT 卫星数据收集系统的组成,主要技术特点以及卫星链路参数的计算。最后介绍了该系统在我国首次应用于水利自动化工程的情况。  相似文献   

在90年代,加速发展我国的卫星气象应用是一项具有重大意义和效益的工作。文章对发展卫星气象应用所应采取的技术对策提出了意见,并提出一系列所要解决的科研课题和关键技术问题。  相似文献   

我国辽阔的海域、丰富的资源,为远洋运输、内河航运、渔业生产带来了广阔的发展前景,而海洋资源的有序开发和有效监管,在国民经济发展、海洋权益保护中占有着重要的地位。同时,卫星通信、卫星导航、卫星遥感等技术手段是确保海上信息通信及其安全的重要手段。我国“一带一路”和“互联网+”国家发展战略,也为我国海上卫星应用创造了新的发展机遇。为总结和交流国内外海上卫星应用现状,促进海上卫星通信技术发展,中国宇航学会卫星应用专业委员会于2016年7月21日在北京召开“第二届中国海上卫星应用研讨会”,主题为“推广海上卫星应用,助力海洋产业发展”。  相似文献   

卫星技术的发展趋势与创新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星技术是空间系统的核心 ,其发展水平 ,决定了 2 1世纪初空间系统的总体能力。1 通信广播类卫星技术通信广播类卫星是国外最早进入商业化的卫星领域 ,但迄今为止 ,卫星通信在全世界整个通信市场中的渗透率大约只占2 % ,其近期目标是达到 5% ,未来主要将与地面通信手段竞争。而实现这些目标的关键是技术发展与创新。军事通信广播卫星 ,在战时通信容量骤增的情况下 ,主要存在通信容量不足、抗干扰能力差等问题。为解决这些问题 ,提出了如下通信广播类卫星技术发展和主要创新思路。1 .1 高、中、低轨道卫星并行发展对于非全球性应用 ,主要…  相似文献   

当前,我国已将卫星导航定位应用产业列入国家重点新产品项目和国家高新技术产业示范工程,作为卫星导航定位应用产业的关键核心技术之一。"北斗"卫星导航系统(以下简称"北斗")是我国自行建设的具有完全自主知识产权的卫星定位和通信系统。它能为用户提供快速定位、授时和短报文通信服务,目前系统服务区覆盖我国和周边地区,可以保证我国重点用户在导航定位方面不依赖于美国"全球定位系统"(GPS)或俄罗斯"全球导航卫星系统"(GLONASS)。卫星导航定位正日益成为国民经济发展的重要标志之一,有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

正1978年,党的十一届三中全会在北京召开,我国由此进入了改革开放的历史新时期。那时,我国运行在天上的卫星仅有“东方红一号”和“实践一号”两颗科学试验航天器,卫星应用水平远落后于世界先进水平。40年后的今天,我国卫星的在轨数量已超过200颗,总数位居世界第二,不仅涵盖遥感、导航、通信、空间探测和技术实验等卫星种类,还成系统地发展出了通信广播卫星系列、北斗导航卫星系列、气象卫星系列、资源卫星系列  相似文献   

正从低轨移动通信星座、低轨宽带互联网星座两个发展方向,分析了包括"铱"(Iridium)卫星系统、"一网"(OneWeb)卫星系统等在内的多个国外典型系统的总体发展情况、应用支持能力以及"小卫星多功能"、"小卫星大容量"的设计特点。针对我国低轨通信星座发展,从频率、应用定位以及系统实用性等方面探讨了总体设计应关注的问题;从解决我国全球通信保障急需出发,提出以移动通信为主、多功能综合、兼顾宽带通信、规模逐步扩展的低轨星座发展建议,并给出了空间组网、全球服务、频谱感知、频率共用、宽窄结合、协同应用的总体设计思路。  相似文献   

正中国通信广播卫星起步于20世纪70年代初,在80年代以后得到快速发展,广泛用于电视广播、电话、电报、传真、数据传输、远程教育和远程医疗等业务。自1984年东方红-2卫星成功发射以来,中国通信广播卫星走过了从探索到实践、从试验到实用、从单星到公用平台、从国内到国际的道路,先后取得了自主研制实用通信卫星,开发大容量、长寿命、高可靠通信卫星公用平台,通信卫星整星出口等成就。作为中国通信广播卫星的主要承研  相似文献   

现代小卫星的发展始于20世纪80年代末,作为在新技术和新生产力水平基础上涌现出来的产物,现代小卫星采用全新的设计研制理念,使得其高新技术应用程度和功能密度产生了质的飞跃,从而得到了蓬勃的发展和广泛的应用。目前,国际上一般将质量小于1000kg的卫星称为小卫星。依此标准,迄今为止全球发射的现代小卫星数量已经超过2000颗,广泛应用于遥感、通信、技术试验等领域,成为空间系统的重要组成部分。回顾现代小卫星20多年的发展历史,共经历了五次大的发展浪潮。  相似文献   

正2017年10月26日,第19届"2017中国卫星应用大会"在北京举行。本届大会由中国通信学会主办,中国宇航学会卫星应用专业委员会、中国通信学会卫星通信委员会协办,主题是:"新卫星,新应用"。大会邀请了来自主管部委、运营商、解决方案商、研究机构、专家和媒体的朋友,就卫星产业政策、市场、技术、服务等各方面做了深入探讨。大会主席杨千里教授主持了开幕式。中国卫星应用大会是我国卫星应用领域备受国内外业界关注的国际会议,是信息量饱满及规模盛大的年度  相似文献   

中国返回式卫星与空间科学实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国返回式卫星发展至今已有30 多年, 共发射了23 颗返回式卫星. 在多次返回式卫星任务中成功进行了大量的空间科学和技术实验. 本文首先概要介绍了中国返回式卫星的发展情况、技术特点、在返回式卫星上进行的空间科学实验情况; 其次, 介绍了卫星平台对有效载荷可提供的环境条件、服务支持以及载荷设备研制与卫星技术流程之间的匹配关系和接口要求; 最后, 对卫星平台的技术发展趋势与应用前景进行了展望.   相似文献   

By using satellites, ultra-long-distance quantum communication and tests of quantum foundations could be achieved at a global scale. The Quantum Experiment Science Satellite (QUESS) in China, also called Micius, one of the scientific satellite programs in the Strategic Priority Program on space science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was launched on 16 August 2016. There are totally 4 scientific payloads. We give a brief overview of the quantum experiment science satellite project and present most recent science results. The main scientific goal of the quantum experiment science satellite was achieved in 2017. Here, we introduce the latest achievements in satellite-based quantum communication and large-scale tests of quantum foundations obtained by Micius.   相似文献   

全球个人通信系统(PCS)是一个发展中的新概念。1990年初开始提出利用静止轨道以外的其他轨道通信卫星的设想,最好是利用低轨道(LEO)卫星。使用低轨道卫星就像把地面蜂窝网搬到天上,并能提供与之相仿的业务。文章评价了利用移动的和个人终端的通信卫星网;给出了未来低轨道卫星网的前景;对其中一些有关问题作了归纳。同时,描述了个人通信系统的功能性构成,并对一些网络的主要技术参数作表比较。  相似文献   

In 2018, China successfully launched three new Haiyang (which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites which are an ocean color observation satellite HY-1C (operational), an ocean dynamics environment satellite HY-2B (operational) and the China-France ocean satellite CFOSAT (experimental). In 2019, all the three satellites had finished their commissioning phases and were declared operational. HY-2A satellite continues to operate in-orbit, and its operational status is basically normal. So in 2020, China has 4 Haiyang satellites in-orbit, China's ocean satellites enter into a new operational application phase. The operation of the ground application system of Chinese ocean satellites is stable. In 2019, Beijing, Hainan, Mudanjiang, and Hangzhou ocean satellite ground stations had received the data of HY-1C, HY-2A, HY-2B, and CFOSAT 5012 orbits and 26.46 TB data had been distributed to both domestic and international users. Chinese ocean satellite data has played an important role in marine disaster prevention and mitigation, development and management of marine resources, maintenance of marine rights and interests, marine environment protection, scientific researches, and blue economy development.   相似文献   

Activities of space materials science research in China have been continuously supported by two main national programs. One is the China Space Station (CSS) program since 1992, and the other is the Strategic Priority Program (SPP) on Space Science since 2011. In CSS plan in 2019, eleven space materials science experimental projects were officially approved for execution during the construction of the space station. In the SPP Phase II launched in 2018, seven pre-research projects are deployed as the first batch in 2018, and one concept study project in 2019. These pre-research projects will be cultivated as candidates for future selection as space experiment projects on the recovery of scientific experimental satellites in the future. A new apparatus of electrostatic levitation system for ground-based research of space materials science and rapid solidification research has been developed under the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In order to promote domestic academic activities and to enhance the advancement of space materials science in China, the Space Materials Science and Technology Division belong to the Chinese Materials Research Society was established in 2019. We also organized scientists to write five review papers on space materials science as a special topic published in the journal Scientia Sinica to provide valuable scientific and technical references for Chinese researchers.   相似文献   

Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (S-VLBI) is an aperture synthesis technique utilizing an array of radio telescopes including ground telescopes and space orbiting telescopes. It can achieve much higher spatial resolution than that from the ground-only VLBI. In this paper, a new concept of twin spacecraft S-VLBI has been proposed, which utilizes the space-space baselines formed by two satellites to obtain larger and uniform uv coverage without atmospheric influence and hence achieve high quality images with higher angular resolution. The orbit selections of the two satellites are investigated. The imaging performance and actual launch conditions are all taken into account in orbit designing of the twin spacecraft S-VLBI. Three schemes of orbit design using traditional elliptical orbits and circular orbits are presented. These design results can be used for different scientific goals. Furthermore, these designing ideas can provide useful references for the future Chinese millimeter-wave S-VLBI mission.   相似文献   

Advances of microgravity sciences in China are introduced. The research works include ground-based study and space experiments. In the recent years, the main means still are theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, ground-based experiment, and short-time microgravity experiments of drop tower. Besides, many space experiment projects are arranged. SJ-10 recoverable satellite will carry out 19 scientific experiment projects. Nine of them are for microgravity Sciences. The other ways for space microgravity experiment are with the help of Chinese Shenzhou spacecraft, Chinese Tiangong space laboratory, and Chinese space station in the near future. The Chinese space station will become main platform of Chinese microgravity sciences experiment in space.   相似文献   

月球轨道编队超长波天文观测微卫星任务   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
月球背面能够有效屏蔽来自地球并同时遮挡来自太阳的射电信号干扰,拥有太阳系中近乎最安静的电磁环境,是开展空间超长波天文观测的最佳选择区域。在立足完成空间干涉实验的基本任务目标基础、并力争实现重大科学发现的研究思路基础上,研制并发射两颗微卫星,搭载"嫦娥4号"任务进入地月转移轨道,自主完成地月转移、近月制动,在有效燃料约束下形成环月大椭圆轨道编队,构建环月超长波天文干涉仪。说明了系统的工作模式,对数据处理与科学分析方法进行了论述,包括数据预处理、干涉成像与全天功率谱获取角度,进而从支持服务模块和科学载荷模型两个方面对微卫星方案进行了简要概述,凝练了项目任务解决的关键科学与技术问题。月球轨道编队超长波天文观测微卫星的实施将通过全球首个绕月近距编队飞行系统,构建全球首个星–星干涉射电天文观测系统,进而打开人类认识宇宙的新窗口。  相似文献   

本文给出了接收通信卫星线极化辐射信号时地球站天线极化取向角的计算公式。使用线极化辐射的通信系统中,地球站天线极化取向随其地理位置而变化。本文利用坐标变换方法导出了实用的计算公式。在地球站的架设、调整中,只要利用所公布的卫星定点经度位置和卫星天线波束指向角数据,加上所架设地球站的地面经纬度,便可算出极化角取向。本文给出的公式不仅用于电视接收站,还可适用于通信地球站。  相似文献   

Chang'E-1, the first lunar mission in China, was successfully launched on October 24,2007, which opened the prelude of China's Lunar Exploration Program. Later on, the Chang'E-2 and Chang'E-3 satellites were successfully launched in 2010 and 2013, respectively. In order to achieve the science objectives, various payloads boarded the spacecraft. The scientific data from these instruments were received by Beijing and Kunming ground stations simultaneously. Up to now, about 5.628 Terabytes of raw data were received totally. A series of research results has been achieved. This paper presents a brief introduction to the main scientific results and latest progress from Chang'E-3 mission.  相似文献   

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