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2013年6月20日,我国神舟-10女航天员王亚平在聂海胜、张晓光的协助下,成功为地面青少年进行了我国首次太空授课,为我国太空教育开辟了新篇章,在全球产生了较大的影响。现在,太空教育已成为载人航天的重要领域,前景非常广阔。  相似文献   

李宇英 《国际太空》2014,(12):76-76
2014年11月17日,联合国附属空间科学与技术教育亚太区域中心(中国)(以下简称区域中心)落户北京航空航天大学。这是联合国首次在中国设立空间教育机构,该机构将致力于亚太地区空间技术与教育以及相关人才的培养,这标志着我国空间科技与教育已经逐渐走向国际化,将有力推动亚太地区空间教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

正20年前,由上海市宇航学会创意开展的在全市教育系统以中小学为主要对象的创建航天特色学校活动,以及旨在大力推进航天科普教育的"校会挂钩"主题活动,在上海市中小学系统引起了强烈反响,纷纷踊跃参与,有力地推动了航天科普教育活动的深化。其间,黄浦区光明小学被命名为上海市第一家航天特色学校。如今,光明小学被命名为航天特色学校已经整整20年  相似文献   

2011年11月25日,是一个值得纪念的日子,这一天平湖市乍浦九龙山小学的全体师生迎来了中国航天科技集团张履谦院士和长二F火箭原总指挥黄春平等专家,一起见证全国首个航天少年科学院花落平湖。结缘:追科星牵手航天科技平湖市乍浦九龙山小学,地处杭州湾北岸,美丽的九龙山下。近十年来,学校一直重视科技教育,以提高学生科学素养为教育宗旨,把科技教育作为学校的一项特色工作来抓。  相似文献   

在美国政府考虑教育改革的情况下,卫星用于远距离教育将会继续发展,但租用卫星的费用不断增长和其他技术的竞争可能会减慢这种发展速度。 1993年7月25日至7月27日,在迈阿密召开的由教育通讯和技术联合会发起的会议上,学校的管理人员、教授和技术专家对赞成与反对远距离教育方法的各种理由进行了评价。位于依阿华州的Kirkwood公共学院院长、国家远距离教育顾问Rizh Gross先生说:“大约10~15年,卫星将在远距离教  相似文献   

正南海之滨,千年新会,前有陈白沙治学问道兴文脉,后有梁启超齐家治国济天下。梁启超纪念中学(以下简称"启中")就是以我国近代推动中国历史进程的文化伟人梁启超先生而命名的。2001年,梁启超先生之子梁思礼院士为启中题写了"厚德载物,自强不息"的校训,希望学校教育既要重视爱国教育,又要重视科技教育。2014年,梁院士向启中赠送他的两  相似文献   

张蕊 《国际太空》2013,(7):59-64
目前,"国际空间站"(ISS)应用主要集中在6个领域,分别是技术开发与验证、物理科学、人体研究、教育活动与推广、地球与空间科学以及生物学与生物技术。其中教育活动和推广作为重要的新兴应用领域之一,正在受到越来越广泛的关注。"国际空间站"作为一个形象的科普宣传推广平台,增进了世界各地的学  相似文献   

据悉,美国公共广播社(PBS)强烈要求美国政府于1993年提供一颗专用教育广播卫星。 11月18日,公共广播社同美国电报电话公司天网分公司签订了一项合同,以便于1993年把现有的各卫星传输的教育节目都转到拟定的电信-401(Telstar-401)卫星上。 PBS目前正设法说服其他的教育节目制作者同他们一起共用电信-401卫星。如果所有的教育节目都由同一颗卫星传输,学校就不需太多设备,并能以相同的方向一直指向卫星。 PBS将花1.486亿美元租用电信-401卫星上5个Ku波段和1个C波段转发器。PBS目前用其它卫星的4个C波段转发器,向341个PBS地球站传输教育节目。  相似文献   

□□2004年9月20日,印度使用静止卫星运载火箭―F01(GSLV―F01)成功发射了“教育卫星”(EDUSAT)。EDUSAT被送入了地球同步转移轨道(GTO),之后通过其液体远地点发动机(LAM)点火进入了地球静止轨道,最终定点在74°E。EDUSAT是世界第1颗专门为教育部门提供服务的卫星。它配置了专门的有效载荷,用于视听媒体教学,构建数字交互式教室和多媒体、多中心系统。EDUSAT主要是使学校和更高级教育机构之间实现信息交流,同时也能支持私立学校的教学和通信。1“教育卫星”计划2002年10月,印度空间研究组织(ISRO)提出了EDUSAT计划,发射1…  相似文献   

高歌 《太空探索》2013,(6):42-45
无边无际的宇宙,神秘、神奇、神妙,令人无限神往,对儿童和青少年来说,更是充满巨大的诱惑力。这个时期,如果孩子们得到良好的引导和教育,将来很有可能成为航天领域的有用人才。为此,美国几十年来始终致力于孩子们的航天科普教育,精心为他们营造喜闻乐见的航天乐园。教育从孩子开始儿童和青少年大多活泼、好动,  相似文献   

The problems and approaches to organisation of the education process in the field of aerospace and environmental medicine for medical students are discussed. Original education developed on the basis of Russian experience in space biology and physiology, environmental medicine, aerospace medicine and medical support during spaceflight. The main goals of these programs are to acquaint students with: interaction of living organisms with natural and artificial surroundings, including space flight conditions; the physiological reactions on extreme environmental factors; basic mechanisms of human adaptation to space flight and particularly to microgravity; the current research in space medicine and new telecommunication technologies. All programs are formed in accordance with contemporary progress in life sciences and revealed a result of the interdisciplinary approach to education process.  相似文献   

建设我国独立自主时间频率系统的思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
分析了物理量测量中时间频率量的特点 ,主要有 :时间的流逝性 ,时间频率具有最高的测量精密度与准确度 ,时间和频率既密切相关又有区别 ,其计量标准可通过电磁波发播 ,其基准是自然基准 ,其测量精确度与测量时间有关。作者阐述了这些特点对计量技术及建设时间频率系统的影响 ,论述了建设我国独立自主的时间频率系统的必要性及其基本框架 ,从基准、实时、授时、时间频率设备的研制、生产和队伍建设等方面提出了建设的具体设想。  相似文献   

Through space applications, a number of social and economic programmes in education, communications, agro-climatology, weather forecasting and remote sensing are being realized within the African continent. Regional and international organizations and agencies such as the African Remote Sensing Council, the Pan-African Telecommunication Union and the United Nations system have been instrumental in making Africa conscious of the impact and implications of space science and technology on its peoples.The above notwithstanding, discernible interests in space research, to date, in Africa, have been limited to the work on the solar system and on interplanetary matters including satellite tracking, and to the joint African-Indian proposal for the establishment of an International Institute for Space Sciences and Electronics (INISSE) and the construction, in Kenya, of a Giant Equatorial Radio Telescope (GERT).During this “Transport and Communications Decade in Africa,” Africa's basic space research efforts would need to initially focus on the appropriateness, modification and adaptation of existing technologies for African conditions with a view to providing economic, reliable and functional services for the continent. These should include elements of electronics, communications, structural and tooling industries, and upper-atmosphere research. The experience of and collaborative work with India, Brazil and Argentina, as well as the roles of African scientists, are examined.  相似文献   

Space law education has an essential role in the space capacity building of a country because of its importance for human resources development in space law. Comparisons between Canada and China, the European Union and China and the United States of America (USA) and China in space law degree education, course, teaching methodology, institute and practice and communication platform are provided in an attempt to review some issues which exist within the Chinese space law educational system and to seek a better choice for China’s space law education reform. Chinese space law education has achieved noticeable progress over the past two decades. However, it is still limited in comparison to its counterparts in Europe and Northern America. The range of the space law degree education programmes and space-law-related courses is comparatively limited. A gap remains between space law education and practice in China. Chinese space law classes are still dominated by the teacher-centred teaching methodology, although several universities have some new teaching practices. The establishment of seven space law-related research institutes plays an increasingly important role in Chinese space law education, space law and policy research and legal advisory services for the Chinese government and non-governmental sectors. However, these institutes still have a long way to go in comparison with their counterparts in Europe and Northern America. While China has established domestic research platforms for space law communication through international cooperation, it does not provide space law practice platforms for space law education. While international space law does not provide a direct legal foundation for space law education in China, Chinese educational laws can lay a profound legal foundation for Chinese space law education. To promote its national expertise and capacity in space law, based on the three-pillar model and the experiences of its counterparts in North America and Europe, China should adopt a systematic and sustainable regime for its space law education.  相似文献   

介绍了第二届亚洲计算机视觉会议(SECONDASIANCONFERENCEONCOMPUTERVISION,ACCV’95)的一些情况;回顾了在该领域及相关学科的研究成果;讨论了当前计算机视觉所面临的理论与实际应用问题,并对中国空间技术研究院这一学科的发展提出看法。  相似文献   

Microgravity fluid dynamics deals with the thermodynamics and dynamics of fluid systems in low-gravity environments and, thus, covers a rather large variety of subjects /1/. Among them, free convection in systems with fluid-fluid interfaces has received renewed attention because these systems are found in many materials sciences processes and exhibit a number of new, interesting phenomena. This paper surveys some recent studies by the author and his coworkers on the free convection occurring in a system of two interfacing, immiscible fluids subject to an imposed temperature gradient in a gravity environment. In such a system, three classes of free convection may be distinguished: natural, Marangoni, and combined free convection, according to whether it is caused by thermally induced buoyant forces, Marangoni stresses, or both. For each class one may further distinguish different regimes according to the relative importance of convective and diffusive transport of momentum and internal energy.First, the use of order of magnitude analysis is illustrated to identify and determine the types of flow regimes that can be established for each class of free convection. Subsequently, the attention is focused on the study of the main features of the two classes of flow regimes that can be established when the leading driving action is the Marangoni stress: Marangoni boundary layers and Marangoni-Stokes flow. Finally, a brief review of the experimental experience of the author's team is reported, looking in particular at the space experiments performed on board the missions SL1 and D1 of the Spacelab.  相似文献   

Informal science education institutions, such as science centers, play an important role in science education. They serve millions of people, including students and teachers. Within the last decade, many have tried to improve the public’s understanding of science and scientific research through informal education projects. The recent success of several space weather-related missions and research programs and the launch of the International Heliophysical Year (IHY) research and education programs make this an ideal time to inform the public about the importance and relevance of space weather to our understanding of heliophysical science. Communication efforts associated with space weather both benefit and are compromised by analogies to terrestrial weather. This paper summarizes the benefits and challenges of the terrestrial weather analogy using two exhibit evaluation studies. The paper also describes three components of the Space Science Institute’s Space Weather Outreach Program – Space Weather Center Website, Educator Workshops, and Small Exhibits – and how they can help to achieve the education goals of IHY.  相似文献   

The author introduces a meeting session about the origins of life by briefly reviewing theories of chemical and molecular evolution. The discussion focuses on structures of early life, sequences of chemical synthesis, and evolution of biomolecules.  相似文献   

回顾近10年来蒙特卡罗数字仿真在我国航空可靠性工程领域的应用和发展,它展示出可靠性仿真在该领域的作用和地位。最后,对今后可靠性仿真研究提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

论文针对某型号专用测试设备研究专用检定系统。系统设计采用了GPIB总线控制技术、通用适配器技术,软件的设计利用虚拟仪器技术,增加了交互性和灵活性。  相似文献   

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