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1 前言 21世纪以来,遥感特别是高分辨率遥感技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,遥感技术在土地资源调查、监测和土地资源管理中的应用进入了实用化和业务化的新阶段.我国从1996年开始开展了全国50万以上人口城市的土地利用遥感动态监测.在1999年开始的国土资源大调查中,土地资源遥感动态监测被列为重点项目之一,监测成果在国土资源管理乃至社会经济发展中得到了广泛应用,成效显著.在国家组织实施的"金土"工程和第2次全国土地资源调查工作中,遥感技术将作为核心技术和主要调查方法发挥极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

空间遥感技术是一门新兴的,综合性很强的边缘科学技术,是空间科学技术的一个十分重要的组成部分。它以研究地面目标的波谱特性为基础,以信息的收集、处理显示与分析技术为手段,达到地表自然与经济资源勘探,并应用于社会生产目的的应用技术科学。空间遥感技术将光学、精密机械、电子学、信息论、计算机科学和有关的应用领  相似文献   

国外海洋卫星应用发展现状及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正海洋卫星(Ocean satellite)是在气象卫星和陆地资源卫星的基础上发展起来的地球观测卫星,按照功能可分为海洋动力环境卫星、海洋水色卫星和海洋监视监测卫星。美国是世界上首个发展海洋卫星遥感技术的国家,目前,全球共有海洋卫星或具备海洋探测能力的对地观测卫  相似文献   

碲镉汞(MCT)是一种十分重要的红外半导体材料,近十几年来,由于国防工业和遥感技术发展的需要,碲镉汞红外探测器的独特性能获得了迅速的发展和广泛的应用。简要讨论了碲镉汞红外器件和材料的发展和进展情况;论述了碲镉汞红外器件在空间的应用,主要包括卫星侦察、目标跟踪、地球资源勘探、环境监测和防护、气象预报、宇宙空间观察等;此外还讨论了空间技术发展和遥感技术发展对碲镉汞红外探测器和材料提出的一些新的要求,提出了相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

<正>资源卫星是专门用于探测和研究地球资源的卫星,分为陆地资源卫星和海洋资源卫星等。资源卫星一般位于太阳同步轨道,采用遥感技术,能够全面、迅速提供有关地球资源情况,对开发资源和发展国民经济有重要作用,因此,其研发和应用受到了各航天国家的重视和关注。1986年,资源一号卫星立项,标志着我国开始首颗传输型光学遥感卫星的研制。1988年8月,中国与巴西开展资源卫星合作。1999年10月,中巴资源卫星  相似文献   

<正> 卫星遥感在我国已开展十几年了。自七○年以来我国先后发射了十一颗不同类型的科学试验卫星,取得了大量卫星遥感和空间探测等方面的试验数据,为遥感技术在国民经济各个领域里的应用、研究提供了资料。一九七五年后,我国购进了美国陆地卫星象片、磁带,促进了我国卫星遥感事业的全面开展。今年七月一日至六日,中国宇航学会和中国空间学会在江西庐山召开了第二届遥感技术学术报告会。这次会议由十八个部门,八十四个单位,共一百五十名代表参加,交流论文一百三十篇,通过会议综观了我国的遥感技术发展情况,这次会议也从一个侧面反映了卫星遥感在我国的进展。  相似文献   

士元 《太空探索》1996,(4):28-29
法国定于1997年发射新一代地球资源卫星“斯波特—4”(SPOT—4)。在当代商业遥感卫星领域将占有重要位置,受到各国遥感专家的极大关注。 第一代卫星 自从1986年法国用“阿里安—3”火箭发射第一颗斯波特卫星以来,这种地球资源系列卫星在全球日渐走红,其探测成果被广泛用于国民经济的许多领域,取得了巨大的经济、社会和军事效益。已升空的第一代3颗卫星,在减灾、勘探、气象、农业甚至海湾战  相似文献   

要做到经济、社会的可持续发展,必须运用先进的科学技术加以实现。在众多的高新科技中,遥感技术特别是卫星遥感技术以其特具的优势,成为促进可持续发展的有效手段。遥感卫星具有视点高、视域广,数据获取快和可重复覆盖、连续观测的特点。获取的数据为数字化,可实时或准实时传输到地面接收站,通过数据分发网络进入到用户的计算机图像处理系统。卫星遥感数据与地理信息系统相配合,构成数字地球的基础数据库。目前,遥感卫星已发展成为拥有气象、资源、雷达和海洋卫星等系列的卫星观测系统,分辨率由1000m、100m、20m、10…  相似文献   

东方星 《国际太空》2014,(10):40-40
当前,资源环境与国家安全使国家对卫星数据应用具有迫切需求。为了加强国产遥感卫星应用的学术交流,促进国产遥感卫星更好的服务于我国社会经济与生态文明的发展,2014年9月20-21日,中国宇航学会卫星应用专业委员会遥感专业组、中国遥感应用协会专家委员会和环境遥感分会联合在安徽滁州召开了第二届国产遥感卫星应用学术交流会。  相似文献   

总结了我国卫星的发展道路。指出20年来我国卫星的发展主攻方向是应用卫星,主要目标是高中低三类轨道的通信、遥感和科学实验卫星,发展的步骤采取了步数少、步距大、起点高的途径,发展方针是依靠自力更生和全国大协作。文章扼要介绍了自80年代我国卫星转入应用后的情况,已在教育、广播、通信、资源、测绘、气象、科学研究和国防建设等领域应用并作出了巨大贡献。文章最后指出了我国90年代卫星应用的光明前景。  相似文献   

基于主成分分析的混合象元分解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要介绍基于主成分分析的混合象元分解。通常,主成分分析用于图象增强和数据空间维数的压缩,不改变数据的空间结构。文中引入了目标检验方法,利用它可达到对混合象元的分解。由于卫片的分辨率有限,混合象元大量存在于遥感图象中,而混合象元的存在是导致异物同谱和同物异谱的一个重要原因。若能实现混合象元的分解,就可为深入应用遥感资料提供有力帮助。  相似文献   

China has great progress in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing during 2004-2006. In this report, firstly, four major technical advances are displaying, including (1) the vector radiative transfer numerical model of coupled ocean-atmosphere system; (2) the atmospheric correction algorithm specialized on Chinese high turbid water; (3) systematical research of hyper-spectrum ocean color remote sensing; (4) local algorithms of oceanic parameters, like ocean color components, ocean primary productivity, water transparency, water quality parameters, etc. On the foundation of technical advances, ocean color remote sensing takes effect on ocean environment monitoring, with four major kinds of application systems, namely, (1) the automatic multi-satellites data receiving, processing and application system; (2) the shipboard satellite data receiving and processing system for fishery ground information; (3) Coastal water quality monitoring system, integrating satellite and airborne remote sensing technology and ship measurement; (4) the preliminary system of airborne ocean color remote sensing application system. Finally, the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward. With Chinese second ocean color satellite (HY-1B) orbiting, great strides will take place in Chinese ocean color information accumulation and application.  相似文献   

The Remote Sensing Centre of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in Warsaw has been operating since 1976. It has multi-disciplinary character; carries out scientific research, elaborates technologies of remote sensing investigations, applies remote sensing methods for solving various practical problems, coordinates national activities in this field, developes and disseminates remote sensing knowledge at both national and international levels offering various types of specialized training.The authors discuss the role of remote sensing investigations in the process of development planning. Examples of projects executed at the Remote Sensing Centre and concerning topographic and land use mapping, geological investigations, agricultural crop area determination, forest research, environmental monitoring and studies of climatic conditions in urban environment are described and extensively discussed in the paper. The authors emphasize these areas of the application of remote sensing and these interpretation techniques which are of potential interest for the developing countries.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感成像技术的发展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地表形态和目标特性是空间对地遥感的两个重要问题.经过近40年的发展,高光谱遥感技术已取得了巨大的进展,从数据获取、处理到应用都积累了大量成果.作为涉及多学科交叉的年轻学科,高光谱遥感技术的发展经历了一个以需求为导向,在发展中又不断探索完善需求的历程.高光谱成像仪作为获取目标图谱数据的重要仪器,其发展对于整个高光谱遥感的...  相似文献   

卫星遥感技术在发现、监测、识别、定位和分析地下核试验中具有不可替代的独特作用, 且使得事先阻止核爆炸试验成为可能. 地下核试验的卫星核查与遥感监测是一个高度复杂的综合决策过程. 本文结合几个具体实例, 介绍了其中一些有效的遥感分析识别技术, 如图像序列分析、图像融合、变化检测、K-L变换、D-InSAR、数字三维地形、GIS数据库等. 卫星遥感的局限性在于, 其难以从物理上确认地下核爆炸事件且不可避免地存在虚警和漏警.   相似文献   

Monitoring of spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll (Chl-a) concentrations in the aquatic milieu is always challenging and often interesting. However, the recent advancements in satellite digital data play a significant role in providing outstanding results for the marine environmental investigations. The present paper is aimed to review ‘remote sensing research in Chinese seas’ within the period of 24 years from 1978 to 2002. Owing to generalized distributional pattern, the Chl-a concentrations are recognized high towards northern Chinese seas than the southern. Moreover, the coastal waters, estuaries, and upwelling zones always exhibit relatively high Chl-a concentrations compared with offshore waters. On the basis of marine Chl-a estimates obtained from satellite and other field measured environmental parameters, we have further discussed on the applications of satellite remote sensing in the fields of harmful algal blooms (HABs), primary production and physical oceanographic currents of the regional seas. Concerned with studies of HABs, satellite remote sensing proved more advantageous than any other conventional methods for large-scale applications. Probably, it may be the only source of authentic information responsible for the evaluation of new research methodologies to detect HABs. At present, studies using remote sensing methods are mostly confined to observe algal bloom occurrences, hence, it is essential to coordinate the mechanism of marine ecological and oceanographic dynamic processes of HABs using satellite remote sensing data with in situ measurements of marine environmental parameters. The satellite remote sensing on marine environment and HABs is believed to have a great improvement with popular application of technology.  相似文献   

Remote sensing activities in India over the past decade are briefly described in the paper; some important application areas are explained. Some results are highlighted. Activities in India for building remote sensing spacecraft, sensors and ground segment are summarised. Some facilities in India for remote sensing applications including low cost interpretative equipment developed are described. The paper also outlines the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) series, the first of which is presently under development for launch in 1986 and the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) under evolution.  相似文献   

Remote sensing applications have greatly enhanced ability to monitor and manage in the areas of forestry. Accurate measurements of regional and global scale vegetation dynamics (phenology) are required to improve models and understanding of inter-annual variability in terrestrial ecosystem carbon exchange and climate–biosphere interactions. Study of vegetation phenology is required for understanding of variability in ecosystem. In this paper, monitoring of vegetation dynamics using time series of satellite data is presented. Vegetation variability (vegetation rate) in different topoclimatic areas is investigated. Original software using IDL interactive language for processing of satellite long-term data series was developed. To investigate growth dynamics vegetation rate inferred from remote sensing was used. All estimations based on annual time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery. Vegetation rate for Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated using MODIS data. The time series covers spring seasons of each of 9 years, from 2000 to 2008. Comparison of EVI and NDVI derived growth rates has shown that NDVI derived rates reveal spatial structure better. Using long-term data of vegetation rates variance was estimated that helps to reveal areas with anomalous growth rate. Such estimation shows sensitivity degree of different areas to different topoclimatic conditions. Woods of heights depend on spatial topoclimatic variability unlike woods of lowlands. Principal components analysis shows vegetation with different rate conditions. Also it reveals vegetation of same type in areas with different conditions. It was demonstrated that using of methods for estimating the dynamic state of vegetation based on remote sensing data enables successful monitoring of vegetation phenology.  相似文献   

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