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胡智新 《航天器工程》2010,19(5):111-116
月球水冰探测对未来载人月球探测以及构建月球基地意义重大。在继"克莱门汀"(Clementine)、"月球勘探者"(Lunar Prospector)和"智能一号"(SMART-1)等月球探测器的探测后,美国的"月球勘测轨道器"(LRO)和"月球环形山观测与遥感卫星"(LCROSS)实施了月球极区永久阴影区撞击和观测,初步验证了水冰资源的存在。文章通过系统分析月球水冰的重要性、可能来源、探测历程和探测手段,初步提出我国开展月球水冰探测的载荷初步配置。  相似文献   

月球上是否存在水冰一直是月球探测的热点问题。文章分析了20世纪90年代以来国外数次月球遥感探测任务获取的基于雷达、中子探测仪和光谱仪的水冰探测数据。结果表明,月球上很可能存在水冰,特别是在极区的永久阴影区内,水冰可能局部分散式地分布在表层至米量级深度的范围内。但现有的遥感探测结果各有其局限性,未来需开展着陆探测任务对月球水冰进行直接证认。文章对此进行展望,并指出原位探测面临的若干工程问题。  相似文献   

2009年6月19日(北京时间),美国发射“月球勘测轨道器”(LRO),将重点探测着陆点和月球水冰,标志着美国“重返月球”计划正式启动。  相似文献   

晓春 《航天》2012,(2):37-37
在2011年10月18日于北京举行的月球与火星探测科技高层论坛上,华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校教授布兰德里。乔立夫对美国航宇局(NASA)未来+年行星探测计划作出详细介绍。乔立夫曾参与美国机遇号火星探测登陆车与月球勘测轨道飞行器(LRO)研究项目。  相似文献   

2008年世界深空探测获得丰硕成果(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、一年来世界深空探测的重要进展 2008年是世界深空探测获得丰硕成果的一年。在月球探测方面,印度成功发射了首个月球探测轨道器月船1号,中国的嫦娥1号月球卫星绘制了目前世界上最为完整的全月球影像图,韩国也研制出自己的月球探测器,美国则联合八国航天局签署了无人探月协议。在太阳系行星探测方面,美国的凤凰号探测器成功地在火星极区着陆并证实土壤中存在水冰,  相似文献   

(二)美国行星探测收获重要成果,欧日水星探测正式启动 1.美国凤凰号火星探测器在火星极区成功着陆,并确认火星表面下存在水冰 2008年5月25日,美国凤凰号火星探测器在火星成功着陆。着陆位置是位于火星北纬65度和75度之间北极区附近一处称为“绿谷”的广阔浅谷。  相似文献   

美国火星表面探测使命述评(上)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从1975年发射(1976年着陆火星)的海盗-1探测器以来,美国已成功执行了6次火星表面探测使命,即海盗-1与海盗-2轨道器/着陆器,"火星探路者"(MPF)着陆器/巡游车,"勇气"与"机遇"火星探测巡游车(MER),以及"凤凰"着陆器;而推迟到2011年发射的"好奇心"火星科学实验室(MSL)将火星着陆技术与表面巡游车技术推向一个新的高度。从"海盗"着陆器到"好奇心"巡游车、美国历经三种火星着陆系统与三代火星表面巡游车技术的发展。三种着陆系统为着陆腿着陆系统("海盗"与"凤凰"),气囊着陆系统(MPF与MER),以及空中吊机着陆系统(MSL)。三代巡游车为MPF"旅居者"巡游车、MER"勇气"与"机遇"巡游车,以及MSL"好奇心"巡游车。现在,美国在火星进入、降落与着陆(EDL)运作与表面避障移动方面,已达到技术成熟与先进的水平,满足安全着陆与表面移动探测的要求。文章阐述美国上述七项火星表面探测使命的立项背景、科学目标与有效载荷、飞行系统组成,以及飞行运作程序;分析美国火星着陆技术与表面巡游车技术的发展。  相似文献   

美国火星表面探测使命述评(下)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从1975年8月发射(1976年7月着陆火星)的海盗-1探测器以来,美国已成功执行了6次火星表面探测使命,即海盗-1与海盗-2轨道器/着陆器,"火星探路者"(MPF)着陆器/巡游车,"勇气"与"机遇"火星探测巡游车(MER),以及"凤凰"着陆器;而推迟到2011年发射的火星科学实验室(MSL)将火星着陆技术与表面巡游车技术推向一个新的高度。从"海盗"着陆器到MSL"好奇心"巡游车、美国历经三种火星着陆系统与三代火星表面巡游车技术的发展。三种着陆系统为着陆腿着陆系统("海盗"与"凤凰"),气囊着陆系统(MPF与MER),以及空中吊机着陆系统(MSL)。三代巡游车为MPF"旅居者"巡游车、MER"勇气"与"机遇"巡游车,以及MSL"好奇心"巡游车。现在,美国在火星进入、降落与着陆(EDL)运作与表面避障移动方面,已达到技术成熟与先进的水平,满足安全着陆与表面移动探测的要求。文章阐述美国上述七项火星表面探测使命的立项背景、科学目标与有效载荷、飞行系统组成,以及飞行运作程序;分析美国火星着陆技术与表面巡游车技术的发展。  相似文献   

三)美国的空间探测为探索宇宙奥秘,发展宇宙科学,促进航天技术发展,同时也为了同苏联开展太空竞争,美国同前苏联几乎是同时开展了月球、行星和行星际探测。1.月球探测美为给阿波罗载人登月做准备,先后研制和发射了徘徊者号、勘测者号、月球轨道器号等探月器,尔后...  相似文献   

晓春 《航天》2010,(2):26-26
2009年9月和11月,美国科学家两次发布月球上确实存在水并在火星赤道附近的陨石坑内也存在水冰的重大发现,对人类探索和登陆月球、远征火星增添新的希望与动力。  相似文献   

The scientific objectives of neutron mapping of the Moon are presented as 3 investigation tasks of NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. Two tasks focus on mapping hydrogen content over the entire Moon and on testing the presence of water-ice deposits at the bottom of permanently shadowed craters at the lunar poles. The third task corresponds to the determination of neutron contribution to the total radiation dose at an altitude of 50 km above the Moon. We show that the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) will be capable of carrying out all 3 investigations. The design concept of LEND is presented together with results of numerical simulations of the instrument's sensitivity for hydrogen detection. The sensitivity of LEND is shown to be characterized by a hydrogen detection limit of about 100 ppm for a polar reference area with a radius of 5 km. If the presence of ice deposits in polar "cold traps" is confirmed, a unique record of many millions of years of lunar history would be obtained, by which the history of lunar impacts could be discerned from the layers of water ice and dust. Future applications of a LEND-type instrument for Mars orbital observations are also discussed.  相似文献   

简介了国外月球和火星等探测器软着陆缓冲机构"触地"敏感技术与应用,提出了采用冲击加速度检测的探测器软着陆缓冲机构(足垫)触月敏感触发方案,阐述了敏感触发装置的设计思想,分析了探测器软着陆触月过程的动力学响应,论述了触发装置的冲击加速度敏感检测方式与原理以及电路单元设计。该装置比较适合月球探测器软着陆缓冲机构的结构和工作特点,可以满足制导、导航与控制(GNC)主控系统设计要求。  相似文献   

Lunar base development missions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On 20 July 1969, humankind first set foot on our Moon. Since then we have developed the Space Shuttle, explored most of the planets, cooperated in the development of the International Space Station, and expanded our knowledge of the universe through use of systems such as the Hubble Space Telescope and the Mars Pathfinder. After just five human follow-on missions to our Moon, we have returned robotically only twice to orbit, to map the surface and explore for resources.

The indication of the presence of hydrogen concentration at the poles of our Moon found by Lunar Prospector has added a new perspective for groups studying and implementing future lunar missions. Plans for nearterm missions such as the European Space Agency (ESA) “Euromoon 2000”, the Japanese Lunar A and Selene, and the Mitsubishi ”Earthrise 2001” Project, along with follow-on phases to the Lunar Prospector, are the beginning of humankind's return to the Moon. Organizations such as the International Academy of Astronautics have long championed the “Case for an International Lunar Base,” and a vision of a commercially-based lunar program has been outlined by several groups. A Lunar Economic Development Authority (LEDA) promoted by the United Society in Space was promulgated by the filing of articles of incorporation in the state of Colorado on 4 August 1997. This non-profit corporation has as its goal the orderly development of the Moon, through issuance of bonds to international private citizens and business entities who care to invest in its long-term development.

This paper draws from the works of the aforementioned, and specifically from the International Academy of Astronautics Lunar Base Committee, to structure a series of architectures leading toward eventual international commercial colonization of the lunar surface. While the prospect of fully reusable transportation systems utilizing fully developed lunar resources to perpetuate the permanent lunar infrastructure is enticing, this is a goal. We must utilize our current and near-term capabilities to re-initiate human lunar presence, and then build on emerging technologies to strengthen our capabilities. Humankind's return to the Moon is a part of our destiny. We can return in the near future, and then proceed to a commercial, permanent settlement in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The development of a new process potentially useful for future manned Lunar and/or Martian space missions in the framework of the so-called ISRU (In-Situ Resource Utilization) and ISFR (In-Situ Fabrication and Repair) concepts is described and discussed in this work. This process involves the fabrication of physical assets by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) for construction applications in Lunar and Martian environments starting from different Lunar or Martian regolith simulants and aluminum, as reducing agent. In addition, although Moon and Mars already contain ilmenite (FeTiO3) and iron oxides, respectively, the latter ones are also added to the initial mixtures to promote suitable SHS reactions. A complete scheme for the fabrication of physical assets to be used as protection against solar rays, solar wind and meteoroids, where all required stages are indicated, is finally proposed in the framework of a recently filed patent.  相似文献   

Mendell WW 《Acta Astronautica》2005,57(2-8):676-683
The Vision for Space Exploration invokes activities on the Moon in preparation for exploration of Mars and also directs International Space Station (ISS) research toward the same goal. Lunar missions will emphasize development of capability and concomitant reduction of risk for future exploration of Mars. Earlier papers identified three critical issues related to the so-called NASA Mars Design Reference Mission (MDRM) to be addressed in the lunar context: (a) safety, health, and performance of the human crew; (b) various modalities of mission operations ranging surface activities to logistics, planning, and navigation; and (c) reliability and maintainability of systems in the planetary environment. In simple terms, lunar expeditions build a résumé that demonstrates the ability to design, construct, and operate an enterprise such as the MDRM with an expectation of mission success. We can evolve from Apollo-like missions to ones that resemble the complexity and duration of the MDRM. Investment in lunar resource utilization technologies falls naturally into the Vision. NASA must construct an exit strategy from the Moon in the third decade. With a mandate for continuing exploration, it cannot assume responsibility for long-term operation of lunar assets. Therefore, NASA must enter into a partnership with some other entity--governmental, international, or commercial--that can responsibly carry on lunar development past the exploration phase.  相似文献   

“嫦娥一号”卫星观测近月太阳风离子特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"嫦娥一号"卫星的太阳风离子探测器(SWIDs)的科学目标是研究太阳风与月球的相互作用以及相应的近月空间等离子体环境。文章利用"嫦娥一号"卫星SWIDs探测器在2007年12月30日的观测数据对近月太阳风等离子体环境,包括向阳侧太阳风离子、"拾起"离子以及在月球尾迹边界处的太阳风离子的特征进行分析,得到以下主要观测结果:1)在慢速太阳风中观测到双峰结构,分别为太阳风中的氢离子和二价氦离子;2)在行星际磁场具有明显昏向(+By)分量期间,在月球向阳侧持续观测到有月表散射或反射后被拾起的太阳风离子;3)与入射的太阳风离子不同,这些拾起的太阳风离子具有明显的角度分布特征;4)在行星际磁场昏向(晨向)期间,太阳风中的氢离子在月球尾迹北半球的边界处呈现减速(加速)特征并进入尾迹;而并未发现氦离子进入尾迹的特征。"嫦娥一号"卫星的这些观测数据对于认识近月空间等离子体环境有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The ability to locate and characterize icy deposits and other hydrogenous materials on the Moon and Mars will help us understand the distribution of water and, therefore, possible habitats at Mars, and may help us locate primitive prebiotic compounds at the Moon's poles. We have developed a rover-borne neutron probe that localizes a near-surface icy deposit and provides information about its burial depth and abundance. We have also developed a borehole neutron probe to determine the stratigraphy of hydrogenous subsurface layers while operating within a drill string segment. In our field tests, we have used a neutron source to "illuminate" surrounding materials and gauge the instruments' efficacy, and we can simulate accurately the observed instrument responses using a Monte Carlo nuclear transport code (MCNPX). An active neutron source would not be needed for lunar or martian near-surface exploration: cosmic-ray interactions provide sufficient neutron flux to depths of several meters and yield better depth and abundance sensitivity than an active source. However, for deep drilling (>or=10 m depth), a source is required. We also present initial tests of a borehole gamma ray lithodensity tool and demonstrate its utility in determining soil or rock densities and composition.  相似文献   

The Dark Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE) is the first high energy detector satellite in China,whose physics goal is to find evidence of the existence of dark matter particles by investigating the composition and energy spectra of primary cosmic rays,especially those for electrons,positrons and gamma rays,over the dynamic range from 5 Ge V to 10 Te V.DAMPE is a satellite launched by China with the largest payload ratio,where the payload is composed of a BGO(Bismuth Germanate Oxide) Calorimeter,a Plastic Scintillator Detector,a Silicon Tungsten Tracker and a Neutron Detector.This paper introduces the technical scheme of DAMPE,including requirement analysis,composition,technical innovation,on-orbit status and prospect of development for the future.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2009,64(11-12):1337-1342
With the vast experience gained by Aerospace Community in the last five decades, the natural future course of action will be to expand Space Exploration. Our understanding of Moon is relatively better with a number of unmanned satellite missions carried out by the leading Space Agencies and manned missions to Moon by USA. Also a number of unmanned satellite missions and surface rover missions were carried out to Mars by those Space agencies generating many new details about Mars. While the future exploration efforts by global community will also be centered obviously on Moon and Mars, it is noteworthy that already NASA had declared its plans for establishing a Surface Base on Moon and developing the technical infrastructure required. Surface Bases on Moon and Mars give rise to a number of strategic, technical and ethical issues both in the process of development, and in the process of establishing the bases. The strategic issues related to Moon and Mars Surface Bases will be centered around development of enabling technologies, cost of the missions, and international cooperation. The obvious path for tackling both the technological development and cost issues will be through innovative and new means of international cooperation. International cooperation can take many forms like—all capable players joining a leader, or sharing of tasks at system level, or all players having their independent programmes with agreed common interfaces of the items being taken to and left on the surface of Moon/Mars. Each model has its own unique features. Among the technical issues, the first one is that of the Mission Objectives—why Surface Bases have to be developed and what will be the activity of crew on Surface Bases? Surface Bases have to meet mainly the issues on long term survivability of humans on the Mars/Moon with their specific atmosphere, gravity and surface characteristics. Moon offers excellent advantages for astronomy while posing difficulties with respect to solar power utilization and extreme temperature variations. Hence the technical challenges depend on a number of factors starting from mission requirements. Obviously the most important technical challenge to be addressed will be in the areas of crew safety, crew survivability, adequate provision to overcome contingencies, and in-situ resource utilization. Towards this, new innovations will be developed in areas such as specialized space suits, rovers, power and communication systems, and ascent and descent modules. The biggest ethical issue is whether humankind from Earth is targeting ‘habitation’ or ‘colonization’ of Moon/Mars. The next question will be whether the in-situ resource exploitation will be only for carrying out further missions to other planets from Moon/Mars or for utilization on Earth. The third ethical issue will be the long term impact of pollution on Moon/Mars due to technologies employed for power generation and other logistics on Surfaces. The paper elaborates the views of the authors on the strategic, technical and ethical aspects of establishing Surface Bases and colonies on Moon and Mars. The underlying assumptions and gray areas under each aspect will be explained with the resulting long-term implications.  相似文献   

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