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The results of comparison of the model profiles of density, obtained by means of the CDPDM model, with the experimental data of the ISEE-1 satellite for the years 1977–1983 are presented. The hypothesis on the validity of the mirror mapping of the convection boundary relative to the dawn–dusk direction is verified. An attempt to improve the CDPDM model for the dayside is made.  相似文献   

The results of studying the interaction of two types of the solar wind (magnetic clouds and solar wind of extremely low density) with the Earth's magnetosphere are discussed. This study is based of the INTERBALL space project measurements and on the other ground-based and space observations. For moderate variations of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parameters, the response of the magnetosphere is similar to its response to similar changes in the absence of magnetic clouds and depends on a previous history of IMF variations. Extremely large density variations on the interplanetary shocks, and on leading and trailing edges of the clouds result in a strong deformation of the magnetosphere, in large-scale motion of the geomagnetic tail, and in the development of magnetic substorms and storms. The important consequences of these processes are: (1) the observation of regions of the magnetosphere and its boundaries at great distances from the average location; (2) density and temperature variations in the outer regions of the magnetosphere; (3) multiple crossings of geomagnetic tail boundaries by a satellite; and (4) bursty fluxes of electrons and ions in the magnetotail, auroral region, and the polar cap. Several polar activations and substorms can develop during a single magnetic cloud arrival; a greater number of these events are accompanied, as a rule, by the development of a stronger magnetic storm. A gradual, but very strong, decrease of the solar wind density on May 10–12, 1999, did not cause noticeable change of geomagnetic indices, though it resulted in considerable expansion of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Surkov  V. V.  Galperin  Yu. I. 《Cosmic Research》2000,38(6):562-573
A solution to the problem of current spreading is constructed in the case of relaxation of electric charges, which have arisen in the mesosphere for one reason or other. These currents penetrate into the conductive region with anisotropic conductivity of the D- and E-layers of the ionosphere, being transformed to a MHD-wave that propagates into the magnetosphere. Based on this solution, the form and spectrum of the generated MHD signal are calculated for Alfvenic and magnetosonic modes coming out to the ionosphere and magnetosphere. Electric charges and currents can arise, for example, in the space between a thunderstorm cloud and the ionosphere, or between the shock wave from a ground explosion and the ionosphere. Some signal parameters accepted in the model are close to those expected for high-altitude electric discharges of the Red Sprite type. The conditions are determined under which the Alfven impulse with an amplitude of up to 100 nT propagates in the magnetosphere above high-altitude discharge of this type. Such an impulse was recorded by the AUREOL-3 satellite after the ground explosion MASSA-1. Recently, this impulse was hypothesized to originate as a result of a high-altitude electric discharge. The hypothesis on a similar MHD pulse allows one to explain in a semiquantitative way the short burst of electron field-aligned acceleration observed by the DE-2 satellite over the Debbie hurricane. The high-altitude atmospheric discharge of this type can be a powerful, though short-time and local, source of electrons with kiloelectronvolt energies at low and middle latitudes. One could expect that such an effect causes a modified character of the so-called Trimpi-effect (a short-term disturbance of propagation of VLF waves in the ionosphere), and thus, it can be observable.  相似文献   

常雨  陈苏宇  张扣立 《宇航学报》2015,36(11):1318-1323
通过在激波风洞中开展转捩试验,选取来流马赫数分别为6和8,单位雷诺数分别为4.1×10 6m -1 、2.6×10 7m -1 和4.4×10 7m -1 的来流条件,研究马赫数、单位雷诺数以及攻角变化对钝锥边界层和平板边界层转捩位置的影响。结果表明,攻角增大使钝锥迎风面和背风面边界层转捩位置均前移,使平板边界层转捩位置也前移;钝锥边界层在低马赫数时更容易转捩,平板边界层转捩受马赫数影响在攻角有差异时有所不同;单位雷诺数的增大促进转捩,但对于钝锥边界层而言,该参数增加到试验选定的上限时,转捩位置的变化并不明显;在转捩过程中平板边界层的脉动压力系数与热流具有相同的变化趋势。试验捕捉到了第二模态扰动。  相似文献   

Lazutin  L. L. 《Cosmic Research》2004,42(5):535-540
The quasitrapping region (QTR) at the night side of a disturbed magnetosphere in the majority of models is either absent completely or merges with the plasma sheet of the magnetosphere tail. At the same time these two regions are different both in the topology of the magnetic field and in the character of motion of charged particles. Moreover, it is the region of quasitrapping that is conjugate to the zone of auroral active forms; i.e., it can be called the auroral magnetosphere. Models of the magnetosphere in which the tail structures of the magnetic field are directly adjacent to the boundary of stable trapping (in particular, the isotropic boundary model) are based on erroneous assumptions. Our understanding of the processes of magnetosphere substorms and magnetic storms depends on a correct understanding of the magnetosphere structure.  相似文献   

采用风洞实验和数值模拟方法研究平板表面圆柱形粗糙单元引起的M=3超声速边界层转捩问题。实验采用纳米粒子示踪平面激光散射技术(NPLS)对流动结构进行测量。共考察了1mm、2mm和4mm三个不同的粗糙度条件。采用五阶精度加权紧致非线性格式(WCNS-E-5)对风洞实验进行数值模拟和对比。实验及计算表明:粗糙元对边界层干扰后诱导了尾迹流向涡的形成,流向涡通过抬升机制产生剪切层和流向速度条带等不稳定结构;实验流动图像显示,剪切层不稳定在边界层转捩过程中起重要作用;随着粗糙元高度增加,流动分离范围和转捩区域明显扩大,转捩位置有提前的趋势。  相似文献   

高超声速边界层转捩高速纹影显示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈苏宇  常雨  江涛  李强  张扣立 《宇航学报》2019,40(9):1006-1013
为建立适用于激波风洞边界层转捩测量的高速纹影显示技术,在Ma10条件下,采用高速纹影显示技术,研究了半锥角7°钝锥边界层中第二模态不稳定波的演变特性。试验在中国空气动力研究与发展中心超高速空气动力研究所(HAI)的FD-14激波风洞上进行。试验来流单位雷诺数为4.9×10 6 m -1 、1.6×10 7m -1 ,模型攻角0°,头部钝度有0.2 mm、0.5 mm和2 mm三种。通过对纹影图像灰度进行功率谱密度(PSD)分析得到了第二模态不稳定波的波长,对不稳定波纹影图像进行互相关分析计算了不稳定波的传播速度。基于纹影显示结果计算的第二模态波主频与PCB压力传感器测量结果符合较好,证明了纹影测量的可靠性。  相似文献   

在Ma 6风洞内,通过高频脉动压力测试技术和基于纳米粒子示踪的平面激光散射(NPLS)技术,分别对带前向、后向轴对称台阶的圆锥高超声速边界层转捩进行了试验研究。采用功率谱密度分析和互相关计算等方法对脉动压力数据进行分析,得到了边界层中扰动波的发展规律,定量分析了第二模态波的相关参数。结果显示:两种模型中第二模态波在沿流向向下游发展的过程中,其幅值均先增大再衰减、特征频率均逐渐减小;特征频率和传播速度整体上均随雷诺数的增大而增加(后台阶模型中特征频率由100 kHz增至196 kHz,前台阶中则由 97 kHz 增至174 kHz)、波长变化规律则与之相反(后台阶中由6.35 mm降至4.54 mm,前台阶由7.35 mm降至 4.66 mm );后台阶模型中第二模态波初次出现位置比前台阶中更靠近上游,边界层转捩位置较前台阶前移。将NPLS结果与高频脉动压力测试结果进行对比,两者吻合较好。  相似文献   

超声速边界层转捩拟序结构大涡模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘宏禄  马汉东  王强 《宇航学报》2006,27(3):498-502
针对超声速边界层转捩问题,以五阶迎风和六阶对称紧致格式数值求解三维可压缩滤波Navier-Stokes方程,对马赫数4.5,雷诺数10000的空间发展超声速平板边界层的谐波扰动转捩问题进行了大涡模拟。时间推进采用紧致存储三阶Runge-Kutta方法,亚格子尺度模型为修正Smagorinsky涡粘性模型。通过入口叠加一对线性最不稳定第一模态斜波扰动的方法,得到了从线性,弱非线性扰动增长、交替A涡结构出现到演化为发卡涡的转捩过程;针对剪切层结构等现象,给出了该转捩拟序运动的详细讨论。比较显示,转捩结构及摩擦系数曲线等同理论分析吻合。  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the high-latitude F-region, taking the ionospheric plasma convection into account, is used for modeling a response of the auroral F-region to irradiation by powerful high-frequency (HF) radiowaves. The model enables us to calculate the time variations in the profiles of the electron concentration, the velocity of positive ions, and the ion and electron temperatures in the part of a magnetic-flux tube moving over an artificial ionospheric heater under the action of a convective electric field. The modeling was carried out for a part of the magnetic flux tube intersecting the F-layer irradiated by the Norwegian heater at Tromsö when it is located near the midnight magnetic meridian. The calculations were made for the equinox conditions under the high solar and low geomagnetic activity. The results of our modeling show that substantial variations in the profiles of the electron temperature, the velocity of positive ions, and the electron concentration can be produced in the nighttime high-latitude F-layer due to HF heating. The perturbation caused by a 20 s rectangular pulse should exist for about 20 min at the level of the F-layer maximum. The disturbed plasma volume can leave the region irradiated by the heater and move away for over 500 km within the above-mentioned time period.  相似文献   

电弧放电等离子体对超声速边界层影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于电弧放电等离子体热阻塞机理,对等离子体超声速流动控制过程进行了数值模拟,研究了等离子体对边界层的影响,分析了放电区大小、温度等对其作用效果的影响。结果显示:在高温等离子体放电区的上下游近区发生了边界层分离及漩涡运动;在放电区内有两种边界层,即高温等离子体与外界低温气流之间的温度边界层和气流与壁面之间的粘性边界层;放电区内形成漩涡运动的原因有两个,即内外压差和边界层分离;上游边界层的分离点y轴坐标随温度的增大而减小;增大来流速度,放电区上游分离点y轴坐标呈先增大后减小的趋势、放电区内漩涡运动加剧、下游近区边界层分离点y轴坐标减小。  相似文献   

A temperature sensitive paint (TSP) technique is developed for the request of boundary layer transition measurement, and a test of hypersonic boundary layer measurement of a flat plate is done in CARDC 0.6m shock tunnel. By use of the TSP technique, the measurement of the hypersonic boundary layer transition of slab has been done in the shock tunnel. The test nominal Mach numbers are 8 and 10, the unit Reynolds numbers are 2.45×10 7/m and 4.48× 10 6/m respectively, and the yaw angle is 20°. The data of heat transfer and transition position obtained by the TSP and measurement results of the thin film heat transfer sensor match well. The results illustrate that the TSP technique has the ability to measure the hypersonic boundary layer transition of simple model qualitatively and quantitatively in shock tunnel.  相似文献   

研究了飞行高度对高超声速钝锥边界层稳定性及转捩的影响。通过求解三维可压缩Navier-Stokes方程计算了来流Ma=6,半锥角为7°的钝锥在飞行高度20~40 km条件下的基本流场,利用线性稳定性理论(LST)研究了飞行高度对钝锥边界层流动稳定性的影响,最后采用e N方法进行了转捩预测。研究发现,随着飞行高度的增加,流向不稳定N s值和横流不稳定N cf 值均减小,由横流不稳定性引起的圆锥表面大部分区域转捩逐渐转变为流向扰动引起迎风面转捩横流扰动引起背风面转捩,继而横流扰动消失,流向不稳定波引起迎风面转捩。  相似文献   

在脉动能-比耗散率(k-ω)两方程体系上引入边界层转捩的模型化处理方法,构建高超音速边界层流动的转捩湍流模式。基于新的转捩湍流预测手段研究发现,圆锥小攻角下转捩特性呈现非对称分布———迎风面后移而背风面前移,非对称转捩对于高超音速飞行器的表面热流特性及气动力特性影响显著。  相似文献   

The results of spectroscopic measurements of the NO2 total content during the solar proton event of the GLE (Ground Level Event) type on May 2, 1998, at the Murmansk (" = 64.5°) and Sodankyla (" = 63.7°) stations are presented. The vertical profiles of the nitrogen oxide (NO) distribution in the stratosphere according to the UARS satellite data during another GLE event on July 14, 2000, are also presented. It is shown that the high-energy solar protons penetrating into the atmosphere lead to a considerable increase in the nitrogen oxide concentration and the GLE on May 2, 1998, resulted in an increase of the NO2 total content according to the ground-based observations at high latitudes. It is worth noting that no decrease of the total ozone content (TOC) was recorded during these proton events according to the ground-based measurements at high latitudes. The corresponding calculations of the nitrogen oxide changes during proton events based on the homogeneous photochemical theory are presented. The interrelation between all the quantities measured, as well as their relation to the calculated values, is considered. It is shown that a considerable increase of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere does not always result in an ozone concentration depletion. The results presented indicate a need to provide simultaneous ground-based and satellite measurements of nitrogen oxides and ozone at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Multipole Models of the Earth's Magnetic Field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tikhonov  A. A.  Petrov  K. G. 《Cosmic Research》2002,40(3):203-212
To develop a mathematical model of rotational motion of an artificial satellite about its center of mass under the action of various forces (magnetic, Lorentz, etc.) caused by the geomagnetic field, it is necessary to know the induction of the Earth's magnetic field (EMF) as a function of the radius vector of a given point in the near-Earth space. Because the EMF possesses a complex structure and the above-mentioned functional dependence is unavailable in explicit analytic form, a set of approximate models of the EMF should be used. The simplest such model—a right dipole (aligned with the axis of rotation)—does not enable one to reveal in detail the influence of diurnal EMF rotation on the rotational motion of a satellite. The next EMF approximation—an inclined magnetic dipole—does not suffer from the above-mentioned drawback. However, it is shown that not all corrections to the magnetic induction of the EMF of the same order of magnitude are taken into account in the course of transformation from the model of aligned dipole to the model of inclined dipole. So, to develop the EMF model accurately accounting for the absence of axial symmetry of the EMF with respect to the axis of diurnal rotation of the Earth, in general, the effect of the quadrupole component of the geomagnetic potential on the EMF induction (and, probably, even the components of higher orders) must be taken into consideration. By using the International Geomagnetic Reference Field IGRF-2000, the multipole models of the EMF, corresponding to quadrupole, octupole, and higher-order approximations, were constructed and studied in this work. The EMF potential is expressed in terms of its multipole tensors. As a result, projections of the induction and induction gradient of EMF in the center of mass of the satellite onto the axes of the orbital coordinate system can be written in convenient and concise form. The expressions for the first four multipole tensors through the known geomagnetic constants are found. A method for estimating the reliability of these models is put forward, and the regions of applicability of the quadrupole and octupole models are drawn on the plane of orbital parameters.  相似文献   

对边界层内小孔气水多相流场下射流问题开展数值仿真及定常水洞试验研究,建立了适用于边界层内压差驱动下小孔向气腔射流多相流场问题研究的数值仿真计算模型,针对典型孔参数及气水流场条件,对比分析了仿真试验数据,验证了数值仿真模型的正确性及模型计算精度。结合流体质点受力及运动模型及平板边界层理论,分析了气水域压力场特征及水域流动规律对小孔射流过程的作用机理及影响规律,开展了孔参数对射流多相流场特征及射流量的影响研究。获得了小孔射流量估算方法,为航行体上防水装置设计提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

The theoretical models of the formation of the three-dimensional quasi-stationary structures of variations of density and electrostatic potential in a multicomponent magnetosphere plasma are considered. On the basis of the perturbation method, we have studied the domains of the parametric space, where the occurrence of nonlinear quasi-stationary ion-acoustic and electron-acoustic structures are possible. For these structures, the velocities of motion along the direction of the magnetic field are estimated, together with the longitudinal and transverse scales with respect to the direction of the Earth's magnetic field. The calculated dependences of the scales l and l || of the structures on the plasma parameters in the three-component plasma allow one to compare the results of the considered theoretical models with new experimental data of measuring the form of soliton structures onboard the FAST, POLAR, and GEOTAIL satellites.  相似文献   

Gubar  Yu. I. 《Cosmic Research》2004,42(4):370-373
A simple diffusion model of Saturn's radiation belts with a constant internal source and particle losses at the boundaries is considered. The radial diffusion coefficient is supposed to be D LL L 4. The analytical solution to the stationary diffusion equation describes well the observed radial profiles of the distribution function of energetic protons in Saturn's magnetosphere.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of detection of low-frequency gravitational waves by means of Doppler tracking of a relatively close satellite of the Earth. A detailed analysis is performed of electromagnetic fluctuations in the space communication channel and of the instrumental noise of receiving–transmitting systems. It is shown that when certain compensating procedures are used, one can detect gravitational radiation generated in star collapses and coalescences of binaries in our Galaxy in the frequency range from 2 × 10–3 to 5 × 10–1 Hz and with a metric variation amplitude of 10–15 and higher.  相似文献   

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