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This paper is concerned with the problem of time constants in adaptive arrays. The paper presents a improved form of an adaptive array feedback loop, which has the property that its time constants are fixed. This property is an advantage over the well-known least mean square (LMS) loop, for which time constants depend on received signal power. Fixed time constants are of interest because they simplify dynamic range problems for adaptive arrays in communication and radar systems.  相似文献   

Steered beam adaptive arrays for multiple simultaneous desired signals are discussed. It is shown that the performance of a steered beam adaptive array depends upon the range of input signal strengths and the choice of the steering vector. Optimum steering vectors for various input signal strengths are given. All choices of steering vectors are equally effective in the rejection of jammers.  相似文献   

Adaptive arrays for use in communication systems require the generation of a so-called reference signal, which is usually derived from the array output. A particular problem associated with this technique, the problem of reference loop phase shift, is discussed. It is shown that phase shift in the reference loop causes the array weights to cycle, and also causes the array to frequency-modulate the signal. In spite of this frequency change, the array maintains a maximum SNR at the output.  相似文献   

Adaptive array processors utilizing the Widrow LMS algroithm with an internally generated reference signal have been shown to be subject to weight cycling caused by phase shift in the reference extracting loop. Adaptive compensation schemes that eliminate the reference loop phase shift are suggested here. Two such schemes are proposed. They differ in the amount of hardware complexity needed as well as in the rate at which each one eliminates the phase shift. Computer calculations are used to compare the rates of convergence of the two schemes.  相似文献   

A concept for adaptive directional filtering in a Nyquist rate scanned array based on time-domain sampling in the array sum channel is presented. By this method the adaptation rate may be independent of the scan rate in contrast to arrays with adaptive weight setting in the array element channels.  相似文献   

Using eigentheory, it is shown how up to n unknown independent narrowband signals arriving from different directions at an array of n antenna elements can be separated into n channels where each channel contains primarily one signal. An expression for the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) on eachoutput channel is determined analytically and evaluated for many illustrative cases. The results show that in most cases the SIR is + 10 dB or greater; only when two signals arrive within a few degrees of each other does the SIR fall substantially below 0 dB.  相似文献   

The performance of a bandlimited binary phase-shift-keyed (BPSK) communication system is examined when the received BPSK signal is corrupted by both thermal noise and a directional Gaussian noise interfering signal. The system uses an LMS adaptive array to suppress this interference. The effects of signal power levels, arrival angles, bandwidths, and the array bandwidth are examined. The performance of a system that uses tapped delay lines for the array weights is also examined. It is shown that the performance of a system with tapped delay lines is not affected by the interference bandwidth for a single interferer.  相似文献   

The performance of a least mean square (LMS) adaptive array in the presence of a pulsed interference signal is examined. It is shown that a pulsed interference signal has two effects. First, it causes the array to modulate the desired signal envelope (but not its phase). Second, it causes the array output signal-to-interferenceplus-noise ratio (SINR) to vary with time. The desired signal modulation is evaluated as a function of signal arrival angles, powers and interference pulse-repetition frequency (PRF) and pulsewidth. It is shown that the signal modulation is small except when the interference arrives close to the desired signal. To evaluate the effect of the time-varying SINR, it is assumed that the array is used in a differential phase-shift keyed (DPSK) communication system. It is shown that the SINR variation causes a noticeable but not disastrous increase in the bit error probability.  相似文献   

The concepts of "equivalent linear arrays" and "minimum effective spacing" can be used to simplify the analysis of planar adaptive arrays. The resulting design rules permit the rapid determination of array configurations without the need for computer modeling.  相似文献   

A sampled-data delay-lock loop (SDDLL) which tracks the arrival time of a biphase modulated, pulsed-envelope RF signal is described. A pseudo-noise (PN) code generator is used as the modulation source as in conventional delay-lock loop tracking devices. Time base shifting of the loop's local clock is performed by digital means. The technique permits the use of a stable-frequency clock to maintain accurate timing between timing correction instants. An expression is derived for the standard deviation of the timing error due to additive Gaussian noise at the SDDLL input. Experimental results are then given which include the effects of control-system quantization error on timing jitter. Assuming that the errors due to input noise and quantized timing corrections are independent and additive, the theoretical and experimental results agree to within approximately one decibel.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that an adaptive array can be used to acquire weak signals, whose direction and timing are unknown, in an environment of stronger jammers. Specifically, it is shown that in an environment of one weak signal and one strong jammer, the adaptive array output suppresses the strong jammer below the weak signal by roughly the same amount that the jammer exceeded the signal before adaptation.  相似文献   

Digital control of adaptive arrays has been shown to be a feasible alternative to analog feedback-loop control. As the eigenvalue spread of the correlation matrix no longer controls the speed of adaption, one merely has to ensure that enough samples have been taken so that the matrix estimate is close to the true matrix. While previous studies have assumed ideal conditions, it is shown here that if the true signal direction is not known exactly or if the data containing the interference are corrupted by a desired signal, then more samples are required to ensure that the estimated weighting vector gives a near optimal performance.  相似文献   

A new design is described for support electronics used with rate-integrating gyros in strapped-down operation. By using pulses of constant charge to a linear torquer, system simplicity is retained with accuracy of 40 ppm per year.  相似文献   

Narrow-beam, low-sidelobe antennas may be used to enhance communication in the presence of sidelobe interferers. Protection against main-beam interferers as well can be obtained through the use of an adaptive multibeam antenna. Such an antenna, suitable for time-multiplexed, multichannel signals is described here. The objective is to permit successful communication and signal direction-of-arrival tracking in the presence of a large number of sidelobe interferers and a small number of main-beam interferers.  相似文献   

By expressing the open-loop response voltage as a Fourier series in terms of the phase-tracking error and then utilizing a very useful mean-value expression, we assess the performance of loops suited to recovering the carrier of four-phase (quaternary) and two-phase (binary) phase-shift-keyed (QPSK and BPSK) signals. At high signal to noise ratios (SNRs) they perform comparably, but at low SNRs the former's performance deteriorates much more rapidly. The loop's ability to maintain the carrier frequency despite the noise accompanying the PSK signal is measured by the mean and the variance of the oscillator's control voltage. In particular, Spilker's loop for QPSK and the Costas loop for BPSK signals are discussed.  相似文献   

"Artificial noise," or the connection of feedback paths around the the integrators, is shown to be an effective method of dealing with the problem of multiplier offsets in adaptive antennas. This probl which was analyzed by Compton [1] is particularly troubles when the covariance matrix is singular or nearly so. Like added real noise, the artificial noise improves the condition number of the underlying matrix. The artificial noise, however, avoids the obvious disadvantage of adding to the real noise level. As a result the output-signal-to-interference ratio is much less degraded.  相似文献   

铁磁性纳米线阵列磁滞回线的模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了铁磁性纳米线磁滞回线的特点及其影响因素,使用蒙特卡洛方法模拟了在周期性边界条件下的磁性纳米线阵列的磁滞回线,利用模拟的方法研究了不同长度的混乱度对平均长度相同的铁磁性纳米线阵列磁滞回线的影响。研究发现,铁磁性纳米线阵列的长度的混乱度越高,其磁滞回线的饱和磁场强度随着升高.剩余磁化强度则有所降低。  相似文献   

When a pseudo-random frequency-hopping signal is intercepted by a conventional receiver operating within the same frequency band, the interfering signal has the form of a pulse-amplitude modulated signal. Each pulse amplitude is dependent upon the hopping frequency and the selectivity characteristic of the victim receiver. The probability density function for the interfering pulse amplitude prior to demodulation is determined when the probability density function for the hopping frequency is uniform and the victim-receiver characteristic is 1) ideal flat bandpass, 2) single tuned, and 3) Gaussian shaped. It is shown that the average interfering pulse amplitude and interference power decrease as the frequency-hopping bandwidth increases with respect to the victim-receiver bandwidth. Fast Fourier transform computer techniques are used to obtain the probability density function of the interference amplitude in a Gaussian receiver when several (from 2 to 10) pseudo-random frequency-hopping systems are simultaneously using the same frequency band. The probability that the interference exceeds a prescribed threshold value is computed from the derived probability density functions. This probability may be used in signal-to-interference ratio calculations, to describe the capture effect, or to compute the expected number of clicks produced in an FM discriminator.  相似文献   

In adaptive antenna arrays using control loops the processing is determined under certain conditions by the covariance matrix Bmn = E(f(v*m)vn)?n), where ?1,..., ?N are N-complex Gaussian noise video signals and f is some function of the phase of ?m. Half of the storages and real multiplications could be saved by taking only the real part of ?n. It will be shown that this can be done without changing the performance of the adaptive antenna array significantly.  相似文献   

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