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The International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program will provide simultaneous coordinated scientific measurements from most of the major areas of geospace including specific locations on the Earth's surface. This paper describes the comprehensive ISTP ground science data handling system which has been developed to promote optimal mission planning and efficient data processing, analysis and distribution. The essential components of this ground system are the ISTP Central Data Handling Facility (CDHF), the Information Processing Division's Data Distribution Facility (DDF), the ISTP/Global Geospace Science (GGS) Science Planning and Operations Facility (SPOF) and the NASA Data Archive and Distribution Service (NDADS).The ISTP CDHF is the one place in the program where measurements from this wide variety of geospace and ground-based instrumentation and theoretical studies are brought together. Subsequently, these data will be distributed, along with ancillary data, in a unified fashion to the ISTP Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigator (CoI) teams for analysis on their local systems. The CDHF ingests the telemetry streams, orbit, attitude, and command history from the GEOTAIL, WIND, POLAR, SOHO, and IMP-8 Spacecraft; computes summary data sets, called Key Parameters (KPs), for each scientific instrument; ingests pre-computed KPs from other spacecraft and ground basel investigations; provides a computational platform for parameterized modeling; and provides a number of data services for the ISTP community of investigators. The DDF organizes the KPs, decommutated telemetry, and associated ancillary data into products for duistribution to the ISTP community on CD-ROMs. The SPOF is the component of the GGS program responsible for the development and coordination of ISTP science planning operations. The SPOF operates under the direction of the ISTP Project Scientist and is responsible for the development and coordination of the science plan for ISTP spacecraft. Instrument command requests for the WIND and POLAR investigations are submitted by the PIs to the SPOF where they are checked for science conflicts, forwarded to the GSFC Command Management Syntem/Payload Operations Control Center (CMS/POCC) for engineering conflict validation, and finally incorporated into the conflict-free science operations plan. Conflict resolution is accomplished through iteration between the PIs, SPOF and CMS and in consultation with the Project Scientist when necessary. The long term archival of ISTP KP and level-zero data will be undertaken by NASA's National Space Science Data Center using the NASA Data Archive and Distribution Service (NDADS). This on-line archive facility will provide rapid access to archived KPs and event data and includes security features to restrict access to the data during the time they are proprietary.  相似文献   

A number of plasma, particle and field detectors used on rocket investigations in and above the Earth's atmosphere are described. Emphasis is on magnetospheric and solar-interplanetary studies. A balloon-borne X-ray telescope system with 20 pointing accuracy is discussed. A PCM telemetry system used on both balloons and rockets to handle scientific data is described including a simple Doppler ranging system that gives location to 1.5 km. A system to reduce and analyze PCM data on the ground is discussed.  相似文献   

The Orbiting Geophysical Observatories and the supporting ground checkout equipment, data acquisition and tracking stations and data processing equipment are designed to conduct large numbers of diverse experiments in space. Measurements will be made within the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, magnetosphere, and in cislunar space to obtain a better understanding of earth-sun relationships and of the earth as a planet. Configured to meet scientific requirements, the observatories include six booms to support detectors away from disturbances generated in the main body. Five degrees of freedom allow the orientation of experiments relative to three references — the earth, the sun, and the orbital plane. Power, thermal control, and data handling subsystems provide for the proper operation of the experiments and telemetry of the data. Ground stations receive these data, which are then processed into a form suitable for use by the experimenters. The systems have been designed to make available a standard spacecraft and support equipment which can be used repeatedly to carry large numbers of easily integrated experiments in a wide variety of orbits.  相似文献   

There are several critical periods early in the mission of a geo-stationary communication satellite. The first is the period from launch vehicle ignition until the upper stage final successful burn. The second is after the above span until the vehicle reaches its final altitude of a synchronous orbit. For a nominal low thrust apogee boost ascent subsystem during that later time, almost continuous telemetry is mandatory. This is especially true during the crucial periods of main engine burns and attitude correction phases. Maintaining a strong telemetry link throughout this phase requires an adequate RF signal link from the spacecraft to a ground station in the telemetry RF channel. An analysis of this link performance during each orbit until final position has two major aspects. One, the location of the spacecraft in relation to the ground tracking station at each moment in the mission is a matter of geometry and Keplerian physics. The other is the RF signal and its supporting subsystems, both on the ground and aboard the vehicle. The fundamental theoretical considerations or both the orbit parameters and radio link components are examined and then the individual parameter sensitivities are analyzed. Next, a nominal cast for a generic mission is studied. This survey considers the telemetry performance during each major stage of the flight from the launch through the transfer orbit to the postinjection period to the final orbit. Then abnormal situations due to both orbit and RF faults are examined. Finally, some design and operation concepts which may lessen the impact of the previous anomalies, are presented  相似文献   

针对全球卫星导航星座网络建设初期或论证阶段所涉及的网络体系结构、协议体系及相关组网等技术问题,开展了基于导航星座星间链路构建空间信息网络的技术研究,分别提出了由子网、接入网、骨干网等节点及其相互之间星间、星地无线链路构成的分层网络系统结构,设计了兼容遥控、遥测、测量与网络交互支持等业务的基于IP over CCSDS(基于空间数据系统咨询委员会标准的空间链路承载互联网协议业务)的协议体系,给出了全系统基本通信业务运行模式等。与传统高轨卫星通信系统相比,该星座网络具有高覆盖、低时延、随遇接入等优点,可实现星座导航性能与中低轨及地面用户通信性能的全方位提升,相关结果对我国全球卫星导航星座网络技术研究具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

The detailed study of the solar-terrestrial energy chain will be greatly enhanced with the launch and simultaneous operation of several spacecraft during the current decade. These programs are being coordinates in the United States under the umbrella of the International Solar Terrestrial Physics Program (ISTP) and include fundamental contributions from Japan (GEOTAIL Program) and Europe (SOHO and CLUSTER Programs). The principal United States contribution to this effort is the Global Geospace Science Program (GGS) described in this overview paper. Two spacecraft, WIND and POLAR, carrying an advanced complement of field, particle and imaging instruments, will conduct investigations of several key regions of geospace. This paper provides a general overview of the science objectives of the missions, the spacecraft orbits and the ground elements that have been developed to process and analyze the instrument observations.  相似文献   

The radio telemetry links between Earth and a spacecraft near superior conjunction penetrate the corona at ranges well within the acceleration regime of the solar wind. Occultation experiments in the solar corona have been performed on many interplanetary missions beginning with the Mariner and Pioneer series and extending up to the more recent data on Helios, Viking, and Voyager. The changes in group and phase velocity of the radio signal are measured to determine the total electron content of the corona and its fluctuations. The broadening of the carrier signal may be used in combination with the electron content data to derive a solar wind velocity profile. The wave number spectrum of electron density fluctuations in the corona may be inferred from amplitude and phase scintillations of the received signal. Linearly polarized signals, which are rotated along the propagation path by the Faraday effect, can provide information on the coronal magnetic field and its variations.Paper presented at the IX-th Lindau Workshop The Source Region of the Solar Wind.  相似文献   

为了解决地面测控中心采用纸质方式会签测控信息工作量大、效率低、多航天器支持能力差的问题,论述了测控信息会签系统的设计方法、实施效果。通过分析载人航天测控信息会签的需求和特点,采用工作流技术对测控数据处理过程进行阶段划分和抽象建模,设计用户、岗位和任务的多对多映射方式,规划层次化的会签流程模板,实施会签流程多层次复用和动态组装,构建基于B/S(Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器)模式跨平台的系统架构,以数据库实时同步为基础,建立对称的实时热备工作模式,设计多任务通用的数据库结构,实现了测控信息的在线会签。实际应用表明,基于工作流技术的在线会签系统大幅缩短了测控数据处理周期,提高了航天器上行控制效率,有较高的推广价值。  相似文献   

The increasing need for a continuous communications link with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spacecraft during test missions in low Earth orbit (LEG) has resulted in greater interest in geosynchronous data relay services. This may be a more economical alternative to building additional remote tracking stations for the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN), and avoids tying up operational assets for a test mission. A low-cost near-term approach for such a space-based data relay system would utilize two existing Defense Satellite Communication System III spacecraft, two existing ground terminals, and a small, standardized terminal using autonomous antenna pointing for the space vehicle under test. Such a system design is presented  相似文献   

在航天发射任务中,地面遥外测设备跟踪特性角(α角、β角)对接收信号质量的影响非常大,由于α角、β角影响接收信号的机理非常复杂,一直以来只进行定性分析.在研究RBF(Rradial Basis Function,径向基函数)网络的基础上,利用RBF网络建立跟踪α角、β角对接收信号的影响模型,并用已知样本数据对模型进行训练和验证,详细论证模型参数的选取方法,给出跟踪特性角对接收电平影响的量化分析和预测的一种方法.利用模型对某次发射任务设备的接收电平进行了预测,预测结果与实测结果基本相符,满足应用要求,对提高航天发射任务地面测控系统风险评估能力有重要意义.  相似文献   

Freja is a Swedish scientific satellite mission to study fine scale auroral processes. Launch was October 6, 1992, piggyback on a Chinese Long March 2C, to the present 600×1750 km, 63° inclination orbit. The JHU/APL provided the Magnetic Field Experiment (MFE), which includes a custom APL-designed Forth, language microprocessor. This approach has led to a truly generic and flexible design with adaptability to differing mission requirements and has resulted in the transfer of significant ground analysis to on-board processing. Special attention has been paid to the analog electronic and digital processing design in an effort to lower system noise levels, verified by inflight data showing unprecedented system noise levels for near-Earth magnetic field measurements, approaching the fluxgate sensor levels. The full dynamic range measurements are of the 3-axis Earth's magnetic field taken at 128 vector samples s–1 and digitized to 16 bit, resolution, primarily used to evaluate currents and the main magnetic field of the Earth. Additional 3-axis AC channels are bandpass filtered from 1.5 to 128 Hz to remove the main field spin signal, the range is±650 nT. These vector measurements cover Pc waves to ion gyrofrequency magnetic wave signals up to the oxygen gyrofrequency (40 Hz). A separate, seventh channel samples the spin axis sensor with a bandpass filter of 1.5 to 256 Hz, the signal of which is fed to a software FFT. This on-board FFT processing covers the local helium gyrofrequencies (160 Hz) and is plotted in the Freja Summary Plots (FSPs) along with disturbance fields. First data were received in the U.S. October 16 from Kiruna, Sweden via the Internet and SPAN e-mail networks, and were from an orbit a few hours earlier over Greenland and Sweden. Data files and data products, e.g., FSPs generated at the Kiruna ground station, are communicated in a similar manner through an automatic mail distribution system in Stockholm to PIs and various users. Distributed management of spacecraft operations by the science team is also achieved by this advanced communications system.An exciting new discovery of the field-aligned current systems is the high frequency wave power or structure associated with the various large-scale currents. The spin axis AC data and its standard deviation is a measure of this high-frequency component of the Birkeland current regions. The exact response of these channels and filters as well as the physics behind these wave and/or fine-scale current structures accompanying the large-scale currents is being pursued; nevertheless, the association is clear and the results are used for the MFE Birkeland current monitor calculated in the MFE microprocessor. This monitor then sets a trigger when it is greater than a commandable, preset threshold. This event flag can be read by the system unit and used to remotely command all instruments into burst mode data taking and local memory storage. In addition,Freja is equipped with a 400 MHz Low Speed Link transmitter which transmits spacecraft hcusekeeping that can be received with a low cost, portable receiver. These housekeeping data include the MFE auroral zone current detector; this space weather information indicates the location and strength of ionospheric current systems that directly impact communications, power systems, long distance telephone lines and near-Earth satellite operations. The JHU/APL MFE is a joint effort with NASA/GSFC and was co-sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and NASA/Headquarters in cooperation with the Swedish National Space Board and the Swedish Space Corporation.Freja Magnetic Field Experiment Team  相似文献   

IBEX provides the observations needed for detailed modeling and in-depth understanding of the interstellar interaction (McComas et al. in Physics of the Outer Heliosphere, Third Annual IGPP Conference, pp. 162–181, 2004; Space Sci. Rev., 2009a, this issue). From mission design to launch and acquisition, this goal drove all flight system development. This paper describes the management, design, testing and integration of IBEX’s flight system, which successfully launched from Kwajalein Atoll on October 19, 2008. The payload is supported by a simple, Sun-pointing, spin-stabilized spacecraft with no deployables. The spacecraft bus consists of the following subsystems: attitude control, command and data handling, electrical power, hydrazine propulsion, RF, thermal, and structures. A novel 3-step orbit approach was employed to put IBEX in its highly elliptical, 8-day final orbit using a Solid Rocket Motor, which provided large delta-V after IBEX separated from the Pegasus launch vehicle; an adapter cone, which interfaced between the SRM and Pegasus; Motorized Lightbands, which performed separation from the Pegasus, ejection of the adapter cone, and separation of the spent SRM from the spacecraft; a ShockRing isolation system to lower expected launch loads; and the onboard Hydrazine Propulsion System. After orbit raising, IBEX transitioned from commissioning to nominal operations and science acquisition. At every phase of development, the Systems Engineering and Mission Assurance teams supervised the design, testing and integration of all IBEX flight elements.  相似文献   

航天器发射前,航天飞行控制中心需要对相关测控方案和软件进行验证。利用仿真系统验证测控方案和软件是一种行之有效的途径。航天器测量数据、轨道和姿态控制仿真是航天飞行控制中心仿真系统的重要组成部分。分别讨论了航天器测量数据、轨道控制和姿态控制仿真方法,分析了航天器测控仿真系统的建立,通过仿真结果说明了仿真方法的合理可行。  相似文献   

The Transient Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (TGRS) to be flown aboard the WIND spacecraft is primarily designed to perform high resolution spectroscopy of transient -ray events, such as cosmic -ray bursts and solar flares over the energy range 25 keV to 8.2 MeV with an expected spectroscopic resolution of 3 keV at 1 MeV. The detector itself consists of a 215 cm3 high purityn-type Ge crystal kept at cryogenic temperatures by a passive radiative cooler. The geometric field of view defined by the cooler is 1.8 steradian. To avoid continuous triggers by soft solar events, a thin BeCu Sun-shield around the sides of the cooler has been provided. A passive Mo/Pb occulter, which modulates signals from within ±5° of the ecliptic plane at the spacecraft spin frequency, is used to identify and study solar flares, as well as emission from the galactic plane and center. Thus, in addition to transient event measurements, the instrument will allow the search for possible diffuse background lines and monitor the 511 keV positron annihilation radiation from the galactic center. In order to handle the typically large burst count rates, which can be in excess of 100 kHz, burst data are stored directly in an onboard 2.75 Mbit burst memory with an absolute timing accuracy of ±1.5 ms after ground processing. The memory is capable of storing the entire spectral data set of all but the largest bursts. WIND is scheduled to be launched on a Delta II launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral on November 1, 1994. After injection into a phasing orbit, the spacecraft will execute a double lunar swing-by before being moved into a controlled halo orbit about theL1 Lagrangian point (250R e towards the Sun). This will provide a 5 light-second light travel time with which to triangulate gamma-ray burst sources with Earth-orbiting systems, such as those on-board the Gamma-Ray Observatory (GRO). The response of instrument to transient -ray events such as GRB's and solar flares will be presented as well as the expected response to steady state point sources and galactic center line emission.  相似文献   

The radio-metric tracking data received from the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft from the distances between 20–70 astronomical units from the Sun has consistently indicated the presence of a small, anomalous, blue-shifted Doppler frequency drift that limited the accuracy of the orbit reconstruction for these vehicles. This drift was interpreted as a sunward acceleration of a P =(8.74±1.33)×10?10 m/s2 for each particular spacecraft. This signal has become known as the Pioneer anomaly; the nature of this anomaly is still being investigated. Recently new Pioneer 10 and 11 radio-metric Doppler and flight telemetry data became available. The newly available Doppler data set is much larger when compared to the data used in previous investigations and is the primary source for new investigation of the anomaly. In addition, the flight telemetry files, original project documentation, and newly developed software tools are now used to reconstruct the engineering history of spacecraft. With the help of this information, a thermal model of the Pioneers was developed to study possible contribution of thermal recoil force acting on the spacecraft. The goal of the ongoing efforts is to evaluate the effect of on-board systems on the spacecrafts’ trajectories and possibly identify the nature of this anomaly. Techniques developed for the investigation of the Pioneer anomaly are applicable to the New Horizons mission. Analysis shows that anisotropic thermal radiation from on-board sources will accelerate this spacecraft by ~41×10?10 m/s2. We discuss the lessons learned from the study of the Pioneer anomaly for the New Horizons spacecraft.  相似文献   

The Juno Gravity Science Instrument   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Juno mission’s primary science objectives include the investigation of Jupiter interior structure via the determination of its gravitational field. Juno will provide more accurate determination of Jupiter’s gravity harmonics that will provide new constraints on interior structure models. Juno will also measure the gravitational response from tides raised on Jupiter by Galilean satellites. This is accomplished by utilizing Gravity Science instrumentation to support measurements of the Doppler shift of the Juno radio signal by NASA’s Deep Space Network at two radio frequencies. The Doppler data measure the changes in the spacecraft velocity in the direction to Earth caused by the Jupiter gravity field. Doppler measurements at X-band (\(\sim 8\) GHz) are supported by the spacecraft telecommunications subsystem for command and telemetry and are used for spacecraft navigation as well as Gravity Science. The spacecraft also includes a Ka-band (\(\sim 32\) GHz) translator and amplifier specifically for the Gravity Science investigation contributed by the Italian Space Agency. The use of two radio frequencies allows for improved accuracy by removal of noise due to charged particles along the radio signal path.  相似文献   

Energy and power     
Energy sources for aerospace systems include electrochemicals, mechanical rotation, solar illumination, radioisotopes, and nuclear reactors. Energy is converted to power with engines, turbines, photovoltaics, thermoelectric and thermionic devices, and electrochemical processes. Although some early spacecraft flew with battery power, for longer flights the choice has been either solar or nuclear. Manned spacecraft must have power for the total mission duration including boost into orbit, on-orbit, and subsequent re-entry. Batteries are too heavy for extended manned space missions; tradeoff study alternatives range from radioisotope heated thermionic converters to hyperbolic-fueled engines. Arrays of solar cells are the obvious choice for powering space stations and for other extended-duration missions. This article emphasizes developments for space and airplane power systems. Enabling technologies are described along with significant spin-offs and future systems  相似文献   

ESA's first multi-satellite mission Cluster is unique in its concept of 4 satellites orbiting in controlled formations. This will give an unprecedented opportunity to study structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere. In this paper we discuss ways in which ground-based remote-sensing observations of the ionosphere can be used to support the multipoint in-situ satellite measurements. There are a very large number of potentially useful configurations between the satellites and any one ground-based observatory; however, the number of ideal occurrences for any one configuration is low. Many of the ground-based instruments cannot operate continuously and Cluster will take data only for a part of each orbit, depending on how much high-resolution (burst-mode') data are acquired. In addition, there are a great many instrument modes and the formation, size and shape of the cluster of the four satellites to consider. These circumstances create a clear and pressing need for careful planning to ensure that the scientific return from Cluster is maximised by additional coordinated ground-based observations. For this reason, the European Space Agency (ESA) established a working group to coordinate the observations on the ground with Cluster. We will give a number of examples how the combined spacecraft and ground-based observations can address outstanding questions in magnetospheric physics. An online computer tool has been prepared to allow for the planning of conjunctions and advantageous constellations between the Cluster spacecraft and individual or combined ground-based systems. During the mission a ground-based database containing index and summary data will help to identify interesting datasets and allow to select intervals for coordinated studies. We illustrate the philosophy of our approach, using a few important examples of the many possible configurations between the satellite and the ground-based instruments.  相似文献   

随着我国航天事业的高速发展,对海上测控系统提出了越来越高的要求。测量船执行任务时涉及飞行器、船载设备、测量船工况等任务要素。本文根据任务要素的主要层次关系及它们之间的约束关系,构建了海上航天测控系统领域本体TTC_Onto,其实现和应用可以有效地提高任务分析的灵活性和准确性。并给出了TTC_Onto的构建过程及其评价机制。  相似文献   

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