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正进人2018年以来,空间科学先导专项Ⅰ期发射的悟空号暗物质探测卫星,墨子号量子科学实验卫星,慧眼号硬X射线望远镜在轨运行良好,继续产出高水平的科学数据和研究成果。5月31日,中国科学院正式批准了空间科学先导专项Ⅱ期的实施方案,爱因斯坦探针(EP)时域天文学X射线天文台,ASO-S先进空间太阳观测台,太阳风与电离层磁层耦合计划  相似文献   

2020年全球重要空间科学发射任务   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2020年全球重要的空间科学发射任务约10次,主要集中在行星科学,包括4次火星探测和1次月球探测。中国GECAM卫星、欧洲太阳轨道探测器以及嫦娥五号和火星探测等任务都计划发射升空,为开展空间引力波研究、太阳爆发机制、行星起源和演化等科学前沿取得发现奠定重要物质技术基础。   相似文献   

正作为我国首颗微重力科学实验卫星,实践十号卫星的使命是开展空间科学实验,研究、揭示微重力条件和空间辐射条件下物质运动及生命活动规律,这不仅具有较大的社会效益和经济效益,而且对推进我国空间领域的科学探索也有重要的意义。"及时雨"实践十号诞生恰逢其时提到返回式卫星,大家并不陌生,到2006年为止,我国共成功进行了24次返回式卫星的发射。通过这些任  相似文献   

正1970年4月24日,我国利用自主研制的长征一号运载火箭,成功将东方红一号卫星送入预定轨道,使中国成为继苏联、美国、法国和日本之后,世界上第5个能够独立研制并发射人造卫星的国家。东方红一号的研制和发射,奠定了中国航天事业发展的重要基础,也拉开了中国人探索宇宙奥秘、和平利用太空的序幕。2011年1月11日,中国科学院正式启动空间科学先导专项计划,悟空号、实践十号、墨子号、慧眼号科学卫星相继研制并发射升空。这4颗卫星的成功发射是中国迈向空间科学强国的第一步。2018年5月31日,空间科学先导专项二期立项。SMILE,EP,ASO-S,GECAM等项目全部进入工程研制阶段。  相似文献   

2021年全球重要的空间科学发射任务逾10次,主要是美欧的空间天文、月球和深空探测任务,我国也将发射首颗空间地球科学卫星“广目”。此外,多个中外载人航天任务亦将为空间科学与探索搭建新的平台。   相似文献   

中国空间探测领域40年发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中国空间科学学会成立的40年,是中国空间探测逐渐走进世界舞台的40年,空间探测极大推动了空间科学和相邻学科的发展,也影响到经济、军事和日常生活诸多方面.本文简要回顾了从空间探测专业委员会成立的1980年至今,中国空间探测领域的主要发展历程,包括探空火箭、高空气球、科学卫星、月球与行星探测、载人航天空间探测、遥感卫星地面...  相似文献   

中国返回式卫星与空间科学实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国返回式卫星发展至今已有30 多年, 共发射了23 颗返回式卫星. 在多次返回式卫星任务中成功进行了大量的空间科学和技术实验. 本文首先概要介绍了中国返回式卫星的发展情况、技术特点、在返回式卫星上进行的空间科学实验情况; 其次, 介绍了卫星平台对有效载荷可提供的环境条件、服务支持以及载荷设备研制与卫星技术流程之间的匹配关系和接口要求; 最后, 对卫星平台的技术发展趋势与应用前景进行了展望.   相似文献   

空间科学实验地面支持系统平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对于其他空间任务, 空间科学实验具有用户分散、实验进程控制 (遥科学实验)要求实时或准实时、多种类型空间科学数据处理要求等特点. 针对空间科学实验的特点和对地面支持系统的要求, 结合实践八号卫星(SJ-8)、探测双星(TC-1, TC-2) 和神舟系列飞船(SZ) 的空间科学实验地面支持系统的任务完成情况, 以及未来空间科学实验任务的需求, 提出了地面支持系统平台的构架设想. 该系统平台支持空间科学实验的状态监视与控制, 支持遥科学实验, 能够支持空间科学实验数据标准产品的定制处理, 满足空间科学实验多任务的要求, 具有通用性和可扩展性.   相似文献   

正唐伯昶的人生与中国返回式卫星的发展紧密相连。从1975年中国第一颗返回式卫星成功返回,到2016年实践十号返回成功,他参与了25颗返回式卫星研制,执行了无数次卫星发射和回收任务。作为新型返回式卫星总指挥、总设计师,唐伯昶认为实践十号是中国首颗微重力科学实验卫星,是技术与科学的完美融合。设计:协调一致确保实验顺利完成唐伯昶认为卫星工程是个大系统,工程总设计  相似文献   

正2016年4月6日1时38分,中国首颗微重力科学实验卫星——实践十号返回式科学实验卫星(简称"实践十号卫星")按照预定窗口时间,由长征二号丁运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心准时发射升空。卫星进入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功。实践十号卫星于2012年12月31日正式立项,是空间科学先导专项首批科学实验卫星中唯一的返回式卫星,主要科学目标是利用太空中微重力等特殊环境,开展涉及微重力流体物理、  相似文献   

中国空间天文40周年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
过去40年中国空间天文学研究取得了巨大的发展.尤其是近10年内发射了数颗天文卫星,未来几年还将有一些天文卫星计划发射.本文简要回顾了国际空间天文学的发展历程.对中国空间天文学过去40年的发展进行了回顾和总结,包括1970年代第一颗天文卫星计划、气球空间天文探测、基于载人航天工程的空间天文实验以及天文卫星等.此外,介绍了...  相似文献   

The core module of China's Space Station (CSS) is scheduled to be launched around the end of 2020, and the experimental module I and II will be launched in the next two years. After on-orbit constructions, CSS will be transferred into an operation period over 10 years (2022-2032 and beyond) to continuously implement space science missions. At present, based on the project selection and research work in the ground development period of CSS, China is systematically making a utilization mission planning for the operation period, which focuses on the fields of aerospace medicine and human research, space life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics, combustion science, materials science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, Earth science, space physics and space environment, space application technology, etc. In combination with the latest development trend of space science and technology, China will continue to update planning for science research and technology development, carry out project cultivation, payload R&D, and upgrade onboard and ground experiment supporting systems to achieve greater comprehensive benefits in science, technology, economy, and society.   相似文献   

Activities of space materials science research in China have been continuously supported by two main national programs. One is the China Space Station (CSS) program since 1992, and the other is the Strategic Priority Program (SPP) on Space Science since 2011. In CSS plan in 2019, eleven space materials science experimental projects were officially approved for execution during the construction of the space station. In the SPP Phase II launched in 2018, seven pre-research projects are deployed as the first batch in 2018, and one concept study project in 2019. These pre-research projects will be cultivated as candidates for future selection as space experiment projects on the recovery of scientific experimental satellites in the future. A new apparatus of electrostatic levitation system for ground-based research of space materials science and rapid solidification research has been developed under the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In order to promote domestic academic activities and to enhance the advancement of space materials science in China, the Space Materials Science and Technology Division belong to the Chinese Materials Research Society was established in 2019. We also organized scientists to write five review papers on space materials science as a special topic published in the journal Scientia Sinica to provide valuable scientific and technical references for Chinese researchers.   相似文献   

As the role of missions and experiments carried out in outer space becomes more and more essential in our understanding of many earthly problems, such as resource management, environmental problems, and disaster management, as well as space science questions, thanks to their lower cost and faster development process CubeSats can benefit humanity and therefore, young scientists and engineers have been motivated to research and develop new CubeSat missions. Not very long after their inception, CubeSats have evolved to become accepted platforms for scientific and commercial applications. The last couple of years showed that they are a feasible tool for conducting scientific experiments, not only in the Earth orbit but also in the interplanetary space. For many countries, a CubeSat mission could prompt the community and young teams around the world to build the national capacity to launch and operate national space missions. This paper presents an overview of the key scientific and engineering gateways opened up to the younger scientific community by the advent and adaptation of new technology into CubeSat missions. The role of cooperation and the opportunities for capacity-building and education are also explored. Thus, the present article also aims to provide useful recommendations to scientists, early-career researchers, engineers, students, and anyone who intends to explore the potential and opportunities offered by CubeSats and CubeSats-based missions.   相似文献   

In May 2018, the second phase of the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science (SPP II) was officially approved by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in view of the significant scientific achievements of the first phase of the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science (SPP I) which includes 4 space science missions:the Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), ShiJian-10 (SJ-10), Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) and Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT). Aiming to address fundamental scientific questions, SPP II focuses on two major themes:How the universe and life originate and evolve and What is the relationship between the solar system and human beings. In areas that Chinese scientists have advantages, new space science missions including Graviational wave high-energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM), the Advanced space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S), the Einstein Probe (EP), and Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) have been approved in the framework of SPP II. This paper presents the research highlights of the SPP I, introduces the recent progress of SPP II, and puts forward the prospects for future development.   相似文献   

Chang'E-1 Lunar Mission:An Overview and Primary Science Results   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Chang'E-1 is the first lunar mission in China, which was successfully launched on Oct. 24th, 2007. It was guided to crash on the Moon on March 1, 2009, at 52.36oE, 1.50oS, in the north of Mare Fecunditatis. The total mission lasted 495 days, exceeding the designed life-span about four months. 1.37 Terabytes raw data was received from Chang'E-1. It was then processed into 4 Terabytes science data at different levels. A series of science results have been achieved by analyzing and applicating these data, especially "global image of the Moon of China's first lunar exploration mission'. Four scientific goals of Chang'E-1 have been achieved. It provides abundant materials for the research of lunar sciences and cosmochemistry. Meanwhile these results will serve for China's future lunar missions.   相似文献   

China has carried out four unmanned missions to the Moon since it launched Chang'E-1, the first lunar orbiter in 2007. With the implementation of the Chang'E-5 mission this year, the three phases of the lunar exploration program, namely orbiting, landing and returning, have been completed. In the plan of follow-up unmanned lunar exploration missions, it is planned to establish an experimental lunar research station at the lunar south pole by 2030 through the implementation of several missions, laying a foundation for the establishment of practical lunar research station in the future. China successfully launched its first Mars probe on 23 July 2020, followed in future by an asteroid mission, second Mars mission, and a mission to explore Jupiter and its moons.   相似文献   

中国航天器工程 40多年来经历了技术准备阶段、技术试验阶段和工程应用阶段 ,已形成了返回式遥感卫星系列 ,通信广播卫星系列 ,气象卫星系列和科学探测与技术试验卫星系列 ,而地球资源卫星系列和导航定位卫星系列也即将形成 ;至今中国已发射成功人造地球卫星 5 1颗 ,发射成功试验载人飞船 4艘 ,取得了举世瞩目的成就 ,为国民经济、国防建设、文化教育和科学研究作出了重大的贡献。进入 2 1世纪 ,根据中国航天近期和远期的发展目标 ,中国航天器工程将迎来新的辉煌  相似文献   

In 1957, the launch of the first artificial satellite ushered in a new era for modern space science.The past 50 years' developments in China's space science have witnessed many major missions, and substantial progress has been achieved in space science study, exploration technology as well as experiment technology. Strategic Priority Program on Space Science was officially started in 2011. Through both self-developed space science missions and those with international cooperation,it is expected that the innovative breakthroughs will be realized, leapfrog development of related high-tech will be achieved to establish the important strategic status of space science in national development. To sum up, the implementation of the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science will definitely promote the rapid development of China's space science endeavor, making contributions to China's development and the progress of human civilization.   相似文献   

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