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Since the turn of the century, experiments have produced laboratory fluid dynamos that enable a study of the effect in controlled conditions. We review here magnetic induction processes that are believed to underlie dynamo action, and we present results of these dynamo experiments. In particular, we detail progress that have been made through the study of von Kármán flows, using gallium or sodium as working fluids.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the processes which lead to the formation of planetesimals in the early solar nebula, we performed an extensive series of laboratory experiments. We find that the capture velocities in collisions between spherical grains are more than one order of magnitude higher than predicted by Chokshi et al (1993). In contrast, irregular grains have no capture threshold and can be better described by a sticking probability which is typically a few 10%, even for velocities exceeding 10 m/s. However, adhesion forces between spherical, micron-sized particles match the theoretical predictions very well, although contact areas and deformations are of the order of inter-atomic distances only. Aggregation experiments in rarefied turbulent gases reveal the fractal nature of dust aggregates. Mass distribution functions are bell-shaped. Similar behaviour can be found in aggregation experiments with sedimenting particles. Experiments on collision-induced aggregate compaction and fragmentation match the numerical simulations by Dominik and Tielens (1997) very well if revised experimental values of the break-up energy (from our impact experiments) and the rolling-friction force (from our AFM measurements on particle chains) are used. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Efficient use of booster development programs by accommodation of secondary payloads, together with maximum utilization of off-theshelf equipment, developed and space proven on other programs, makes it possible to place scientific experiments into earth orbit at comparatively low cost. A low-cost vehicle designated the OV2-1, developed for the Office of Aerospace Research, is described in some detail, starting with mission requirements, and covering each electronic subsystem, the electronic checkout equipment, and testing.  相似文献   

A review is presented of the Orbiting Astronomical Observatories Program together with a detailed of the OAO spacecraft and the four astronomical instruments currently being developed for the first three observations.  相似文献   

The Orbiting Geophysical Observatories and the supporting ground checkout equipment, data acquisition and tracking stations and data processing equipment are designed to conduct large numbers of diverse experiments in space. Measurements will be made within the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, exosphere, magnetosphere, and in cislunar space to obtain a better understanding of earth-sun relationships and of the earth as a planet. Configured to meet scientific requirements, the observatories include six booms to support detectors away from disturbances generated in the main body. Five degrees of freedom allow the orientation of experiments relative to three references — the earth, the sun, and the orbital plane. Power, thermal control, and data handling subsystems provide for the proper operation of the experiments and telemetry of the data. Ground stations receive these data, which are then processed into a form suitable for use by the experimenters. The systems have been designed to make available a standard spacecraft and support equipment which can be used repeatedly to carry large numbers of easily integrated experiments in a wide variety of orbits.  相似文献   

An empirical model for energetic solar proton fluxes is presented. With this model the effects of such protons on geocentric space missions, to be flown during the next solar active period (1977-1983), and with orbits involving partial magnetospheric shielding, may be estimated. A synoptic background review is given, followed by a detailed discussion of the model's use, errors, uncertainties, and limitations, including sample calculations which demonstrate the application of specific or general project missions. Finally, for circular trajectories, percentage exposure maps are presented, depicting fractional mission times spent outside particular L shells as functions of orbit altitude and inclination. The distinguishing assumptions of this analysis are: 1) that the solar proton flux in the 10-100 MeV energy range, as accumulated over solar cycle 20 due to several discrete events, will be accumulated at a uniform rate for the seven active years of solar cycle 21; and 2) that all protons in the energy range of interest have a common geomagnetic latitude cutoff.  相似文献   

在轨编目物体数目与日俱增,为保证载人航天任务的顺利完成,必须对可能威胁任务轨道的空间目标进行碰撞检测。本文分析了美国航天司令部开发的SGP4近地轨道预报模型,引入其中的摄动力长期项公式。通过模型比对可知,引入摄动力长期项的计算结果与解析法SGP4结果接近,而且摄动力的长期项对轨道根数的影响可以表示为关于时间的函数,结合天球投影可以迅速找出2个物体分别过轨道交线的时间,因此该方法能够保证碰撞预警的精度与速度。仿真结果验证了该方法的快速有效性。  相似文献   

The communications and tracking (C&T) system on board the orbiting platform communicates with the ground facilities through the TDRS satellites. The C&T system operates on Ku and S-band. Using a high gain antenna the Ku-band channel can support a downlink data rate of 300 Mbps through the TDRS single axis channel. The S-band system communicates with the orbiter and with both multiple and single axis TDRS channels. The Data Management System (DMS) provides the following services to the orbiting platform: data distribution within and between core systems and payloads, data processing facilities for core systems, data base management, time and frequency standards, and overall platform management and control. The DMS is a distributed data processing network. The nodes are connected by a local area network (LAN). Each node is autonomous. Since the design is modular, nodes can be added or deleted without disturbing the system. Sensors and effectors communicate with the core system software via the network through multiplexers/demultiplexers.  相似文献   

The receipt of the Pioneer Award has given me a chance to look back over my professional life and the opportunity to take stock of how I helped shape a small part of the world. While I hope this process entertains my contemporaries, more importantly, I hope it stimulates those that are engaged in actively shaping the present. To describe the need for automatic picture transmission (APT), I must retrace the historical development of meteorological satellites. The idea for weather observations from a satellite originated with a small group of meteorologists at the U.S. Army Signal Corps Research and Development Lab. at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., and resulted in the design of Vanguard II. The Tiros and TOS series of satellites, and the design of Nimbus, followed soon thereafter. However, a faster picture dissemination than was available at that time was needed, and it was this necessity that sparked the development of APT. Nimbus was originally intended to be an operational system, but the advent of simpler, less costly stabilization systems made the Tiros evolution the clear winner. The geosynchronous weather satellites started nearly a decade later and evolved from the NASA Application Technology Satellite (ATS) series. All three systems, existing polar orbiting weather satellites, APT, and geosynchronous weather satellites, have changed meteorology and the reliability of weather forecasting profoundly.  相似文献   

佳力 《国际航空》2002,(5):18-20
在3月25日22时15分, 我国自行研制的“神舟”三号飞船在中国酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,10分钟后,飞船成功进入预定轨道。飞船在遨游太空6天18小时、在预定轨道上绕地球运行108圈后,准确降落在内蒙古中部地区。它的成功发射和回收,标志着我国载人航天工程取得了重要进展,中国宇航员飞向太空的日子已  相似文献   

The majority of tactical weapons systems require that manned maneuverable vehicles, such as aircraft, ships, and submarines, be tracked accurately. An optimal Kalman filter has been derived for this purpose using a target model that is simple to implement and that represents closely the motions of maneuvering targets. Using this filter, parametric tracking accuracy data have been generated as a function of target maneuver characteristics, sensor observation noise, and data rate and that permits rapid a priori estimates of tracking performance to be made when maneuvering targets are to be tracked by sensors providing any combination of range, bearing, and elevation measurements.  相似文献   

针对载人月球探测,在我国现有深空测控资源的基础上,结合其他航天组织,如NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration,美国国家航空航天局)、ESA(European Space Agency,欧空局)等分布在全球的深空测控资源,提出了全球深空站布局体系.该体系包括我国深空站在内的8个地面站,大体形成“南四北四,均匀分布”的格局.并以美国“重返月球”计划深空站布局为参照,对比分析了布局体系的测控覆盖、三向测量和干涉测量共视弧段,讨论了布局干涉测量不同观测站三角的测角精度,可以为后续载人月球探测任务提供支持和参考.  相似文献   

简要介绍了CCSDS高级在轨系统(AOS)协议的信源特点;分析了影响AOS协议包业务吞吐量性能的因素,给出了传输集中数据时的包业务吞吐量计算公式;讨论了吞吐量-包长、吞吐量-帧长关系曲线,并针对传输集中数据情况下以吞吐量为指标优化AOS协议配置给出了指导性建议,为CCSDS AOS协议的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

全月面到达是21世纪以来载人登月研究的主要目标之一。影响月面可达区域的因素有很多,而阳光入射角约束和转移轨道约束是主要因素。首先分析了不同纬度区域阳光入射角规律,其次建立了一种适于月面可达区域分析的双二体圆锥曲线拼接算法,分析了自由返回轨道和混合轨道月面可达区域,并计算了变轨策略及其速度增量关系,为未来实现载人登月月面着陆区选择提供参考。  相似文献   

在今年的莫斯科航展上,最为耀眼的明星之一是俄罗斯联邦空间局展出的新一代载人飞船“快船”(Clipper)的全尺寸模型。如果获得充足的资金支持,“快船”计划在2011年进行首次无人试验飞行,并在次年进行首次载人飞行。  相似文献   

Current program planning in the area of lunar surface explorationenvisions missions of increasing energy requirements and duration.During the mid 1970's it has been estimated that the electrical powerrequirements for a 3-man mission of one year duration might be in theorder of 33 000 kWh. Load profiles to support regeneration of fuelcell reactants for lunar roving vehicles and base nighttime operationsindicate potential power levels of from 30 to 100 kW. An electricalpower system using a state-of-the-art photovoltaic energy conversionsource was postulated on the assumption that nuclear power systemtechnology would not be flight ready by this time period.The process of synthesizing an overall electrical power system isdiscussed. Included are analyses and system design rationale. A rangefrom 50 to 500 volts dc is considered and the effect on weight andefficiency determined. Additional system criteria such as thermalcontrol, reliability, and emergency operation are discussed. A shred-out oftotal system weight as a function of voltage and regulation is presentedfor a 36 kWload. The impact ofload level, conditioning efficiency,transmission length, and temperature on system weight is discussed. Sensitivityivity curves depicting the effect of variations in these parameters areprovided.It is concluded that an efficiency of 80 percent or greater can beattained by matching the load profile with distribution voltage.  相似文献   

梁克  邓凯文  丁锐  张森 《载人航天》2014,(2):116-121
针对载人航天器复杂化、任务多样化、在轨运行长期化的发展趋势,及由此对航天器在轨自主健康管理的能力提出的更迫切的需求,提出了一种在轨自主健康管理系统分层体系结构,并采用Observe-Orient-Decide-Act循环描述健康管理子行为之间的交互模型,可实现准确、高效的自主健康管理。并以空间站系统为例,研究了分层分级的服务部署、分类故障诊断、故障模型配置、基于构件的软件实现等关键技术。  相似文献   

结合在轨飞行数据,采用PMV-PPD模型对载人飞船密封舱热舒适性进行了评估,基于在轨飞行数据计算了载人飞船PMV值,分析了密封舱空气温度、湿度以及舱内壁温度对热舒适性的影响。同时针对目前载人飞船实际情况,提出了通过提高舱壁辐射温度改善密封舱热舒适性的方法,可为后续的载人航天器特别是载人飞船密封舱在热控设计中提高热舒适性提供参考。  相似文献   

载人多旋翼飞行器具有结构尺寸大、载荷需求大、可选用的旋翼大小不等且数目不定的特点,快速确定此类飞行器的动力单元具有较强的工程实用性。以设计一款单人多旋翼飞行器为例,搜集品牌官网推荐的百余组匹配方案数据,采用穷举法计算并获得九组性能参数之间的关系;在此基础上,建立旋翼及等效电路模型,针对 22 款优选电机的最大工作电压,采用优化法计算可匹配的最大旋翼尺寸及需用旋翼个数。结果表明:优化选型所得方案更精准高效,该方法可用于快速获得大质量效率、高续航、低成本的动力单元方案。  相似文献   

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