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Relative positioning of multiple moving platforms using GPS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To obtain subdecimeter level accuracy in relative kinematic positioning, the use of double differenced GPS carrier phase measurement with carrier phase ambiguities fixed to their correct integer values must be adopted. If multiple platforms are available in the configuration, the redundancy provided by the multiplicity of platforms can speed up the time to integer ambiguity fixing while at the same time improve the reliability of the solution. An approach to effectively construct ambiguity constraints through the multiplicity of platforms is presented herein. The use of these ambiguity constraints to position multiple moving platforms with respect to each other is then discussed. A series of simulations and field tests are designed and conducted to investigate the effects of different system parameters on this approach, with a configuration of up to 10 moving platforms. The test results show that the use of ambiguity constraints can improve the time to integer ambiguity fixing by up to 67%, relative to the case when no constraints are used. In addition, the use of ambiguity constraints is found to enhance the ability of the multiple platform system to detect wrong ambiguity fixes.  相似文献   

Land use conflicts are the typical example of spatial conflicts. They are intrinsically complex and require a comprehensive approach to their solutions. It is necessary to come to grips with the nature of their complexity to provide adequate support to deal with them. Development of land management plans through the participation of stakeholders is being appreciated and accepted as a requirement for sustainable land use. However, the involvement of stakeholders (participatory approach) gives rise to many questions. Who are the stakeholders? How to identify them? How to empower them? How to lead them through the process of negotiation? How to collate their interests to resolve the conflicts? How to facilitate this process? etc. This is an endeavour to answer the questions relevant to the support and facility that can be provided for conflict resolution by using the suitable techniques and technology. This paper introduces the concept of GIS-based collaborative decision-making and presents a general model that is developed on the basis of decision theory to support the process of conflict resolution in the context of sustainable land use.  相似文献   

党内民主选举制度是党内民主建设的核心内容。发展党内民主最重要的是实现党内选举的科学化、民主化。党内选举制度的改革和完善,可以无情地斩断人身依附关系,彻底根治用人制度上的歪风,克服干部问题上的“近亲繁殖”弊病。完善党内选举制度需要健全和完善候选人提名方式,逐步扩大直接选举和差额选举,选举代表必须充分体现选举人的意志。其核心是把公平竞争引入党内选举,使党焕发青春和活力。  相似文献   

在模型预测控制中,大量的计算会产生动作延迟,并且离散化方法的不准确性也会将误差引入系统,当采样时间较长时上述两种情况会导致系统性能恶化。为解决该问题,可采用双线性变换法获得更为精确的电机离散时间模型,该离散方法可保证系统有更优的稳定性。再通过引入延时补偿来解决预测电流时由于计算导致的动作延迟,从而减小电流纹波。基于此搭建仿真模型并进行试验研究,仿真与试验证明该预测系统具有动态跟踪特性好、电流纹波小和抗负载扰动强等优点。  相似文献   

本文试图说明在喷气发动机上或燃气轮机的进气道内建立聚氧滞氮的流场,增加燃烧室氧的浓度,组织富氧燃烧.提高涡轮前的温度和整机热效率.加大喷气发动机的推力,降低航空煤油耗量,减少喷气尾气对大气的污染.对各种可能的聚氧滞氮的方案进行了初步探索.  相似文献   

AutoCAD是机械设计人员最常用的绘图工具,功能非常强大,但常因缺乏常用结构图形库而影响绘图效率,为此,论文提出在AutoCAD环境下采用AutoCAD VBA方式对机械图形中的常用结构进行参数化设计的解决方案.由于常用结构的开发方式类似,便以轴类零件中键槽结构的主视图和剖面图为例,讲述了Access数据库的构建方法、利用ADO方式来开发数据库的过程和编程实现最终图形的过程.  相似文献   

为了给保险公司承保提供参考,在了解纺织企业生产工艺的基础上,对企业潜在风险进行了识别与分析。建立了纺织企业风险综合评价指标体系层次模型,应用模糊综合评价方法对其进行了风险综合评价。根据定量化的风险值,保险公司可做出调整保险费率、标准投保、拒绝投保等科学决策,企业可采取有效风险控制措施。有助于稳定保险公司经营,促进财产险健康发展,同时也是降低承保风险,减少企业事故损失的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

With major emphasis on simulation, a university laboratory telerobotics facility permits problems to be approached by groups of graduate students. Helmet-mounded displays provide realism; the slaving of the display to the human operator's viewpoint gives a sense of `telepresence' that may be useful for prolonged tasks. Using top-down 3-D model control of distant images allows distant images to be reduced to a few parameters to update the model used for display to the human operator in a preview model to circumvent, in part, the communication delay. Also, the model can be used as a format for supervisory control and permit short-term local autonomous operations. Image processing algorithms can be made simpler and faster without trying to construct sensible images from the bottom. Control studies of telerobots lead to preferential manual control modes and, in this university environment, to basic paradigms for human motion and thence, perhaps, to redesign of robotic control, trajectory path planning, and rehabilitation prosthetics. Speculation as to future industrial drives for this telerobotic field suggests efficient roles for government agencies such as NASA  相似文献   

Although not realized at the time, the defeat of the German Air Force in the summer of 1940 was one of the crucial battles of World War II. The narrow margin of victory can be ascribed to Britain's air-warning radar, Chain Home (CH), consisting of the 15-meter CH and the 1.5-meter CHL. The skillful use of this equipment by the Royal Air Force made daylight bombing unsustainable; the Luftwaffe then turned to night attacks, generally called "The Blitz." These were not effective in destroying military and industrial targets and depended on the hope of reducing the population's will to fight. Chain Home was of little use except to observe the attackers arrival, as it had almost no ability to follow the attackers as they proceeded inland. This eventuality was reckoned with before the outbreak of hostilities and had called for radars mounted in night fighters capable of guiding the pilot close enough to the target for him to open fire visually. The electronic techniques used at 1.5-meters were adapted to planes capable of carrying the radar and its operator. But there were three important design constraints: 1) the antennas had to be restricted to sizes that were practical for installation on aircraft, which for meter waves gave them low gain and large side lobes; 2) the set's maximum range was limited by the fighter's altitude as a result of the huge ground returns from the side lobes. British antiaircraft artillery, the stepchild of their arms, was too ineffective to drive the bombers to extreme altitudes; and 3) a minimum range had to be held until the flier could see his target, which strained the pulse techniques of the time.  相似文献   

资金拆入是指商业银行因资金周转需要而在金融机构之间借入资金的行为,是商业银行的一项常规性业务,拆入资金业务内部控制是我国商业银行内部控制体系中的一个重要组成部分。拆入资金业务内部控制体系可以为我国商业银行加强拆入资金业务管理、提高拆入资金业务的运作效率提供可靠的理论借鉴。我国商业银行拆入资金业务内部控制体系的设计必须密切联系我国商业银行拆入资金业务的运作实践。因子分析可以为理论模型提供现实性检验,从而展现我国商业银行拆入资金业务内部控制的现实性微观机理。  相似文献   

空舰导弹获取舰艇编队形状能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用舰艇编队形状(SSF)的预定目标选择方法(简称SSF方法)比传统方法具有更好的预定目标选择能力.为了检验SSF方法的适用性,研究了空舰导弹(ASM)获取SSF的能力.首先推导了末制导雷达(TGR)最小方位角搜索范围模型.据此模型可在给定发射距离下计算合适的末制导雷达方位角搜索范围,此方位角搜索范围既能保证编队录取概...  相似文献   

中国体育现代化就是"一个服务,一个实现",体育现代化是人们生活方式改变的必然产物。通过对体育现代化的时代意义,面临的考验的研究,得出结论:转变政府职能,增强政府部门的服务功能;建立、健全我国体育赛事法律体系;以时代特征为前提,找准定位、满足需求;加快城乡一体化步伐,推进农村体育赛事的建设;加大自主创新的力度,坚持科学发展观;建立传统文化与舶来文化的交流平台。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology to extend the guidance functionalities of Commercial Off-The-Shelf autopilots currently available for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Providing that most autopilots only support elemental waypoint-based guidance, this technique allows the aircraft to follow leg-based flight plans without needing to modify the internal control algorithms of the autopilot. It is discussed how to provide Direct to Fix, Track to Fix and Hold to Fix path terminators (along with Fly-Over and Fly-By waypoints) to basic autopilots able to natively execute only a limited set of legs. Preliminary results show the feasibility of the proposal with flight simulations that used a flexible and reconfigurable UAS architecture specifically designed to avoid dependencies with a single or particular autopilot solution.  相似文献   

Acceptance of Einstein's second postulate, combined with the Principle of Equivalence, requires the introduction of space-time curvature in the presence of massive objects. In this paper, it has been demonstrated that the radiation continuum model (RCM) of light results in a modification to Newton's static gravitational potential. Applying this modified potential to the case of Mercury's anomalous perihelion advance accounts for the entire 43" per century, and provides a form equivalent to that of GRT. Thus, this model will work equally well for any system to which it is applied, all without resorting to the space-time curvature of GRT. The same potential, applied to the problem of a solar grazing photon, gives a solution identical in form and content to that of GRT as well. Such results lead to the conclusion that these effects are not attributable to massive objects curving space-time  相似文献   

Vortex breakdown remains a significant and intriguing phenomenon that can have detrimental or beneficial effects, depending on the application. Thus there is a strong need to both better understand the phenomenon and to control it, either to prevent breakdown or to promote it. For the past 50 years, multiple flow control techniques have demonstrated the ability to manipulate the vortex breakdown location over slender delta wings at high angles of attack. An extensive historical review of these diverse control methods, mechanical and pneumatic, steady or periodic, is presented and discussed; however, none of these techniques has clearly demonstrated a superior efficiency or effectiveness in controlling either the vortical flow structure or the vortex breakdown location. Each technique, does, on the other hand, provide a unique approach to the control of the vortex breakdown depending on the desired outcome. There are still major obstacles to overcome before the control of vortex breakdown is implemented in flight. For example, oscillations of the vortex breakdown locations are difficult to quantify and to identify. The often poor effectiveness of control techniques can be in great part attributed to insufficient knowledge of breakdown and in an inability to accurately predict breakdown. When considering the large quantity of studies aimed at vortex breakdown control and their relative success, it is clear that decisive progress in this domain will require further basic investigations to clearly elucidate the physics of the phenomenon and to improve the predictive capability.  相似文献   

Truly optimal weapon system performance is highly dependent on the level of man-machine cockpit integration resulting from the intelligent application of crew station technologies. Future cockpits will incorporate a wide range of enhancements. Heavy application of artificial intelligence techniques can be expected to encompass the entire spectrum of crew station technologies; from data fusion, to optimized display resource management, to real-time onboard maintenance and fault reporting, and even to the optimization of pilot physiological needs. Emphasis on exploiting applications of the ultimate human resource, the mind, can be expected through the use of biocybernetics; initially to control previously manual and/or automated cockpit functions, and eventually to allow bidirectional communications. Future enhancements can also be expected to improve aircrew performance by allowing the pilot to take full advantage of aircraft maneuvering capability, and to operate effectively in hostile chemical, biological and radiological environments. New high resolution, full color, three dimensional crew station display devices will complement enlarged sensor suites and enhance aircrew situational awareness. Does the pilot really need to see the outside world to fly and fight effectively? Or, can panoramic display techniques, in an encapsulated environment, coupled with 4? steradian sensor coverage, increase performance? This paper strives to illustrate some ``no holds barred' approaches to making future fighter cockpits an ``in-tune' extension of the operator, based on current and projected tactical needs.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional cross-correlation techniques are applied to the problem of image registration under the assumption of small geometric distortion. Optimum filter functions for use with arbitrary window functions are derived for two performance measures of interest: peak-to-sidelobe ratio, and mean- square registration error; the latter is examined in terms of the contribution due to distortion and the contribution due to noise. A generalized Lagrange multiplier approach is used to derive at least approximate ate solutions to the case where the images are modeled as random processes and to the case where the images are assumed to be deterministic.  相似文献   

吴蔚  方振平 《航空学报》2002,23(3):231-233
 由伺服作动器速率限制引起的 PIO被称为 型 PIO。采用描述函数方法分析了带有速率限制环节的某机人机系统特性,分析表明,当速率限制发生后,在 Nichols图上,系统幅相特性将出现突跃现象,相位滞后增加、幅值减小,此时系统可能出现极限环振荡,即 PIO。用突跃点的频率及其响应的幅值和相角来预测 型PIO,在飞控系统中引入了软件限制环节来减弱速率限制的不利影响。  相似文献   

Review of aerospace engineering cost modelling: The genetic causal approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary intention of this paper is to review the current state of the art in engineering cost modelling as applied to aerospace. This is a topic of current interest and in addressing the literature, the presented work also sets out some of the recognised definitions of cost that relate to the engineering domain. The paper does not attempt to address the higher-level financial sector but rather focuses on the costing issues directly relevant to the engineering process, primarily those of design and manufacture. This is of more contemporary interest as there is now a shift towards the analysis of the influence of cost, as defined in more engineering related terms; in an attempt to link into integrated product and process development (IPPD) within a concurrent engineering environment. Consequently, the cost definitions are reviewed in the context of the nature of cost as applicable to the engineering process stages: from bidding through to design, to manufacture, to procurement and ultimately, to operation. The linkage and integration of design and manufacture is addressed in some detail. This leads naturally to the concept of engineers influencing and controlling cost within their own domain rather than trusting this to financers who have little control over the cause of cost. In terms of influence, the engineer creates the potential for cost and in a concurrent environment this requires models that integrate cost into the decision making process.  相似文献   

知识共享是知识管理的核心,实现设计知识的共享是航空发动机设计知识管理成功实施的关键。在发动机设计组织推行知识共享,有利于提升组织学习能力,增加组织知识资本总量,丰富知识资本结构,提高组织的应变和创新能力,从而提高组织的发动机设计能力。本文提出了航空发动机设计知识管理的流程,重点探讨了知识共享的相关问题,包括知识的转化和转移过程、知识共享的障碍所在、知识共享的实施策略以及知识共享关键技术。   相似文献   

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