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Analysis of a spacecraft life support system for a Mars mission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report summarizes a trade study conducted as part of the Fall 2002 semester Spacecraft Life Support System Design course (ASEN 5116) in the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department at the University of Colorado. It presents an analysis of current life support system technologies and a preliminary design of an integrated system for supporting humans during transit to and on the surface of the planet Mars. This effort was based on the NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for the human exploration of Mars [NASA Design Reference Mission (DRM) for Mars, Addendum 3.0, from the world wide web: http://exploration.jsc.nasa.gov/marsref/contents.html.]. The integrated design was broken into four subsystems: Water Management, Atmosphere Management, Waste Processing, and Food Supply. The process started with the derivation of top-level requirements from the DRM. Additional system and subsystem level assumptions were added where clarification was needed. Candidate technologies were identified and characterized based on performance factors. Trade studies were then conducted for each subsystem. The resulting technologies were integrated into an overall design solution using mass flow relationships. The system level trade study yielded two different configurations--one for the transit to Mars and another for the surface habitat, which included in situ resource utilization. Equivalent System Mass analyses were used to compare each design against an open-loop (non-regenerable) baseline system.  相似文献   

A developed method of determination of orbital parameters allows one to estimate, along with orbit elements, some additional parameters that characterize solar radiation pressure and perturbing accelerations due to unloadings of reactiion wheels. A parameterized model of perturbing action of solar radiation pressure on the spacecraft motion is described (this model takes into account the shape, reflecting properties of surfaces, and spacecraft attitude). Some orbit determination results are presented obtained by the joint processing of radio measurements of slant range and Doppler, laser range measurements used to calibrate the radio measurements, optical observations of right ascension and declination, and telemetry data on spacecraft thrusters’ firings during an unloading of reaction wheels.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experiment which examined the effects of isolation and confinement during a simulation of a short-term space mission. During the 7-day spaceflight simulation, four Canadian astronauts were tested daily on a 30-min performance task. The task, CAMS (Cabin Air Management System), represents a computer-based simulation of a generic life support system. As a multiple-task environment, it allows the measurement of a wide range of task management variables such as primary and secondary task performance, and system control activities. Measures of subjective state variables were also taken. The results did not show any evidence of serious performance decrements for any crew member. The analysis revealed different adjustment patterns with which crew members responded as a function of mission duration and variations in workload. Among the secondary tasks employed, prospective memory was found to be more sensitive than reaction time to increases in workload. The paper concludes with a discussion of the utility of spaceflight simulations and computer-based simulations of space work.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the construction of physical/chemical life support systems of orbiting space station Mir and the Russian segment of the international space station (ISS). Based on experience gained in development and long-term operation of systems for water recovery and air revitalization balance and energy/mass characteristics of promising life support systems (LSS) are analyzed. Physical/chemical life support systems with regenerative systems updated as a result of the operation on the ISS may be used at an initial phase of manned interplanetary missions.  相似文献   

通过导弹/发动机一体化设计的计算,验证了SPATR发动机在先进火力支援系统(AFSS-Advanced Fire Support System)中的可用性.利用飞航导弹/涡扇发动机一体化设计思路,建立了AFSS/SPATR发动机一体化设计的约束分析和任务分析模型,并给出了算例和分析.简述了AFSS任务剖面和约束条件的给...  相似文献   

研究一种超声波传播方向平行于液体流动方向的流量管和以此为基础的超声流量仪。针对流量系统的新型流量管结构推导两种流量算法并进行误差分析,其中一种算法可以减小由声速变化引起的误差,从而提高系统的测量稳定性,也为流量管的改进方向提供了思路。使用测显比曲线修正管道中流体流速分布不均匀的影响以提升测量准确性,试验证明,在测量范围内,系统测量的平均示值误差不超过0.2%。  相似文献   

SciBox is a new technology for planning and commanding science operations for Earth-orbital and planetary space missions. It has been incrementally developed since 2001 and demonstrated on several spaceflight projects. The technology has matured to the point that it is now being used to plan and command all orbital science operations for the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission to Mercury. SciBox encompasses the derivation of observing sequences from science objectives, the scheduling of those sequences, the generation of spacecraft and instrument commands, and the validation of those commands prior to uploading to the spacecraft. Although the process is automated, science and observing requirements are incorporated at each step by a series of rules and parameters to optimize observing opportunities, which are tested and validated through simulation and review. Except for limited special operations and tests, there is no manual scheduling of observations or construction of command sequences. SciBox reduces the lead time for operations planning by shortening the time-consuming coordination process, reduces cost by automating the labor-intensive processes of human-in-the-loop adjudication of observing priorities, reduces operations risk by systematically checking constraints, and maximizes science return by fully evaluating the trade space of observing opportunities to meet MESSENGER science priorities within spacecraft recorder, downlink, scheduling, and orbital-geometry constraints.  相似文献   

针对当前空间电子侦察、空间对抗的严峻形势,提出对地面军事电磁信息的天际防护系统。即针对有大量侦察卫星对地面防御系统所有电磁辐射信号进行侦收的现实,采取有效的反侦察措施,以适应太空作战制信息权任务的需求。明确了天际防护系统的作战使命以及应具备的主要功能,给出了系统的简要组成框图,具体分析了对地面电磁辐射信息的天际防护的相关问题,也提出了防护星组的布局问题等。最后,归纳了天际防护系统所应该专门研究的几个主要问题。  相似文献   

载人航天器地面试验验证体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在载人航天器的研制过程中,地面试验验证是保证产品在实际应用环境中正常运行、满足任务要求的主要手段之一。文章在对载人航天器试验技术与方法调研的基础上,系统总结了载人航天器试验覆盖性分析和验证的成功经验,提出了载人航天器系统级试验规划设计方法,找出了系统试验验证技术的薄弱环节。结合载人航天后续任务的特点,从试验管理、试验覆盖性分析、仿真与试验的协调、新型试验技术、试验基础设施等5个方面提出了载人航天器试验技术发展方向和需重点解决的问题,可为后续载人航天器的研制和试验技术发展提供支持。  相似文献   

A major paradigm shift in space exploration is at hand. While great discipline must be exercised, we can reinstitute the exploration of the Moon and Mars through use of current systems and technology. These early initiatives will require coupling available or growth boosters with evolving upper stages and spacecraft that employ new emerging technologies and subsystems to characterize the resources, topography, gravity and sites for future manned expeditions. We have the opportunity to perform first-rate scientific research while also serving the needs of the unfolding Space Exploration Initiative. These early programs can be pursued within limited budgets if management techniques, best described as “fast track”, are applied. Examples of such efforts that met all federal regulations, yet achieved significant returns in 1- to 2-year spans, are given.  相似文献   

无人机任务规划系统研究及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡中华  赵敏 《航天电子对抗》2009,25(4):49-51,54
无人机任务规划系统是指根据所要完成的任务、无人机的数量及任务载荷的不同,对各架无人机进行任务分配并通过航路规划技术制定飞行路线。首先介绍了无人机任务规划系统的基本功能及组成结构。然后,详细分析了任务规划系统的建模技术及其优化算法的研究现状。最后指出了讨论了无人机任务规划存在的问题,并阐述了无人机任务规划系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The first Korean multi-mission geostationary Earth orbit satellite, Communications, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) was launched by an Ariane 5 launch vehicle in June 26, 2010. The COMS satellite has three payloads including Ka-band communications, Geostationary Ocean Color Imager, and Meteorological Imager. Although the COMS spacecraft bus is based on the Astrium Eurostar 3000 series, it has only one solar array to the south panel because all of the imaging sensors are located on the north panel. In order to maintain the spacecraft attitude with 5 wheels and 7 thrusters, COMS should perform twice a day wheel off-loading thruster firing operations, which affect on the satellite orbit. COMS flight dynamics system provides the general on-station functions such as orbit determination, orbit prediction, event prediction, station-keeping maneuver planning, station-relocation maneuver planning, and fuel accounting. All orbit related functions in flight dynamics system consider the orbital perturbations due to wheel off-loading operations. There are some specific flight dynamics functions to operate the spacecraft bus such as wheel off-loading management, oscillator updating management, and on-station attitude reacquisition management. In this paper, the design and implementation of the COMS flight dynamics system is presented. An object oriented analysis and design methodology is applied to the flight dynamics system design. Programming language C# within Microsoft .NET framework is used for the implementation of COMS flight dynamics system on Windows based personal computer.  相似文献   

Aerobraking has previously been used to reduce the propellant required to deliver an orbiter to its desired final orbit. In principle, aerobraking should be possible around any target planet or moon having sufficient atmosphere to permit atmospheric drag to provide a portion of the mission ΔV, in lieu of supplying all of the required ΔV propulsively. The spacecraft is flown through the upper atmosphere of the target using multiple passes, ensuring that the dynamic pressure and thermal loads remain within the spacecraft's design parameters. NASA has successfully conducted aerobraking operations four times, once at Venus and three times at Mars. While aerobraking reduces the fuel required, it does so at the expense of time (typically 3–6 months), continuous Deep Space Network (DSN) coverage, and a large ground staff. These factors can result in aerobraking being a very expensive operational phase of the mission. However, aerobraking has matured to the point that much of the daily operation could potentially be performed autonomously onboard the spacecraft, thereby reducing the required ground support and attendant aerobraking related costs. To facilitate a lower-risk transition from ground processing to an autonomous capability, the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) has assembled a team of experts in aerobraking and interplanetary guidance and control to develop a high-fidelity, flight-like simulation. This simulation will be used to demonstrate the overall feasibility while exploring the potential for staff and DSN coverage reductions that autonomous aerobraking might provide. This paper reviews the various elements of autonomous aerobraking and presents an overview of the various models and algorithms that must be transformed from the current ground processing methodology to a flight-like environment. Additionally the high-fidelity flight software test bed, being developed from models used in a recent interplanetary mission, will be summarized.  相似文献   

文章根据大型密封舱总装过程中垂直进舱的实际需求,结合航天器大型密封舱的结构和布局特点,介绍了进舱吊篮、分段式组合梯和电机驱动3种垂直进舱工装方案。在比较这3种方案优缺点的基础上,又从舱外总装平台特点、对密封舱舱体的影响、总装环境适应性和垂直进舱方案安全性等进行了分析。本进舱工装方案可为未来航天器大型密封舱垂直进舱工装的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

卫星星座地面供配电测试系统研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星地面供配电测试系统是卫星综合测试系统中的重要分系统之一。文章介绍了一套自行开发研制的卫星星座模式下的地面供配电测试系统,该系统主要由地面电源、PLC通用供配电测试设备、工业控制计算机、卫星等效器、DC/DC主备份切换测试设备等构成;其中通用供配电测试设备采用了组态技术,基于PROFIBUS、PLC、STEP 7和WinCC等进行开发,实现了实时显示、控制输出、报警记录、数据归档、冗余备份等功能,可靠性和可扩展性程度高,为设备的模块化、通用化和系列化提供了一个有效的途径,满足了卫星星座综合测试的需要。  相似文献   

Literary and experimental data on the character of changes in immune organs and lymphoid tissue of respiratory system and digestive system in laboratory animals during the mission factors model area given. Inhibition of reproductive function in bone marrow, thymus and spleen under irradiation of gamma-rays and accelerated carbon ions, tensity of immune response in the lymphoid structures of larynx, trachea and bronchi under the influence of acetaldehyde vapors and decrease of lymphoid tissue square on histological series in spleen and small intestine with an increase of concentration of microbial bodies in the drinking water were estimated.  相似文献   

地球同步轨道卫星多阶段任务可靠性建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析地球同步轨道卫星首次变轨任务剖面的基础上,以模块化的思路进行卫星多阶段任务系统(phased-mission systems,PMS)建模,采用基于二元决策图(binary decision diagram,BDD)的静态多阶段任务可靠性分析方法和基于马尔可夫模型的动态多阶段任务分析方法来计算地球同步轨道卫星转移轨道段首次变轨的可靠性。经与传统非任务剖面可靠性分析方法的计算结果比对可知,基于任务剖面的可靠性建模分析方法可得到较为真实和精细的结果,有助于卫星的轻量化设计和研制效益提高。  相似文献   

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