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In manned space flights the renal function and water-salt metabolism undergo substantial changes. With the reserve capabilities of kidneys in mind, their function and regulation of the water-salt balance were investigated in cosmonauts postflight and in Earth-bound simulation experiments with the aid of water loading, hormonal injections (pituitrin, engiotensin, DOCA, ACTH); water- and ion-release were also studied during LBNP and physical exercises. The cosmonauts who performed space flights of 2 to 5 days showed water retention and increased urine excretion of salts during the first postflight days in response to a water load. After the 18-day flight water excretion remained unchanged whereas salt excretion increased. The capacity for osmotic concentration and urine dilution did not alter. The study of the hormonal effect in simulation experiments of different duration demonstrated a normal renal response to the hormonal excretion. After the LBNP tests and physical exercises the water- and salt-excretion declined; a correlation between the level of water- and salt-excretion and the level of these loads was established. The data on the blood- and urine-ionic composition, excretion of nitrogen metabolites, and hormones postflight as well as the results of load and functional tests suggest that changes in the renal function of cosmonauts in weightlessness are associated with regulatory effects on the kidney rather than disturbances in the function of nephron cells.  相似文献   

Adaptation to the weightless state and readaptation after space flight to the 1-G environment on the ground are accompanied by various transitory symptoms of vestibular instability, kinetosis, and illusory sensations. Aside from the problem of how to treat and if possible prevent such symptoms, they offer a clue to a better understanding of normal vestibular functions. Weightlessness is a powerful new "tool" of vestibular research. Graybiel reported as early as 1952 that human subjects observed the illusion that a real target and the visual afterimage seemed to raise in the visual field during centrifugation when the subjects were looking toward the axis of rotation (oculogravic illusion). In aircraft parabolic-flight weightlessness, human subjects observed that fixed real targets appeared to have moved downward while visual afterimages appeared to have moved upward (oculoagravic illusion). It can be shown by electronystagmography as well as by a method employing double afterimages that part of this illusion is caused by eye movements that are triggered by the changing input from the otolith system. Another part of the illusion is based on a change of the subjective horizontal and must be caused by convergence of vestibular and visual impulses "behind" the eyes. This part was measured independently of the first one by using a new method. Eye movements could be prevented during these experiments by optical fixation with the right eye on a target at the end of a 24-in. long tube which was rigidly attached parallel to the longitudinal axis of an aircraft. At the same time the subject tried to line up a shorter tube, which was pivoting around his left eye, with the subjective horizon.  相似文献   

Meshkov D  Rykova M 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):719-726
The nature of the changes of resistance to infection seems to be very important. Our studies indicate that different functions of natural killers could be depressed after the spaceflight. The decrease of the percentage of the lymphocytes that can bind target cells lead to the lowering of the “active” NK level and this can be resulted in the depression of total NK activity and lowering of resistance to viral and tumor antigens. The investigation of natural killer cells in cosmonauts before and after short and long-term spaceflights also revealed the important role of spaceflight duration, stress and individual immune reactivity.  相似文献   

Investigations of the effect of geomagnetic activity factors on the cardiac rhythm regulation and arterial pressure of cosmonauts during the expeditions onboard the Soyuz spacecraft, and the MIR and ISS orbital space stations was carried out for various durations of flight in weightlessness and, under control. Groups of cosmonauts were inspected under flight conditions outside the geomagnetic disturbances and in ground preflight conditions, during disturbances without them. The presence of specific effect of geomagnetic disturbances on the system of vegetative regulation of blood circulation of cosmonauts during the flight was demonstrated for the first time. The response of cosmonauts’ cardiac rhythm on the magnetic storm is definitely revealed; however, it depends on the initial functional background and, in particular, on the state of mechanisms of vegetative regulation (the duration of flight and adaptation to it).  相似文献   

An experimental psycho-physiological method is presented for the evaluation of visual-cognitive performance preconditions and operational reliability of pilots and cosmonauts. As visual-cognitive stress are used tachistoscopically presented instrument symbols under conditions of individual speed of work and time pressure. The results of the compared extreme groups consisting of pilots with good and insufficient flight performance showed that the pilots with impairments to the quality of flight activity differ already before the test in their individual habitual characteristics and actual motivation, during the stress in their operational parameters, in the dimensions of their cardiorespiratory activation as well as in their efficiency and after the stress in their subjective experience of the stress. Conclusions are drawn for the evaluation of the aptitude of pilots and cosmonauts.  相似文献   

The activity of the sympathetic adrenal system in cosmonauts exposed to a stay in space lasting for about half a year has so far been studied only by measuring catecholamine levels in plasma and urine samples taken before space flight and after landing. The device "Plasma 01", specially designed for collecting and processing venous blood from subjects during space flight on board the station Salyut-7 rendered it possible for the first time to collect and freeze samples of blood from cosmonauts in the course of a long-term 237-day space flight. A physician-cosmonaut collected samples of blood and urine from two cosmonauts over the period of days 217-219 of their stay in space. The samples were transported to Earth frozen. As indicators of the sympathetic adrenal system activity, plasma and urine concentrations of epinephrine and norepinephrine as well as urine levels of the catecholamine metabolites metanephrine, normetanephrine, and vanillylmandelic acid were determined before, during and after space flight. On days 217-219 of space flight plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels were slightly increased, yet not substantially different from normal. During stress situations plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine levels usually exhibit a manifold increase. On days 217-219 of space flight norepinephrine and epinephrine levels in urine were comparable with pre-flight values and the levels of their metabolites were even significantly decreased. All the parameters studied, particularly plasma norepinephrine as well as urine norepinephrine, normetanephrine, and vanillylmandelic acid, reached the highest values 8 days after landing. The results obtained suggest that, in the period of days 217-219 of the cosmonauts stay in space in the state of weightlessness, the sympathetic adrenal system is either not activated at all or there is but a slight activation induced by specific activities of the cosmonauts, whereas in the process of re-adaptation after space flight on Earth this system is considerably more markedly activated.  相似文献   

Long-duration spaceflight effects on T-cell immunity and cytokine production were studied in 12 Russian cosmonauts flown onto the International Space Station. Specific assays were performed before launch and after landing and included analysis of peripheral leukocyte distribution, analysis of T-cell phenotype, expression of activation markers, apoptosis, proliferation of T cells in response to a mitogen, concentrations of cytokines in supernatants of cell cultures. Statistically significant increase was observed in leukocytes’, lymphocytes’, monocytes’ and granulocytes’ total number, increase in percentage and absolutely number of CD3+CD4+-cells, CD4+CD45RA+-cells and CD4+CD45RA+/CD4+CD45RО+ ratio, CD4+CD25+Bright regulatory cells (p<0,05) in peripheral blood after landing. T-lymphocytes’ capacity to present CD69 and CD25 on its own surfaces was increased for the majority of crewmembers. Analysis of T-cell response to PHA-stimulation in vitro revealed there were some trends toward reduced proliferation of stimulated T-lymphocytes. There was an apparent post flight decrease in secreted IFN-g for the majority of crewmembers and in most instances there was elevation in secreted IL-10. It revealed depression of IFN-g/IL-10 ratio after flight. Correlation analysis according to Spearman’s rank correlation test established significant positive correlations (p<0.05) between cytokine production and T-cell activation (CD25+, CD38+) and negative correlation (p<0.05) between cytokine production and number of bulk memory CD4+T-cells (CD45RO+). Thus, these results suggest that T-cell dysfunction can be conditioned by cytokine dysbalance and could lead to development of disease after long-duration space flights.  相似文献   

Leisure time activities in space: a survey of astronauts and cosmonauts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Questionnaires were returned from 54 astronauts and cosmonauts which addressed preferences for media and media-generated subjects that could be used to occupy leisure time in space. Ninety-three percent of the respondents had access to records or audio cassettes, and cosmonauts had greater access than astronauts to multiple media. Cosmonauts and long-duration space travelers reported that they missed various media more than their astronaut and short-duration counterparts. Media subjects that related to international events, national events and historical topics were rated as most preferable by all respondents and by several of the respondent groups. The findings are discussed in terms of their relevance for occupying free time during future long-duration manned space missions.  相似文献   

Most of the previously obtained data on cosmonauts' metabolic state concerned certain stages of the postflight period. In this connection, all conclusions, as to metabolism peculiarities during the space flight, were to a large extent probabilistic. The purpose of this work was study of metabolism characteristics in cosmonauts directly during long-term space flights. In the capillary blood samples taken from a finger, by "Reflotron IV" biochemical analyzer, "Boehringer Mannheim" GmbH, Germany, adapted to weightlessness environments, the activity of GOT, GPT, CK, gamma-GT, total and pancreatic amylase, as well as concentration of hemoglobin, glucose, total bilirubin, uric acid, urea, creatinine, total, HDL- and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides had been determined. HDL/LDL-cholesterol ratio also was computed. The crewmembers of 6 main missions to the "Mir" orbital station, a total of 17 cosmonauts, were examined. Biochemical tests were carried out 30-60 days before launch, and in the flights different stages between the 25-th and the 423-rd days of flights. In cosmonauts during space flight had been found tendency to increase, in compare with basal level, GOT, GPT, total amylase activity, glucose and total cholesterol concentration, and tendency to decrease of CK activity, hemoglobin, HDL-cholesterol concentration, and HDL/LDL - cholesterol ratio. Some definite trends in variations of other determined biochemical parameters had not been found. The same trends of mentioned biochemical parameters alterations observed in majority of tested cosmonauts, allows to suppose existence of connection between noted metabolic alterations with influence of space flight conditions upon cosmonaut's body. Variations of other studied blood biochemical parameters depends on, probably, pure individual causes.  相似文献   

The methodological approach to the study of cosmonauts errors is discussed in the paper. Within its framework an error is considered in psychophysiological aspect as consequence of cosmonaut "psychophysiological troubles" caused by combined effect of flight extreme conditions on his/her organism. This approach was used for the investigation of interrelation between cosmonauts errors, their psychophysiological state and work-rest schedule peculiarities. It includes procedures of expert analysis of data received in the course of radio and TV sessions with crew, analysis of timelines as well deviations in "crew-spacecraft" system functioning. These data are accumulated, systematized and processed in data base. Realization of the suggested approach does not require specialized onboard equipment and crew members time expenditure. Some results of inflight data analysis are presented to illustrate its potentials.  相似文献   

This paper will describe the biomedical support aspects of humans in space with respect to the vestibular system. The vestibular system is thought to be the primary sensory system involved in the short-term effects of space motion sickness although there is increasing evidence that many factors play a role in this complex set of symptoms. There is the possibility that an individual's inner sense of orientation may be strongly coupled with the susceptibility to space motion sickness. A variety of suggested countermeasures for space motion sickness will be described. Although there are no known ground-based tests that can predict space motion sickness, the search should go on. The long term effects of the vestibular system in weightlessness are still relatively unknown. Some preliminary data has shown that the otoconia are irregular in size and distribution following extended periods of weightlessness. The ramifications of this data are not yet known and because the data was obtained on lower order animals, definitive studies and results must wait until the space station era when higher primates can be studied for long durations. This leads us to artificial gravity, the last topic of this paper. The vestibular system is intimately tied to this question since it has been shown on Earth that exposure to a slow rotating room causes motion sickness for some period of time before adaptation occurs. If the artificial gravity is intermittent, will this mean that people will get sick every time they experience it? The data from many astronauts returning to Earth indicates that a variety of sensory illusions are present, especially immediately upon return to a 1-g environment. Oscillopsia or apparent motion of the visual surround upon head motion along with inappropriate eye motions for a given head motion, all indicate that there is much to be studied yet about the vestibular and CNS systems reaction to a sudden application of a steady state acceleration field like 1-g. From the above information it is obvious that the vestibular system does have unique requirements when it comes to the biomedical support of space flight. This is not to say that other areas such as cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal, immunological and hematological systems do not have their own unique requirements but that possible solutions to one system can provide continuing problems to another system. For example, artificial gravity might be helpful for long term stabilization of bone demineralization or cardiovascular deconditioning but might introduce a new set of problems in orientation, vestibular conflict and just plain body motion in a rotating space vehicle.  相似文献   

The increased heterogeneity of International Space Station (ISS) crews′ composition (in terms of nationality, profession and gender) together with stressful situations, due to space flight, can have a significant impact on group interaction and cohesion, as well as on communications with Mission Control Center (MCC) and the success of the mission as a whole. Culturally related differences in values, goals, and behavioral norms could influence mutual perception and, thus, cohesive group formation. The purpose of onboard “Interaction-Attitudes” experiment is to study the patterns of small group (space crew) behavior in extended space flight. Onboard studies were performed in the course of ISS Missions 19–30 with participation of twelve Russian crewmembers. Experimental schedule included 3 phases: preflight training and Baseline Data Collection; inflight activities once in two weeks; post-flight measurement. We used Personal Self-Perception and Attitudes (PSPA) software for analyzing subjects′ attitudes toward social environment (crewmembers and MCC). It is based on the semantic differential and the repertory grid technique. To study the content of interpersonal perception we used content-analysis with participation of the experts, independently attributing each construct to the 17 semantic categories, which were described in our previous study. The data obtained demonstrated that the system of values and personal attitudes in the majority of participated cosmonauts remained mostly stable under stress-factors of extended space flight. Content-analysis of the important criteria elaborated by the subjects for evaluation of their social environment, showed that the most valuable personal traits for cosmonauts were those that provided the successful fulfillment of professional activity (motivation, intellectual level, knowledge, and self-discipline) and good social relationships (sociability, friendship, and tolerance), as well. Post-flight study of changes in perceptions, related to Real Self-image, did not reveal significant differences between the images of Russian crew-members and representatives from foreign space agencies. A certain difference in perceptions was found in cosmonauts with more integrated system of evaluations: after space flight they perceived foreign participants as “closer” to their Ideal, while Russian crew-members were perceived mostly as “distant” from Ideal Self of these subjects. Perceptions of people from Earth were also more critical. These differences are likely to be manifestations of interpersonal perception stereotypes. Described patterns of changes in perceptions of cosmonauts, who have performed space flight as a part of ISS multinational crew, allow us to suggest the recommendations for development of ISS crew training, in particular, it seems useful to increase the time of joint training for deepening of intercultural interaction.  相似文献   

Ilyin VK 《Acta Astronautica》2005,56(9-12):839-850
The main feature of the human–microorganism eco-system forming in the environment of manned space vehicles is the periodic accumulation of the potential for pathogenicity. This process is characterized by the activation of opportunistic pathogens, representatives of which grow in large number within the system, settle in various niches, and demonstrate expansion, intruding into microbiocenoses of open biotopes of humans who, until contamination, have been clean of these microorganisms. Clones (similar to hospital strains) arising out of these populations exhibit the ability to spread “epidemically” within isolated teams.  相似文献   

We studied microfluidity and selective ion permeability of plasma membranes and O2-binding properties of erythrocytes of cosmonauts during early rehabilitation after a long-term space flight (LTSF). Microfluidity of plasma membranes in surface regions was found to undergo a reversible decrease during 13–15 days following LTSF, which was accompanied by a reversible increase in relative cholesterol content. Cosmonauts’ erythrocytes revealed an increased activity of Na/H-exchanger and KCa-channel as well as a decrease in number of discocytes and increase in number of echinocytes, stomatocytes and knizocytes. Total hemoglobin content as well as oxyhemoglobin content were lowered after the LTSF, while the affinity of hemoglobin to O2 was advanced. It is suggested that the changes in Hb properties, microfluidity and selective permeability of plasma membranes following the elevated cholesterol content in the membranes can decrease tissue supply with O2.  相似文献   

赵万明 《火箭推进》2006,32(5):51-55,64
针对液氧/煤油发动机地面试车中测量参数类型多,各参数测量原理不同,采集装置各异、校准方法复杂,测量过程出现转速数据波动,低温温度测量精度低,低温压力零位漂移,负推力修正及低频脉动压力参数测量等诸多技术问题进行了深入研究,提出了解决途径、验证方法等。  相似文献   

振动试验夹具边界效应的动力学分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
振动试验夹具的边界效应是影响振动试验模拟精度的主要因素之一。忽略试验件与试验夹具之间的动力学作用,应用振动台的基础激励来模拟实际的振动环境,其结果的有效性依赖于工作状态的振动边界和试验状态的振动边界在多大程度上满足无限大阻抗输入模型假设。文章提出了一种分析夹具边界效应的有效方法,该方法来源于结构动力学分析的子结构方法,将包含夹具在内的试验系统的动力学特性表述为子结构动力学特征参数描述的标准特征值问题,通过特征频率与振型的比较,评价夹具的边界效应。数值模拟展示了分析过程,并验证了该方法的实用性。  相似文献   

Whipple防护屏弹道极限参数试验   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
柳森  李毅 《宇航学报》2004,25(2):205-207,240
在中国空气动力研究与发展中心FD-18A超高速碰撞靶上进行了Whipple防护屏的超高速撞击试验。弹丸为LY12铝球,撞击速度为4.5km/s,撞击角为0°。通过固定弹丸速度、变弹丸直径、寻找弹丸临界直径的办法获得了该Whipple防护屏在试验条件下的弹道极限参数。试验结果表明速度为4.5km/s时的弹丸临界直径为0.35cm,大于用Christiansen方程预测的0.27cm。  相似文献   

Waltham D 《Astrobiology》2004,4(4):460-468
This paper investigates whether anthropic selection explains the unusually large size of our Moon. It is shown that obliquity stability of the Earth is possible across a wide range of different starting conditions for the Earth-Moon system. However, the lunar mass and angular momentum from the actual Earth-Moon system are remarkable in that they very nearly produce an unstable obliquity. This may be because the particular properties of our Earth-Moon system simultaneously allow a stable obliquity and a slow rotation rate. A slow rotation rate may have been anthropically selected because it minimizes the equator-pole temperature difference, thus minimizing climatic fluctuations. The great merit of this idea is that it can be tested using extrasolar planet search programs planned for the near future. If correct, such anthropic selection predicts that most extrasolar planetary systems will have significantly larger perturbation frequencies than our own Solar System.  相似文献   

基于电子回旋共振(ECR)离子源的混合离子加速(CBA)技术,使回旋加速器可以快速地更换所加速离子的种类和能量,从而在单粒子效应敏感度评估以及探测器标定等方面发挥更大的作用。文章比较详细地阐述了混合离子加速技术原理及其在单粒子效应试验研究中的应用,并指出荷质比(q/A)的分辨率是精确引出所需离子的关键;增加引出圈数,可以提高不同离子间的相位差;改进ECR的注入措施,可以缩短更换离子种类的时间。  相似文献   

文章针对热声疲劳测试中的传热问题提出了一种基于控制框图的新型建模分析方法,并用此方法分析了高温行波管内的多物理场耦合问题,同时针对模型的可靠性进行了试验和高精度数值仿真计算验证。研究表明,该方法可以针对多种工况快速有效地分析和仿真行波管内测试段的动态传热过程,满足工程设计快速预测的需求。  相似文献   

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