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Upon the last joint Soviet-French mission on the MIR Space Station, on December 1988, an experiment devoted to the collection and detection of cosmic dust and space debris has been deployed in space during 13 months.

A variety of sensors and collecting devices has make possible the study of effects and distribution of cosmic particles after recovery of exposed material. Remnants of particles, suitable for chemical identification are expected to be found within the stacked foil detectors. Discrimination between true cosmic particles and man-made orbital debris is expected.

Some preliminary results are presented here.  相似文献   

We have undertaken a project called STARDUST which is a collaboration with Italian and American investigators. The goals of this program are to study the condensation and coagulation of refractory materials from the vapor and to study the properties of the resulting grains as analogs to cosmic dust particles. To reduce thermal convective currents and to develop valuable experience in designing an experiment for the Gas-Grain Simulation Facility aboard Space Station Freedom we have built and flown a new chamber to study these processes under periods of microgravity available on NASA's KC-135 Research Aircraft. Preliminary results from flights with magnesium and zinc are discussed.  相似文献   

Particulate component of the Mars atmosphere composed by micron-sized products of soil weathering and water ice clouds strongly affects the current climate of the planet. In the absence of a dust storm so-called permanent dust haze with τ  0.2 in the atmosphere of Mars determines its thermal structure. Dust loading varies substantially with the season and geographic location, and only the data of mapping instruments are adequate to characterize it, such as TES/MGS and IRTM/Viking. In spite of vast domain of collected data, no model is now capable to explain all observed spectral features of dust aerosol. Several mineralogical and microphysical models of the atmospheric dust have been proposed but they cannot explain the pronounced systematic differences between the IR data (τ = 0.05–0.2) and measurements from the surface (Viking landers, Pathfinder) which give the typical “clear” optical depth of τ  0.5 from one side, and ground-based observations in the UV–visible range showing much more transparent atmosphere, on the other side. Also the relationship between τ9 and the visible optical depth is not well constrained experimentally so far. Future focused measurements are therefore necessary to study Martian aerosol.  相似文献   

Regoliths are a most important component of solar system bodies. The study of their formation and evolution depends upon measurements from orbiting spacecraft or Earth-based observations, and by the development of models addressing formation and evolution scenarios, physical properties and composition of the constituent materials. For asteroids and comets, recent measurements tend to confirm the idea of extremely low bulk densities. The porosity of the outermost regolith layers should thus reach very high values. Regolith formation and growth partly depends upon gravity and mechanical properties of its constituent particles, which are very poorly documented. Gravitational effects play an important role in the shaping processes of large bodies, while material strength properties are more important for smaller bodies. The understanding of both, aggregation processes of, and of light scattering from, such media, would strongly benefit from experiments led under microgravity, and provide insight into regolith formation processes: much lower collision and aggregation velocities can be achieved in a microgravity environment, leading to the formation of much fluffier aggregates than possible on Earth. ICAPS is a multi-year scientific programme to simulate cosmic and atmospheric particle systems on board the International Space Station. The ICAPS facility will allow to build simulated regolith and thus enable the study of their mechanical and optical properties. Measurements such as tensile strength, electrical and thermal conductivities, compressibility and porosity, will be made, as well as monitoring of collisions into such simulated regolith. The article discusses the ICAPS research plan for regolith studies and the facility current status.  相似文献   

Long-term analysis of data from two radiation detection instruments on the International Space Station (ISS) shows that the docking of the Space Shuttle drops down the measured dose rates in the region of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) by a factor of 1.5–3. Measurements either by the R3DE detector, which is outside the ISS at the EuTEF facility on the Columbus module behind a shielding of less than 0.45 g cm−2, and by the three detectors of the Liulin-5 particle telescope, which is inside the Russian PEARS module in the spherical tissue equivalent phantom behind much heavier shielding demonstrate that effect. Simultaneously the estimated averaged incident energies of the incoming protons rise up from about 30 to 45 MeV. The effect is explained by the additional shielding against the SAA 30–150 MeV protons, provided by the 78 tons Shuttle to the instruments inside and outside of the ISS. An additional reason is the ISS attitude change (performed for the Shuttle docking) leading to decreasing of dose rates in two of Liulin-5 detectors because of the East–West proton fluxes asymmetry in SAA. The Galactic Cosmic Rays dose rates are practically not affected.  相似文献   

In the 21st century, an increasing number of astronauts will visit the International Space Station (ISS) for prolonged times. Therefore it is of utmost importance to provide necessary basic knowledge concerning risks to their health and their ability to work on the station and during extravehicular activities (EVA) in free space. It is the aim of one experiment of the German project TRIPLE-LUX (to be flown on the ISS) to provide an estimation of health risk resulting from exposure of the astronauts to the radiation in space inside the station as well as during extravehicular activities on one hand, and of exposure of astronauts to unavoidable or as yet unknown ISS-environmental genotoxic substances on the other. The project will (i) provide increased knowledge of the biological action of space radiation and enzymatic repair of DNA damage, (ii) uncover cellular mechanisms of synergistic interaction of microgravity and space radiation and (iii) examine the space craft milieu with highly specific biosensors. For these investigations, the bacterial biosensor SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test will be used, combining the SOS-LUX-Test invented at DLR Germany (Patent) with the commercially available LAC-FLUORO-Test. The SOS-LUX-Test comprises genetically modified bacteria transformed with the pBR322-derived plasmid pPLS-1. This plasmid carries the promoterless lux operon of Photobacterium leiognathi as a reporter element under control of the DNA-damage dependent SOS promoter of ColD as sensor element. This system reacts to radiation and other agents that induce DNA damages with a dose dependent measurable emission of bioluminescence of the transformed bacteria. The analogous LAC-FLUORO-Test has been developed for the detection of cellular responses to cytotoxins. It is based on the constitutive expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) mediated by the bacterial protein expression vector pGFPuv (Clontech, Palo Alto, USA). In response to cytotoxic agents, this system reacts with a dose-dependent reduction of GFP-fluorescence. Currently, a fully automated miniaturized hardware system for the bacterial set up, which includes measurements of luminescence and fluorescence or absorption and the image analysis based evaluation is under development. During the first mission of the SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-Test on the ISS, a standardized, DNA-damaging radiation source still to be determined will be used as a genotoxic inducer. A panel of recombinant Salmonella typhimurium strains carrying either the SOS-LUX plasmid or the fluorescence-mediating lac-GFPuv plasmid will be used to determine in parallel on one microplate the genotoxic and the cytotoxic action of the applied radiation in combination with microgravity. Either in addition to or in place of the fluorometric measurements of the cytotoxic agents, photometric measurements will simultaneously monitor cell growth, giving additional data on survival of the cells. The obtained data will be available on line during the TRIPLE-LUX mission time. Though it is the main goal during the TRIPLE-LUX mission to measure the radiation effect in microgravity, the SOS-LUX-LAC-FLUORO-Toxicity-test in principle is also applicable as a biomonitor for the detection and measurement of genotoxic substances in air or in the (recycled) water system on the ISS or on earth in general.  相似文献   

Measurements of the thermal emission from the cometary dust coma can be used to derive the rate of dust production from the nucleus as well as the size distribution of absorbing grains. More than ten short-period comets have now been observed in the infrared over a wide range in heliocentric distance. Dust production rates are derived for these comets based on theoretical models of the thermal emission from small absorbing grains and calculations of dust grain velocities. The mean size and albedo of the dust grains is similar in these comets, with the exception of Comet Crommelin, which seems to have had larger, darker grains.  相似文献   

A low power high reliability impact sensor based on the discharge of a parallel plate capacitor is described. The choice of a surface area of about 1000 cm2 and a penetration thickness of 50 micrometers will provide data on the flux density of cometary dust particles in the 5 micrometers diameter range (10−10g). A high noise immunity promotes excellent reliability under conditions of heavy spacecraft bombardment and high plasma densities in the late stages of the 500 km approach distance. Self-limiting of the event rate compression system also provides flux data at arbitrarily high impact rates. The capacitor sensor will be located on the external face of the outer dust shield of Giotto Spacecraft and it will be a part of the DIDSY experiment.  相似文献   

Two ESA facilities will be available for plant research and other biological experiments on the International Space Station: the Modular Cultivation System (MCS) and BIOLAB. While BIOLAB will be launched with the European "Columbus" Module, MCS will be part of the Early Utilisation Agreement with NASA and integrated in the US Lab. Both facilities use standard Experiment Containers, mounted on two centrifuge rotors providing either microgravity or variable g-levels up to 2xg. Transparent covers allow illumination and observation (also near-infrared) of the internal experiment hardware containing the plant specimen. Standard interface plates provide each container with power and data lines, gas supply (controlled CO2, O2 and water vapour concentration; ethylene removal), and--for MCS only--connectors to water reservoirs. Besides the two concepts of environmental control in both facilities, there is a difference in container size (BIOLAB 0.36 l, height with respect to the g-vector 60 mm; MCS 0.58 l, height 160 mm) and in the degree of automation. The design of BIOLAB and MCS will be complimentary to NASA's Plant Research Unit (volume 20 l, height 380 mm) and should allow continuation of Space research on protoplasts, callus cultures, algae, fungi and seedlings, as earlier flown on Biorack, and new experiments with larger specimens of fungi, mosses and vascular plants.  相似文献   

Reacceleration of cosmic rays produced by galactic sources on the galactic wind termination shock is considered. The problem of the cosmic ray spectrum continuity is investigated. Numeric results are presented and discussed. We found that a smooth spectral transition from the galactic cosmic rays to the cosmic rays reaccelerated at the galactic wind termination shock is difficult to produce, if the maximum energy of accelerated particles is the same throughout the surface of the termination shock. The possible solution of this problem is the non-spherical termination shock with different maximum energies at different places of the shock.  相似文献   

郭丽红 《国际太空》2016,(10):46-53
1998年11月,随着“国际空间站”(ISS)曙光号(Zarya)多功能舱的发射,休斯敦和莫斯科的“国际空间站”飞控人员和工程保障队开始联合行动,实施对“国际空间站”的飞行控制和测控通信支持。此后,“国际空间站”不断发展,参与的国家和组织逐渐增多,其飞行控制和测控通信基础设施也逐渐发展成为分属多个国家和组织、遍布世界各地的地基设施和天基设施组成的系统,支持多种接口协议和标准。本文介绍支持“国际空间站”飞行控制与测控通信的主要地基设施(7个控制中心和2个地面通信网)和天基设施(4个数据中继卫星系统),并在分析“国际空间站”飞行控制与测控通信支持能力现状的基础上,展望其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In March of 2009, the ORGANIC experiment integrated into the European multi-user facility EXPOSE-R, containing experiments dedicated to Astrobiology, was mounted through Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) externally on the International Space Station (ISS). The experiment exposed organic samples of astronomical interest for a duration of 97 weeks (∼22 months) to the space environment. The samples that were returned to Earth in spring 2011, received a total UV radiation dose during their exposure including direct solar irradiation of >2500 h, exceeding the limits of laboratory simulations. We report flight sample preparation and pre-flight ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) characterization of the ORGANIC samples, which include 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and three fullerenes. The corresponding time-dependent ground control monitoring experiments for ORGANIC measured over ∼19 months are presented and the results anticipated upon return of the samples are discussed. We present the first UV–Vis spectrum of solid circobiphenyl (C38H16). Further, we present the first published UV–Vis spectra of diphenanthro[9,10-b′,10′-d]thiophene (C28H16S), dinaphtho[8,1,2-abc,2′,1′,8′-klm]coronene (C36H16), tetrabenzo[de,no,st,c′d′]heptacene (C42H22), and dibenzo[jk,a′b′]octacene (C40H22) in solid phase and in solution. The results of the ORGANIC experiment are expected to enhance our knowledge of the evolution and degradation of large carbon-containing molecules in space environments.  相似文献   

The health risks associated with exposure to various components of space radiation are of great concern when planning manned long-term interplanetary missions, such as future missions to Mars. Since it is not possible to measure the radiation environment inside of human organs in deep space, simulations based on radiation transport/interaction codes coupled to phantoms of tissue equivalent materials are used. However, the calculated results depend on the models used in the codes, and it is therefore necessary to verify their validity by comparison with measured data. The goal of this paper is to compare absorbed doses obtained in the MATROSHKA-R experiment performed at the International Space Station (ISS) with simulations performed with the three-dimensional Monte Carlo Particle and Heavy-Ion Transport code System (PHITS). The absorbed dose was measured using passive detectors (packages of thermoluminescent and plastic nuclear track detectors) placed on the surface of the spherical tissue equivalent phantom MATROSHKA-R, which was exposed aboard the ISS in the Service Zvezda Module from December 2005 to September 2006. The data calculated by PHITS assuming an ISS shielding of 3 g/cm2 and 5 g/cm2 aluminum mass thickness were in good agreement with the measurements. Using a simplified geometrical model of the ISS, the influence of variations in altitude and wall mass thickness of the ISS on the calculated absorbed dose was estimated. The uncertainties of the calculated data are also discussed; the relative expanded uncertainty of absorbed dose in phantom was estimated to be 44% at a 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

The method of “the nodes of lesser uncertainty”, which led in the optical study of the zodiacal light to a fair localization of the information, is being adapted to the available thermal observations, especially to IRAS ones.The observations in the ecliptic plane give access to the temperature and, by comparison with optical results, to the albedo of the dust at 1 AU. The heliocentric derivatives are also obtained: the temperature decrease is slower than in a homogeneous cloud, and therefore the albedo is decreasing. If the apparent (optical) slope ν of the heliocentric fall r−ν of the space density is corrected for this change of albedo, the true ν recovers a value close to 1, much more satisfying on theoretical grounds.This localization process allows to derive from the annual oscillations of brightness at the ecliptic poles the inclination and the ascending node of the symmetry plane of the zodiacal dust. After taking into account the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, IRAS data show a full agreement with previous ground-based (Tenerife) and satellite (D2A) results.  相似文献   

对利用蒙特卡罗方法对由银河宇宙射线引起的空间辐射场各成分进行计算的方法进行了调研,对计算模型的建立以及计算过程中通常使用的方差减小技术进行分析,给出了美国的Roesler等人利用FLUKA程序以及加拿大Anid等人利用MCNPX程序计算得到的由银河宇宙射线引起的空间辐射场各量值及其与实验结果的比较,验证了计算方法与计算模型的可靠性。对任意航线空间辐射场剂量分布预评估方法进行分析,给出了由银河宇宙射线引起的空间辐射场的基本特征。  相似文献   

Photochemical modeling and satellite data has been used to investigate the response of ozonosphere to solar proton events (SPEs) of the current (23d) maximum of solar activity. First SPE after the minima of solar activity occurred in November 1997. One of the strongest SPE after this occurred in July 2000. It was assumed in photochemical calculations that the ionization caused by solar protons in the atmosphere produced additional amount of the NOX and HOX compounds. Model runs showed strong ozone depletion in the mesosphere after SPE of 14 July 2000 for both polar regions. Corresponding study of ozone variations measured by HALOE instrument placed on board of UARS gave similar picture as the model calculations for North polar region.  相似文献   

基于ACE飞船的资料,通过时序迭加方法统计分析了最近两个太阳活动极小年时期(2007.0-2009.0和2016.5-2019.0年)的宇宙线计数与太阳风参数的关系.结果表明,宇宙线的计数受太阳风共转流相互作用区的强烈影响,宇宙线计数变化与快慢太阳风流界面的位置密切相关,例如流界面的穿越通常伴随着宇宙线计数的下降.分析表明,第一时段的具有“雪犁”效应的宇宙线计数下降对应于流界面附近的扩散系数急剧下降,而第二时段的非“雪犁”效应的计数下降可能是由穿越流界面后的扩散系数增大引起的.日球层电流片也与宇宙线计数变化存在一定的相关性,宇宙线粒子在日球层电流片附近存在一定程度的堆积.太阳风对宇宙线的作用机制表明,宇宙线的漂移和扩散效应决定了其在1AU附近的分布变化.  相似文献   

An interface between the fully ionized hydrogen plasma of the solar wind (SW) and the partially ionized hydrogen gas flow of the local interstellar medium (LISM) is formed as a region where there is a strong interaction between these two flows. The interface is bounded by the solar wind termination shock (TS) and the LISM bow shock (BS) and is separated on two regions by the heliopause (HP) separating the solar wind and charged component of the LISM (plasma component below). The BS is formed due to the deceleration of the supersonic LISM flow relative to the solar system. Regions of the interface between the TS and HP and between the HP and BS were in literature named as the inner and outer heliosheaths, respectively. An investigation of the structure and physical properties of the heliosheath is at present especially interested due to the fact that Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 have crossed the TS in December 2004 (Burlaga, L.F., Ness, N.F., Acuna, M.Y., et al. Crossing the termination shock into the the heliosheath. Magnetic fields. Science 309, 2027–2029, 2005; Fisk, L.A. Journey into the unknown beyond. Science 309, 2016–2017, 2005; Decker, R.B., Krimigis, S.M., Roelof, E.C., et al. Voyager 1 in the foreshock, termination shock and heliosheath. Science 309, 2020–2024, 2005; Stone, E.C., Cummings, A.C., McDonald, F.B., et al. Voyager 1 explores the termination shock region and the heliosheath beyond. Science 309, 2017–2020, 2005) and in September 2007 (Jokipii, J.R. A shock for Voyager 2. Nature 454, 38–39, 2008; Gurnett, D.A., Kurth, W.S. Intense plasma waves at and near the solar wind termination shock. Nature 454, 78–80, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07023; Wang, L., Lin, R.P., Larson, D.E., Luhmann, J.G. Domination of heliosheath pressure by shock-accelerated pickup ions from observations of neutral atoms. Nature 454, 81–83, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07068.14; Burlaga, L.F., Ness, N.F., Acuna, M.H., et al. Magnetic fields at the solar wind termination shock. Nature 454, 75–77, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07029; Richardson, J.D., Kasper, J.C., Wang, C., et al. Cool heliosheath plasma and deceleration of the upstream solar wind at the termination shock. Nature 454, 63–66, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07024; Stone, E.C., Cummings, A.C., McDonald, F.B., et al. An asymmetric solar wind termination shock. Nature 454, 71–74, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature07022; Decker, R.B., Krimigis, S.M., Roelof, E.C., et al. Mediation of the solar wind termination shock by non-thermal ions. Nature 454, 67–70, 2008. doi: 10.1038/nature 07030), respectively, and entered to the inner heliosheath.  相似文献   

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