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在“神舟号”载人飞船工程实现了中国人往返于天地间的目的之后 ,中国应审慎地选择发展载人航天的目标。文章从中国社会对载人航天的需求出发 ,讨论了以开发利用空间微重力物质环境为目标的空间站和以发展天基航天为目标的天基航天站的外部工程系统的环境条件 ,认为中国在运载火箭、发射和回收场、测控站网方面已有较好基础 ,基本具备条件 ,运人运输器已有“神舟号”载人飞船 ,运物运输器的研制也不困难 ,但在为保障航天员在空间生活、工作的航天员系统方面和为实现载人航天工程功能和显现价值的有效载荷系统方面欠缺较多 ,需要一个研究、试验、培训和开发、演示的发展阶段  相似文献   

深空探测进展与开展我国深空探测的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
□□《中国的航天》白皮书中已提出:“开展以月球探测为主的深空探测的预先研究。”为此,我国应根据航天科技发展的水平,参考各航天国家的空间探测计划,制定本世纪前30年的深空探测计划,其对象以太阳系空间为主,兼顾宇宙空间的观测。 深空探测的总体目标可归纳为:① 探索太阳系和宇宙(包括生命)的起源和演化;② 开发和利用空间资源(空间环境、能源和资源等);③ 发展空间技术,推进科学技术的进步;④ 扩展人类的生存空间;⑤ 为人类社会长期的可持续发展服务。 当前,深空探测是在卫星应用、载人航天与空间站取得重大成就的基…  相似文献   

月球是地球唯一的天然卫星,是距离地球最近的天体,是人类探测与研究程度最高的地外星球,随着空间应用需求的日益加大、载人航天等主要空间技术的不断成熟以及空间军事活动的需要,探测月球必然成为人类走向深空的首选目标,也是人类探测太空并开发利用太空资源的前哨站与中转站。  相似文献   

充分利用空间环境资源 传统意义上的资源是上地、矿藏、水利等.人类进入地球轨道和外层空间后发现,太空的特殊环境和条件也是人类可以利用的重要资源,浩瀚无垠的太空具有高运的位置高真空、高洁净、无污染、微重力、强宇宙粒子射线辐射,是地面所不县备的及其宝贵的资源,这种得天独厚的太空环境对发展空间工业有着远大的潜在开发前景,其中空间微重力环境的开发和利用尤其重要。开发和利用空间环境资源必须有人的参与才行,因此需要发展载人航天。  相似文献   

21世纪美国载人航天发展战略吴国兴(航天医学工程研究所)□□21世纪美国载人航天发展战略由美国航宇局空间飞行办公室和生命科学、微重力科学与应用办公室联合制定。该发展战略明确了美国在21世纪载人航天的目标、任务和具体内容。该发展战略于1996年1月公布...  相似文献   

20世纪,载人航天的成就是人类登上月球、发展航天飞机和建造大型空间站;21世纪,人类太空探索的目标是重返月球和飞向火星。所谓重返月球并不是重复美国阿波罗航天员的登月活动,在月球上停留几个小时或几天,而是将在月球上作长期或永久性停留。要在月球上作长期或永久性停留,就必须建造月球基地。所谓月球基地就是航天员在月面上长期工作和生活的场所,保障航天员在月球恶劣环境中生命安全和身体健康的基本条件。建造月球基地首先要了解月球,特别是月球表面的环境和地形,否则就不可能为月球基地正确选址,也不可能很好完成基地建设和在月球上的…  相似文献   

展望21世纪中国空间技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国发展空间技术的目的是为国民经济建设服务。到下世纪初的目标是逐步建成几个急需的、长期稳定运行的应用卫星系统:通信广播,环境资源勘测,减灾,微重力资源,小卫星等;优先发展卫星的有效载荷技术和公用平台技术,加强卫星应用研究,重视预研和基础技术开发,加深国际交流和合作;中国也将在载人航天和深空探测领域进行探索和研究。  相似文献   

航天飞机首次轨道试飞成功,开辟了美国永久性载人空间飞行的广阔前景。对于下一个主要空间目标,美国有关人员已提出许多建议,其中包括能源卫星和向空间移民,但就载人空间飞行而言,主要方面不外乎下面五项:1.扩大航天飞机的使用;2.在地球低轨道设置永久性载人设施;3.地球同步轨道的出击式载人飞行;4.在地球同步轨道设置永久性载人设施;5.载人月球出击飞行,分有月球基地和无月球基地两种。  相似文献   

神奇的航天育种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
背景航天技术是人类在20世纪发展最迅速的高科技领域之一。作为民用航天的卫星通讯、导航定位、地球资源普查和太空资源开发等领域的商业开发方兴未艾,在带动全球经济发展中起到了重要作用。有这四个领域中,发展最迟、前途最为远大的是太空资源开发。太空资源包括太空能源、月球、火星和小行星的矿产资源、太空环境资源等。太空环境的特点是高远位置、高洁净、高真空、微重力、多种宇宙射线、重粒子和交变磁场等。这个特殊的环境给金属冶炼、合成材料、制药、旅游观光、天文观测和诱变育种创造了理想的条件。中国的航天专家、农业育种专家、遗传专家通过多年的努力,利用太空环境作为诱变因子培育优良农作物品种方面取得了良好的成绩。在10月10日的“世界空间周”学术报告会上,中国宇航学会理事长刘纪原教授的报告非常生动,他以大量的事例和具有说服力的对比照片,阐述了航天育种的神奇。  相似文献   

载人航天是人类在20世纪具有历史意义的重大成就之一。但是这一时期的载人航天活动基本上还处于初级阶段,因为除了美国进行了几次“阿波罗”载人登月飞行以外,其他载人航天活动主要是在近地空间。21世纪人类将深入到太阳系,对太阳系的其它行星和天体进行探测、开发和利用,使空间造福于人类。载人航天活动也将从初级阶段进入成熟阶段。21世纪的载人航天活动将会多种多样、丰富多彩,但其中5项内容最有意义,这就是用无人探测器对太阳系的其它行星和天体进行先驱探测,为以后的载人探测奠定基础;完成国际空间站的在轨组装,然后正式使用;对月球、…  相似文献   

空间站微重力流体实验设备需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对国际空间站和中国科学实验卫星及载人飞行器上开展的微重力流体实验情况进行论述和分析,重点分析了国际空间站(ISS)微重力流体科学实验设备情况.根据中国空间微重力流体物理科学发展需求,结合国际空间站微重力流体科学实验对设备的需求,提出了未来在中国空间站开展微重力流体实验时空间实验设备需要重点考虑和解决的问题,同时提出相关设计建议.   相似文献   

The conversion of solid waste into useful resources in support of long duration manned missions in space presents serious technological challenges. Several technologies, including supercritical water oxidation, microwave powered combustion and fluidized bed incineration, have been tested for the conversion of solid waste. However, none of these technologies are compatible with microgravity or hypogravity operating conditions. In this paper, we present the gradient magnetically assisted fluidized bed (G-MAFB) as a promising operating platform for fluidized bed operations in the space environment. Our experimental and theoretical work has resulted in both the development of a theoretical model based on fundamental principles for the design of the G-MAFB, and also the practical implementation of the G-MAFB in the filtration and destruction of solid biomass waste particles from liquid streams.  相似文献   

The human exploration of space is one of the great voyages of discovery in human history. For over forty years space exploration, human have gotten more profound knowledge about outer space and life phenomena, ranging from understanding and recognizing space to adapting and utilizing space. With these development, space medicine that aimed at studying effect of space environment on human health and ensuring the safety, health and effective working of human in space exploration, will become increasingly improved and matured.The contents of research will develop from the early phenomena observation of the effect of space environment on human physiology and biochemistry, and the effect definition, to the study of the mechanism of changes of cell, molecule, and gene, from the passive adaptation for space environment to taking the initiative countermeasures, in order to ensure the safety, health and effective working of astronauts during space flight.Space practices in the past forty years have confirmed that a variety of physiological and pathological changes have been found for organism exposed to space flight. These changes include cardiovascular dysfunction, bone loss,muscle atrophy, decline of immune function, endocrine function disorder and space motion sickness. In recent years, more attention has been focused on the study of the mechanism of these changes, especially the effects of space environment on cell, molecule and its gene expression. With the demand of China's manned space engineering task and continuous development, a series of studies on medical problem caused by space environment have been carried out.  相似文献   

China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly, and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station (CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas, including:life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics and combustion science, space material science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, earth sciences and application, space physics and space environment, experiments of new space technology. The research facilities, experiment racks, and supporting system planned in CSS have been described, including:multifunctional optical facility, research facility of quantum and optic transmission, and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module, etc. In the next decade, significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved, and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.   相似文献   

Space Research Plan of China's Space Station   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly,and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station(CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas,including:life science and biotechnology,microgravity fluid physics and combustion science,space material science,fundamental physics,space astronomy and astrophysics,earth sciences and application,space physics and space environment,experiments of new space technology.The research facilities,experiment racks,and supporting system planned in CSS have been described,including:multifunctional optical facility,research facility of quantum and optic transmission,and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module,etc.In the next decade,significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved,and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.  相似文献   

This paper reviews data available from U.S. and U.S.S.R. studies on energy metabolism in the microgravity of space flight. Energy utilization and energy availability in space seem to be similar to those on Earth. However, negative nitrogen balances in space in the presence of adequate energy and protein intakes and in-flight exercise, suggest that lean body mass decreases in space. Metabolic studies during simulated (bed rest) and actual microgravity have shown changes in blood glucose, fatty acids, and insulin levels, suggesting that energy metabolism may be altered during flight. Future research should focus on the interactions of lean body mass, diet, and exercise in space and their roles in energy metabolism during space flight.  相似文献   

按现已发射的航天器统计,返回式航天器占1/3强。它们在开发利用空间资源方面起着先锋和带头的作用,为促进载人航天和促进人类的进步作出重大贡献。文章分析了返回技术和返回式航天器发展的三个阶段:初期发展阶段、深入应用阶段、无损和定点返回阶段。并指出,今后相当的一段时期内无损定点着陆返回将会成为主要的发展途径。  相似文献   

近年来,增材制造技术在载人航天工程中的应用迅速发展。对熔融沉积成型技术、激光选区熔化技术、线材电弧增材制造技术、热喷涂增材技术、月壤增材制造技术等用于载人航天工程的增材制造技术及这些技术的应用领域进行了总结。对增材制造技术在在轨制造飞行器替换件、制造大型桁架等难以在地面制造或发射的部件、制造飞行器复杂部件等应用领域进行了总结。提出未来载人航天工程技术的增材制造中应发展适合载人航天工程的材料体系,应研究微重力环境下的增材制造技术,同时未来还应发展相关工艺。  相似文献   

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