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以铰接为主要对象,研究铰接的特点及其在飞机结构设计中的应用.介绍了铰接的原理及假设理想铰接的意义和方法,分别对飞机主起落架、机身中部地板梁、翼身整流罩拉杆设计中采用的典型铰接结构进行了力学模拟简化,分析了铰接对结构之间传力模式转化起到的作用和对结构刚度设计的影响.说明铰接可以使结构部件之间获得较好的柔性连接,避免关键结构承受有害载荷,在飞机结构中应对结构连接进行合理设计,以提高结构效率.  相似文献   

Location layout of aircraft assembly is an important factor affecting product quality.Most of the existing re-searches use the combination of finite element analysis and intelligent algorithm to optimize the location layout,which are limited by numerical simulation accuracy and the selection and improvement of intelligent algorithms.At present,the analysis and decision-making technology based on field data is gradually applied in aircraft manufacturing.Based on the perception data of intelligent...  相似文献   

王聪  陈波 《航空工程进展》2020,11(5):651-656
翼梁类零件作为机翼装配的定位基准零件,如何有效减小其在加工中的变形,提高加工精度是一项重 要工作。提出一种针对翼梁零件在加工过程中出现的平面度翘曲变形现象的控制方法,根据飞机机翼梁类零 件的工艺特点,对生产现场零件的实际变形量进行统计,分析翼梁类零件变形趋势、变形量及主要影响因素;采 用改进加工方案,控制加工变形等方法减少梁类零件变形。结果表明:本文所提方法能够有效提升零件在加工 过程中的平面度值,使梁类零件的变形得到明显改善。  相似文献   

高鑫  李仁政  王斌利  李卫东  赵中刚 《航空学报》2021,42(7):625346-625346
作为飞机结构件重要组成部分,轮廓特征包含大量复杂曲面,且与工艺凸台等干涉物相连接,使得轮廓特征编程需综合考虑复杂曲面及干涉物信息,在自动编程模式下,轮廓特征编程仍严重依赖人工经验,其编程周期占结构件编程周期的40%以上,严重影响了结构件编程效率。针对该问题,提出了一种综合考虑复杂曲面及干涉物信息的轮廓特征加工自动分区方法,基于相邻轮廓面连接边属性及凸边约束原则对轮廓面进行初分区,依据干涉物信息构建虚拟边界,并基于虚拟边界对轮廓面初分区结果进行横向和纵向加工区域划分,通过对划分区域进行合并得到轮廓特征加工分区结果。根据提出的方法开发了飞机结构件轮廓特征加工自动分区系统,经过多项典型飞机结构件测试,该方法稳定可靠,可为轮廓特征加工程序编制提供支撑。  相似文献   

航材作为综合后勤保障(ILS)的物资基础,其科学的预测与合理的配置是有效保障民用飞机安全经济 运行的前提。为了使利益攸关方(制造商、运营商、维修商等)实现共赢,本文针对现有民用飞机航材预测与配 置管理技术进行研究,并探讨其发展趋势。首先,介绍了民用飞机航材预测技术的研究现状;然后,论述了民用 飞机航材配置管理技术的研究现状;最后,在总结现有关于航材预测与配置理论和方法的优势与不足的基础 上,对民用飞机航材预测与配置管理技术的发展进行了趋势分析,为国产民用飞机航材综合管理提供参考,进 而提升民用飞机维修保障体系的完善程度。  相似文献   

王涛  胡殿印  王荣桥 《航空动力学报》2016,31(12):2957-2964
对《航空发动机适航规定》(CCAR33-R2)新增条款CCAR33.64(静承压件)进行解读与分析,结合试验设计法、数值模拟法开展针对航空发动机静承压件适航条款的符合性验证方法和验证流程的研究.提出针对CCAR33.64的符合性验证流程,并以某型航空发动机低压涡轮后机匣的模型为例进行验证.选取机匣的最大工作压力和1.1倍最大工作压力分别作为加载条件进行数值模拟,得出最大等效应力分别为453MPa和534MPa,最大机匣变形分别为0.366mm和0.432mm,不会出现永久变形或机匣破裂的情况,满足适航要求.验证了该流程的适航符合性,为制定航空发动机静承压件适航指南提供参考依据.  相似文献   

当前我国民用飞机缺乏合理、灵活的航材价格计算模型,而合适的航材销售费用分解结构模型可以降低运营成本、增加利润。本文综合多种因素的影响,从不同的维度对航材定价进行研究,阐述民用飞机航材成本费用的构成;从全寿命周期的角度对航材价格影响因素进行分析,构建国产民用飞机全寿命周期不同航材在多种因素影响下的销售费用分解结构模型。结果表明:构建的分解结构模型合理、有效,能够指导国产民用飞机型号航材定价分析,航材销售价格影响因素分析能够结合不同部门维度或工作维度对全寿命周期内的航材成本进行结构分解,实现利润最大化。  相似文献   

In order to enhance the NC programming efficiency and quality of aircraft structural parts (ASPs), an intelligent NC programming pattern driven by process schemes is presented. In this pattern, the NC machining cell is the minimal organizational structure in the technological process, consisting of an operation machining volume cell, and the type and parameters of the machining operation. After the machining cell construction, the final NC program can be easily obtained in a CAD/CAM system by instantiating the machining operation for each machining cell. Accordingly, how to automatically establish the machining cells is a key issue in intelligent NC program- ming. On the basis of the NC machining craft of ASP, the paper aims to make an in-depth research on this issue. Firstly, some new terms about the residual volume and the machinable volume are defined, and then, the technological process is modeled with a process scheme. Secondly, the approach to building the machining cells is introduced, in which real-time complement machining is mainly considered to avoid interference and overcutting. Thirdly, the implementing algorithm is designed and applied to the Intelligent NC Programming System of ASP. Finally, the developed algorithm is validated through two case studies.  相似文献   

In the machining process of aircraft monolithic parts, the initial residual stress redistribution and structural stiffness evolution often lead to unexpected distortions. On the other hand,the stress redistribution and stiffness reduction during the machining process depend on the material removal sequence. The essence of the stress redistribution is releasing the initial elastic strain energy. In the present study, the influence of the material removal sequence on the energy release is studied....  相似文献   

航空发动机新机研制过程中设计更改频繁,导致机加夹具修改工作量大。为提高机加夹具设计对航空发动机零件设计变更的响应速度,基于产品主模型思想,提出了一种工序模型驱动的航空发动机零件机加夹具变型设计方法。通过分析航空发动机零件机加夹具的设计特点,明确航空发动机零件机加夹具结构与机加工序模型装夹特征之间的关联关系,在此基础上构建航空发动机零件机加夹具变型设计主模型;通过设计同构零件装夹特征映射算法,将工序模型与夹具变型设计主模型中的装夹特征自动关联,实现工序模型与夹具变型设计主模型之间的设计参数联动;针对夹具结构中各类元件的资源特性,给出了不同类型夹具元件的变型策略,以提高夹具变型设计中各类元件资源的重用水平。最后,以铣削机匣外型面的夹具为例,验证了本文所提方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies concerning the physico-mechanical properties of adhesive joints and epoxide compound-based coatings after ultrasonic machining are presented. Also considered is a change of adhesive strength and residual stresses in different “metal — polymer” systems.  相似文献   

民用飞机航材支援网络作为主制造商为客户提供航材的必要媒介,合理地搭建该航材支援网络有利于提高主制造商的服务品质和客户运营能力。基于Kriging方法,提出一种定性与定量相结合的民用飞机航材支援网络选址因素权衡方法,对选址因素进行梳理和分类,获取选址定量分析数据需求,并运用所提方法进行民用飞机航材支援网络选址因素权衡,进而对选址因素进行重要度评价;将该方法与层次分析法、响应面法、蒙特卡洛法进行对比分析,以验证其有效性和适用性。结果表明:本文所提方法可有效进行选址因素重要度评价,为民用飞机航材支援网络的搭建奠定基础。  相似文献   

The results of the experimental studies of the vibrostressed state of blades and angular ball bearings in the high-pressure compressor used in a turbofan engine of the NK-8 family are presented.  相似文献   

如何做出合理的、科学的、完善的首批订货计划,为新飞机引进后的运营提供强有力的保障,是每个航材部门、每个计划人员正在或将要面临的一个主要课题。航材部门应该在目前的市场环境下及时抓住机遇、充分利用自身资源,在实践中不断探索、不断总结。做好首批订货计划,在提高航空公司现有的市场竞争力的同时也为航空公司未来的发展增加竞争优势。  相似文献   

柔性零件广泛用于航空、汽车等产品中,在柔性件的装配过程中,装配尺寸质量受零件制造、夹具和连接过程中多种偏差源的耦合影响,分析和控制难度大。提出了一种基于夹具主动定位补偿的装配偏差优化方法。首先,基于柔性件装配的受力变形分析,建立了考虑夹具法向定位误差的装配偏差模型。然后,根据上述模型,以夹具法向定位补偿量为优化变量,提出了夹具法向补偿量的优化模型和求解算法。以金属薄板装配和飞机壁板件装配为例,分别利用实验及有限元仿真分析了有无夹具主动定位补偿下的装配偏差。结果表明,夹具法向定位补偿对于减小柔性件的装配偏差具有显著效果,从而验证该优化算法的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   

赵本勇  宋凯  宁宁  黄华斌  张丽攀 《航空学报》2020,41(1):423111-423111
远场涡流检测技术因检测深度深和检测结果可靠性高等诸多优点适合飞机多层金属铆接构件的快速检测。针对飞机铆接件铆钉孔沿边隐藏裂纹的原位检测,建立了多层金属铆接构件隐藏缺陷平面远场涡流检测有限元模型,对激励线圈内径、磁路结构以及屏蔽阻尼进行了仿真优化,研制了激励线圈和检测线圈均带组合屏蔽结构的传感器,采用激励-检测线圈环绕铆钉旋转扫描的方式,研究多层金属铆接构件铆钉孔沿边隐藏裂纹信号特征。仿真与试验结果表明:罐形磁芯聚磁效果是柱形磁芯的1.85倍,采用铝+铜组合屏蔽罩能够将远场区提前10 mm,检测线圈位于缺陷正上方时,检测信号的幅值和相位存在极大值,且极大值随着缺陷埋深的增加逐渐下降,研究成果可望用于指导飞机多层金属铆接构件的工程检测实践。  相似文献   

Reliable electro-mechanical actuators in aircraft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a general trend in the aerospace industry toward increasing the use of electrically-powered equipment. This trend is usually referred to as "Power-by-Wire" in the "More Electric Aircraft" (MEA) concept and it leads, among others, to the substitution of hydraulic actuators by Electro-Mechanical Actuators (EMA). Its benefits are a decrease in maintenance effort and weight, and an increase in efficiency. However, jamming case obstacles stop the massive use of EMAs in flight-control actuators. The aim herein is to introduce the safety needs of electro-mechanical actuators in aircraft applications, and Its major goal is to present the suitability and reliability of such actuator systems, including electric motors and power converters.  相似文献   

Integrated modular avionics (IMA) is being suggested as the means by which new capabilities can be deployed on aircraft at an affordable cost. RTCA SC-200 is presently considering the guidance document for IMA. All of the functionality that IMA offers can be achieved through a conventional federated architecture; however, the cost, size, and weight penalties of the federated solution make it economically infeasible. IMA is seen as the way forward. It is assuming greater importance as the aircraft industry transitions to commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology with its attendant obsolescence and reliability concerns. IMA may be one of the most cost-effective ways by which rapid obsolescence can be managed. Ironically, this move to COTS is also the greatest threat to IMA systems. IMA achieves reductions in size, cost, and weight by providing a set of flexible hardware and software resources that can be statically or dynamically mapped to a set of required avionics functional capabilities. This introduces a number of new complexities such as mixed criticalities and reconfiguration. We do not address these issues herein. Rather we discuss the mechanisms by which electronics degrades and how a classical safety assessment of a reconfigurable IMA system can be ified by this degradation. We argue that, with the advent of COTS, it is no longer justifiable to consider that electronics has an effectively constant failure rate. Physical considerations suggest that electronics failure occurs when environmental and operating stress causes the accumulation of damage to the underlying structures to exceed the threshold strength of the constituent materials and interfaces. Finally, we suggest how finite-life electronics effects may be mitigated.  相似文献   

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