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The conventional ambiguity function is extended to include the Doppler distortions of the modulation function. The distinctive features of the extension are the use of the complex notation for wideband signals, and inclusion of the Doppler effect on the signal amplitude. The result is an ambiguity function from which Woodward's form can be found by inspection. It is shown that the well-known volume constraint also applies, in unchanged form, to the generalized ambiguity function. For the volume to be constant, it is not required that the distortions of the modulation function be neglected. Rather, the volume constancy is related to the sinusoidal fluctuations of a modulated carrier-type signal and thus is strictly a matter of the percentage bandwidth of the signal.  相似文献   

Average Ambiguity Function for a Randomly Staggered Pulse Sequence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An average ambiguity function for the envel?pe of a randomly stagger-pulsed radar is defined. This function is related to the characteristic function of the pulse occurrence time statistics, and is numerically evaluated for some special cases.  相似文献   

On the Ambiguity Function of Random Binary-Phase-Coded Waveforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ambiguity function of truly random binary-phase-coded waveforms, as an approximation to those waveforms commonly employed in binary-modulated pseudonoise systems/encoded radar systems, is investigated. In a statistical sense, the ambiguity function is analytically derived in which the normally used deterministic cross-correlation process is replaced by its ensemble average. Various Doppler filter responses are presented and discussed. The results are compared with those obtained by transmitting an aperiodic maximum length pseudorandom sequence. It is shown that the ambiguity function of the latter case is closely represented by the ensemble-average response of the truly random binary signal.  相似文献   

Standardization of the Definition of the Radar Ambiguity Function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey of the literature indicates an inconsistency in the definition of the radar ambiguity function. This correspondence suggests a definition consistent with Woodward's intent.  相似文献   

In radar signal design it is well known that a fixed volume under the ambiguity surface representing signal energy can only be shifted but not eliminated in the delay-Doppler plane because of the constraint imposed by Woodward's total volume invariance. Rihaczek has shown that periodic signal repetition, though appealing to increased energy, increases the time-bandwidth product at the expense of introducing pronounced ambiguities in the delay-Doppler plane, and thus self-clutter is generated when signals are repeated in the time domain to increase energy. The undesirable self-clutter has a masking effect on targets in different resolution cells thereby limiting performance. An analysis is presented to show that a class of waveforms described in an earlier paper as the subcomplementary set of sequences which are basically repetitive and Hadamard coded, exhibit the property of cancelling self-clutter completely in the delay-Doppler plane if their ambiguity functions are combined. By this technique it is possible to repeat contiguously a basic waveform N times in a prescribed manner to increase signal energy and to cancel totally the resulting self-clutter by combining the ambiguity functions of N different repetitive waveforms which are Hadamard coded. A convenient matrix method to combine the ambiguity functions of subcomplementary sequences, which is an extension of known methods to derive the ambiguity function of repetitive waveforms, is presented. Radar implementation considerations and comparison of performance with various forms of linear frequency modulation (FM) are also discussed.  相似文献   

A general systematic procedure is described for computing the Fourier transform and the ambiguity function of waveforms that are piecewise polynomial. The procedure can be implemented by hand or programmed for execution by a digital computer. The main advantage of the technique is that integration is replaced by a finite summation. Examples include the computation of characteristic function, moments, and the ambiguity function of an amplitude modulated linear FM signal.  相似文献   

Wideband channel model for aeronautical telemetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A multipath channel model for wideband aeronautical telemetry links is presented. Channel sounding data were collected at Edwards AFB, CA, at both L-band and lower S-band. Frequency domain analysis techniques were used to evaluate candidate channel models. The channel model is composed of three propagation paths: a line-of-sight direct path and two specular reflections. The first specular reflection is characterized by a relative amplitude of 70% to 96% of the line-of-sight amplitude and a delay of 10-80 ns. This path is the result of "ground bounces" off the dry lake bed at Edwards and is a typical terrain feature at DoD test ranges located in the western United States. The amplitude and delay of this path are defined completely by the flight path geometry. The second path has much lower amplitude and a longer delay. The gain of this path is well modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian random variable. The relative amplitude is approximately 2% to 8% of the line-of-sight amplitude. The mean excess delay is 155 ns with an rms delay spread of 74 ns.  相似文献   

The synthesis of radar ambiguity functions is approached using burst-pulse time-frequency waveform coding. Noting that the parameters that define the central response of the ambiguity function for these code classes also define the waveform code, a statistical decision procedure based upon the central response is employed to obtain Bayes-type codes. The selection of the code parameters is subject to restrictions imposed by the noncentral response of the ambiguity function. Three classes of random time-frequency codes are treated: 1) uniform amplitude, uniform pulsewidth matched codes; 2) uniform amplitude, nonuniform pulsewidth matched codes; and 3) uniform amplitude, uniform pulsewidth with receiver amplitude mismatch.  相似文献   

The matched filter ambiguity function is presented for a burst waveform composed of repeated subbursts, each one of which consists of N pulses in which the phase is varied quadratically from pulse to pulse. The resulting ambiguity function exhibits small residual ambiguities along the delay axis separated by the reciprocal of the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). A cross-ambiguity function is derived which reduces these ambiguities to zero amplitude. A third cross-ambiguity function is presented for a receiver matched to a generalized Hamming weighted repeated quadratic burst. The location in the delay/Doppler plane of the waveform ambiguities for these waveforms is compared with that of an uncoded pulse burst.  相似文献   

The implementation of satellite-based Doppler positioning systems frequently requires the recovery of transmitter position from a single pass of Doppler data. The least-squares approach to the problem yieds conjugate solutions on either side of the satellite subtrack. It is important to develop a procedure for choosing the proper solution which is correct in a high percentage of cases. A test for ambiguity resolution which is the most powerful in the sense that it maximizes the probability of a correct decision is derived. When systematic error sources are properly included in the least-squares reduction process to yield an optimal solution the test reduces to choosing the solution which provides the smaller valuation of the least-squares loss function. When systematic error sources are ignored in the least-squares reduction, the most powerful test is a quadratic form compasison with the weighting matrix of the quadratic form obtained by computing the pseudoinverse of a reduced-rank square matrix. A formula for computing the power of the most powerful test is provided. Numerical examples are included in which the power of the test is computed for situations that are relevant to the design of a satellite-aided search and rescue system.  相似文献   

宽带信号近似最大似然方位估计快速算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金勇  黄建国  张立杰 《航空学报》2008,29(5):1264-1268
 针对短采样宽带信号近似最大似然方位估计(AML)计算量大的问题,将马尔可夫蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法与近似最大似然方位估计相结合,提出一种基于完美抽样的近似最大似然方位估计快速算法(PAML)。该算法将AML算法的空间谱函数作为信号的概率分布函数,并利用完美抽样方法从该概率分布函数中抽样。与AML和遗传算法的对比实验研究表明,两目标情况下PAML算法在中低信噪比条件下的估计性能与AML和遗传算法性能相当,而计算量分别是二者的1/24和1/3。随着目标个数的增加,PAML算法的计算量优势将更加明显。  相似文献   

Physical modeling of the Doppler centroid (DC) can be used to predict synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Doppler ambiguity when antenna attitude is controlled or measured precisely enough. It is shown that the same model proves useful even in the cases of higher attitude uncertainty, if it is combined with suitable adaptive techniques. In this paper, Doppler ambiguity resolution is formulated as a hypothesis testing problem over a domain of integer values that are directly related to the attitude uncertainty. A test statistic is derived from the entire SAR scene using data adaptive processing. A broad class of such adaptive algorithms is analyzed in a unified way, starting from the range-azimuth coupling in the frequency domain and multilook techniques. The analysis includes two well-known and two new multilook methods for Doppler ambiguity resolution. A suitable test statistic is proposed for each of these methods and its dependency on the scene spatial correlation is discussed. Experimental results confirm the robustness of the combined scheme.  相似文献   

A technique for suppressing the ambiguities arising in pulsed scanning systems is described. A system of multiple antennas is employed, and a coded sequence of pulses is radiated.  相似文献   

A modification to the adaptive array under the directional constraint [1] is proposed to improve its performance of rejecting wideband interference. By analogy to the pattern synthesis of an antenna array which produces a flat null in its radiation pattern, an additional quantity that corresponds to the derivative of the pattern is generated and combined with the standard feedback quantity to control the weights of the array. This composite system is tested by computer simulation experiments and the following points are demonstrated in contrast to the conventional, simple system: 1) faster adaptation against wideband interference, 2) remarkable improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio of the output, i. e., very small fluctuation.  相似文献   

文中对宽带数据链路中的帧同步技术进行了研究。采用QPSK调制解调时,数据帧中同步字采用两个重复的符号长度为16的恒幅零自相关(CAZAC)复序列,通过检测两个CAZAC同步字来确认系统处于失步或同步状态。分析结果表明,基于本文给出的同步字的数据帧格式在进行帧同步检测时,在引入帧同步校核系数(α=2)和帧同步保护系数(β=8)后,平均同步捕获时间很短;且一旦系统处于同步状态,其发生失步的概率极小。  相似文献   

A first cut at the difficult problem of the identification and removal of ambiguous responses to radar burst waveforms is presented. Assuming that two bursts are used, algorithms for multitarget ambiguity removal after coincidence detection are presented and illustrated by examples. The results may have significant application in ballistic missile defense surveillance radars.  相似文献   

当有4颗以上导航卫星同步观测航天器(卫星、导弹)时,本文提出应用自主定位和自校准技术来自主解算导航卫星载波相位整周模糊度的方法,并以此获取航天器的高精度飞行轨道。  相似文献   

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