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Eurospace 《Space Policy》1995,11(4):227-232
This Viewpoint presents an industrial perspective of the policies needed to support and advance the capabilities and competitiveness of the European space industry. It is argued that Europe needs a coordinated longterm space policy to help create the climate in which industry can invest in and exploit space. Europe must also accelerate the development of advanced technology products and services, improve its competitiveness in applications and commercial markets including launchers, and secure fair and reliable international partnerships in in-orbit infrastructure and manned space activities. To this end European governments are urged to acknowledge the increasing political, economic and military importance of space and their continuing governance of space activities, and to establish mechanisms that promote industrial competitiveness; the development of the commercial sector; autonomy in key technologies; and international partnerships which are fair and affordable.  相似文献   

For more than a decade Kayser-Threde, a medium-sized enterprise of the German space industry, has been involved in astrobiology research in partnership with a variety of scientific institutes from all over Europe. Previous projects include exobiology research platforms in low Earth orbit on retrievable carriers and onboard the Space Station. More recently, exobiology payloads for in situ experimentation on Mars have been studied by Kayser-Threde under ESA contracts, specifically the ExoMars Pasteur Payload. These studies included work on a sample preparation and distribution systems for Martian rock/regolith samples, instrument concepts such as Raman spectroscopy and a Life Marker Chip, advanced microscope systems as well as robotic tools for astrobiology missions. The status of the funded technical studies and major results are presented. The reported industrial work was funded by ESA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).  相似文献   

一种翼身组合体的气动设计及优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
唐伟  桂业伟  张勇  马强 《宇航学报》2007,28(1):198-202
翼身组合体具有较高的升阻比,可进行较大范围的机动,而且还可以提高落点精度、扩大再入走廊、降低热流峰值并降低过载。采用模线设计方法设计横截面控制点,借鉴航天飞机气动力工程计算方法发展了一套可以预估翼身组合体飞行器纵横向气动力的工程计算方法。提出并建立了翼身组合体飞行器的优化设计模型并进行了计算,获得了带后掠下反翼的翼身组合体优化方案。本方案在5°攻角时升阻比可达6.5,并给出了飞行器稳定配平的质心布置条件。在纵向稳定配平时,组合体飞行器在偏航及滚转方向均为静/动稳定的。研究表明,本方案可在较小攻角时获得较大升阻比,并具有纵横向稳定性,是高超声速机动的潜在可行方案。  相似文献   

通过对运载火箭助推分离系统FMEA,得出其关键故障模式。在此基础上,针对分离动力源失效的典型故障模式,根据刚体火箭动力学、运动学理论,建立Adams仿真模型,对四种不同安装位置上的分离动力源失效分别进行仿真,得出分离动力源失效的典型故障模式对火箭分离的影响。  相似文献   

从总体与导航制导控制的视角,对长征三号甲系列运载火箭发展与成就进行了分析和小结。长征三号甲系列运载火箭,在长征三号运载火箭解决我国发射高轨道卫星有无问题的基础上,历经基本能力、适应能力、高适应能力的发展,具备了高轨道大型卫星运载能力,突破了从单一轨道面到三维空间各种轨道发射、从高轨卫星转移轨道到工作轨道发射、从地球轨道到地月轨道发射以及从航天技术试验到高可靠工程应用发射等关键技术,使我国运载火箭整体能力取得了地球全轨道发射、星际轨道发射等跨越发展。航天重大工程和国际商业发射表明,该系列运载火箭已进入世界高轨道航天器发射的运载火箭前列,并奠定了进一步开拓发展的基础。  相似文献   

唐玲  刘卫  刘金生  危清清 《宇航学报》2019,40(5):501-507
对一种抽展式火星车转移坡道开展柔顺性优化设计和动力学分析。首先,分析火星车与存在异面角的坡道的挤压几何原理。然后,设计坡道的间隙机构和限位机构,并计算出机构关键设计参数的最优值,以自适应调整两侧坡道的距离,〖JP2〗减小火星车与坡道护栏之间的相互作用力。最后,对坡道下落过程和火星车在坡道上的行驶过程进行动力学仿真,验证坡道柔顺性优化设计的效果。结果表明:优化后的坡道柔顺性大幅提高,坡道可以自适应调整两侧的距离;使用优化后的坡道,可以有效降低火星车与坡道护栏的作用力,实现火星车在坡道上的安全行驶。  相似文献   

采用Bernoulli螺旋线来描述航向调整圆锥在水平面中的投影,以此为基础建立了可重复使用飞行器在航向调整段的动力学和运动学模型,提出了一种根据末端能量管理段起始点水平面位置和飞行器的能量/航程比动态来生成航向调整圆锥的方法,以及航向调整段和捕获段的制导方法;数字仿真结果表明,本文提出的轨迹设计和制导方法可以使可重复使用飞行器以自动着陆界面要求的速度和高度对准跑道,实现飞行器安全降落。  相似文献   

Are space agencies able to reform the way they are organized? Attempts to reduce the time it takes to conceive new systems and adapt project management while fostering innovation have so far shown mixed results. In this paper, we describe some of the intellectual, strategic and organizational challenges the agencies are about to face in the coming years: managing the ever growing complexity of space systems; defining a knowledge-based strategy as the basis of a renewed organization; and assuming a central role in the innovation process in relation to industry. This thesis is illustrated with a case study of the CNES Microsatellite Myriade program.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to define the major elements of the institutional design process for the Russian rocket and space industry, a process which must take account of the changed economic conditions in the country and provide for the industry's integration into the wider national economy. The article does this by demonstrating the features that need to be understood, highlighting the problems that need to be resolved, and arguing that an institutional design process will have to be based on compromise and accommodation of all the different actors involved. The article deals with a number of particular problems challenging the managers and methodologists of the Russian national space programme of today.  相似文献   

王荣刚  许志  唐硕  贾生伟 《宇航学报》2019,40(6):655-665
以具有终端落角和落速约束的小升阻比短距滑翔高超声速再入打击飞行器为研究对象,通过引入弹道调整段来实现对飞行器的初步大幅度减速,并使其满足中末制导交班条件,以解决飞行器捕获目标后难以直接对其进行定向定速打击的问题。首先设计了一种变角偏差反馈系数的偏置比例制导律,解决了末端攻击段弹道下压困难以及导引头视场稳定跟踪等问题。在此基础上,建立了一种基于攻角和弹道倾角估计的末端减速指令生成方法,有效解决了基于理想速度曲线减速控制方法精度不足的问题。因此,数值仿真结果表明该制导方案能够有效控制飞行器终端落角和落速,并具有较高的制导精度。  相似文献   

针对非合作目标航天器对接与捕获,设计了一种新型的对接机构.根据非合作目标不配合对接过程,且一直处于运动状态的特点,进行了概念设计.采用了自主的、依靠碰撞触发瞬时触发的对接模式.基于对机构动力学建模分析,用Adams解算器完成了对接过程的数学仿真,验证了机构能有效进行对非合作目标的自主捕获,确定了对接机构的正常工作相对速度范围.  相似文献   

弹道式再入飞行器一般为轴对称旋成体,但其质心可以偏离对称轴。我们称通过飞行器质心和对称轴的平面为飞行器的对称面。这种飞行器以配平攻角状态返回时,不仅要求其相对于地球的飞行速度矢量平行于飞行器的对称面、飞行攻角恰等于配平攻角,而且要求其相对于质心的转动角速度矢量垂直于飞行器的对称面,能使飞行器的姿态跟随飞行速度矢量的改变。基于上述考虑,本文给出了这种飞行器以配平攻角状态返回的轨道计算原理及相应的控制要求。  相似文献   

The effects of the amount and type of spatial information on the orientation accuracy and metric properties of mental representations of a large-scale built environment were evaluated in a virtual-real transfer study. Four groups of participants explored different virtual versions of a campus before being tested in the real environment. Learning with or without additional features and with or without a network of pathways led to different patterns of data. Although direction measures and straight-line and route distance estimates were least accurate in the absence of either type of information, the combination of both types of information did not produce more accurate knowledge than either did alone. In particular, the presence of additional features had a facilitating effect only on the direction estimates. The results highlight the respective importance of amount and type of spatial information in the acquisition and use of mental spatial representations.  相似文献   

A flying launcher (airplane carrier) can generate initial errors in position and time of launch. In order to compensate for these errors, one should have two control parameters in addition to those that provide for a spacecraft's injection into a preset orbit. We suggest the concept of controlling the trajectory of injection by choosing thrust values (within allowable regions of control) of second-stage engines or/and of a space booster of the Polyot carrier launcher. As an example, a rendezvous of the spacecraft at the end of its boost phase with the International Space Station (ISS) is considered. The methodology of the suggested approach can be extended to other mobile systems of launch to rendezvous orbits.  相似文献   

Scott Pace 《Space Policy》1988,4(4):307-318
The new US administration faces complex questions on the future role of the USA in space, and tough decisions on how to pay for it. Decisions made now on space transportation will have a strong impact on US space leadership for the next decade. The author discusses the history and current state of space transportation planning, and considers the key issues which will confront the new administration.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2011,68(11-12):1451-1454
In the past SETI has focused on the reception and deciphering of radio signals from potential remote civilizations. It is conceivable that real-time contact and interaction with a social intelligence may occur in the future. A serious look at the development of relationship, and deciphering of communication signals within and between a non-terrestrial, non-primate sentient species is relevant. Since 1985 a resident community of free-ranging Atlantic spotted dolphins has been observed regularly in the Bahamas. Life history, relationships, regular interspecific interactions with bottlenose dolphins, and multi-modal underwater communication signals have been documented. Dolphins display social communication signals modified for water, their body types, and sensory systems. Like anthropologists, human researchers engage in benign observation in the water and interact with these dolphins to develop rapport and trust. Many individual dolphins have been known for over 20 years. Learning the culturally appropriate etiquette has been important in the relationship with this alien society. To engage humans in interaction the dolphins often initiate spontaneous displays, mimicry, imitation, and synchrony. These elements may be emergent/universal features of one intelligent species contacting another for the intention of initiating interaction. This should be a consideration for real-time contact and interaction for future SETI work.  相似文献   

The authors and 50 other students from around the world participated in the International Space University's (ISU) 1996 Summer Session Solar Probe Design Project. The main product of this was a 349-page text on the future of solar exploration and applications entitled Ra: The Sun for Science and Humanity. This article condenses and highlights the policy directions, organizational initiatives and strategic framework presented in that work. In particular, these include the proposed creation of a working group on international solar exploration and applications to act as a forum for mission planning, and a model for facilitating interagency/international exchanges regarding solar missions.  相似文献   

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