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Single cells and cell culture are very good model for estimation of primary effects of gravitational changes. It is suggested that cell cytoskeleton plays a key role in mechanisms of adaptation to mechanical influences including gravitational ones. Our results demonstrated that cultured cells of human vascular endothelium (correction of endotheliun) are highly sensitive to hypogravity (clinorotation) and respond by significant decrease of cell proliferative activity. Simultaneously it was noted that the formation of confluent monolayer appeared early in cultures exposed to simulated microgravity due to accelerated cells spreading. Long-term hypogravity (several hours or days) leads to significant changes of cell cytoskeleton revealed as microfilament thinning and their redistribution within cell. Such changes were observed only in monolayer cells and not in cell suspensions. Gravitational forces as known to be modificators of cell adhesive ability and determine their mobility. Hypogravity environment stimulated endothelial cell migration in culture: 24-48 hrs pre-exposition to hypogravity significantly increased endothelial cell migration resulting in 2-3-fold acceleration of mechanically injured monolayer repair. Obtained results suggest that the effects of hypogravity on cultured human endothelial cells are, possibly, associated with protein kinase C and/or adenylate cyclase activity and are accompanied by noticeable functional cell changes.  相似文献   

针对航天产品研制特点与需求,提出一种基于企业服务总线的多院所协同研发平台,详细描述了平台的功能。建立了主从式协同机制,实现以总体院为核心的院内、院间协同工作。  相似文献   

综述了碳/石墨泡沫材料技术的进展.介绍了该材料的网状结构和多孔泡沫两种结构及其基本制备流程,给出了其性能特点和基本实验数据,讨论了具潜在可能的应用.分析认为:碳/石墨泡沫材料是一种在军事和航空航天等领域极具应用前景的新材料.  相似文献   

我国载人航天电源系统的技术发展成就及趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
马季军  何小斌  涂浡 《上海航天》2021,38(3):207-218
载人航天电源系统是一个庞大的系统工程,状态复杂、可靠性要求高、技术难度大。本文在阐述我国载人航天电源系统组成和特点的基础上,从电源系统架构、太阳电池翼、储能电池组、并网控制以及在轨维修与更换等方面,详细论述了我国载人航天电源系统的各阶段技术突破和技术引领,并对后续载人月球探测提出展望,梳理了能源系统重点研究方向和关键技术,为未来载人月球探测任务顺利实施奠定技术基础。  相似文献   

宋健 《中国航天》2005,(8):13-16
空间监测数据表明,太阳系内空间微粒较多,大于1厘米的碎粒每平方米每年碰到1个的概率为10-6(见图1)。为防止与小行星或彗星相撞,飞船上应装有预警雷达,预先发现和改变轨道,避免直接碰撞。当飞出小行星带(5天文单位)和凯珀带(500天文单位)以后,这种撞击概率比过去估计的要小得多  相似文献   

三、应用领域显而易见,虚拟人体在载人航天中的应用主要是用于载人航天器系统的人-机界面方案设计的评价或者航天员在失重环境下完成任务时的动作编排、设计与训练,具体有:(1)航天器人-机界面的设计。如前所述,航天员是整个载人飞行器系统的核心,是控制者与决策者。系统的设计与环境因素的确定必须满足航天员的生活与工作要求。通过嵌入虚拟人体,可以完成空间布局与航天员的匹配性、视域航天员的视域分析以及对控制器设计的工效学仿真评价。例如,在进行空间布局与航天员的匹配性仿真评价时,由于必须充分考虑人的使用特点及任务需要,就可以设…  相似文献   

虚拟人体建模技术及其在载人航天中的应用(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟人体是指在虚拟现实环境中根据真实人体样本的几何形态参数(如身高、围度和躯干长度等)和组织结构数据.以人体系统为原型.以人体坐标为参考系,由计算机按某种算法合成的人。在对虚拟现实技术作进一步的应用研究时,人们可以设计不同的方案来利用虚拟人体完成各种精密、甚至危险的仿真实验。  相似文献   

航天先进轻合金材料及成形技术研究综述   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
轻合金是现代航天装备轻量化首选材料,高性能轻合金构件制造能力决定了我国航天装备的功能水平与竞争力。为推动先进轻合金材料及成形技术在航天领域的应用,对高性能轻合金材料、铸造、钣金成形、增材制造等技术领域在基础理论、工艺开发、装备研制、工程应用等方面的发展现状进行了梳理,提出了高强耐热铸造镁合金材料、高性能钛铝合金材料、高性能镁合金熔模精密铸造、数字化铸造、旋压成形、超塑成形、钛/铝合金电弧熔丝增材制造等相关技术的后续发展方向。  相似文献   

Aim of this investigation is the study of molecular modifications occurring in differentiated mammalian cells exposed to gravitational changes. The test system chosen is a well characterized clone of differentiated, normal thyroid follicular cells (FRTL5) in long-term culture. As a follow-up to our recent experiment performed during the MASER-7 sounding rocket mission, flown for European Space Agency by Swedish Space Corporation in May 1996, we evaluated FRTL5 cells responses to Thyroid Stimulating Hormone dependent cAMP production under acute hypogravity conditions obtained in a fast rotating clinostat. Following this approach, we evaluated the FRTL5 cells response to TSH under microgravity conditions in order to optimize experimental tools and strategies in preparation to, and in between real flight missions.  相似文献   

Chiu B  Wan JZ  Abley D  Akabutu J 《Acta Astronautica》2005,56(9-12):918-922
Recent studies have demonstrated that stem cells derived from adult hematopoietic tissues are capable of trans-differentiation into non-hematopoietic cells, and that the culture in microgravity (microg) may modulate the proliferation and differentiation. We investigated the application of microg to human umbilical cord blood stem cells (CBSC) in the induction of vascular endothelial phenotype expression and cellular proliferation. CD34+ mononuclear cells were isolated from waste human umbilical cord blood samples and cultured in simulated microg for 14 days. The cells were seeded in rotary wall vessels (RWV) with or without microcarrier beads (MCB) and vascular endothelial growth factor was added during culture. Controls consisted of culture in 1 G. The cell cultures in RWV were examined by inverted microscopy. Cell counts, endothelial cell and leukocyte markers performed by flow cytometry and FACS scan were assayed at days 1, 4, 7 and at the termination of the experiments. Culture in RWV revealed significantly increased cellular proliferation with three-dimensional (3D) tissue-like aggregates. At day 4, CD34+ cells cultured in RWV bioreactor without MCB developed vascular tubular assemblies and exhibited endothelial phenotypic markers. These data suggest that CD34+ human umbilical cord blood progenitors are capable of trans-differentiation into vascular endothelial cell phenotype and assemble into 3D tissue structures. Culture of CBSC in simulated microg may be potentially beneficial in the fields of stem cell biology and somatic cell therapy.  相似文献   

A Cogoli 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):995-1002
This paper gives a summary of the principal hematological and immunological changes observed in crews after space flight. Reduction of red blood cell mass (2-21%) and of hemoglobin mass (12-33%) is generally observed after the US and Soviet space missions. The changes are accompanied with a loss of plasma volume (4-16%). Erythrocyte and hemoglobin concentrations in the blood remain constant, suggesting that the changes are driven by a feed-back mechanism. Immunological changes consist mainly of reduced T-lymphocyte reactivity. The results of the 96-day and 140-day Salyut-6 missions suggest that the adaptation of the immune system to spaceflight occurs in two stages: the first takes place during the first 2-3 months in space, the second follows and consists of further weakening of the immune response. Our experiments with human lymphocytes in vitro indicate that high-g enhance, whereas low-g depress lymphocyte activity. Finally, our investigations to be performed on Spacelab are described.  相似文献   

Paramecium tetraurelia cultured aboard Salyut 6 have shown in increase in cell growth rate, cell volume, water content and changes in electrolyte content. Additional experiments, carried out in balloon flight and on earth, showed that the stimulating effect observed on cell proliferation is related to exposure to cosmic rays. Other changes seem to be due to a direct effect of microgravity on cell. Mechanism of gravity action on cell is discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to assess the effect of a daily intake of fluid and salt supplementation on biochemical and hormonal changes in endurance trained volunteers aged 19-24 yrs during 30-day bed rest and during 15 days of post bed rest period. The studies were performed on 30 long distance runners aged 19-24 yrs who had a peak oxygen uptake of 66 ml/kg/min and had taken 14.5 km/day on average prior to their participation in the study. The volunteers were divided into three groups: the volunteers in the first group were under normal ambulatory conditions (control subjects); the second group subjected to bed rest alone unsupplemented (bed rested volunteers); the third group was submitted to bed rest and consumed daily 30 ml water/kg bodyweight and 0.1 g of sodium chloride (NaCl)/kg body weight (supplemented bed rested volunteers). The second and third groups of volunteers were kept under a rigorous bed rest regime for 30 days. During the pre bed rest period of 15 days, during the bed rest period of 30 days and during the post bed rest period of 15 days cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cyclic guanosine monophosphate, prostaglandins of pressor, prostaglandins depressor groups, renin activity in plasma and aldosterone in plasma and in urine were determined. We found that in bed rested volunteers without fluid and salt supplementation intake plasma renin activity and aldosterone in plasma and urine continued to increase during the bed rest period as plasma volume decreased. Moreover, in this group, cyclic nucleotides measured as an indicator of adrenosympathetic system activity increased and prostaglandins as local vasoactive substances decreased during the bed rest period. These variables returned toward the baselines in the post bed rest period as plasma volume deficit was restituted. On the other hand, the hormonal levels in the other two groups remained rather constant during the experimental period. We concluded that daily intake of fluid and salt supplementation may minimize the biochemical and hormonal changes in endurance trained volunteers dorm their exposure to bed rest conditions.  相似文献   

Young Wistar male rats were exposed to 2G hypergravity by continuous centrifugation for 15 minutes. The nociceptive threshold was measured by using the von Frey type filament on the rat skin surfaces after hypergravity exposure. Following the hypergravity exposure, rats were sacrificed with anesthesia, then perfused and fixed for immunohistochemical examination. The 2G hypergravity elevated the nociceptive threshold up to 2-fold and induced analgesic effects on rats that remained for 2 hours after termination of centrifugation. Expression of Fos-immunoreactive proteins was prominently induced by 2G hypergravity in the arcuate nucleus and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. The 15-minute flash exposure to 2G hypergravity induced pain suppression in rats, which might be attributed to change of neuronal activity in rat hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen responsible for a variety of cutaneous and systemic human infections. Virulence of C. albicans increases upon exposure to some environmental stresses; therefore, we explored phenotypic responses of C. albicans following exposure to the environmental stress of low-shear modeled microgravity. Upon long-term (12-day) exposure to low-shear modeled microgravity, C. albicans transitioned from yeast to filamentous forms at a higher rate than observed under control conditions. Consistently, genes associated with cellular morphology were differentially expressed in a time-dependent manner. Biofilm communities, credited with enhanced resistance to environmental stress, formed in the modeled microgravity bioreactor and had a more complex structure than those formed in control conditions. In addition, cells exposed to low-shear modeled microgravity displayed phenotypic switching, observed as a near complete transition from smooth to "hyper" irregular wrinkle colony morphology. Consistent with the presence of biofilm communities and increased rates of phenotypic switching, cells exposed to modeled microgravity were significantly more resistant to the antifungal agent Amphotericin B. Together, these data indicate that C. albicans adapts to the environmental stress of low-shear modeled microgravity by demonstrating virulence-associated phenotypes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that hypokinesia (diminished muscular activity) may induce more changes in fluid electrolyte metabolism and hormonal concentration of blood plasma in conditioned than unconditioned men. Thus, the objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of 7 days of hypokinesis (HK) on fluid-electrolyte excretion and hormonal content of blood in 12 physically healthy men aged 19-23 years. They were divided into two equal groups according to their physical conditioning. For the simulation of the hypokinetic effect the men were kept under a rigorous bed rest regime. During the background period (BGP), that is prior to the exposure to HK, and under HK, the rate of elimination of fluid, sodium and potassium, and the content of blood plasma aldosterone and cortisol was measured. The amount of excretion of fluid and electrolytes increased while blood plasma aldosterone content decreased. In the conditioned men, a greater excretion of fluid and electrolytes and a greater reduction of plasma aldosterone concentration was observed. It was concluded that hypokinesia induced substantial changes in fluid-electrolyte excretion and hormonal content of blood plasma in both conditioned and unconditioned men.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether fluid-electrolyte changes, which are developed during prolonged hypokinesia (decreased number of km per day), can be prevented or minimized with the use of a daily intake of fluid and salt supplementation (FSS). The experiments on hypokinesia (HK) were performed for 364 days on 18 endurance-trained male volunteers in the age range of 21-23 years, with an average maximum oxygen uptake of 67 ml kg-1. All volunteers were divided into three equal groups: six volunteers were placed on a continuous regime of exercise of 14.0 km day-1 and served as control subjects. Six volunteers were subjected to continuous HK without FSS and were considered as the unsupplemented hypokinetic subjects (UHS). The remaining volunteers were under continuous HK and FSS and were considered as the supplemented hypokinetic subjects (SHS). For the simulation of the hypokinetic effect, the UHS and SHS groups were kept continuously under an average of 2.7 km day-1 for the duration of the experiment. Prior to exposure to HK, all volunteers were on the same exercise regime as the controls. During the pre-experimental period of 60 days and during the post-experimental period, urinary excretion of electrolytes and concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in serum as well as serum osmolality were determined. An increased renal excretion of fluid and electrolytes and a decreased serum electrolyte concentration were observed in the SHS, while a decreased renal excretion of fluid and electrolytes and an increased serum electrolyte concentration were observed in the UHS, during the initial stages of the post-hypokinetic period. By day 30 of the post-hypokinetic period these changes were reverted back to the control levels. We concluded that chronic hyperhydration may be used to attenuate urinary and serum electrolyte changes in endurance-trained volunteers after exposure to prolonged HK.  相似文献   

Daily fluid and salt supplements (FSS) may be used to reduce plasma biochemical changes during bed rest (BR). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a daily intake of FSS on plasma volume (PV) and biochemical changes during BR. Studies were done during a pre BR period of 15 days and during a BR period of 30 days. Thirty male athletes aged 22-26 years were chosen as subjects. They were divided into three groups: unsupplemented ambulatory control subjects (UACS), unsupplemented bed rested subjects (UBRS) and supplemented bed rested subjects (SBRS). The UBRS and SBRS were kept under a rigorous bed rest regime for 30 days. The SBRS took 26 ml water/kg body weight and 0.1 g sodium chloride/kg body weight daily. PV, protein, albumin, sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl), potassium (K), osmolality, creatinine, glucose, and whole blood haematocrit (Hct) and haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations were measured. PV increased significantly (P < or = 0.01) while plasma protein, albumin. Na, Cl, K, glucose, creatinine, osmolality, and whole blood Hb and Hct concentration decreased significantly (P < or = 0.01) in the SBRS group when compared with the UBRS group. By contrast, PV decreased significantly (P < or = 0.01), while plasma protein, albumin, Na, Cl, K, glucose, creatinine, osmolality and whole blood Hct and Hb concentration increased significantly (P < or = 0.01) in the UBRS group when compared with the SBRS and UACS groups. The measured parameters did not change significantly in the UACS group when compared with the baseline control values. It was concluded that a daily intake of FSS may be used to attenuate PV losses and biochemical changes in endurance trained athletes during bed rest.  相似文献   

In June 2003, the geochemical composition of geothermal fluids was determined at 9 sites in the Vulcano hydrothermal system, including sediment seeps, geothermal wells, and submarine vents. Compositional data were combined with standard state reaction properties to determine the overall Gibbs free energy (DeltaG(r) ) for 120 potential lithotrophic and heterotrophic reactions. Lithotrophic reactions in the H-O-N-S-C-Fe system were considered, and exergonic reactions yielded up to 120 kJ per mole of electrons transferred. The potential for heterotrophy was characterized by energy yields from the complete oxidation of 6 carboxylic acids- formic, acetic, propanoic, lactic, pyruvic, and succinic-with the following redox pairs: O(2)/H(2)O, SO(4) (2)/H(2)S, NO(3) ()/NH(4) (+), S(0)/H(2)S, and Fe(3)O(4)/Fe(2+). Heterotrophic reactions yielded 6-111 kJ/mol e(). Energy yields from both lithotrophic and heterotrophic reactions were highly dependent on the terminal electron acceptor (TEA); reactions with O(2) yielded the most energy, followed by those with NO(3) (), Fe(III), SO(4) (2), and S(0). When only reactions with complete TEA reduction were included, the exergonic lithotrophic reactions followed a similar electron tower. Spatial variability in DeltaG(r) was significant for iron redox reactions, owing largely to the wide range in Fe(2+) and H(+) concentrations. Energy yields were compared to those obtained for samples collected in June 2001. The temporal variations in geochemical composition and energy yields observed in the Vulcano hydrothermal system between 2001 and 2003 were moderate. The largest differences in DeltaG(r) over the 2 years were from iron redox reactions, due to temporal changes in the Fe(2+) and H(+) concentrations. The observed variations in fluid composition across the Vulcano hydrothermal system have the potential to influence not only microbial diversity but also the metabolic strategies of the resident microbial communities.  相似文献   

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