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A review on the recent advance in nonlinear aeroelasticity of the aircraft is presented in this paper. The nonlinear aeroelastic problems are divided into three types based on different research objects, namely the two dimensional airfoil, the wing, and the full aircraft. Different non- linearities encountered in aeroelastic systems are discussed firstly, where the emphases is placed on new nonlinear model to describe tested nonlinear relationship. Research techniques, especially new theoretical methods and aeroelastic flutter control methods are investigated in detail. The route to chaos and the cause of chaotic motion of two-dimensional aeroelastic system are summarized. Var- ious structural modeling methods for the high-aspect-ratio wing with geometric nonlinearity are dis- cussed. Accordingly, aerodynamic modeling approaches have been developed for the aeroelastic modeling of nonlinear high-aspect-ratio wings. Nonlinear aeroelasticity about high-altitude long- endurance (HALE) and fight aircrafts are studied separately. Finally, conclusions and the chal- lenges of the development in nonlinear aeroelasticity are concluded. Nonlinear aeroelastic problems of morphing wing, energy harvesting, and flapping aircrafts are proposed as new directions in the future.  相似文献   

A theoretical formulation for time-domain nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a flexible wing model is presented and validated by wind tunnel tests. A strain-based beam model for nonlinear structural analysis is combined with the Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method (UVLM) to form the complete framework for aeroelastic analysis. The nonlinear second-order differential equations are solved by an implicit time integration scheme that incorporates a Newton-Raphson sub-iteration technique. An advanced fiber optic sensing technique is firstly used in a wind tunnel for measuring large structural deformations. In the theoretical study, the nonlinear flutter boundary is determined by analyzing the transient response about the nonlinear static equilibrium with a series of flow velocities. The gust responses of the wing model at various gust frequencies are also studied. Comparisons of the theoretical and experimental results show that the proposed method is suitable for determining the nonlinear flutter boundary and simulating the gust response of flexible wings in the time domain.  相似文献   

为了研究大柔性飞行器飞行/结构耦合动力学特性,提出了改进的面向控制的大柔性飞行器多体模型,开展了大柔性飞行器纵向动力学耦合特性分析与推力协同下纵向姿态控制律设计。采用二面角动态近似描述大柔性飞行器结构动力学特征,并推导了纵向耦合动力学模型。根据改进模型在配平点处的线性化模型,分析了飞行/结构耦合系统的纵向稳定性与结构变形量之间的关系。针对大柔性飞行器姿态稳定与跟踪,设计了纵向姿态控制器。与常规飞行器相比,大柔性飞行器飞行过程中会发生大变形,当载荷较大时,配平构型近似“U”形,此时纵向动力学具有长周期不稳定的特征。分析结果表明:大柔性飞行器各模态之间的耦合程度随着变形的增大而增大。此外,纵向姿态控制需要升降舵与推力协同控制速度和俯仰角并且考虑结构动力学的影响,否则飞行/结构的耦合作用会导致姿态跟踪误差衰减缓慢甚至发散。   相似文献   

The article focuses on the design and application of an active reconfigurable controller that mitigates the effects of gust load and actuator faults on a flexible aircraft. A novel integrated adaptive output feedback scheme is investigated to address the actuator faults. The real-time fault values provided by the fault estimation module are considered in the reconfigurable control law to improve the fault-tolerant capability. The estimate values of faults and control gains are calculated by anal...  相似文献   

Icing is one of the crucial factors that could pose great threat to flight safety,and thus research on stability and stability region of aircraft safety under icing conditions is significant for control and flight.Nonlinear dynamical equations and models of aerodynamic coefficients of an air craft are set up in this paper to study the stability and stability region of the aircraft under an icing condition.Firstly,the equilibrium points of the iced aircraft system are calculated and analyzed based on the theory of differential equation stability.Secondly,according to the correlation theory about equilibrium points and the stability region,this paper estimates the multidimensional stability region of the aircraft,based on which the stability regions before and after icing are compared.Finally,the results are confirmed by the time history analysis.The results can give a reference for stability analysis and envelope protection of the nonlinear system of an iced aircraft.  相似文献   

The large commercial aircraft, developed today by manufacturers, are characterized by a high flexibility which results in a stronger interaction between the flight control system and the structural modes. The active control of the first elastic modes is needed to meet the performance requirements. This paper proposes an identification methodology of a flexible aircraft from flight test data, which is appropriate for control law design with modern control techniques (LQG, H2/H∞). In a first step a procedure based on Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) is used to determine an initial aeroelastic model which is subsequently combined with a linearized rigid-body model and optimized by an output-error minimization method. Two application examples show the good performances of the approach.  相似文献   

张戈  王正平  任钟霖 《飞行力学》2012,30(2):110-112,116
建立了线性与非线性两种分布式气动力模型,在弹性飞机模型上添加所建立的气动力模型,验证了整个系统的有效性。对所建立的模型进行着陆及突风扰动动力学仿真,对比线性及非线性气动力模型的飞机动力学响应的差异,结果表明非线性气动力模型能够更合理地计算飞机大迎角状态下的气动载荷及动力学响应。  相似文献   

Bifurcation analysis and stability design for aircraft longitudinal motion are investigated when the nonlinearity in flight dynamics takes place severely at high angle of attack regime. To predict the special nonlinear flight phenomena, bifurcation theory and continuation method are employed to systematically analyze the nonlinear motions. With the refinement of the flight dynamics for F-8 Crusader longitudinal motion, a framework is derived to identify the stationary bifurcation and dynamic bifurcation for high-dimensional system. Case study shows that the F-8longitudinal motion undergoes saddle node bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation, Zero-Hopf bifurcation and branch point bifurcation under certain conditions. Moreover, the Hopf bifurcation renders series of multiple frequency pitch oscillation phenomena, which deteriorate the flight control stability severely. To relieve the adverse effects of these phenomena, a stabilization control based on gain scheduling and polynomial fitting for F-8 longitudinal motion is presented to enlarge the flight envelope. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

基于非线性模型预测控制方法的航空发动机约束管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前航空发动机控制系统普遍采用Min-Max选择逻辑处理输出量约束的方法具有一定保守性的问题,设计了非线性模型预测控制器,提出在非线性序列二次规划(SQP)算法中加入罚函数实现航空发动机输出量约束管理.仿真结果表明:无论是否触及输出量约束限,非线性模型预测控制器都比Min-Max控制逻辑动态响应更快,在达到限制线时更加明显,此时调节时间从1.16s下降到0.82s,且几乎没有超调量.   相似文献   

针对新型半铰接式、摆振柔软的倾转旋翼机,建立了旋翼/动力舱/机翼气动弹性稳定性分析模型,并导出了系统的动力学方程。分析模型采用了当量铰、弹性约束的刚性桨叶和弹性机翼假设,采用Pitt-Peters动力入流模型计入了非定常气动力的影响。所建模型为进行新型倾转旋翼机大速度飞行时气弹稳定性分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

传统的安全性分析方法,受到分析人员自身技能和经验等因素的影响,容易疏漏系统的失效状态或误判失效的影响。模型检验利用遍历算法,既可以从数学上保证搜索出系统的所有状态,不会发生疏漏;又可以利用计算机检验工具,实现自动分析过程,减少对分析人员技能和经验的依赖。将模型检验引入飞机系统安全性领域,提出了一种基于模型检验的安全性分析方法,以SAE ARP 4761标准附录中的机轮刹车系统为例,利用模型检验工具NuSMV对其安全性进行了分析,自动识别出导致某系统顶事件发生的最小失效组合,完成了传统故障树分析的目的。  相似文献   

In rotor dynamics, blades are normally modelled as a slender beam, in which elastic deformations are coupled with each other. To identify these coupling effects, new rigid-flexible structural model for helicopter rotor system is proposed in this paper. Finite rotations of the whole blade(on flapwise, lagwise, and torsional) are described as three global rigid degrees of freedom.The nonlinear deformation geometrics of the beam is built on geometrically exact beam theory.New expressions for blade ...  相似文献   

通过对航空器事故进行分析与研究,从而提出相应的改进措施,对于减少飞行事故、保障飞行安全具有重要意义.在现有航空器事故分析的基础上,提出了基于Reason模型的航空器事故调查分析软件设计.在分析Reason模型基本概念的基础上,详细介绍了该软件的系统结构、软件的界面和相应的操作步骤与方法,并结合实际的案例介绍了该软件在分析航空器事故调查方面的优势.该软件对于调查分析民航业不安全事件中的人为因素具有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient method for static aeroelastic analysis of a flexible slender wing when considering the structural geometric nonlinearity has been developed in this paper. A non-planar vortex lattice method herein is used to compute the non-planar aerodynamics of flexible wings with large deformation. The finite element method is introduced for structural nonlinear statics analysis. The surface spline method is used for structure/aerodynamics coupling. The static aeroelastic characteristics of the wind tunnel model of a flexible wing are studied by the nonlinear method presented, and the nonlinear method is also evaluated by comparing the results with those obtained from two other methods and the wind tunnel test. The results indicate that the traditional linear method of static aeroelastic analysis is not applicable for cases with large deformation because it produces results that are not realistic. However, the nonlinear methodology, which involves combining the structure finite element method with the non-planar vortex lattice method, could be used to solve the aeroelastic deformation with considerable accuracy, which is in fair agreement with the test results. Moreover, the nonlinear finite element method could consider complex structures. The non-planar vortex lattice method has advantages in both the computational accuracy and efficiency. Consequently, the nonlinear method presented is suitable for the rapid and efficient analysis requirements of engineering practice. It could be used in the preliminary stage and also in the detailed stage of aircraft design.  相似文献   

飞行器的稳定性分析与建立的动力学分析模型密切相关.传统的稳定性分析方法是基于小扰动假设建立线性化模型,当飞行状态中非线性特征明显时,其结果误差会带来多大的影响是人们关心的问题.通过建立飞行动力学非线性模型和气动力非线性模型,采用时间推进方法对两类非线性问题进行了比较系统的研究.数值计算结果表明,飞行动力学非线性模型与线性模型相比,周期增大、幅值减小、衰减率增大;而菲线性气动力模型对周期几乎没有影响,但对幅值有一定的影响.  相似文献   

民用飞机在进入大迎角浅失速后,气动力会出现滞环、陡降等强非线性现象,航迹也变得不稳定。为解决上述问题,利用分支分析方法分析飞机临近失速区时的控制特点,指出其振荡区域,多配平点等;根据非线性最优化控制理论,设计大迎角失速区的自动恢复控制器,用Galerkin近似算法,计算次优控制器参数,并对飞机下降航迹的进入失速和恢复进行仿真验证。结果表明:控制器可以很好地控制飞机改出浅失速状态,恢复正常航迹。  相似文献   

基于相平面法的结冰飞机纵向非线性稳定域分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结冰是威胁飞机飞行安全的重要因素之一,研究结冰后飞机稳定性及稳定域范围对飞机操纵安全和飞行安全极其重要。由于结冰后大飞机失速迎角提前,仅仅研究小迎角线性阶段的飞行稳定性显然不能满足要求。首先根据飞机迎角和升力曲线非线性关系建立了结冰条件下大迎角阶段飞机纵向非线性系统模型,然后通过相平面法刻画了迎角和俯仰角速度构成的不同飞行状态下飞机的纵向运动的稳定域,并探讨了迎角和俯仰角速度对纵向稳定性的影响规律,最后针对稳定域内外的不同初始状态,进行了零输入响应时域仿真,验证了相平面法确定的稳定域的有效性和准确性。研究结果可为飞机结冰后的稳定边界确定和边界保护提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

基于动力学边界的结冰飞机安全预警方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑无计  李颖晖  周驰  武朋玮  董泽洪 《航空学报》2019,40(4):122478-122478
结冰严重破坏飞机的动力学特性,使飞机的非线性和动力学耦合特性表现明显,导致传统的安全预警方法无法准确有效地评估飞行存在的潜在风险,易引发飞行事故。为解决此问题,提出了一种基于动力学边界的新型安全预警方法,该方法可综合考虑飞机的动力学耦合特性,可为结冰飞机的实时安全预警系统的构建提供有力的理论支撑。首先,基于微分流形理论确定结冰飞机精确的动力学边界,并详细分析了飞机结冰对动力学边界的影响;其次,利用动力学边界相对距离对飞行风险进行量化,结合动力学边界的特性确定了安全预警的方法;最后,搭建了飞行仿真训练系统,并以着陆为训练科目,通过与传统迎角安全预警方法对比,得到基于动力学边界安全预警方法的优越性。研究结果表明,相比于传统迎角限制方法,动力学边界安全预警方法可提前发现飞行中存在的潜在风险,且基于此方法的飞行训练系统可对驾驶员进行结冰安全操纵训练可提高结冰飞机的飞行安全。  相似文献   

基于数值延拓算法的倾转旋翼机配平及稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑旋翼尾流对机翼、平尾和垂尾的气动干扰,建立了倾转旋翼机非线性飞行动力模型。以XV 15为例,通过简化悬停模型,计算得到悬停的配平解,在此基础上,分别以前飞速度和短舱转角为延拓参数,数值延拓完成直升机模式、过渡模式和飞机模式在不同飞行速度下的配平。并在此基础上对倾转旋翼机进行稳定性分析。计算结果表明:应用数值延拓算法进行配平可以不受初值限制计算得到真实解;数值延拓算法具有全面性,可计算全短舱转角-速度包线内的平衡值。   相似文献   

This paper describes a method proposed for modeling large deflection of aircraft in non-linear aeroelastic analysis by developing reduced order model (ROM). The method is applied for solving the static aeroelastic and static aeroelastic trim problems of flexible aircraft containing geo-metric nonlinearities; meanwhile, the non-planar effects of aerodynamics and follower force effect have been considered. ROMs are computational inexpensive mathematical representations com-pared to traditional nonlinear finite element method (FEM) especially in aeroelastic solutions. The approach for structure modeling presented here is on the basis of combined modal/finite ele-ment (MFE) method that characterizes the stiffness nonlinearities and we apply that structure mod-eling method as ROM to aeroelastic analysis. Moreover, the non-planar aerodynamic force is computed by the non-planar vortex lattice method (VLM). Structure and aerodynamics can be cou-pled with the surface spline method. The results show that both of the static aeroelastic analysis and trim analysis of aircraft based on structure ROM can achieve a good agreement compared to anal-ysis based on the FEM and experimental result.  相似文献   

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