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The detection performance of logarithmic receivers in Rayleigh and non-Gaussian clutter is investigated. In Rayleigh clutter the performance is determined for steady, Swerling case 1, and Swerling case 2 targets. The detection loss of logarithmic receivers is generally less than the ? log n loss conjectured by Green, but consistent with the 1.08-dB asymptotic loss established by Hansen. The Swerling case 2 loss, important in frequency- agility applications, canbe severe for a small number of integrated pulses and high Pd, and apparently approaches the 1.08-dB asymptotic loss as a lower bound. Graphs of GramCharlier series cumulants are provided to allow determination of logarithmic-receiver performance. Curves are presented to allow the detection performance of logarithmic receivers in log-normal and Weibull clutter to be determineds.  相似文献   

In modern secondary surveillance radar (SSR) the monopulse technique is currently introduced for the measurement of the azimuth of the targets. The monopulse technique is based on a suitable processing of signals received by a multiple antenna. In SSR the signals are generated by a transponder on the aircraft as replies to interrogations from ground equipment, and consist of trains of pulses. The monopulse measurements can be carried out on the basis of a single pulse from each train, so that it provides a great number of azimuth estimates. Many monopulse measurement devices exist, corresponding to different processing techniques. From the point of view of accuracy and precision, their behaviors differ with respect to the sources of errors, both internal (noise and imperfect calibrations) and external (interference and propagation effects). The four main types of monopulse receivers are analyzed here with respect to the effects of the internal error sources on the resulting measurement accuracy. After an introductory discussion of the performances of the receivers, a detailed analysis is carried out on the basis of a general mathematical model. The results are given in an analytical form and in some comprehensive diagrams.  相似文献   

Detection Performance of a Mean-Level Threshold   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of detecting signals in nonstationary clutter is met by presenting a mean-level or adaptive threshold which adjusts to the changing background level. Such a threshold performs better than a fixed threshold that must be set for the highest amplitude clutter. However, the mean-level threshold does not perform as well for stationary noise as a fixed threshold set at the proper value. One measure of effectiveness of an adaptive threshold is its performance in stationary noise (compared to the optimum fixed threshold) for a specified speed of response. For the mean-level threshold, a simple mathematical solution is found for the detection probability when the noise is stationary and the signal scintillates rapidly. The performance is evaluated for a wide range of mean-level-threshold time constants and for several false-alarm probabilities. The results are presented graphically. As an example, the mean-level threshold suffers 3 dB in detectability (equivalent signal-to-noise ratio) in the presence of stationary noise as compared to the optimum fixed threshold for 50-percent probability of detection, false-alarm probability of 10-8, and an adjustment time of 15 times the signal duration.  相似文献   

The optimum rank detector structure, in the Neyman-Pearson sense and under Gaussian noise conditions, is approximated by a suboptimum structure that depends on an adjustable parameter. This new rank detector, which operates on radar video signal, includes other well-known detectors as particular cases. The asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the proposed rank detector is computed, with its maximum value the ARE of the locally optimum rank detector (LORD). The detection probability versus signal-to-noise ratio, and the effects of interfering targets are also calculated by Monte-Carlo simulations for different parameter values.  相似文献   

The increase in estimation error near boresight with a sum and difference amplitude comparison monopulse receiver can be prevented by using an adequate maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

The FM threshold performance of the frequency demodulator with feedback (FMFB) is experimentally optimized. Rules of thumb for the practical design of the FMFB with limiter in the loop are proposed. Such design rules provide for optimum FMFB threshold performance given specifications of the received signal. Equivalences among the FMFB, phase-locked loop, and limiter- discriminator offer some additional physical insight into the threshold-extending mechanism of the FMFB not presented by previous investigators.  相似文献   

This paper considers a binary frequency-shift-keying (FSK) communication system with an adaptive receiver. Partially coherent detection is accomplished exploiting phase and bit synchronization directly extracted from the information-bearing waveform. The optimum (maximum a posteriori probability criterion) estimators of the relevant channel parameters are found along with some suboptimum realizations. It turns out that these schemes are decision-directed tracking systems that may be implemented using standard circuitry.  相似文献   

Test instrumentation is described for use in the measurement of threshold sensitivities and noise bandwidths of narrow-band phase-locked receivers. The method is statistical in nature with the data being recorded digitally by a counter and printer. Scale factors can be selected for convenient relation of the data to the standard deviations, 1,2, or 3 sigma. Curves are included showing the results of a typical experiment.  相似文献   

This paper presents the sensitivity analysis of a class of receivers called finite-lag receivers, introduced by the authors in [1] through [3]. Since these receivers are based on the use of fixed-lag smoothing techniques, algorithms for the calculation of large-scale and small-scale sensitivities of fixed-lag smoothing are derived using a state augmentation approach. Steady-state analysis of these algorithms shows that an explicit relation can be obtained between sensitivity coefficients of fixed-lag smoothing and filtering. The specific case of sensitivity to variations in the measurement (channel) noise is considered as an example. These results are applied to study the sensitivity performance of the finite-lag receivers for analog communication. It is shown, for example, that finite-lag receivers for AM signals, besides being superior in performance [1]-[3], [11], in terms of output SNR or error variance, are also much less sensitive to the additive noise power level, compared to zero-lag receivers.  相似文献   

A class of simple and efficient digital sequential detectors is presented, which are particularly suitable for application to radar systems where the antenna dwell time is easily varied. A methematical method, based on the random walk model, is developed to evaluate the DFTSD (digital fixed-thresholds sequential detector) performance. The DFTSD has a loss of 0.2 to 0.3 dB with respect to the digital SPRT (sequential probability ratio test) in the case of a single-range-bin system. Finally, results for the multiple-range-bin case are presented and compared with the performance of a moving-window detector.  相似文献   

This paper reports some results on the development of finite-lag receivers for reception via fading channels. The receivers are given in discrete form and clearly show the additional complexity due to introduction of delay between the instants of reception and estimation of the signal. The channel noise has been assumed to have a multiplicative component due to fading. This results in the optimal demodulators being nonlinear and unrealizable. However, the receivers proposed are suboptimal, but realizable. Simulation studies evaluating the performance of the various receivers are also discussed.  相似文献   

在分析多级维纳滤波器实现算法的基础上,通过对相关相减算法中的阻塞矩阵进行改进,并利用其前向递推多级分解特性构造出空-时二维干扰子空间,然后结合子空间投影方法,进一步求出空-时抗干扰最优权值。与传统的相关相减结构多级维纳滤波方法(CSS-MSWF)相比,该方法在有限数据精度下,抗干扰性能要优于CSS-MSWF方法,具有更好的可行性和实用性。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效  相似文献   

The excess time delay introduced by the incorporation of the intermediate frequency (IF) stage within the phase-locked loop (PLL) causes serious deterioration in the acquisition and tracking performance of the loop. The split-loop phase-locked system suggested by McGeehan and Sladen considerably reduces the effect of time delay on the acquisition and tracking performance of the loop. The frequency acquisition characteristics of the split-loop phase-locked receiver is investigated, and the effect of possible asymmetry in the arms of the loop on the acquisition range is examined. Closed-form approximate formulas are derived, and a comparison between split-, long-, and short-loop acquisition performance is presented.  相似文献   

Wong [1] recommends that 16 additional LORAN-C ground stations are needed to provide redundant coverage throughout the conterminous U.S. so that LORAN-C can provide the primary navigation service to civil aviation. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the effect of the interference from the additional stations on the acquisition (phase code identification and third cycle selection) and track modes of a LORAN-C receiver whose detection process is based on the sequential decision theory. This receiver model represents a modern design using microprocessor technology. The results are compared against the requirement that acquisition be completed 90 percent of the time within 7.5 minutes. The impact of cross-rate interference (CRI) on the track mode is estimated using a time-domain analysis.  相似文献   

载波相位周跳是影响低成本GNSS接收机观测质量的主要因素之一.提出了一种面向低成本GNSS接收机终端的周跳修复策略,通过两种不同观测结果的联合检测以避免时钟和星历突变导致的误修复,并利用载噪比和多项式拟合误差检测载波观测中的无效观测,旨在提升低成本接收机在多径等复杂场景下载波相位观测的可用性.该策略仅使用了单频载波相位和载噪比信息,适用于各类低成本的接收设备.分别在开阔场景和多径场景下使用小米8手机和F9P接收机进行观测试验,结果表明,所有的有效载波相位观测得到了正确修复,仅约0.7%的无效观测被误修复,验证了所提策略的有效性.  相似文献   

A numerical method is described for predicting the detection probability of a frequency compressive pulse receiver. The approach is general; i.e., input pulse envelope shapes, pulse offset frequencies, and filter magnitude responses are arbitrary. The performance of the frequency compressive receiver is analyzed and compared to that of a crystal video receiver for a specific case.  相似文献   

A numerical method is described for predicting the detection probability performance of a pulse receiver which uses square-law detection. The method is useful for receivers where the ratio of RF bandwidth to video bandwidth is in the range from 2 to 40; a range where numerical results have previously been hard to obtain. A key feature of the approach is that it takes into account the actual filter transfer functions, pulse envelope shape, and pulse frequency.  相似文献   

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