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In the second International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2) mission in 1994, four small Japanese killifish (Medaka, Oryzias latipes) made a space travel of 15 days aboard a space shuttle. These four adult Medaka fish successfully mated in space for the first time among vertebrate animals. Moreover, the eggs they laid developed normally, at least in their external appearance, hatching as fry (baby fish) in space. Fish mated and laid eggs every day during the first week. Near the end of the mission most of the eggs had a well-developed body with two pigmented eyes. In total, 43 eggs were laid (detected), out of which 8 fry hatched in space, as truly 'space-originated' babies. A further 30 fry hatched within 3 days after landing. This is the normal hatching rate, compared with the ground-based data. Among the 8 space-originated fry, four were killed for histological sections, and germ cells at the gonadal region were counted for each fry. Their numbers were in the range of the germ cells of the normal control fry (ground-kept samples). Thus, as embryos developed normally in their external appearance, inside the embryos the formation of primordial germ cells took place normally in space, and their migration to the genital ridges was not hindered by microgravity. The two of the remaining space-originated fry have grown up and been creating their offspring in the laboratory. This proved that the primordial germ cells formed in space were also normal from a functional point of view. The four space-travelled adult fish re-started mating and laying eggs on the 7th day after landing and continued to do so every day afterward. Fertilization rate and hatchability of these eggs were as high as the eggs laid by the laboratory-kept fish. This fact implies that in gametogenesis of adult fish, there are no specific stages of germ cells extremely susceptible to microgravity.  相似文献   

A review is being presented concerning behavioural, biochemical, histochemical and electronmicroscopical data on the influence of altered gravitational forces on the swimming performance and on the neuronal differentiation of the brain of cichlid fish larvae and adult swordtail fish that had been exposed to hyper-gravity (3g in laboratory centrifuges), hypo-gravity (>10(-2) g in a fast-rotating clinostat) and to near weightlessness (10(-4) g aboard the Spacelab D-2 mission). After long-term alterations of gravity (and parallel light deprivation), initial disturbances in the swimming behaviour followed by a stepwise regain of normal swimming modes are induced. Parallel, neuroplastic reactivities on different levels of investigation were found, such as adaptive alterations of activities of various enzymes in whole brain as well as in specific neuronal integration centers and an intraneuronal reactivity on ultrastructural level in individual brain parts and in the sensory epithelia of the inner ear. Taken together, these data reveal distinct adaptive neuroplastic reactions of fish to altered gravity conditions.  相似文献   

Previous investigations on neonate swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) revealed that otolithic calcium incorporation (visualized using the calcium tracer alizarin complexone) and thus otolith growth had ceased after nerve transection, supporting a hypothesis according to which the gravity-dependent otolith growth is regulated neuronally. Subsequent investigations on larval cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) yielded contrasting results, repeatedly depending on the particular batch of cichlids investigated. Like most neonate swordtails, Type I cichlids revealed a stop of calcium incorporation after unilateral vestibular nerve transection. Their behaviour after transection was normal, and the otolithic calcium incorporation in controls of the same batch was symmetric. In Type II cichlids, however, vestibular nerve transection had no effect on otolithic calcium incorporation. They behaved kinetotically after transection (this kind of kinetosis was qualitatively similar to the swimming behaviour exhibited by larval cichlids during microgravity in the course of parabolic aircraft flights). The otolithic calcium incorporation in control animals was asymmetric. These results show that the effects of vestibular nerve transection as well as the efficacy of the mechanism, which regulates otolith growth/otolithic calcium incorporation, are--depending on the particular batch of animals--genetically predispositioned. In conclusion, the regulation of otolithic calcium incorporation is guided neuronally, in part via the vestibular nerve and, in part, via a further pathway, which remains to be addressed in the course of future investigations.  相似文献   

Quantitative data are presented on the influences of hyper-gravity (3 +/- 1g) and of simulated weightlessness (approximately 0g) during early ontogeny of cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) and clawed toad (Xenopus laevis, Daudin) demonstrating changes in the swimming behaviour and the brain energy and plasma membrane metabolism. After return to 1g conditions, hyper-g reared fish and toads express the well known "loop-swimming" behaviour. By means of a computer based video analyzing system different types of swimming movements and velocities were quantitatively determined. Analyses of the brain energy and plasma-membrane metabolism of hyper-g fish larvae demonstrated an increase in energy availability (glucose 6Pi dehydrogenase, G-6P-DH), a decrease of cellular energy transformation (creatine kinase activity, CK) but no changes in energy consumptive processes (e.g. ATPases) and cytochrome oxidase activity (Cyt.-Ox). In contrast hypo-g fish larvae showed a slight increase in brain CK activity. In addition, unlike 1g controls, hyper-g fish larvae showed pronounced variations in the composition (=polarity) of sialoglycosphingolipids (=gangliosides), typical constituents of the nerve cell membranes, and a slight increase in the activity of sialidase, the enzyme responsible for ganglioside degradation.  相似文献   

This study presents qualitative and quantitative data concerning gravity-dependent changes in the swimming behaviour of developing cichlid fish larvae (Oreochromis mossambicus) after a 9 resp. 10 days exposure to increased acceleration (centrifuge experiments), to reduced gravity (fast-rotating clinostat), changed accelerations (parabolic aircraft flights) and to near weightlessness (2nd German Spacelab Mission D-2). Changes of gravity initially cause disturbances of the swimming performance of the fish larvae. With prolonged stay in orbit a step by step normalisation of the swimming behaviour took place in the fish. After return to 1g earth conditions no somersaulting or looping could be detected concerning the fish, but still slow and disorientated movements as compared to controls occurred. The fish larvae adapted to earth gravity within 3-5 days. Fish seem to be in a distinct early developmental stages extreme sensitive and adaptable to altered gravity; However, elder fish either do not react or show compensatory behaviour e.g. escape reactions.  相似文献   

Aquatic animals have almost no body weight related proprioception for spatial orientation. larvae, like fish, maintain their attitude in water by continuous correction with their fin(s). For these reasons a special performance of the equilibrium system compared to terrestrial animals is necessary. Evidently fish therefore have more compact (dense) otoliths; larvae have less dense otolith (membranes) similar to land vertebrates; but their sacculus-otoliths are vertically positioned, which also may lead to a higher g-sensitivity.

For plausibility reasons gravity should influence the embryonic development of gravity receptors. Yet, evaluations of photographs taken from the surface of cut deep-frozen objects by incident light show no aberration of the shape of the whole vestibulum and of the shape, density, size and position of the otolith membrane in larvae developed under near-zero g (NEXPA-BW-STATEX in D1-Mission).

The further evaluation of the “weightless-larvae” revealed a probably not yet described statolith-like formation in the dorsal wall of the vestibulum. In the weightless larvae this formation outnumbers, also qualitatively, strongly the 1-g controls.

An extra result is the lack of striking effects of cosmic radiation on the embryonic development of the flown eggs.

The swimming behavior of the larvae which was observed about one hour after landing of the Space Shuttle showed a typical anomaly (loop swimming), which is known from larvae developed on the clinostat or from fish flown aboard Apollo capsules.  相似文献   

Humans taking part in parabolic aircraft flights (PAFs) may suffer from space motion sickness-phenomena (SMS, a kinetosis). It has been argued that SMS during PAFs might not be based on microgravity alone but rather on changing accelerations from 0 g to 2 g. We test here the hypothesis that PAF-induced kinetosis is based on asymmetric statoliths (i.e., differently weighed statoliths on the right and the left side of the head), with asymmetric inputs to the brain being disclosed at microgravity. Since fish frequently reveal kinetotic behaviour during PAFs (especially so-called spinning movements and looping responses), we investigated (1) whether or not kinetotically swimming fish at microgravity would have a pronounced inner ear otolith asymmetry and (2) whether or not slow translational and continuously changing linear (vertical) acceleration on ground induced kinetosis. These latter accelerations were applied using a specially developed parabel-animal-container (PAC) to stimulate the cupular organs. The results suggest that the fish tested on ground can counter changing accelerations successfully without revealing kinetotic swimming patterns. Kinetosis could only be induced by PAFs. This finding suggests that it is indeed microgravity rather than changing accelerations, which induces kinetosis. Moreover, we demonstrate that fish swimming kinetotically during PAFs correlates with a higher otolith asymmetry in comparison to normally behaving animals in PAFs.  相似文献   

Fish exhibit looping and rolling behaviors when subjected to short periods of microgravity during parabolic flight. Strain-differences in the behavioral response of adult Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were reported previously, however, there have been few studies of larval fish behavior under microgravity. In the present study, we investigated whether microgravity affects the swimming behavior of larvae at various ages (0 to 20 days after hatching), using different strains: HNI-II, HO5, ha strain, and variety of different strains (variety). The preliminary experiments were done in the ground laboratory: the development of eyesight was examined using optokinetic response for the different strains. The visual acuity of larvae improved drastically during 20 days after hatching. Strain differences of response were noted for the development of their visual acuity. In microgravity, the results were significantly different from those of adult Medaka. The larval fish appeared to maintain their orientation, except that a few of them exhibited looping and rolling behavior. Further, most larvae swam normally with their backs turning toward the light source (dorsal light response, DLR), and the rest of them stayed with their abdomen touching the surface of the container (ventral substrate response, VSR). For larval stages, strain-differences and age-differences in behavior were observed, but less pronounced than with adult fish under microgravity. Our observations suggest that adaptability of larval fish to the gravitational change and the mechanism of their postural control in microgravity are more variable than in adult fish.  相似文献   

动力下降点确定是实施月面软着陆的重要环节,是多系统间复杂迭代的过程,涉及轨道设计、制导律设计、着陆目标的采样区确定、着陆及起飞安全分析。其设计结果直接影响了最终着陆点的位置和着陆过程的着陆安全,也间接影响采样安全和采样工程目标的实现结果。针对嫦娥五号在实施月面软着陆前确定动力下降点的任务需求,提出了通过多次轨道控制与最优标称制导轨迹搜索联合控制策略的动力下降点确定方法。首先,根据月面无人自主采样返回任务设计总结了动力下降点确定原理和约束条件;然后,详细论述了月面无人自主采样返回任务软着陆过程动力下降点确定方法;最后,通过嫦娥五号在着陆前主要的几次轨控实施结果分析了其对动力下降点的影响,同时综合了着陆区地形分析及着陆、起飞安全性分析,对动力下降点进行确定并根据最终在轨飞行结果进行验证。验证结果表明,基于“逐次逼近寻优方法”的月面软着陆环节动力下降点的确定方法有效,可以为后续地外天体软着陆等任务提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,随着自主控制技术与任务载荷的快速发展,越来越多的无人机(UAV)具备了良好的任务自主能力。在执行任务过程中,降落阶段的安全风险最大,导航定位精度较差、人员决策失误等是造成降落过程中事故多发的主要原因。通过总结无人机自主降落过程中对引导控制的需求,对国内外无人机军用和民用自主降落解决方案进行了梳理和介绍,对无人机自主降落关键技术和研究现状进行了分析,提出了该领域未来发展的重点方向。   相似文献   

鱼类摆动推进的双涡模型及实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鱼类摆动推进的观测、实验和分析研究、从仿生学、运动学和涡动力学等方面综合研究了鱼类游动的机理,提出双涡结构模型,理论分析认为“8”字涡的存在与相互作用是一种动力机制,是鱼类摆动产生推力的原因,以此模型为指导设计了刚性仿鱼尾摆动翼的有关实验,实验结果得到启发性的有力证据,在不同流速的水洞中摆动翼均产生一定的推力,并且在水介质中的耗功率明显低于在空气中的耗功率,由此得了出结论:“8”字涡具有储能  相似文献   

Humans taking part in parabolic aircraft flights (PAFs) may suffer from space motion sickness (SMS, a kinetosis). Since it has been repeatedly shown earlier that some fish of a given batch also reveal a kinetotic behavior during PAFs (especially so-called spinning movements and looping responses) and due to the homology of the vestibular apparatus among all vertebrates, fish can be used as model systems to investigate the origin of susceptibility to motion sickness. Therefore, we examined the utricular maculae (they are responsible for the internalization of gravity in teleosteans) of fish swimming kinetotically at microgravity in comparison with animals from the same batch who swam normally. On the histological level, it was found that the total number of both sensory and supporting cells of the utricular maculae did not differ between kinetotic animals as compared to normally swimming fish. Cell density (sensory and supporting cells/100 micrometers2), however, was reduced in kinetotic animals (p<0.0001), which seemed to be due to malformed epithelial cells (increase in cell size) of the kinetotic specimens. Susceptibility to kinetoses may therefore originate in malformed sensory epithelia.  相似文献   

月球背面地形对软着陆探测的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
相对于月球正面大面积平坦的月海区域,月球背面地形整体崎岖复杂,因此地形地貌的变化会对探测器的软着陆探测产生一定的影响。从任务设计、着陆器设计和月面工作程序3个方面分析了"嫦娥4号"着陆区南极–艾特肯盆地(South-Pole Aitken Basin,SPA),及其相对于"嫦娥3号"着陆区的变化,主要结论包括:1)着陆区范围缩小,由"嫦娥3号"着陆区经度范围16.4°和纬度范围3°,减小到经度范围约4°和纬度范围约2°;2)动力下降策略更改,动力下降过程主减速段结束后,着陆器由斜向前运动轨迹改为接近垂直向下运动轨迹,同时更改测距敏感器的引入时机;3)提高微波测距测速敏感器信号发射功率和信噪比;4)着陆后需要预测着陆器的光照和测控被地形遮挡的情况,然后制定如休眠或月食模式等相应策略等。通过以上优化设计,"嫦娥4号"任务可适应月球背面地形地貌的变化,有效降低着陆过程和月面工作的风险。  相似文献   

The viewpoint of working group of Russian experts on the problem of planetary protection for future manned and unmanned Mars mission is presented. Recent data of Martian environment and on survival of terrestrial microorganisms in extreme conditions were used for detailed analysis and overview of planetary protection measures in regard to all possible flight situations including accidental landing. The special emphasis on "Mars-94" mission was done. This analysis resulted in revised formulation of spacecraft sterilization requirements and possible measures for their best implementation. New general combined approach to spacecraft sterilization was proposed. It includes penetrating radiation and heat treatment of spacecraft parts and components which is to be carried out before the final assembly of spacecraft and gaseous radiation sterilization of the whole spacecraft during the flight to Mars (or from Mars for return missions).  相似文献   

The present electron microscopical investigations were directed to the question, whether alterations in the gravitational force might induce structural changes in the morphology of otoliths or/and inner ear sensory epithelia of developing and adult swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) that had been kept either under long-term moderate hypergravity (8 days; 3g) or under short-time extreme hypergravity (10 minutes up to 9g). The otoliths of adult and neonate swordtail fish were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Macular epithelia of adult fish were examined both by SEM and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The saccular otoliths (sagittae) of normally hatched adult fish revealed an enormous inter- (and even intra-; i.e. left vs. right) individual diversity in shape and size, whereas the otoliths of utricles (lapilli) and lagenae (asterisci) seemed to be more constant regarding morphological parameters. The structural diversity of juvenile otoliths was found to be less prominent as compared to the adults, differing from the latter regarding their peculiar crystalline morphology. Qualitative differences in the fine structure (SEM) of otoliths taken from adult and larval animals kept under 3g in comparison to 1g controls could not be observed. The SEM and TEM investigations of sensory epithelia also did not reveal any effects due to 3g stimulation. Even extreme hypergravity (more than 7g) for 10 minutes did not result in distinct pathological changes.  相似文献   

总结了近20年来火星探测的重要发现以及生命、气候和地质3个方面尚未解决的关键科学问题;介绍了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)2020火星探测任务的科学目标、科学载荷和着陆区选择的工程条件限制,并重点分析了经过3次着陆区选择研讨会,上百位行星科学家投票选取的排名前3的预选着陆区的地质情况。在此基础上,提出了对我国2020年火星任务的着陆探测部分的一些思考,并根据不同的任务目标(聚焦生命、气候和地质问题;支持载人火星探测的资源勘察;工程技术验证)提出了3个候选着陆区。  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of Paramecium is affected by media of various specific gravities. At 1g, the negative gravitaxis of Paramecium virtually disappears in solutions the specific gravity of which is about the same as that of the organism (1.04). In solutions with a higher specific gravity (1.08), Paramecium becomes positively gravitactic. We recorded the swimming tracks of Paramecium in these media on videotape before, during and after free-falls. The records show that the density-dependent differences in the swimming behaviour disappeared immediately following the onset of the free-fall. The recorded tracks and distributions of cells in the experimental chambers were compared with computer-simulated traces and distributions based on gravitactic and gravikinetic models proposed for Paramecium. Our preliminary analysis favors a novel gravitactic mechanism involving modification of the ciliary movement The drop shaft at the Japan Microgravity Center, Hokkaido (JAMIC) was used for the free-fall experiments.  相似文献   

Negative gravitaxis of Paramecium almost disappeared in solutions having specific gravity about the same as that of the organisms (1.04). The taxis turned to positive in solutions of specific gravity 1.08. Using a drop shaft at the Japan Microgravity Center, Hokkaido (JAMIC) we examined how swimming behaviour in these media was modified by changing gravitational conditions before, during and after free-fall. Tracks of swimming cells recorded on videotape indicate that the swimming cells continued upward and downward shift depending on the specific gravity of the external medium under 1-g conditions and these vertical displacements disappeared immediately after the moment of launch. The effectiveness of changing gravity to induce displacement of the cells seems to depend on the orientation of the cells to gravity. These results suggest a corelation between vertical displacement of the cell through the medium and a gravitactic mechanism in Paramecium.  相似文献   

We present a concept for a challenging in situ science mission to a primitive, binary near-Earth asteroid. A sub-400-kg spacecraft would use solar electric propulsion to rendezvous with the C-class binary asteroid (175706) 1996 FG3. A campaign of remote observations of both worlds would be followed by landing on the ∼1 km diameter primary to perform in situ measurements. The total available payload mass would be around 34 kg, allowing a wide range of measurement objectives to be addressed. This mission arose during 2004 from the activities of the ad-hoc Small Bodies Group of the DLR-led Planetary Lander Initiative. Although the particular mission scenario proposed here was not studied further per se, the experience was carried over to subsequent European asteroid mission studies, including first LEONARD and now the Marco Polo near-Earth asteroid sample return proposal for ESA’s Cosmic Vision programme. This paper may thus be of interest as much for insight into the life cycle of mission proposals as for the concept itself.  相似文献   

Larval siblings of cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) were subjected to hypergravity (hg; 3 g, 14 days) during development. Following the transfer to 1 g (i.e., stopping the centrifuge) they were separated into normally and kinetotically swimming individuals (the latter performed spinning movements). During hg, the animals were maintained in aquarium water containing alizarin-complexone (AC), a fluorescent calcium tracer. Densitometric measurements of AC uptake into inner ear otoliths (optical density of AC/micrometers2) revealed that the kinetotic individuals had incorporated significantly more AC/calcium than the normally behaving fish. Since the amount of otolithic calcium can be taken as an approximation for otolith weight, the present results indicate that the otoliths of kinetotically swimming samples were heavier than those of the normally behaving larvae, thus exhibiting a higher absolute weight asymmetry of the otoliths between the right vs. the left side of the body. This supports an earlier concept according to which otolith (or statolith) asymmetry is the cause for kinetoses such as human static space sickness.  相似文献   

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