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At the beginning of the GEOS lifetime, some attempts have been made for taking advantage of the passes over Alaska. GEOS was then commanded in a fixed mode and the corresponding telemetry data were recorded at the NASA stations. For two passes over Jim Creek (48°2N–121°9W) where a powerful VLF transmitter (f 0 = 18.6 kHz) is located, GEOS was put in a specific mode in order to study the magnetospheric electromagnetic field in the vicinity of f 0. The results of one pass (June 11, from 0755 UT) are presented here.During this pass, a strong enhancement of all the e.m. components at f 0 has been observed for a specific period of time, when GEOS was very near to the exact conjugacy with NKL. The distance, as measured on the ground, over which the signal was above -6 dB from the maximum is of the order of 800 km. During the corresponding period of time (0740–0750 UT), the satellite altitude varied between 8000 and 6000 km. The magnetospheric region where the signal is strong appears to be structured, as if there were many ducts.Preliminary results concerning the polarization characteristics of the signal are presented. In the absence of precise measurements of these characteristics, the comparison between the electric and magnetic components of the received signal is not easy to interpret. An examination of the onboard computed correlograms (in the frequency range from f 0 -0.6 kHz to f 0 +3.3 kHz) shows that, for this pass, no VLF emissions were triggered by NKL, at the altitude of the satellite.  相似文献   

In the first part (Sections I–III) a brief historical review of the progress of our knowledge of the precipitation of auroral electrons is given. Observations by different techniques, in terms of detectors aboard balloons, sounding rockets, and polar-orbiting satellites, are reviewed (Sections I). The precipitation morphology is examined in terms of synoptic statistical results (Section II) and of latitudinal survey along individual satellite passes (Section III). In the second part (Section IV), a large number of simultaneous observations of auroras and precipitating auroral electrons by DMSP satellites are examined in detail, and it is shown that precipitation characteristics of auroral electrons are distinctly different for the discrete aurora and the diffuse aurora. In the third part (Section V), the source region of auroral electrons is discussed by comparing the auroral electron precipitation at low altitudes observed by DMSP satellites with the simultaneous ATS-6 observations near the magnetospheric equatorial plane approximately along the same geomagnetic field line. It is shown that the diffuse aurora is caused by direct dumping of the plasma sheet electrons from the equatorial region, whereas discrete auroras require acceleration of electrons between the plasma sheet and the polar atmosphere. The parallel electric field along the geomagnetic field line above the ionosphere is a likely candidate for the acceleration mechanism.Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland 20810, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a period of rapid growth in our understanding of the processes which occur in the auroral regions. Much of our understanding is based on the copious new observations which have been made available in the auroral community. The present work is a short overview of the plasma conditions which obtain throughout much of the auroral region. It covers the diffuse and discrete auroral electron precipitation in the morning and evening oval, cusp, and polar cap. The ionospheric ion outflow throughout the high latitude regime is also described and related to the electron observations.  相似文献   

Energetic ion measurements of GEOS-1 and ATS-6 are analysed for the period of geomagnetic activity following the arrival of a solar wind shock at 0027 UT on July 29, 1977. GEOS crossed the magnetopause at 6.9 R E and 0027 UT (1312 LT). Although the difference in local time to ATS at 6.6 R E is only 2 h ATS seems to remain well inside the magnetopause. During the second orbital pass on this day GEOS crossed the geostationary orbit at the onset time of a major substorm developing at 1120 UT. At this time the local time difference of GEOS and ATS was 12 h. The considerably different energy dispersions are discussed. An azimuthal anisotropy of approximately 20% observed in the GEOS data is interpreted to be the result of a particle density gradient.NOAA-SEL, Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

Mende  S.B.  Frey  H.U.  Immel  T.J.  Gerard  J.-C.  Hubert  B.  Fuselier  S.A. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,109(1-4):211-254
The IMAGE spacecraft carries three FUV photon imagers, the Wideband Imaging Camera (WIC) and two channels, SI-12 and SI-13, of the Spectrographic Imager. These provide simultaneous global images, which can be interpreted in terms of the precipitating particle types (protons and electrons) and their energies. IMAGE FUV is the first space-borne global imager that can provide instantaneous global images of the proton precipitation. At times a bright auroral spot, rich in proton precipitation, is observed on the dayside, several degrees poleward of the auroral zone. The spot was identified as the footprint of the merging region of the cusp that is located on lobe field lines when IMF Bz was northward. This identification was based on compelling statistical evidence showing that the appearance and location of the spot is consistent with the IMF Bz and By directions. The intensity of the spot is well correlated with the solar wind dynamic pressure and it was found that the direct entry of solar wind particles could account for the intensity of the observed spot without the need for any additional acceleration. Another discovery was the observation of dayside sub-auroral proton arcs. These arcs were observed in the midday to afternoon MLT sector. Conjugate satellite observations showed that these arcs were generated by pure proton precipitation. Nightside auroras and their relationship to substorm phases were studied through single case studies and in a superimposed epoch analysis. It was found that generally there is substantial proton precipitation prior to substorms and the proton intensity only doubles at substorm onset while the electron auroral brightness increases on average by a factor of 5 and sometimes by as much as a factor of 10. Substorm onset occurs in the central region of the pre-existing proton precipitation. Assuming that nightside protons are precipitating from a quasi-stable ring current at its outer regions where the field lines are distorted by neutral sheet currents we can associate the onset location with this region of closed but distorted field lines relatively close to the earth. Our results also show that protons are present in the initial poleward substorm expansion however later they are over taken by the electrons. We also find that the intensity of the substorms as quantified by the intensity of the post onset electron precipitation is correlated with the intensity of the proton precipitation prior to the substorms, highlighting the role of the pre-existing near earth plasma in the production of the next substorm.  相似文献   

Since June 1992 the Kiel Electron Telescope on board ULYSSES measures 26-day variations of the order of 6% in the fluxes of high energy H and He. In May 1993 ULYSSES entered into the unipolar region of the southern polar coronal hole, but continued to observe similar effects: increases in the MeV proton channels due to acceleration near the shocks of the corotating interaction region and decreases in the intensity of galactic nuclei associated with the same region. Amplitude variations are presented for different magnetic rigidities and the effects are discussed in view of corotating shock development in a 3-dimensional heliospheric structure.  相似文献   

Worldwide maps of electron precipitation into the atmosphere can be obtained remotely with a unique separation of spatial and temporal variations by sensing from a satellite the bremsstrahlung X-rays produced in the atmosphere by the incident electrons. From X-ray measurements electron fluxes and energy spectra can be derived over a broad range of energies under both daytime and nighttime conditions. The technique was first demonstrated in 1972 and has now been used sucessfully in several programs. The most continuous and widespread coverage can clearly be achieved from high altitudes, but even at only a few hundred kilometers it has been possible to obtain mappings over a wide area since bremsstrahlung X-ray fluxes are often rather steady in time during the few minute duration of a low altitude satellite pass over the polar region. The satellite bremsstrahlung data already acquired have provided information on the long term morphology of the total fluxes and energy spectra of bremsstrahlung X-rays emitted from a large area and have shown that pronounced longitude structure commonly occurs in the X-ray emissions. The data have tended to be complementary in nature to that obtained by the more well established technique of measuring bremsstrahlung X-rays from balloons, whereby time variations can be studied in detail with more limited geographic coverage. From balloons it is known that the X-rays show a variety of time variations, but many of the faster microburst type phenomena have yet to be observed from satellites. The present status of satellite bremsstrahlung X-ray measurements is reviewed here, some of the key results summarized and suggestions made for future improvements in instrumentation. The review is limited to X-rays > 20 ke V and therefore to the associated precipitation of only the more energetic electrons.  相似文献   

The high spatial-temporal resolution of instrumentation on the polar-orbiting S3-2 satellite has allowed a wide variety of measurements of the electrodynamic characteristics of both large- and small-scale structures at high latitudes. Analyses of large scale features observed by S3-2 have shown that: (i) The IMF B ydependence of polar cap convection, first observed in June 1969 by OGO-6 persists in other seasons. During periods of northward IMF B zextensive regions of sunward convection may be found in the sunlit polar cap. (ii) In the dawn and dusk MLT sectors >90% of the region 1 currents lie equatorward of the convection reversal line. Potentials across the ionospheric projection of the low-latitude boundary layer are typically a few kV. (iii) The location of extra field-aligned currents, near the dayside cusp and poleward of the region 1 current sheet is dependent on the IMF B ycomponent. (iv) Simultaneous observations by TRIAD and S3-2 show that sheets of field-aligned current extend uniformly for several hours in MLT, but may have an altitude dependence in the 1000–8000 km range. (v) During magnetic storms ionospheric irregularities occur in regions of poleward density gradients and downward field-aligned currents near the equatorward boundary of diffuse auroral precipitation. In the winter polar cap, density irregularities were also found in regions of highly structured electric fields and soft electron precipitation. (vi) During an intense magnetic storm the auroral zone height-integrated Pederson conductivity was calculated to be in the range 10–30 mho and downcoming energetic electron fluxes accounted for between 50% and 70% of the upward Birkeland currents.Analysis of small-scale structures (latitudinal width < 1°), observed by S3-2, have shown that: (i) Intense meridional electric fields (50–250 mV m-1) generated by charge separation near the inner edge of the plasma sheet drive intense subauroral convection and are associated with field-aligned currents, on the order of 1–2 A m-2. (ii) Case studies of discrete arcs in the auroral oval have shown that arcs are associated with pairs of small-scale, field-aligned currents embedded in the large-scale region 1/region 2 field-aligned current sheets. The maximum observed field-aligned current was an upward current of 135 A m-2, confined to a latitudinal width of 2km and carried by field-aligned accelerated electrons. Return (downward) currents associated with arcs are limited to intensities of 10–15 A m-2. At this limit the ionospheric plasma becomes marginally stable to the onset of ion-cyclotron turbulence. Two instances of plasma vortices, characteristic of auroral curls, have been observed in the region between the paired current sheets. (iii) Sun-aligned arcs in the polar cap are found in a region of negative electric field divergence, embedded in an irregular electric field pattern. The electrons producing the arcs have a temperature of 200 eV and have been accelerated through potential drops of 1 kV along the magnetic field. Return currents may appear on both sides of polar-cap arcs.  相似文献   

Energetic particle instrumentation on the Polar satellite has discovered that significant fluxes of energetic particles are continuously present in the region of the dayside magnetosphere where they cannot be stably trapped. This region is associated with either open magnetic field lines or a magnetic topology associated with pseudo-trapping. Two distinct features [Time-Energy Dispersion (TED) signatures and Cusp Energetic Particle (CEP) events] are observed in these energetic particle fluxes that strongly suggest a local acceleration of mostly shocked solar wind particles. As the solar wind particles ram themselves into the cusp geometry, they form diamagnetic cavities with strong turbulence that are capable of accelerating particles to energies of 100s and 1000s of kiloelectronvolts. This process forms a layer of energetic particles on the magnetopause as well as permits such particles to enter via drift the equatorial nightside magnetosphere to distances as close as six Earth radii under the influence of gradient and curvature effects in the local magnetic field. The fluxes of these particles have all of the properties associated with the ring current and can supply the magnitude of the cross tail current required. ISEE-1 energetic particle data and their pitch angle distributions [PAD] are examined at the magnetic equatorial plane on the night side to investigate and possibly validate the insights gains from the Polar data and energetic particle trajectory tracing in a realistic magnetic field. The existence and properties of butterfly-type PADs strongly supports the concept of a dayside high latitude source of energetic particle fluxes. Because the CEP process is impulsive and time variable the charge separation produced by the drifting electrons (eastward) and ions (westward) on the magnetospheric nightside may be responsible for the cross tail electric field that has been ascribed to the reconnection/convection process.  相似文献   

Lario  D.  Roelof  E.C.  Forsyth  R.J.  Gosling  J.T. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):249-252
We present observations of energetic (0.34–8 MeV) ions from the Ulysses spacecraft during its second ascent to southern high latitude regions of the heliosphere. We cover the period from January 1999 until mid-2000 as Ulysses moved from 5.2 AU and 18° S to 3.5 AU and 55° S. In contrast to the long-lived and well-defined ∼26-day recurrences that were observed throughout Ulysses‘ first southern pass, energetic ion fluxes during the first portion of the Ulysses’ second polar orbit are highly irregular. Although corotating interaction regions (CIRs) are clearly present in solar wind and magnetic field data throughout the first half of 1999, their effects on energetic ion intensities are quite different from what they were in 1992–1993. No dominant strictly recurrent ion flux increases are observed in association with the arrival of these CIRs. Correspondingly, there is no stable structure of large polar coronal holes during the same period. Isolated transient solar energetic particle (SEP) events are observed at low and high latitudes. We compare energetic ion observations from the ACE and Ulysses spacecraft during the first half of 1999 to determine the influence of these SEP events in the observed recurrent CIR structure. Such SEP events occurred only occasionally during 1992–1993, but when they occurred, they obscured the recurrences in a manner similar to that observed in 1999–2000. We therefore conclude that the basic differences in the behavior of energetic ion events between the first and second southern passes are due to the short life of the corotating structure and the higher frequency of SEP events occurring in 1999–2000. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper reviews major developments in our understanding of the physics of energetic heavy ions in the Earth's plasma environment during the past four years (1974–1977). Emphasis is placed on processes that influence or are influenced by the ion charge states. This has been a period of growing awareness of the important role heavy ions play in space plasmas. Large fluxes of helium ions and even heavier ions have been observed at the geostationary altitude and in the heart of the radiation belts. Such ions have also been observed on low latitude rockets and satellites, and oxygen ion precipitation exceeding that of protons has been reported. In the outer parts of the Earth's plasma envelope there is mounting evidence for significant fluxes of heavy ions: in the magnetotail, the magnetosheath and in the polar cusp regions. In the inner magnetosphere there is a limited theoretical understanding of equatorially mirroring ions, but generally only radial diffusion at one pitch angle and pitch angle diffusion at one L- shell have been studied; for ions the coupled equations are yet unsolved even for the simplest case of only one charge state (protons). Theoretical modeling of the charge state structures of geophysical heavy ion populations is in part frustrated by the lack of adequate laboratory measurements of the pertinent charge exchange cross sections. A first attempt has, however, been made to treat the charge state transformation processes in the radiation belts for equatorially mirroring atomic oxygen ions. Wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere become much more complex in multi component and multi charge state plasmas where hybrid resonances and wave-particle interaction induced non-linear species-species coupling could be important. Heavy ion plasma physics in the Earth's magnetosphere and in the magnetospheres of other planets should be a field of fruitful study for both experimentalists and theoreticians in the years ahead.Proceedings of the Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics held in Innsbruck, May–June 1978.  相似文献   

The morphology of development of auroral flares (magnetospheric substorms) for both electron and proton auroras is summarized, based on ground-based as well as rocket-borne and satellite-borne data with specific reference to the morphology of solar flares.The growth phase of an auroral flare is produced by the inflow of the solar wind energy into the magnetosphere by the reconnection mechanism between the solar wind field and the geomagnetic field, thus the neutral and plasma sheets in the magnetotail attaining their minimum thickness with a great stretch of the geomagnetic fluxes into the tail.The onset of the expansion phase of an auroral flare is represented by the break-up of electron and proton auroras, which is associated with strong auroral electrojets, a sudden increase in CNA, VLF hiss emissions and characteristic ULF emissions. The auroral break-up is triggered by the relaxation of stretched magnetic fluxes caused by cutting off of the tail fluxes at successively formed X-type neutral lines in the magnetotail.The resultant field-aligned currents flowing between the tailward magnetosphere and the polar ionosphere produce the field-aligned anomalous resistivity owing to the electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves; the electrical potential drop thus increased further accelerates precipitating charged particles with a result of the intensification of both the field-aligned currents and the auroral electrojet. It seems that the rapid building-up of this positive feedback system for precipitating charged particles is responsible for the break-up of an auroral flare.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the first results of satellite experiments to measure magnetospheric convection electric fields using the double-probe technique.The earliest successful measurements were made with the low-altitude (680–2530 km) polar orbiting Injun-5 spacecraft (launched August, 1968). The Injun-5 data are discussed in detail. The Injun-5 results are compared with the initial findings of the electric field experiment on the polar orbiting OGO-6 satellite (400–1100 km, launched June, 1969).In addition to electric fields, the Injun-5 spacecraft also measures electric antenna impedance and thermal and energetic charged particle densities. Knowledge of these parameters makes possible a detailed investigation of the operation of the electric antenna system. We report on this investigation and discuss errors attributed to sunlight shadows on the probes, wake effects, and other factors. The Injun-5 experiment can generally determine electric fields to an accuracy of about ±30 mV m-1, and under favorable conditions, accuracies of ±10 mV m-1 can be obtained.Reversals in the electric field at auroral zone latitudes are the most significant convection electric field effect discovered in the Injun-5 data. Electric field magnitudes of typically 30 mV m-1, and sometimes 100 mV m-1, are associated with reversals. Electric field reversals occur on 36% of auroral zone traversals, at about 70° to 80° invariant latitude, at all local times, and in both hemispheres. The latitude of a reversal often changes markedly on time scales less than 2 h. Electric potentials of greater than 40 keV are associated with these high latitude electric fields. Reversals occur at the boundary of measurable intensities of >45 keV electrons and are coincident with inverted V type low energy electron precipitation events. In almost all cases the E×B/B 2 plasma convection velocities associated with reversals are directed east or west, with anti-sunward components at higher latitudes and sunward components at lower latitudes. Maximum convection velocities are typically 1.5 km s-1 and ordinarily occur at the auroral zone near the reversal.Two extreme (and many intermediate) configurations of anti-sunward plasma convection have been observed to occur on the high latitude side of electric field reversals: (1) Ordinarily, >0.75 kms-1 convection is limited to narrow (5° INV wide) zones adjacent to the reversal. (2) For 14% of reversals >0.75 km s-1 anti-sunward convection has been observed across the entire polar cap along the trajectory of the Injun-5 spacecraft. A summary pattern of >0.75 km s-1 polar thermal plasma convection is presented.Electric field measurements from the OGO-6 satellite have substantiated many of the initial Injun-5 observations with improved accuracy and sensitivity. The OGO-6 detector revealed the persistent occurrence of anti-sunward convection across the polar cap region at velocities (<0.75 km s-1) not generally detectable with the Injun-5 experiment. The OGO-6 observations also provided information indicating that the location of the electric field reversal shifts equatorward during periods of increased magnetic activity.The implications of the electric field measurements for magnetosphericand auroral structure are summarized, and a list of specific recommendations for improving future experiments is presented.  相似文献   

Several previous and new S3-3 satellite results on DC electric fields, field-aligned currents, and waves are described, interpreted theoretically, and applied to the understanding of auroral particle acceleration at altitudes below 8000 km. These results include the existence of two spatial scale sizes (less than 0.1 degree and a few degrees invariant latitude) in both the perpendicular and parallel electric fields; the predominance of S-shaped rather than V-shaped equipotential contours on both spatial saales; the correlated presence of field-aligned currents, low frequency wave turbulence, coherent ion cyclotron wave emissions and accelerated upmoving ions and downgoing electrons; intense waves inside electrostatic shocks and important wave-particle interactions therein; correlations of field-aligned currents with magnetospheric boundaries that are determined by convection electric field measurements; electron acceleration producing discrete auroral arcs in the smaller scale fields and producing inverted-V events in the larger scale fields; ion and electron acceleration due to both wave-particle interactions and the parallel electric fields. Further analyses of acceleration mechanisms and energetics are presented.Also Department of Physics.  相似文献   

McKibben  R.B.  Lopate  C.  Zhang  M. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):257-262
With Ulysses approaching the south solar polar latitudes during a period of high solar activity, it is for the first time possible to study the distribution of solar energetic particles (SEPs) in solar latitude as well as in radius and longitude. From July 1997 to August 2000, Ulysses moved from near the solar equator at ∼5 AU to ∼67° S latitude at ∼3 AU. Using observations of >∼30 MeV protons from Ulysses and IMP-8 at Earth we find good correlation between large SEP increases observed at IMP and Ulysses, almost regardless of the relative locations of the spacecraft. The observations show that within a few days after injection of SEPs, the flux in the inner heliosphere is often almost uniform, depending only weakly on the position of the observer. No clear effect of the increasing solar latitude of Ulysses is evident. Since the typical latitudinal extent of CMEs, which most likely accelerate the SEPs, is only ∼30°, this suggests that the enhanced cross-field propagation for cosmic rays and CIR-accelerated particles deduced from Ulysses’ high latitude studies near solar minimum is also true for SEPs near solar maximum. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The solar wind velocity and interplanetary magnetic field were unusually high late on 4 August and early on 5 August, 1972. The magnetopause was close to or below 6.6 R e from 2117 to 2318 UT and close to or below 5.1 R e from 2236 to 2318 UT on 4 August. The magnetosheath field near noon was several hundred gammas and frequently south during these intervals, and there was some evidence of field erosion. The entry of solar wind plasma into the inner magnetosphere during this period was not unusually high, however. Proton energy density was lower than in the storms of December 1971, and June 1972. The plasmapause steadily moved inward on 4 and 5 August; it reached 2 R e before expanding on 6 August. The unusually high amplitude magnetic pulsations commenced near 2240 UT, 4 August, and lasted until near noon on 5 August. Both the close magnetopause and the large pulsations appear to be due to the high solar wind velocity following the shock that reached Earth at 2054 UT on 4 August.  相似文献   

Lee  Martin A. 《Space Science Reviews》1995,72(1-2):485-494
This paper reproduces the Symposium Summary presentation at the 28th ESLAB Symposium on The High Latitude Heliosphere. The summary is not comprehensive but with considerable latitude covers the highlights of the conference. Featured are the observations of the high-speed wind from the growing southern polar coronal hole, new measurements of the interstellar gas and pickup ions, new measurements of cosmic ray modulation at high latitude, and our growing awareness of the three-dimensional heliosphere.  相似文献   

The profiles of the Lyα line at 1215.6 Å and of the O VI doublet at 1031.9 Å and 1037.6 Å in the extended solar corona have been analyzed vs. latitude and radial direction, performing observations with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board the ESA-NASA solar satellite SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). The results show that these lines behave differently with latitude: the H I Ly α line has larger full width at half maximum (FWHM) values in the streamer region and narrower values towards the pole, while the FWHM of O VI lines has a minimum at the center of the streamer and slightly increases towards the polar regions. We briefly discuss the impact of the results on coronal heating theories.  相似文献   

The French mobile station for recording geophysical data has been put in operation at Husafell, Iceland (64°5N, 20°8W) between the 10th of July and the 22nd of September, 1977. This place was more or less conjugated with GEOS when this satellite was near its apogee. The equipments installed in the station for recording VLF and ULF phenomena have characteristics (band-pass, sampling rates) which are identical to the similar equipments installed onboard GEOS. Intercomparison between signals recorded at both points are therefore easy. We present here the results which were obtained in the VLF range.In many occasions, VLF emissions (mainly hiss) do present identical variations in amplitude, with a very abrupt (<1 mn) and very large (>20 dB) decrease in amplitude. Because of their simultaneity at both points, such abrupt variations cannot be interpreted in terms of a sudden ionospheric absorption (associated with an enhanced particle precipitation) nor in terms of a sudden crossing of detached plasma regions. In some cases, these abrupt changes in the VLF intensity are associated with the appearance and disappearance of strong ULF emissions, in the Pc-1 frequency range. Some examples of associated onboard measurements of high energy electron fluxes or cold plasma density (when available) are given, which may help understanding these VLF conjugated relationships.  相似文献   

The fluxes of O and Fe ions at high heliolatitudes measured by the HiScale instrument on Ulysses reflect the dynamical processes that affect the charged particle populations in the heliosphere. Both the O and Fe ions show more latitude dependence in the first (solar minimum) orbit to high southern heliolatitudes than during the second (solar maximum) orbit. The ion fluxes are larger during the solar minimum orbit; the flux levels are influenced by the occurrence of corotating interaction regions. The Fe/O abundance ratios are found to be similar at 1 AU and at high heliolatitudes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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