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For over two decades, multilateral treaties have governed the spaceborne activities of nations in a variety of situations. In recent years, however, it has been apparent that a legal vacuum exists concerning the activities of individual citizens who are sent into space by the spacefaring nations. Few laws exist which are specifically intended to regulate private individuals and entities in space. This situation has led to uncertainty for potential participants in NASA's international Space Station programme. Moreover, it now appears that the Intergovernmental Agreement concerning the Space Station may not solve the problem.  相似文献   

Do Mau Lam 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(11):1343-1350
A method for automatic rendez-vous between an active vehicle, and a passive orbiting vehicle (typically a space station on a circular orbit) is presented. The main interest of the method is the simplicity of system implementation, and the small requirements on vehicle maneuvres and on-board computations, rather than in the mathematical optimization of fuel expenditure or elapsed time.The chaser is at first put on a circular orbit, lower and nearly coplanar to the orbit of the target (space station). An open-loop transfer of the chaser is performed, in order to put it in a window appropriated for automatic rendez-vous. When the relative distance of the two vehicles is small enough, a radar is used on the chaser for continuous determination of relative position and speed. An on-board computer is used then to derive the moments of application of corrective thrusts and their orientation. The scheme leads to a series of corrections nearly equally spaced in time, and the chaser approaches the target exponentially. Out of plane errors are also corrected. When the vehicles are close, the docking phase is initiated, which can be performed either automatically or manually. Even in manual control, an automatic loop is used in order to give the pilot simple motions in response to the control.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1986,2(4):366-367

The medical care for the integrated crew of the International Space Station (ISS) will require close co-operation between the partner agencies in the areas of selection, medical surveillance, countermeasures, and handling of acute medical problems. Based on a commonly accepted policy of shared care and responsibilities medical guidelines, procedures, and standards for medical data and communication need to be harmonised under the responsibility of the Multilateral Medical Operations Panel (MMOP). A supporting telemedical network connecting the partners on an organisational and technical level will facilitate the harmonisation process and provide new tools for effective co-operation between medical professionals. Earth bound projects with similar application areas can profit from and contribute to this development and need to be considered for efficient implementation and exploitation.  相似文献   

We are on the verge of a new era of commercial and industrial expansion in space that will have a major impact on America's future and on the future of the world. It is a turning point that will set the US national agenda in space well into the 21st century, and, as such, will have an important impact on space-related activities worldwide. The USA is now gearing up to face the challenges of this new era. James Beggs, NASA Administrator, describes the US space station programme.  相似文献   

This article presents a plan for reconfiguring the US-international Space Station, which could be used to undertake exploration of Mars. The author believes that there is an urgent need to give a unified purpose to the US Shuttle, Space Station and space science activities, and that planning for an international Mars sample return mission along the lines outlined here could start the US space programme moving again within budgetary requirements.  相似文献   

Doetsch K 《Acta Astronautica》2005,57(2-8):661-675
The paper addresses the evolution of the Canadian Space Station Program between 1981 and 2003. Discussions with potential international partners, aimed at jointly developing the current International Space Station program, were initiated by NASA in 1982. Canada chose, through the further development of the technologies of Canadarm on the space shuttle, to provide and operate an advanced and comprehensive external robotics system for space station, and to use the space station for scientific and commercial purposes. The program was to become a corner-stone of the new Canadian Space Agency. The development phase of the Canadian Space Station Program has been completed and two of the three major elements are currently operational in space.  相似文献   

为有效实施对航天员的空间辐射防护,采用计算机断层扫描数据(CT)建立了精细化男性体素模型;基于Geant4建立蒙特卡罗程序计算空间站轨道辐射经过舱壁(5 g·cm-2等效铝屏蔽)后在体模中的辐射剂量;分析了不同辐射粒子在体素模型组织或器官中的吸收剂量、当量剂量和有效剂量。计算结果表明:航天员体内吸收剂量大约80%来源于地球辐射带(ERB)质子;大约14%来源于银河宇宙线(GCR)质子;α粒子的剂量贡献占比约为5%;其余重离子的剂量贡献占比在1%左右。另外,航天员吸收的当量剂量和有效剂量50%左右来自于ERB质子,另50%左右来自于GCR粒子。计算结果将有助于评估航天员在空间站舱内的潜在辐射风险并提供辐射防护参考。  相似文献   

The Space Station Freedom will be a permanently manned, low-Earth orbit research facility, elements of which are being provided by the United States, Canada, countries of the European Space Agency and Japan. The facility will be assembled in space and operated well into the twenty-first century. The ground infrastructure must be able to support both assembly and long-term operations. The infrastructure will consist of ground facilities, support systems and the associated planning and management procedures. The key facilities identified to support Space Station Freedom Program (SSFP) integrated operations and their SSFP roles will be described in detail in this paper.

Requirements for the integrated ground infrastructure are developed and controlled within the SSFP requirements documentation and baselining processes. A Ground Systems Program directive summarizes key operations functions, roles and responsibilities of the various program participants. During 1992, the SSFP is conducting a major program review of the ground infrastructure including the definition of all facility and support system functional capabilities, interfaces and dataflow requirements. Operations functionality and interface verification tests are being identified and operations readiness dates are being established.  相似文献   

This article contrasts the political motivations behind the US space station initiative with those underlying the European Space Agency's Long Term Plan. Philip Chandler concludes that European cooperation in NASA's space station programme (SSP) will serve three needs: to buy time; to allow European users to undertake longer, manned experiments; and, to keep the Spacelab teams intact. However, in itself the SSP holds little value for Europe.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of light flashes (LF) in eyes for people in space has been investigated onboard Mir. Data on particles hitting the eye have been collected with the SilEye detectors, and correlated with human observations. It is found that a nucleus in the radiation environment of Mir has roughly a 1% probability to cause an LF, whereas the proton probability is almost three orders of magnitude less. As a function of LET, the LF probability increases above 10 keV/micrometer, reaching about 5% at around 50 keV/micrometer.  相似文献   

This article considers the issues surrounding the nature and extent of involvement in the US space station initiative. The motives and objectives of US cooperation with its allies are analysed from the perspective of both the USA and its potential partners. Guidelines for the forthcoming negotiations between these parties are elaborated through a review of past experience in international space cooperation. Developing a framework for collaboration will require significant trade-offs and will have to accommodate a number of not always consistent interests.  相似文献   

作为空间站研制、试验和运行管理的重要基础,系统级热分析已在国内外广泛开展。文章对空间站舱内空气流动分析、温湿度控制分析和以流体回路为核心的整体热建模分析等进行了综述,以国际空间站为重点介绍了这些技术的发展、实施方法、技术特点和作用。  相似文献   

空间站在轨密封检漏技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
空间站除了在地面需要进行充分的总装检漏试验之外,还必须进行在轨运行时的密封检漏,这对于保证航天员的安全和飞行任务的成功非常重要。文章提出了空间站总漏率实时监测技术、空间站结构泄漏点定位与定量检测技术、航天员舱外检漏技术,以及空间站结构泄漏堵漏技术的具体方案和技术途径,并对关键技术做了比较充分的分析。该系统技术的研究与发展能为空间站的在轨泄漏检测提供可靠的保障。  相似文献   

US government proposals to cut the scientific budget of the ISS are placed within the historical context of the US space program. The author divides this into three phases—early days to the end of Apollo, the Shuttle era, and the Space Station era—and shows that all of these have suffered from decisions to reduce scientific capabilities. Even without cuts, it is unlikely that the Station can produce scientific outcomes that are commensurate with the investment that has taken place and it is imperative that policy makers learn from the lost opportunities of the two earlier phases if greater disappointment is to be avoided.  相似文献   

This article looks at the collaboration between the USA and Europe to develop a permanently manned space station. The US view was initially somewhat conjectural and European involvement has become a matter of dispute. The problem started with President Reagan's vague invitation which has not been followed up. NASA, directed by Congress, has already established a programme to which European contributions would appear as afterthoughts. While, on the other hand, the Europeans have asked for a collaboration, at the same time insisting on separate ownership, jurisdiction, use and control of the elements they intend to provide.  相似文献   

This article presents the views of the Boeing company on the benefits and disadvantages of international participation in the space station. The author outlines the company's goals within the project, and makes some recommendations on how to reduce the concerns which arise from international cooperation, in order to maximize the benefits which could be achieved.  相似文献   

The US spent all of the funds originally estimated for the initial development of its orbital space station without producing any significant amount of flight hardware. This article shows how a project with large design costs and significant “non-prime” outlays can quickly deplete program funds. The authors recount the way in which budgetary politics, congressional micro-management, and technological risk conspired to produce this result.  相似文献   

The International Space Station (ISS) is no longer a paper program, focused on design, development and planning. It is an operational program, with hardware soon to be launched and ground systems in place. Additional modules, components and elements are now under construction in almost all of the 16 ISS International Partner and Participant countries, with metal being bent, software being written, and testing ongoing. Crew members for the first four crews are in training in the U.S. and Russia, with the first crew launching in mid 1999. Mission control centers are fully functioning in Houston and Moscow, with operations centers in St. Hubert, Darmstadt, Tsukuba, Turino, and Huntsville going on line as they are required.

The International Space Station, as the largest international civil program in history, features unprecedented technical, managerial, and international complexity. Seven international partners and participants encompassing 15 countries are involved in the ISS. Each partner is contributing and will be operating separate pieces of hardware, to be integrated on-orbit into a single orbital station. Mission control centers, launch vehicles, astronauts/cosmonauts, and support services will be provided by partners across the globe, but must function in a coordinated, integrated fashion. This paper will review the accomplishments of the ISS Program and each of the Partners and Participants over the past year, focusing on completed milestones and hardware. It will also give a status report on the development of the remainder of the ISS modules and components by each Partner and Participant, and discuss upcoming challenges.  相似文献   

Bluth BJ 《Acta Astronautica》1984,11(2):149-153
Serious recommendations have been made about the development and mutual manning of an international space station. The achievements of ESA show that such international organizations can work successfully in high technology projects, although with problems. However, other work on isolated and confined environments suggests that sustained cooperation in the unique quarters of a space station for long durations may have special inter-cultural difficulties that need to be examined before any long term commitment is made. Also, a careful look at international activities in general suggests that in spite of the fact that there are many potential benefits for cooperative activities, there are also many international obstacles. If such an effort is to be embarked upon, it is important to look candidly at the problems that can be generated from the multi-national social, economic, and cultural systems in order to do serious and direct analyses. Such a project might be strangled by unanticipated and complex problems of a socio-cultural nature.  相似文献   

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