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为提高飞行重构控制系统的鲁棒性,提出了一种基于简单自适应控制的滑模变结构重构控制律设计方法。采用简单自适应控制取代传统的等效控制律,可以较好地解决原等效控制律求取完全取决于被控系统结构和参数以及计算复杂等问题;同时引入饱和函数替代符号函数来减弱变结构控制的抖振现象;利用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论分析了该重构飞行控制系统的稳定性;以某型飞机侧向飞行控制系统为例,进行了仿真分析与研究。结果表明,该方法对操纵面损伤等故障具有较强的适应能力,使重构飞行控制系统在跟踪参考输入信号时具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the fixed-time adaptive model reference sliding mode control for an air-to-ground missile associated with large speed ranges, mismatched disturbances and un-modeled dynamics. Firstly, a sliding mode surface is developed by the tracking error of the state equation and the model reference state equation with respect to the air-to-ground missile. More specifically,a novel fixed-time adaptive reaching law is presented. Subsequently, the mismatched disturbances and the un-modeled dynamics are treated as the model errors of the state equation. These model errors are estimated by means of a fixed-time disturbance observer, and they are also utilized to compensate the proposed controller. Therefore, the fixed-time controller is obtained by an adaptive reaching law and a fixed-time disturbance observer. Closed-loop stability of the proposed controller is established. Finally, simulation results including Monte Carlo simulations, nonlinear six-DegreeOf-Freedom(6-DOF) simulations and different ranges are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

Control of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems which can be decoupled by state-variable feedback is considered. A variable-structure-control (VSC) law is derived so that in the closed-loop system the output variables asymptotically track given output trajectories in spite of any uncertainty in the system. On the basis of this result, a control law is derived for the attitude control of an orbiting spacecraft in the presence of uncertainty using reaction jets. The controlled outputs are the three Euler angles which describe the orientation of the spacecraft relative to an orbital frame. Simulation results are presented to show that, in the closed-loop system, precise attitude control is accomplished in spite of the uncertainty in the system  相似文献   

美国海军正在准备在它的航空母舰上首次部署一个拥有F/A-18E和F/A-18F两种飞机的舰载机联队,并不顾来自国防部一些官员的批评,坚持要在这些飞机上装备还未完成充分试验的设备  相似文献   

针对一类高阶MIMO非线性系统设计了基于快速模糊干扰观测器的自适应Terminal滑模控制方案.通过设计快速模糊干扰观测器,克服了传统模糊干扰观测器在误差较小时收敛速度慢的缺点.严格证明了跟踪误差及观测误差均在有限时间内收敛到零的小区域.最后在高超声速条件下,对空天飞行器再入过程的姿态控制进行仿真,结果表明了所设计干扰观测器的优越性和闭环控制方案的有效性.   相似文献   

苏媛  王柯 《航空动力学报》2012,27(4):913-919
基于滑模变结构控制,提出一种MIMO(multiple input multiple output)的飞行重构控制系统的频域设计方法.将滑模变结构控制与飞行重构控制相结合,解决了飞行重构控制技术中故障检测和系统参数辨识的问题.引入渐近观测器和hedge模型增加重构控制系统对衍生未建模动态的鲁棒性;引入作动器模型、输出饱和限制和驾驶员模型,使变结构重构控制系统设计方法变得更为有效和实用;以某型飞机的横航向飞行控制系统为例,进行设计模拟.结果表明:在飞机气动参数大幅突变和操纵面严重受损的情况下,飞机仍能保持良好的性能.   相似文献   

为了解决近空间可变翼飞行器大包络飞行以及小翼伸缩过程中受到不确定性参数和未知外部干扰的问题,第一次将灰色理论引入飞行控制领域。首先对飞行器的非线性模型不确定性参数进行分析,利用灰色GM(0,N)模型精确预测不确定性参数和外部干扰;然后根据所预测的数值,设计了基于灰色预测滑模控制的鲁棒飞行器,从而有效补偿不确定性参数和外部干扰对飞行器的影响。仿真结果表明,灰色GM(0,N)模型能够有效预测不确定性参数和未知外部干扰,并通过所设计的飞行控制器补偿其影响,保证了飞行器的稳定性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

首先,针对存在外部干扰和输入饱和的通用式高超声速飞行器的纵向动态模型,提出一种基于滑模干扰观测器的抗饱和滑模控制器。该滑模控制器采用非线性趋近律,在保证系统快速、稳定跟踪指令的同时,能够消除传统滑模控制中的抖振现象,并针对执行器饱和问题,加入抗饱和补偿器,以提高系统的稳定性。其次,对于系统中存在的干扰和不确定性,提出一种滑模干扰观测器,用以准确估计系统中存在的等效干扰,并将该观测器对干扰的估计值应用于滑模控制器中进行补偿,以消除干扰。再次,利用Lyapunov理论对所提出的基于滑模干扰观测器的抗饱和滑模控制器进行稳定性分析。最后,对高超声速飞行器的巡航状态进行仿真。仿真结果表明,所提方法能够有效提高系统的稳定性和抗干扰性,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

F/A-18E/F"超大黄蜂"战斗机,是美国海军舰载全天候战斗/攻击机F/A-18武器系统发展过程中的一种改型,由于在近期的几次战争中都有不俗的表现,被国际军机界列为21世纪的"三代半"战斗机中的佼佼者。除了在研的F-35舰载机外,美国军方认为F/A-18E/F是美国当前最先进的现役舰载战斗机  相似文献   

在F/A—18E/F的试飞中暴露出来的掉翼尖(机翼突然失速)问题,一度使得F/A—18E/F项目发展陷于停顿。为此,美国军方协调多方研究力量对F/A—18E/F的机翼突然失速问题进行了详细的调查,并最终在实际试飞过程中找出了最佳解决方案。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的负指数分布变参数滑模变结构控制,采用增益调度方法调节变结构控制器参数。通过自适应调节边界层系数、滑动模系数和控制增益系数实现降低能耗、减弱颤振的目标。对某飞机短周期迎角稳定控制系统进行仿真,结果表明了该控制方案的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

The problem of decreasing stability margins in L1 adaptive control systems is discussed and an out-of-loop L1 adaptive control scheme based on Lyapunov’s stability theorem is proposed. This scheme enhances the effectiveness of the adaptation, which ensures that the system has sufficient stability margins to achieve the desired performance under parametric uncertainty, additional delays, and actuator faults. The stability of the developed control system is demonstrated through a series of simulations. Compared with an existing control scheme, the constant adjustment of the stability margins by the proposed adaptive scheme allows their range to be extended by a factor of 4–5, bringing the stability margin close to that of variable gain PD control with adaptively scheduled gains. The engineered practicability of adaptive technology is verified. A series of flight tests verify the practicability of the designed adaptive technology. The results of these tests demonstrate the enhanced performance of the proposed control scheme with nonlinear parameter estimations under insufficient stability margins and validate its robustness in the event of actuator failures.  相似文献   

For the terminal guidance problem of missiles intercepting maneuvering targets in the three-dimensional space, the design of guidance laws for non-decoupling three-dimensional engage-ment geometry is studied. Firstly, by introducing a finite time integral sliding mode manifold, a novel guidance law based on the integral sliding mode control is presented with the target acceler-ation as a known bounded external disturbance. Then, an improved adaptive guidance law based on the integral sliding mode control without the information of the upper bound on the target accel-eration is developed, where the upper bound of the target acceleration is estimated online by a designed adaptive law. The both presented guidance laws can make sure that the elevation angular rate of the line-of-sight and the azimuth angular rate of the line-of-sight converge to zero in finite time. In the end, the results of the guidance performance for the proposed guidance laws are pre-sented by numerical simulations. Although the designed guidance laws are developed for the con-stant speed missiles, the simulation results for the time-varying speed missiles are also shown to further confirm the designed guidance laws.  相似文献   

舒燕军  唐硕 《飞行力学》2012,30(2):163-166
针对三维导弹-目标相对运动模型,结合反演控制、滑模控制和自适应技术,设计了一种新的自适应反演滑模末制导律。针对目标机动加速度上界难以获取的问题,将目标机动加速度视作模型的干扰,设计了一种自适应律对其进行在线估计,并将估计值补偿到制导律中。运用李亚普诺夫稳定性理论证明了系统的全局渐进稳定性和误差的收敛性。仿真结果证明了所设计的自适应反演滑模末制导律对机动目标的鲁棒性和有效性。  相似文献   

航天器自适应快速非奇异终端滑模容错控制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
韩治国  张科  吕梅柏  郭小红 《航空学报》2016,37(10):3092-3100
针对存在外部干扰、转动惯量矩阵不确定、控制器饱和以及执行器故障的航天器姿态跟踪控制问题,提出了基于自适应快速非奇异终端滑模的有限时间收敛控制方案。通过引入能够避免奇异点的具有有限时间收敛特性的快速非奇异终端滑模面,设计了满足多约束的有限时间姿态跟踪容错控制器,并利用参数自适应方法使控制器设计不依赖于系统惯量信息和外部干扰的上界。此外,所设计的控制器显式考虑了执行器输出力矩的饱和幅值特性,使航天器在饱和幅值的限制下完成姿态跟踪控制任务,并且无须进行在线故障估计。Lyapunov稳定性分析表明:在外部干扰、转动惯量矩阵不确定、控制器饱和以及执行器故障等约束条件下,所设计的控制器能够保证闭环系统的快速收敛性,而且对控制器饱和与执行器故障具有良好的容错性能。数值仿真校验了该控制器在姿态跟踪控制中的优良性能。  相似文献   

An aircraft flight control system with reconfigurable capabilities is considered. A multiple model adaptive controller (MMAC) is shown to provide effective reconfigurability when subjected to single and double failures of sensors and/or actuators. A command generator tracker/proportional-plus-integral/Kalman filter (CGT/PI/KF) form of controller was chosen for each of the elemental controllers within the MMAC algorithm and each was designed via LQG synthesis to provide desirable vehicle behavior for a particular failure status of sensors and actuators. The MMAC performance is enhanced by an alternate computation of the MMAC hypothesis probabilities, use of maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) versus Bayesian form of the MAC (or a modified combination of both), and reduction of identification ambiguities through scalar residual monitoring for the case of sensor failures  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated missile guidance and control law based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control. The integrated model is formulated as a block-strict-feedback nonlinear system, in which modeling errors, unmodeled nonlinearities, target maneuvers, etc. are viewed as unknown uncertainties. The adaptive nonlinear control law is designed based on backstepping and sliding mode control techniques. An adaptive fuzzy system is adopted to approximate the coupling nonlinear functions of the system, and for the uncertainties, we utilize an online-adaptive control law to estimate the unknown parameters. The stability analysis of the closed-loop system is also conducted. Simulation results show that, with the application of the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control, small miss distances and smooth missile trajectories are achieved, and the system is robust against system uncertainties and external disturbances.  相似文献   

F/A-18E/F飞机发动机的CARET进气道   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨国才 《推进技术》1997,18(4):31-35
介绍了与F/A-18E/F飞机发动机提高性能相适应的、设计Ma=2.0的固定几何的“CARET”进气道的设计,分析了新设计的E/F进气道性能和机体/进气道一体化的模型风洞试验结果。该进气道新概念设计对我国在研或预研的某些机种都有较好的参考与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

An adaptive sliding mode control(ASMC) law is proposed in decentralized scheme for trajectory tracking control of a new concept space robot.Each joint of the system is a free ball joint capable of rotating with three degrees of freedom(DOF).A cluster of control moment gyroscopes(CMGs) is mounted on each link and the base to actuate the system.The modified Rodrigues parameters(MRPs) are employed to describe the angular displacements,and the equations of motion are derived using Kane's equations.The controller for each link or the base is designed separately in decentralized scheme.The unknown disturbances,inertia parameter uncertainties and nonlinear uncertainties are classified as a ‘‘lumped matched uncertainty with unknown upper bound,and a continuous sliding mode control(SMC) law is proposed,in which the control gain is tuned by the improved adaptation laws for the upper bound on norm of the uncertainty.A general amplification function is designed and incorporated in the adaptation laws to reduce the control error without conspicuously increasing the magnitude of the control input.Uniformly ultimate boundedness of the closed loop system is proved by Lyapunov's method.Simulation results based on a three-link system verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

"黄蜂之眼"F/A-18E/F升级光电红外传感器系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱锟 《国际航空》2007,(7):28-29
美国海军的 F/A—18E/F 通过装备先进的光电红外传感器吊舱,作战效能得到大幅度提升,除了用先进瞄准前视红外系统(ATFLIR)吊舱提升精确对地攻击能力外,美国海军正在准备装备一种新型的红外搜索与跟踪(IRST)吊舱,以提升其空战能力。  相似文献   

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