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通过对《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》的学习、应用,并结合本人多年的设计体会,提出了消火栓的数量、水泵接合器的数量,屋顶消防水箱,地下室排水,以及消防给水系统等问题,对高层民建消防作了有益探讨。  相似文献   

南京空港货运中心,位于南京禄口机场内,是大型航空货运站,为国际及国内客、货航班提供航空货运服务,总建筑面积33776平方米。空港货运中心水消防系统复杂,共设有室内、外消火栓系统、自动喷水灭火系统、消防水炮系统等,笔者有幸参加该工程的建设,负责本工程的消防水系统项目管理。现将各系统的控制应用分别简介如下:  相似文献   

★2012年8月29日,中国空气动力研究与发展中心新建成的200万亿次高性能计算机系统在四川绵阳通过验收。由周丰峻院士、陶文铨院士等专家组成的测试验收组听取了高性能计算机系统建设工作汇报,对系统进行了性能测试,对设备运行情况进行了检查,一致同意该系统通过验收。新建成的高性能计算机系统峰值计算性能为200.2Tflops,内存总容量  相似文献   

中国人民解放军驻○一四中心军事代表室承担着多个国家重点武器装备的研制生产、质量控制和军检验收工作。十几年来 ,经他们军检验收的武器装备 ,无一重大质量问题发生。军代表室连续七年被评为先进单位 ,并荣立集体三等功一次。在抓武器装备质量工作的过程中 ,积累了许多成功的经验。在型号研制初期 ,他们就注意抓好系统的顶层质量管理 ,敦促承制单位在型号行政指挥系统、设计师系统的基础上 ,又相继成立了质量师系统、可靠性工作系统和标准化工作系统 ,并按照职责分工开展相应的质量保证工作。在型号研制中 ,充分发挥军代表熟悉部队使用维…  相似文献   

本文从飞机推进系统性能评定的要求出发,探讨了如何贯彻国家军用标准有关性能评定的程序、内容、方法及其有关问题。可供飞机,发动机的设计和试验时参考;并作为飞机定型试飞时,军方验收飞机推进系统性能的主要依据之一。  相似文献   

中航一集团总部办公自动化系统通过验收 日前,中航一集团办公厅召开“集团公司总部办公自动化系统V3.0版验收鉴定会”。 专家组认为,该系统已经超出普通办公自动化系统的概念,是一个协同办公平台。其中包容了信息集成平台和应用的集成,满足了集团公司总部全部办公需求,具备了新一代OA系统的特点;系统的开发体现了“需求牵引、以人为本”的原则,采用了网站式界面,信息集中,便于操作,为用户提供  相似文献   

为了通过航空发动机地面试车验收空中工作点性能,本文利用防喘调节系统的工作原理和相关参数,采用发动机稳态性能计算的方法,确定了某双转子混合排气涡扇发动机压气机出口温度、涡轮前温度和排气温度在地面试车与空中工作点间的换算系数。在考虑发动机性能分散度的基础上,计算了推力性能的验收指标,其结果与实际发动机基本吻合,证实了验收机理和方法的正确性。本研究结果为航空发动机空中工作点的性能验收提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

文章介绍了变稳飞机验收试飞情况,包括试飞内容、方法、结果和结论。并分析了改变短周期频率和阻尼、系统延迟、杆力梯度、人感系统频带、配平速度以及控制模式等对飞行品质的影响。验收试飞表明,BW-1变稳飞机研制是成功的,系统工作是可靠的,它为今后我国的飞行品质研究工作开创了一个新局面。  相似文献   

工程模拟器的模拟逼其变和有效性是工程模拟界普遍关心的一个非常重要的问题.本文根据SB—100飞行模拟器系统综合、试验和验收过程中的一些做法及模拟试验结果和试飞结果的对比讨论了模拟的逼真度和有效性问题.  相似文献   

1.东航股份安徽分公司张跃4月12日,包括东航基地在内的合肥新桥机场建设工程顺利通过行业验收。2.民航西北空管局袁安秀4月12日,西北空管局对西安区管中心KU卫星和航行情报模拟练习系统等两个项目进行了自行验收。  相似文献   

从型号合格审定阶段制造符合性检查的一般要求出发,结合相关的行业通用标准和质量控制系统要求,对型号合格审定阶段制造符合性检查中产品验收软件的检查进行研究,提出了针对产品验收软件检查的主要关注要点,为对运用产品验收软件的民用航空产品及其零部件开展制造符合性检查提供参考.  相似文献   

A logic-based track formation procedure was presented by C.B. Chang et al. (1984). In addition to the conventional gating logic, it utilized the negative log-likelihood function (goodness of fit or sum of residuals) to further reduce the false track acceptance probability. An analytical technique for the evaluation of the effectiveness of this reduction is presented. The exact solution in closed form and a Gaussian approximation are given and compared. It is shown that the goodness of fit provides an additional reduction of the false track acceptance probability by a factor of two to three  相似文献   

针对三轴一体光纤陀螺定位定向系统的设计要求,提出了基于DSP和FPGA导航计算机设计方案。主要从硬件设计和软件设计对导航计算机进行了介绍,硬件设计主要讲述导航计算机的设计原理以及DSP和FPGA芯片的选型;软件设计主要阐述了FPGA和DSP各自完成的功能,并对FPGA数据采集及处理以及导航计算机与控制显示器之间的通信进行了说明。经过系统的静态寻北试验及跑车试验验证,设计的导航计算机可满足系统的各项要求。  相似文献   

The search process of an airborne laser-seeker system is studied to maximize the probability of target acquisition with respect to the following parameters: altitude, velocity, seeker scan angle, seeker depression angle, laser illuminator peak power, scan pattern, and acceptance logic. The relationships between the objective variable and the first five parameters are established through a regression analysis of data points collected from a computerized system model. Classical techniques applied to the regression equation isolate a local maximum. Scan pattern and acceptance logic are each studied separately since their optima are independent of the other parameters of the system. Maximum probability of target acquisition is nearly unity.  相似文献   

针对目前对航空发动机叶片进排气边缘形状的评价主要依赖人工目测,主观性强、效率低等问题。提出一种叶片进排气边缘形状自动评价方法,通过非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)曲线拟合、最小二乘椭圆拟合、等半径法等算法拟合叶型并提取相关型面参数,针对5类叶片进排气边缘不合格形状给出了定性的定义,根据叶片进排气边缘在不同形状时的曲率特征以及偏差值变化特征对其形状做出评价。通过实例验证表明:该方法能够实现对尖头、钝头、歪头、缩颈及大小大/小大小(LSL/SLS)5类叶片进排气边缘形状的自动判读,对于不同叶片型号和验收标准的应用场景具有较好的通用性,有效提高了叶片进排气边缘形状评价的效率。  相似文献   

PMHT: problems and some solutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probabilistic multihypothesis tracker (PMHT) is a target tracking algorithm of considerable theoretical elegance. In practice, its performance turns out to be at best similar to that of the probabilistic data association filter (PDAF); and since the implementation of the PDAF is less intense numerically the PMHT has been having a hard time finding acceptance. The PMHT's problems of nonadaptivity, narcissism, and over-hospitality to clutter are elicited in this work. The PMHT's main selling-point is its flexible and easily modifiable model, which we use to develop the "homothetic" PMHT; maneuver-based PMHTs, including those with separate and joint homothetic measurement models; a modified PMHT whose measurement/target association model is more similar to that of the PDAF; and PMHTs with eccentric and/or estimated measurement models. Ideally, "bottom line" would be a version of the PMHT with clear advantages over existing trackers. If the goal is of an accurate (in terms of mean square error (MSE)) track, then there are a number of versions for which this is available.  相似文献   

Searching tracks     
Search theory is the discipline that studies the problem of how best to search for an object when the amount of searching efforts is limited and only probabilities of the possible position of the object are given. Then, the problem is to find the optimal distribution of this total effort that maximizes the probability of detection. Although the general formalism of search theory will be used subsequently, we consider now a radically different problem. The problem is to detect target tracks. In the "classical" search theory, the target is said detected if a detection occurs during any time of the time frame. Here, on the contrary, the target track will be said to be detected if elementary detections occur at various times. That means that there is a test for acceptance (or detection) of a target track and that the problem is to optimize the allocation of the search effort for track detection. So, specific optimization problems are solved by means of the primal-dual formalism, in an original setup. Other aspects concern Markovian targets and two-sided search for which simple and efficient algorithms are derived.  相似文献   

Test packages written for built-in test (BIT) and mobile automatic test equipment (ATE) systems for the forward support of electronic and thermal imaging equipment used by the British Army are currently scrutinized and subjected to objective tests by test package evaluation and acceptance teams (TPEATs) before being accepted for field use. This is a time-consuming and costly exercise that can result in the rejection of unsuitable software. The result of such rejection on equipment logistics is for reaching, since the hardware will enter service without adequate maintenance support. In an attempt to address this problem a suite of programs aimed at assisting the verification and validation activities of the TPEAT at every stage of the software life cycle from requirements analysis through to testing and acceptance is being devised. The development of these tools is discussed  相似文献   

Joint maximum likelihood estimators are presented for the signal amplitude and noise power density in a coherent PCM channel with white Gaussian noise and a correlation receiver. The estimates are based upon the correlation coefficient outputs of the receiver. From these estimators, an estimator for the quantity (received signal energy)/bit/,(noise power)/(unit bandwidth) upon which the error probabilities depend, is derived. This estimator is shown to be useful as 1) a point estimator for the signal-to-noise ratio for the higher values of this ratio (about 4 dB or greater), and 2) an easily calculated statistic upon which to base data acceptance or rejection criteria. The acceptance or rejection levels are obtained by the use of confidence interval curves in conjunction with word error probability data.  相似文献   

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