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发展我国的空间用高准确度原子钟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原子钟在科学技术、军事和商业中应用甚广,在空间任务,特别是卫星导航系统中起着决定性作用。目前我国还没有自己的空间用高准确度原子频标,发展适合空间应用的星载原子钟是我们面临的迫切任务。  相似文献   

The discovery and synthesis of fullerenes led to the hypothesis that they may be present and stable in interstellar space. Fullerenes have been reported in an impact crater on the LDEF spacecraft. Investigations of fullerenes in carbonaceous meteorites have yielded only small upper limits. Fullerene compounds and their ions could be interesting carrier molecules for some of the "diffuse interstellar bands" (DIBs), a long standing mystery in astronomy. We have detected two new diffuse bands that are consistent with laboratory measurements of the C60+, as first evidence for the largest molecule ever detected in space. Criteria for this identification are discussed. The inferred abundance (up to 0.9 % of cosmic carbon locked in C60+) suggests that fullerenes may play an important role in interstellar chemistry. We present new observations on DIB substructures consistent with fullerene compounds, and the search for neutral C60 in the diffuse medium.  相似文献   

The paper deals with recent basic space research and space applications in several Latin-American countries. It links space activities with national scientific and institutional infrastructures and stresses the importance of interdisciplinary space programs, that can play a major role in the developing countries achievement of self reliance in space matters.  相似文献   

在未来空间站系统中,空间系绳将起重要而独特的作用。系绳技术是发展空间运输、空间研究与空间应用的一项关键技术。  相似文献   

磁场测量是深空探测的重要任务之一,通过磁场可以遥感行星内部、研究行星演化历史、认知太阳系天体空间环境。基于法拉第电磁感应原理的磁通门磁强计,因空间适应性强、技术成熟度高、可靠性高等特点,是深空磁场测量最为常用的载荷。简要描述了磁通门磁强计的基本测量原理,探讨了地面和在轨标定的原理和实施方法,并介绍了磁强计在空间任务中的应用方式。目前,我国已经具备了星载高精度磁通门磁强计的研制能力。在不久的将来,磁通门磁强计有望在深空探测任务中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

<正> 一、前言陆地、海洋以及大气层无疑是人类生存、生活和生产活动的主要环境,但这些环境与外层空间中发生的多种现象有着密切的联系。一九八一年九月于意大利首都罗马召开的国际宇航联合会第三十二届年会上,提出陆地为人类的第一环境、海洋为第二环境、大气层为第三环境、外层空间为第四环境。第一环境与第二环境,第一、二环境与第三环境可以严格进行分界;但第三环境与第四环境的分界还存在一些不确定之处。因为大气层从地球表面开始向外  相似文献   

按现已发射的航天器统计,返回式航天器占1/3强。它们在开发利用空间资源方面起着先锋和带头的作用,为促进载人航天和促进人类的进步作出重大贡献。文章分析了返回技术和返回式航天器发展的三个阶段:初期发展阶段、深入应用阶段、无损和定点返回阶段。并指出,今后相当的一段时期内无损定点着陆返回将会成为主要的发展途径。  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that heavy charged particles play an important part in generating the secondary flux of nuclear particles formed by the interaction of space hadrons with nuclei. It is assumed that these particles are responsible for the high biological efficiency of space hadrons in causing cellular damage by their strong interactions. To examine this assumption we investigated the effects of 5.3 MeV alpha particles on bacteriophage T4. This energy provides a LET value of 88.6 KeV/micrometer lying in the range of the highest biological efficiency.  相似文献   

核动力深空探测器现状及发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深空探测中,由于无法使用太阳能或者太阳能的利用效率太低,需要使用空间核电源。当前用于月球表面、火星表面、木星及以远的飞行任务中的核动力深空探测器,均利用的同位素核源衰变能,包括同位素热源用于温度控制和采用温差发电用于供电。研究中的深空探测核动力应用包括月球基地、载人火星飞行、无人探测、使用核反应堆裂变能等。空间裂变电源的反应堆包括液态金属冷却堆和气冷堆两种方式,前者支持温差、斯特林和布雷顿发电,后者支持布雷顿和磁流体发电。近期开始探索研究核聚变深空探测器。纵观核动力深空探测器的发展历程,同位素电源依然在深空探测中发挥着重要作用,大功率空间核电源结合电推进将成为未来深空探测的重要关注方向。  相似文献   

Space flight has been shown to affect expression of several cell surface markers. These markers play important roles in regulation of immune responses, including CD4 and CD8. The studies have involved flight of experimental animals and humans followed by analysis of tissue samples (blood in humans, rats and monkeys, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow in rodents). The degree and direction of the changes induced by space flight have been determined by the conditions of the flight. Also, there may be compartmentalization of the response of surface markers to space flight, with differences in the response of cells isolated from blood and local immune tissue. The same type of compartmentalization was also observed with cell adhesion molecules (integrins). In this case, the expression of integrins from lymph node cells differed from that of splenocytes isolated from rats immediately after space flight. Cell culture studies have indicated that there may be an inhibition in conversion of a precursor cell line to cells exhibiting mature macrophage characteristics after space flight, however, these experiments were limited as a result of technical difficulties. In general, it is clear that space flight results in alterations of cell surface markers. The biological significance of these changes remains to be established.  相似文献   

The resulting L-distributions and energy spectra of energetic magnetospheric electrons obtained from numerical solution of the radiation belt transport equation with and without accounting for electron synchrotron energy losses are compared. It is demonstrated that synchrotron losses play an important role in formation of the space and energetic distributions of electrons in the inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

作为多普勒跟踪测量用于时空引力检验的尝试,在多普勒建模过程中加入了对于局部洛仑兹不变性(LLI)以及局部位置不变性(LPI)的检验参数。LLI/LPI是包括广义相对论在内的任何度规引力理论的基石。通过迭代求解多普勒建模过程中所需的光行时解,证明了只有在单程以及三程多普勒测量中可以检验LLI和LPI。鉴于该种测量手段无需额外载荷以及我国测控精度,可以尝试通过单/三程多普勒测量来检验LLI和LPI的科学目标。  相似文献   

We reported previously that emerged amoebae of Dictyostelium (D.) discoideum grew, aggregated and differentiated to fruiting bodies with normal morphology in space. Here, we investigated the effects of space radiation and/or microgravity on the number, viability, kinetics of germination, growth rate and mutation frequency of spores formed in space in a radiation-sensitive strain, gamma s13, and the parental strain, NC4. In gamma s13, there were hardly spores in the fruiting bodies formed in space. In NC4, we found a decrease in the number of spores, a delay in germination of the spores and delayed start of cell growth of the spores formed in space when compared to the ground control. However, the mutation frequency of the NC4 spores formed in space was similar to that of the ground control. We conclude that the depression of spore formation might be induced by microgravity and/or space radiation through the depression of some stage(s) of DNA repair during cell differentiation in the slime mold.  相似文献   

Future of Space Astronomy: A global Road Map for the next decades   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of space techniques continues to play a key role in the advance of astrophysics by providing access to the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio to high energy γ rays. The increasing size, complexity and cost of large space observatories places a growing emphasis on international collaboration. Furthermore, combining existing and future datasets from space and “ground based” observatories is an emerging mode of powerful and relatively inexpensive research to address problems that can only be tackled by the application of large multi-wavelength observations. While the present set of astronomical facilities is impressive and covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum, with complementary space and “ground based” telescopes, the situation in the next 10–20 years is of critical concern. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), to be launched not earlier than 2018, is the only approved future major space astronomy mission. Other major highly recommended space astronomy missions, such as the Wide-field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), the International X-ray Observatory (IXO), Large Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and the Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA), have yet to be approved for development.  相似文献   

Space robots play a significant role in on-orbit capture, space structure construction, and assembly tasks. Since the robotic arms are attached to a free-floating satellite, the motion of the manipulator in such tasks and the satellite are coupled. Multiple-arm space robots can perform complex cooperative tasks and are superior to single-arm space robots. Current work proposes a reactionless manipulation algorithm for a multi-robotic arm based on the iterative Newton–Euler method for space robots with many task and balance arms. The present work demonstrates two tasks and one balance arm to perform a reactionless handshake maneuver in space. This maneuver is presented in detail for a planar and spatial case. The planar case uses 3 DoF robotic arms, while the spatial case uses 6 DoF robotic arms. In addition, the balance arm has been designed considering the efficient usage of energy satisfying reactionless manipulation concept. The design procedure focuses on minimizing energy used during the motion of the balance arm for a known motion of task arms using a genetic algorithm. Moreover, computational experiments are conducted to validate the use of the genetic algorithm for optimization. The results of proposed reactionless manipulation algorithm have been validated with the results available in the literature for the spatial case that uses a different method. In the future, an energy-efficient balance arm will be designed to handle tumbling objects.  相似文献   

随着新型原子钟的发明,其频率稳定度性能已经发展到很高的水平,它们在空间科学试验中将发挥重要作用。这篇文章将介绍应用空间原子钟在微重力环境下所建议的某些基础物理方面的测试。  相似文献   

By using the false-nearest-neighbours method, we have argued that the deterministic component of solar wind plasma dynamics should be low-dimensional. In fact, the results we have obtained using the method of topological embedding indicate that the behaviour of the solar wind can be approximately described by a low-dimensional chaotic attractor in the inertial manifold, which is a subspace of system phase space. We have also shown that the multifractal spectrum of the solar wind attractor is consistent with that for the multifractal measure of the self-similar generalized weighted Cantor set with two different scaling parameters and one probability measure parameter responsible for nonuniform compression in phase space and multifractality. The values of the parameters fitted also demonstrate that the complex solar wind system could only be weakly non-conservative (small dissipation) and quantify nonlinear dynamics; some parts of the attractor in phase space are visited much more frequently than other parts. In addition, to quantify the multifractality of space plasma intermittent turbulence, we consider that generalized Cantor set also in the context of scaling properties of solar wind turbulence. We investigate the resulting multifractal spectrum of a one-dimensional phenomenological model of turbulence cascade depending on its parameters, especially for asymmetric scaling. In particular, we have shown that intermittent pulses are stronger for the cascade model with two different scaling parameters. Even thought solar wind turbulence appears to be rather space filling, a better agreement with the data is obtained, especially for the negative index of generalized dimensions. Therefore we argue that there is a need to use a two-scale asymmetric cascade model. We hope that this generalized multifractal model will be a useful tool for analysis of intermittent turbulence in space plasmas. We thus believe that fractal analysis of chaotic systems could lead us to a deeper understanding of their nature, and maybe even to predict their seemingly unpredictable behaviour.  相似文献   

We examined whether microgravity influences the induced-mutation frequencies through in vivo experiments during space flight aboard the space shuttle Discovery (STS-91). We prepared dried samples of repair-deficient strains and parental strains of Escherichia (E.) coli and Saccharomyces (S.) cerevisiae given DNA damage treatment. After culture in space, we measured the induced-mutation frequencies and SOS-responses under microgravity. The experimental findings indicate that almost the same induced-mutation frequencies and SOS-responses of space samples were observed in both strains compared with the ground control samples. It is suggested that microgravity might not influence induced-mutation frequencies and SOS-responses at the stages of DNA replication and/or DNA repair. In addition, we developed a new experimental apparatus for space experiments to culture and freeze stocks of E. coli and S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) administrator has identified protection from radiation hazards as one of the two biggest problems of the agency with respect to human deep space missions. The intensity and strength of cosmic radiation in deep space makes this a 'must solve' problem for space missions. The Moon and two Earth-Moon Lagrange points near Moon are being proposed as hubs for deep space missions. The focus of this study is to identify approaches to protecting astronauts and habitats from adverse effects from space radiation both for single missions and multiple missions for career astronauts to these destinations. As the great cost of added radiation shielding is a potential limiting factor in deep space missions, reduction of mass, without compromising safety, is of paramount importance. The choice of material and selection of the crew profile play major roles in design and mission operations. Material trade studies in shield design over multi-segmented missions involving multiple work and living areas in the transport and duty phase of space mission's to two Earth-Moon co-linear Lagrange points (L1) between Earth and the Moon and (L2) on back side of the moon as seen from Earth, and to the Moon have been studied. It is found that, for single missions, current state-of-the-art knowledge of material provides adequate shielding. On the other hand, the choice of shield material is absolutely critical for career astronauts and revolutionary materials need to be developed for these missions. This study also provides a guide to the effectiveness of multifunctional materials in preparation for more detailed geometry studies in progress.  相似文献   

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