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利用磁流体动力学(MHD)全球模拟结果,根据弓激波的跃变特性确定出弓激波位置,建立了一个新的综合考虑了快磁声马赫数、太阳风动压、行星际磁场强度以及磁层顶曲率半径的弓激波三维位型模型.将新模型与以往模型的模拟结果进行比较发现,新的弓激波全球模型结果可靠,解决了部分现有模型不能描述弓激波三维位型的问题.研究结果表明,在行星际磁场北向时,随着快磁声马赫数的增大,弓激波日下点距离减小,但是在行星际磁场南向时,快磁声马赫数的变化对弓激波日下点距离影响不大;弓激波位型在赤道面与子午面上存在明显的不对称性,而且随着行星际磁场的转向,这种非对称性也会发生相应改变;行星际磁场南向,Bz值较小时,子午面内弓激波位型已经不是简单的抛物线,出现了明显的类似于极尖区磁层顶的凹陷变化区. 相似文献
P.A. Sedykh 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2014
It is clear that the primary energy source for magnetospheric processes is the solar wind, but the process of energy transfer from the solar wind into the magnetosphere, or rather, to convecting magnetospheric plasma, appears to be rather complicated. Bow shock is a powerful transformer of the solar wind kinetic energy into the gas dynamic and electromagnetic energy. A jump of the magnetic field tangential component at front crossing means that the front carries an electric current. The solar wind kinetic energy partly transforms to gas kinetic and electromagnetic energy during its passage through the bow shock front. The transition layer (magnetosheath) can use part of this energy for accelerating of plasma, but can conversely spend part its kinetic energy on the electric power generation, which afterwards may be used by the magnetosphere. Thereby, transition layer can be both consumer (sink) and generator (source) of electric power depending upon special conditions. The direction of the current behind the bow shock front depends on the sign of the IMF Bz-component. It is this electric current which sets convection of plasma in motion. 相似文献
M. Verigin D. Vignes D. Crider J. Slavin M. Acua G. Kotova A. Remizov 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2004,33(12):2222-2227
The origin of the anisotropy in the shape of the Martian obstacle and bow shock is analyzed using Mars Global Surveyor observations. The influence of MHD or ion pick-up effects on Martian obstacle position was to be small found, however, localized Martian crustal magnetization increases the thickness of the downstream planetary magnetotail by 500–1000 km in agreement with earlier Phobos 2 observations. A new analytical model is presented for Martian obstacle shape variation for different solar wind ram pressure. Elongation of the Martian BS cross-section in the direction perpendicular to IMF was confirmed while the shift of this cross section in the +Y direction of Martian interplanetary medium reference frame was discovered. The shift of BS cross section in the direction of interplanetary electric field was not revealed thus not conforming the idea that mass-loading play some role in BS control. 相似文献
Pedro Corona-Romero Americo Gonzalez-Esparza 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
We present an analytic model of a stationary bow shock which describes the interaction between a supermagnetosonic ambient wind and an obstacle with spherical-like frontal shape. We develop expressions for the bow shock’s geometry and the physical properties of the plasma sheath as functions of the upstream conditions. The solution is limited to magnetic fields parallel to the upstream velocity. The model allows to use any value of the upstream alfvenic and sonic Mach numbers and the polytropic index (γ), pointing out the influence of γ for the magnetosheath compression and the bow shock shape. When both Mach numbers are small, the upstream magnetic field intensity affects also the bow shock shape. We compare our results with other models finding important consistencies. We also compare our results with in-situ data, we fund a reasonable qualitative agreement; however, it seems that our model underestimates the magnetosheath size. 相似文献
利用WIND和ARTEMIS卫星观测数据,分析远磁尾磁层顶对行星际和太阳风变化的响应,尤其是偏离日地连线的太阳风速度改变对远磁尾磁层顶的影响.研究发现在2011年9月13日的事件中,P2卫星观测到高速且高密度的磁鞘流.利用最小变量法进行分析发现,磁层顶沿着偏离日地连线的太阳风速度方向发生偏转.根据相似三角形定理,推断出本次事件中磁层顶在y方向和z方向上的偏转幅度分别达到10Re和6Re.P1和P2卫星的相对位置也证实了这一观点.因此,偏离日地连线的太阳风速度对远磁尾磁层顶的位形影响很大.研究结果可为建立包含太阳风速度vy和vz效应的磁层顶模型提供观测证据. 相似文献
L. Pech J. afrnkov Z. Nme
ek K. Kudela M. Slivka 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2005,36(12):2345-2350
Foreshock is a special region located upstream of the Earth’s bow shock characterized by the presence of various plasma waves and fluctuations caused by the interaction of the solar wind plasma with particles reflected from the bow shock or escaping from the magnetosphere. On the other hand, foreshock fluctuations may modify the bow shock structure and, being carried through the magnetosheath, influence the magnetopause. During the years 1995–2000, the INTERBALL-1 satellite made over 10,000 hours of plasma and energetic particles measurements in the solar wind upstream of the Earth’s bow shock. We have sorted intervals according to the level of solar wind ion flux fluctuations and/or according to the flux of back-streaming energetic protons. An analysis of connection between a level of ion flux fluctuations and fluxes of high-energy protons and their relation to the IMF orientation is presented. 相似文献
Rodrigo A. Miranda Abraham C.-L. Chian Erico L. Rempel 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
We analyze the multifractal scaling of the modulus of the interplanetary magnetic field near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock, measured by Cluster and ACE, respectively, from 1 to 3 February 2002. The maximum order of the structure function is carefully estimated for each time series using two different techniques, to ensure the validity of our high-order statistics. The first technique consists of plotting the integrand of the pth order structure function, and the second technique is a quantitative method which relies on the power-law scaling of the extreme events. We compare the scaling exponents computed from the structure functions of magnetic field differences with the predictions obtained by the She–Lévêque model of intermittency in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Our results show a good agreement between the model and the observations near and far upstream of the Earth’s bow shock, rendering support for the modelling of universal scaling laws based on the Kolmogorov phenomenology in the presence of sheet-like dissipative structures. 相似文献
Maria S. Pulinets Elizaveta E. Antonova Maria O. Riazantseva Svetlana S. Znatkova Igor P. Kirpichev 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2014
Crossings of the magnetopause near the subsolar point are analyzed using data of THEMIS mission. Variations of the magnetic field near magnetopause measured by one of THEMIS satellites are studied and compared with simultaneous measurements in the solar wind by another THEMIS satellite. The time delay of the solar wind arrival at the subsolar point of the magnetopause is taken into account. 30 and 90 s averaging of the magnetic field in the magnetosheath is produced. The results of averaging are compared with the results of measurements in the solar wind before the bow shock and foreshock. It is shown, that Bx component of the magnetic field near magnetopause is near to zero, which supports the possibility to consider the magnetopause as the tangential discontinuity. Comparatively good correlation of By component in the solar wind and near the magnetopause is observed. The correlation of Bz component near the magnetopause and IMF is practically absent, the sign of the Bz near the subsolar point does not coincide with the sign of IMF Bz in ∼30% cases. 相似文献
M.D. Ngobeni M.S. Potgieter 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2010
Observations made with the two Voyager spacecraft confirmed that the solar wind decelerates to form the heliospheric termination shock and that it has begun its merger with the local interstellar medium. The compression ratio of this shock affects galactic cosmic rays when they enter the heliosphere. Hydrodynamic (HD) models show that the compression ratio can have a significant latitude dependence; with the largest value in the nose direction of the heliosphere, becoming significantly less towards the polar regions. The modulation effects of such large latitude dependence are studied, using a well-established numerical drift and shock modulation model. We focus on computing the modulated spectra for galactic protons with emphasis on the radial and polar gradients in the equatorial plane and at a polar angle of θ = 55°, corresponding to the heliolatitude of Voyager 1. Two sets of solutions are computed and compared each time; with and without a latitude dependence for the compression ratio. All computations are done for the two magnetic field polarity cycles assuming solar minimum conditions. Including the termination shock in the model allows the study of the re-acceleration of galactic protons in the outer heliosphere. We find that for the A < 0 polarity cycle the intensity between ∼200 MeV and ∼1 GeV in the vicinity of the shock in the heliospheric equatorial plane may exceed the local interstellar value specified at the heliopause. Unfortunately, at θ = 55°, the effect is reduced. This seems not possible during an A > 0 cycle because significant modulation is then predicted between the heliopause and the termination shock, depending on how strong global gradient and curvature drifts are in the heliosheath. The overall effect of the shock on galactic protons in the equatorial plane is to reduce the total modulation as a function of radial distance with respect to the interstellar spectrum. Making the compression ratio latitude dependent enhances these effects at energies E < 200 MeV in the equatorial plane. At larger heliolatitudes these effects are even more significant. The differences in the modulation between the two drift cycles are compelling when the compression ratio is made latitude dependent but at Earth this effect is insignificant. A general result is that the computed radial gradient changes for galactic protons at and close to the TS and that these changes are polarity dependent. In line with previous work, large polarity dependent effects are predicted for the inner heliosphere and also close to the shock’s position in the equatorial plane. In contrast, at θ = 55°, the largest polarity effect occurs in the middle heliosphere (50 AU), enhanced by the latitude dependence of the compression ratio. At this latitude, the amount of proton modulation between the heliopause and the termination shock is much reduced. If galactic cosmic rays were to experience some diffusive shock acceleration over the 100–1000 MeV range at the shock, the radial gradient should change its sign in the vicinity of the shock, how large, depends on the compression ratio and the amount of drifts taking place in the outer heliosphere. The effective polar gradient shows a strong polarity dependence at Earth but this dissipates at θ = 55°, especially with increasing radial distance. This tendency is enhanced by making the compression ratio latitude dependent. 相似文献
P.S. Dobreva M.D. Kartalev D. Koitchev V.I. Keremidarska M. Kaschiev 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(8):1279-1285
This article presents some preliminary features of a new self consistent model of the system magnetosheath–magnetosphere, recently developed in the Institute of Mechanics, Sofia, Bulgaria. The flow in the magnetosheath is governed by 3D ideal gas-dynamic equations. The positions and the shapes of the bow shock and the magnetopause are calculated iteratively as a part of the solution. These surfaces are essentially three-dimensional (generally non-axially-symmetric). The self-consistency between the regions is ensured via the boundary conditions. The magnetopause cusp indentations are formed, influencing essentially the magnetosheath flow. Prediction of the position and the shape of the bow shock for different values of the sonic Mach number are derived. Distribution of some flow parameters in the magnetosheath is presented. 3D numerical finite element model, calculating the field due to the magnetopause currents for an arbitrary magnetopause geometry, is used in the magnetosphere. The fields due to the current systems inside the magnetosphere(cross-tail current, ring current, and Birkeland current) are taken from the Tsyganenko empirical model. The magnetopause surface is calculated from the requirement the outside gas-dynamic pressure to be balanced by the magnetic pressure inside. The magnetosphere model can be viewed as an improved version of the empirical model but with more realistic magnetopause form and shielding field. Not a final but a beta version is used in this approach. The final model version as well the model details will be presented elsewhere. 相似文献
U.W. Langner M.S. Potgieter 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(2):368-372
A numerical model, based on Parker’s transport equation, describing the modulation of anomalous cosmic rays and containing diffusive shock acceleration is applied. The role of radial perpendicular diffusion at the solar wind termination shock, and as the dominant diffusion coefficient in the outer heliosphere, is studied, in particular the role it plays in the effectiveness of the acceleration of anomalous protons and helium when its latitude dependence is changed. It is found that the latitudinal enhancement of radial perpendicular diffusion towards the heliospheric poles and along the termination shock has a prominent effect on the acceleration of these particles. It results in a ‘break’ in the energy spectrum for anomalous protons at ∼6.0 MeV, causing the spectral index to change from E−1.38 to E−2.23, but for anomalous helium at ∼3.0 MeV, changing the spectral index from E−1.38 to E−2.30. When approaching the simulated TS, the changes in the modulated spectra as they unfold to a ‘steady’ power law shape at energies below 50 MeV are much less prominent as a function of radial distances when radial perpendicular diffusion is increased with heliolatitude. 相似文献
通过对WIND卫星1995—2005年的数据,利用程序筛选及人工识别两种不同方法确定的小尺度磁通量管进行比较,发现程序筛选法中41%的小尺度磁通量管有边界重联现象,与人工识别法确定的小尺度磁通量管的统计结果接近;通过人工识别和程序筛选两种方法确定的小尺度磁通量管的边界重联特征,包括磁场剪切角、磁场强度以及重联耗散区的持续时间等,也具有相同的统计趋势.结果表明,两种方法确定的小尺度磁通量管在重联特性上没有本质区别,因此采用这两种方法得到的数据作为样本来统计小尺度磁通量管前后边界重联事件.本文共确定了71个重联事件,统计结果显示有50个(70%)重联耗散区磁场的减小超过20%,47个(66%)磁场剪切角大于90°;多数重联事件的磁场剪切角大于90°,表明小尺度磁通量管边界中主要发生的是反平行重联.将小尺度磁通量管的前后边界重联分开进行统计,结果显示其前后边界重联的特征是相似的,与磁云前后边界存在差异的性质不同,这意味着太阳风中的小尺度磁通量管并不具有磁云这种大尺度磁通量管的膨胀特征. 相似文献
A preliminary model is proposed to describe quantitatively the position and movement of cusp equatorward boundary. This integrated model, consisting of an empirical model of the magnetopause and a compressed dipolar model of Open/Closed field line, connects quantitatively the solar wind conditions, subsolar magnetopause and cusp equatorward boundary. It is shown that the increasing solar wind dynamic pressure and the increasing southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) component drive the magnetopause to move inward and the cusp equatorward. This model is adopted to interpret quantitatively the cusp movement of August 14, 2001 observed by Cluster. The results show that the subsolar magnetopause moved earthward from 10.7 He to 9.0 Re during the period of 002300-002800 UT, and correspondingly the cusp equatorward boundary shifted equatorward. The observations of Cluster C1 and C4 show the cusp equatorward boundary that Cluster Cl and C4 were crossing during same interval moved equatorward by 4.6°. The cusp equatorward boundary velocity computed in the theoretical model (10.7km/s) is in good agreement with the observed value (9.4km/s) calculated from the data of CIS of Cluster C4 and C1. 相似文献
This paper gives a brief outline of the progression from the first substorm model developed in Ref.[4] and
[8] based on Kennel's ideas[3], to the present views about the mechanism by which solar wind kinetic energy is converted to electromagnetic energy at the Bow Shock and by which this energy is transferred to the magnetosphere in the form of current; about the transformation of the energy of this current to gas kinetic energy of convecting plasma tubes, and, finally, the back transformation of gas kinetic energy to electromagnetic energy in secondary magnetospheric MHD generators. The questions of the formation of the magnetospheric convection system, the nature of substorm break-up, and of the matching of currents in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system are discussed. 相似文献
[8] based on Kennel's ideas[3], to the present views about the mechanism by which solar wind kinetic energy is converted to electromagnetic energy at the Bow Shock and by which this energy is transferred to the magnetosphere in the form of current; about the transformation of the energy of this current to gas kinetic energy of convecting plasma tubes, and, finally, the back transformation of gas kinetic energy to electromagnetic energy in secondary magnetospheric MHD generators. The questions of the formation of the magnetospheric convection system, the nature of substorm break-up, and of the matching of currents in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system are discussed. 相似文献
使用Cluster卫星的弓激波穿越数据,比较了Peredo弓激波模型、Merka弓激波模型、Chao弓激波模型和Lu弓激波模型在极端太阳风条件、偶极倾角较大和平静太阳风条件下的预测精度.结果表明:Peredo模型在极端太阳风条件和平静太阳风条件下的预测误差均较大;Merka模型在极端太阳风条件下的预测误差较大;Chao模型可以较为准确地描述平静太阳风条件下的弓激波位型,但不能准确描述偶极倾角较大时的弓激波位型;Lu模型可以同时准确描述极端太阳风条件和平静太阳风条件下的弓激波位型. 相似文献
S.V. Chalov H.J. Fahr 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2011
In this paper we start from the most recently observed fact that the solar wind plasma after passage over the termination shock is still supersonic with a Mach number of about 2. To explain this unexpected phenomenon and to predict the evolution of properties of the downstream plasma flow we here consider a two-fluid proton plasma with pick-up protons as a separate suprathermal, second proton fluid. We then formulate a self-consistent system of hydrodynamical conservation equations coupling the two fluids by dynamical and thermodynamical coupling terms and taking into account the effects of newly incorporated protons due to charge exchange with the H-atoms in the heliosheath. This then allows us to predict that in the most probable case the solar wind protons will become subsonic over a distance of about 30 AU downstream of the shock. As we can also show, it may, however, happen that the plasma mixture later again reconverts to a supersonic signature and has to undergo a second shock before meeting the heliopause. 相似文献
选取第23太阳活动周(1997—2006年)期间542例由太阳爆发活动驱动的行星际激波事件,分析确定了太阳源头和行星际空间中影响行星际激波能否到达地球轨道的关键物理参数;在此基础上,建立了预测行星际激波能否到达地球的新预报模型(EdEaSPM). 回溯预报结果表明,EdEaSPM模型的预报成功率约为66%,略高于国际一流预报模型的预报成功率;EdEaSPM模型的虚报率未超过50%,改善了当前国际主流模型虚报率较大的情况;对于偏度指标,虽然当前所有模型的偏度值均大于1,但EdEaSPM模型的偏度值最接近于1且明显小于其他模型的偏度值;EdEaSPM模型的其他评价指标也都高于国际主流模型的相应指标. 此外,选取2012年期间的激波事件对EdEaSPM模型进行了预报检验,预测结果与实际情况吻合. EdEaSPM模型不仅能够提前约1~3天进行预报,而且预报效果与国际一流模型具有可比性,尤其是在提高预报成功率及降低虚报率方面具有一定优势. 相似文献
Vladislav V. Izmodenov Yuri G. Malama Michael S. Ruderman 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(2):318-324
Time-dependent kinetic-continuum model of the solar wind interaction with the two-component local interstellar cloud (LIC) has been developed recently [Izmodenov, V., Malama, Y.G., Ruderman, M.S. Solar cycle influence on the interaction of the solar wind with local interstellar cloud. Astron. Astrophys. 429, 1069–1080, 2005a.]. Here, we adopted this model to the realistic solar cycle, when the solar wind parameters at the Earth’s orbit are taken from space data. This paper focuses on the results related to the termination shock (TS) excursion with the solar cycle that may help to understand Voyager 1 data obtained at and after the crossing of the termination shock and to predict the time of the TS crossing by Voyager 2. 相似文献
Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Structure and Dynamics as Seen From Cluster and Double Star Measurements

In this review, we discuss the structure and dynamics of the magnetospheric Low-Latitude Boundary Layer (LLBL) based on recent results from multi-satellite missions Cluster and Double Star. This boundary layer, adjacent to the magnetopause on the magnetospheric side, usually consists of a mixture of plasma of magnetospheric and magnetosheath origins, and plays an important role in the transfer of mass and energy from the solar wind into the magnetosphere and subsequent magnetospheric dynamics. During southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions, this boundary layer is generally considered to be formed as a result of the reconnection process between the IMF and magnetospheric magnetic field lines at the dayside magnetopause, and the structure and plasma properties inside the LLBL can be understood in terms of the time history since the reconnection process. During northward IMF conditions, the LLBL is usually thicker, and has more complex structure and topology. Recent observations confirm that the LLBL observed at the dayside can be formed by single lobe reconnection, dual lobe reconnection, or by sequential dual lobe reconnection, as well as partially by localized cross-field diffusion. The LLBL magnetic topology and plasma signatures inside the different sub-layers formed by these processes are discussed in this review. The role of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the formation of the LLBL at the flank magnetopause is also discussed. Overall, we conclude that the LLBL observed at the flanks can be formed by the combination of processes, (dual) lobe reconnection and plasma mixing due to non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz waves. 相似文献