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A complex radio event was observed on January 17, 2005 with the radio-spectrograph ARTEMIS-IV, operating at Thermopylae, Greece; it was associated with an X3.8 SXR flare and two fast Halo CMEs in close succession. We present dynamic spectra of this event; the high time resolution (1/100 s) of the data in the 450–270 MHz range, makes possible the detection and analysis of the fine structure which this major radio event exhibits. The fine structure was found to match, almost, the comprehensive Ondrejov Catalogue which it refers to the spectral range 0.8–2 GHz, yet seems to produce similar fine structure with the metric range.  相似文献   

The role of waves in the dynamics of the magnetotail has long been a topic of interest in magnetospheric physics. The characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary Waves (ESWs) associated with reconnection have been studied statistically in the magnetotail by surveying the large amounts data obtained from Waveform Capture (WFC) which is an important component of Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) on the Geotail spacecraft. About 150 reconnection events with WFC data available are selected, and approximately 10 thousands of ESW waveforms are picked up by hands for statistical study. The ESWs are observed near diffusion region and near the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL). Two kinds of waveforms of ESWs are observed: bi-polar and tri-polar pulses. It is found that the pulse width of the ESWs is in the order of 1–5 ms and the peak-to-peak amplitude is in the order of 0.1–5 mV/m. The amplitudes of ESWs are larger in the near-earth tail region than that in deep tail region. ESWs have been observed with or without guide magnetic field 〈By〉. The characteristics of ESWs in different reconnection region and under different strength of guild magnetic field, their possible generation mechanism will be discussed.  相似文献   

Radio bursts with fine structures in decimetric–centimetric wave range are generally believed to manifest the primary energy release process during flare/CME events. By spectropolarimeters in 1–2 GHz, 2.6–3.8 GHz, and 5.2–7.6 GHz at NAOC/Huairou with very high temporal (1.25–8 ms) and spectral (4–20 MHz) resolutions, the zebra patterns, spikes, and new types of radio fine structures with mixed frequency drift features are observed during several significant flare/CME events. In this paper we will discuss the occurrence of radio fine structures during the impulsive phase of flares and/or CME initiations, which may be connected to the magnetic reconnection processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the twist values of ‘S’-shape transequatorial loops (TLs) from 1991 to 2001 are calculated, GOES soft X-ray flares dataset of the active regions connected by these TLs are investigated. The result shows the twist value of the TLs has a weak relation with the flare flux. There is no clear correlation between the twist value and the distance between the footpoint of TLs and location of flare in the corresponding active regions.  相似文献   

We present and discuss here the first version of a data base of extreme solar and heliospheric events. The data base contains now 87 extreme events mostly since 1940. An event is classified as extreme if one of the three critical parameters passed a lower limit. The critical parameters were the X-ray flux (parameter R), solar proton flux (parameter S) and geomagnetic disturbance level (parameter G). We find that the five strongest extreme events based on four variables (X-rays SEP, Dst, Ap) are completely separate except for the October 2003 event which is one the five most extreme events according to SEP, Dst and Ap. This underlines the special character of the October 2003 event, making it unique within 35 years. We also find that the events based on R and G are rather separate, indicating that the location of even extreme flares on the solar disk is important for geomagnetic effects. We also find that S = 3 events are not extreme in the same sense as R > 3 and G > 3 events, while S = 5 events are missing so far. This suggests that it might be useful to rescale the classification of SEP fluxes.  相似文献   

Experiments on SMM, GAMMA, Yohkoh, GRANAT, Compton GRO, INTEGRAL, RHESSI and CORONAS-F satellites over the past three decades have provided copious data for fundamental research relating to particle acceleration, transport and energetics of flares and to the ambient abundance of the solar corona, chromosphere and photosphere. We summarize main results of solar gamma-astronomy (including some results of several joint Russian–Chinese projects) and try to appraise critically a real contribution of those results into modern understanding of solar flares, particle acceleration at the Sun and some properties of the solar atmosphere. Recent findings based on the RHESSI, INTEGRAL and CORONAS-F measurements (source locations, spectrum peculiarities, 3He abundance etc.) are especially discussed. Some unusual features of extreme solar events (e.g., 28 October 2003 and 20 January 2005) have been found in gamma-ray production and generation of relativistic particles (solar cosmic rays, or SCR). A number of different plausible assumptions are considered concerning the details of underlying physical processes during large flares: (1) existence of a steeper distribution of surrounding medium density as compared to a standard astrophysical model (HSRA) for the solar atmosphere; (2) enhanced content of the 3He isotope; (3) formation of magnetic trap with specific properties; (4) prevailing non-uniform (e.g., fan-like) velocity (angular) distributions of secondary neutrons, etc. It is emphasized that real progress in this field may be achieved only by combination of gamma-ray data in different energy ranges with multi-wave and energetic particle observations during the same event. We especially note several promising lines for the further studies: (1) resonant acceleration of the 3He ions in the corona; (2) timing of the flare evolution by gamma-ray fluxes in energy range above 90 MeV; (3) separation of gamma-ray fluxes from different sources at/near the Sun (e.g., different acceleration sources/episodes during the same flare, contribution of energetic particles accelerated by the CME-driven shocks etc.); (4) asymmetric magnetic geometry and new magnetic topology models of the near-limb flares; (5) modeling of self-consistent time scenario of the event.  相似文献   

We studied a set of 74 CMEs, with shedding the light on the halo-CMEs (HCMEs), that are associated with decametric – hectometric (DH) type-II radio bursts (1–16?MHz) and solar flares during the period 2008–2014. The events were classified into 3 groups (disk, intermediate, and limb events) based on their longitudinal distribution.We found that the events are mostly distributed around 15.32° and 15.97° at the northern and southern solar hemispheres, respectively. We found that there is a clear dependence between the longitude and the CME’s width, speed, acceleration, mass, and kinetic energy. For the CMEs’ widths, most of the events were HCMEs (~62%), while the partial HCMEs comprised ~35% and the rest of events were CMEs with widths less than 120°. For the CMEs’ speeds, masses, and kinetic energies, the mean values showed a direct proportionality with the longitude, in which the limb events had the highest speeds, the largest masses, and the highest kinetic energies. The mean peak flux of the solar flares for different longitudes was comparable, but the disk flares were more energetic. The intermediate flares were considered as gradual flares since they tended to last longer, while the limb flares were considered as impulsive flares since they tended to last shorter.A weak correlation (R?=?0.32) between the kinetic energy of the CMEs and the duration of the associated flares has been noticed, while there was a good correlation (R?=?0.76) between the kinetic energy of the CMEs and the peak flux of the associated flares. We found a fair correlation (R?=?0.58) between the kinetic energy of the CMEs and the duration of the associated DH type-II radio bursts.  相似文献   

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