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We highlight how the downward revision in the distance to the star cluster associated with SGR 1806–20 by Bibby et al. (2008) reconciles the apparent low contamination of BATSE short GRBs by intense flares from extragalactic magnetars without recourse to modifying the frequency of one such flare per 30 years per Milky Way galaxy. We also discuss the variety in progenitor initial masses of magnetars based upon cluster ages, ranging from ∼50 M for SGR 1806–20 and AXP CXOU J164710.2–455216 in Westerlund 1 to ∼17 M for SGR 1900+14 according to Davies et al. (2009) and presumably also 1E 1841–045 if it originated from one of the massive RSG clusters #2 or #3.  相似文献   

We present here new XMM-Newton observations of 3 relatively cool clusters at z ≈ 0.4, complemented by archival observations of 3 other clusters at similar redshift. We derived the MT and RT relations from the hydrostatic equation using an isothermal temperature distribution.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a sample of 7000 galaxies in the Local Supercluster (LS) (V < 3100 km/s) selected from the LEDA database [Makarov, D.I., Karachentsev, I.D. A new catalogue of multiple galaxies in the local supercluster small galaxy groups. Small Galaxy Groups ASP Confer. Ser. 209, 40–46, 2000]. We have derived physical properties of poor LS groups selected by dynamical and 3D-Voronoi tessellation methods. Median values of mass-to-luminosity ratios for poor LS groups selected by these methods are 50 M/L and 34 M/L, respectively. Physical parameters of LS galaxy triplets in comparison with other samples were evaluated. We suggest that the Dressler effect is present even in such poor groups as galaxy triplets. The data suggest that dark matter haloes are associated with the individual galaxies for LS triplets, which we find are dynamically younger systems. This contrasts with the properties of the Interacting and Northern & Southern triplet samples. For these two samples, the data suggest that the dark matter resides in a common halo. The median values of the mass-to-luminosity ratios for LS triplets, Northern & Southern triplets, and Interacting triplets are 35 M/L, 47 M/L, and 13 M/L, respectively.  相似文献   

We have observed the Cygnus Loop from the northeast (NE) to the southwest (SW) with XMM-Newton. We extracted spectra from 3′-spaced annular regions across the Loop and fitted them either with a one-kTe-component non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) model or with two-kTe-component NEI model. We found that the two-kTe-component model yields significantly better fits in almost all the spectra than the one-kTe-component model. Judging from the abundances, the high-kTe-component in the two-temperature model must be fossil ejecta while the low-kTe-component comes from the swept-up interstellar medium (ISM). The distributions of Ne, Mg, Si, and S for fossil ejecta appear to retain the onion-skin structure at the time of a supernova explosion, suggesting that significant overturning of the ejecta has not occurred yet. Comparing the relative abundances of fossil ejecta estimated for the entire Cygnus Loop with those from theoretical calculations for Type-II SN, the mass of the progenitor star is likely to be ∼13 M. The trends of the radial profiles of kTe and emission integral for the swept-up ISM are adequately described by the Sedov model, suggesting that the swept-up ISM is concentrated in a shell-like structure. Comparing our data with the Sedov model, we found the ambient medium density to be ∼0.7 cm−3. Then, we estimated the total mass of the swept-up ISM and the age of the remnant to be ∼130 M and 13,000 years, respectively. Note that if the explosion occurred within a stellar wind cavity, then the density in the cavity, the total swept-up mass in the cavity, and the age of the remnant are estimated to be ∼0.14 cm−3, ∼25 M, and ∼10,000 years, respectively.  相似文献   

We present medium resolution near-infrared host galaxy spectra of low redshift quasars, PG 0844+3490844+349 (z = 0.064), PG 1226+0231226+023 (z = 0.158), and PG 1426+0151426+015 (z = 0.086). The observations were done by using the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) at the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. The full width at half maximum of the point spread function was about 0.3 arcsec by operations of an adaptive optics system, which can effectively resolve the quasar spectra from the host galaxy spectra. We spent up to several hours per target and developed data reduction methods to reduce the systematic noises of the telluric emissions and absorptions. From the obtained spectra, we identified absorption features of Mg I (1.503 μm), Si I (1.589 μm) and CO (6-3) (1.619 μm), and measured the velocity dispersions of PG 0844+3490844+349 to be 132 ± 110 km s−1 and PG 1426+0151426+015 to be 264 ± 215 km s−1. By using an MBH–σMBHσ relation of elliptical galaxies, we derived the black hole (BH) mass of PG 0844+3490844+349, log(MBH/M)=7.7±5.5log(MBH/M)=7.7±5.5 and PG 1426+015,log(MBH/M)=9.0±7.51426+015,log(MBH/M)=9.0±7.5. These values are consistent with the BH mass values from broad emission lines with an assumption of a virial factor of 5.5.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new mechanism of the main energy conversion of the solar flare. Since a flare inducing prominence (flux tube) rises Vz ? 300 km s−1, the plasmas below it cannot continuously eject with Alfvén speeds of VA = 3000 km s−1 but probably with Vz ≈ ±100 km s−1. Plasma up and downflows with VA will within a short duration be blocked between the chromosphere where reconnected flux tubes are piling up, and the slowly rising flux rope. Hence the Petschek slow shock mechanism is difficult to be realized as a major energy converting mechanism.  相似文献   

Recent observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton   have shown that the X-ray source 1WGA J1346.5–6255 is associated with the Be star HD 119682, a member of the open cluster NGC 5281, and displays all the characteristics of the new class of X-ray sources known as γγ-Cas analogues. We present a detailed spectroscopic study of this open cluster, finding an age of 40 Myr and a sequence of evolved stars. These results imply that HD 119682 is a blue straggler in NGC 5281, as it is much more massive than any other cluster member, and its membership is strongly suggested by proper motion analysis. This is the second γγ-Cas analogue found to be blue straggler in an open cluster, suggesting that evolution plays a role in the formation of these systems and that a supernova explosion has not occurred in them.  相似文献   

M(3000)F2 estimation of hmF2 based on four different formulated models viz: (1) Shimazaki (1955) (2) Bradley and Dudeney (1973), (3) Dudeney (1974) and (4) Bilitza et al. (1979) at an equatorial station in West Africa during low solar activity period (1995) are used to validate its conformity with observed and International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Local time analyses of data from fifteen (15) selected days during the January and July solstices and April and October equinoxes are used. The results obtained show that the M(3000)F2 estimation of hmF2 from the ionosonde-measured values using the Ionospheric Prediction Service (IPS-42) sounder compared to the observed values which were deduced using an algorithm from scaled virtual heights of quiet day ionograms are highly correlated with Bilitza model. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI 2007) model for the equatorial region also agrees with the formulation developed by Bilitza et al. (1979) for the four different seasons of the year. hmF2 is highest (425 km) in summer (June solstice) season and lowest (386 km) in autumn (September equinox) season with daytimes peaks occurring at 11001200 LT during the solstices and at 1000 LT during the equinoxes respectively. Also, the post-sunset peaks are highest (362 km) at the spring (March equinox) and lowest (308 km) at the summer (June solstice) both occurring between 1800 and 2000 LT.  相似文献   

In 94 km NW of Iquique in Chile (19.610°S, 70.776°W) a powerful earthquake of Mw = 8.2 took place at 23:46:47 UTC (20:46:47 LT) on April 01, 2014. Using GPS-TEC (Total Electron Content) measurements, potential unusual variations around the time and location of the Chile earthquake have been detected based on the median and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) methods. The indices Dst, Kp, Ap and F10.7 were used to distinguish pre-earthquake anomalies from the other anomalies related to the solar-geomagnetic activities. Using the median method, striking anomalies in time series of TEC data are observed 4 days before the earthquake at 14:00 and 16:00 UTC. The ANN method detected a number of anomalies, 4 (02:00 and 16:00 UTC) and 13 (24:00 UTC) days preceding the earthquake. The results indicate that the ANN method due to its capability of non linear learning is quite promising and deserves serious attention as a robust predictor tool for seismo-ionospheric anomalies detection.  相似文献   

The Moon is immersed in plasma environment. The most interesting challenge of the lunar plasma– field environment is that it is alternatively dominated by the extended but variable outer atmosphere of the Earth – the magnetosphere – and by the extended but highly variable solar atmosphere – the solar wind. Understanding the plasma environment and its interaction with the lunar surface will be beneficial to both manned and robotic surface exploration activities and to scientific investigations. Presented is a preliminary map of variations of lunar surface electric potential over the day side and night side using probe equations and a discussion on dust dynamics in this E-field structure using the data from Electron Reflectometer in Lunar Prospector spacecraft during 1998–1999. On the day side, potential is around 5 V and on the night side it reaches up to −82 V. On the night side region, only highly energetic electrons can overcome this large negative potential. The variation at electron temperature (Te) strongly reflects in the surface potential. The potential reaches to a value of −82 V for Te = 58 eV. Surface charging causes the electrostatic transport of charged dust grains. Dust grain size of 0.1 μm shows a levitation height of 4.92 m on lunar day side, 748 m on terminator region and 3.7 km on the night side. The radius of maximum sized grain to be lofted, Rmax, peaks at the terminator region (Rmax = 0.83 μm). At the transition region dust levitation is almost absent. This region is most suited for exploration activities as the region is free from hazards caused by lunar dust.  相似文献   

We present results for the global elastic parameters h2 and l2 derived from the analysis of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data. SLR data for the two satellites LAGEOS 1 and LAGEOS 2 observed during 2.5 years from January 3, 2005 until July 1, 2007 with 18 globally distributed ground stations were analysed using different approaches. The analysis was done separately for the two satellites and approaches to estimate the two elastic parameters independently and together were performed. We do a sequential analysis and study the stability of the estimates as a function of length of the data set used. The adjusted final values for h2 equal to 0.6151 ± 0.0008 and 0.6152 ± 0.0008, and those for l2 equal to 0.0886 ± 0.0003 and 0.0881 ± 0.0003 for LAGEOS 1 and LAGEOS 2 tracking data are compared to other independently derived estimates. These parameters and their errors achieve stability at about the 24 and 27 month time interval for h2 and l2, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigate the variability of the continuum and broad lines in QSO spectra (particularly in the Hβ line and continuum at λ 5100 Å) caused by microlensing of a diffuse massive structure (like an open star cluster). We modeled the continuum and line emitting region and simulate a lensing event by a star cluster located in an intervening galaxy. Such a type of microlensing event can have a significant influence on magnification and centroid shift of the broad lines and continuum source. We explore relationships between the continuum and broad line flux variability during the microlensing event.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results for the global elastic parameters: Love number h2 and Shida number l2 derived from the analysis of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) data. SLR data for the two low satellites STELLA (H = 800 km) and STARLETTE (H = 810 km) observed during 2.5 years from January 3, 2005 until July 1, 2007 with 18 globally distributed ground stations were analyzed. The analysis was done separately for the two satellites. We do a sequential analysis and study the stability and convergence of the estimates as a function of length of the data set used.  相似文献   

A large set of simulations, including all the relevant perturbations, was carried out to investigate the long-term dynamical evolution of fictitious high area-to-mass ratio (A/M) objects released, with a negligible velocity variation, in each of the six orbital planes used by Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. As with similar objects discovered in near synchronous trajectories, long lifetime orbits, with mean motions of about 2 revolutions per day, were found possible for debris characterized by extremely high area-to-mass ratios. Often the lifetime exceeds 100 years up to A/M ∼ 45 m2/kg, decreasing rapidly to a few months above such a threshold. However, the details of the evolution, which are conditioned by the complex interplay of solar radiation pressure and geopotential plus luni-solar resonances, depend on the initial conditions. Different behaviors are thus possible. In any case, objects like those discovered in synchronous orbits, with A/M as high as 20–40 m2/kg, could also survive in this orbital regime, with semi-major axes close to the semi-synchronous values, with maximum eccentricities between 0.3 and 0.7, and with significant orbit pole precessions (faster and wider for increasing values of A/M), leading to inclinations between 30° and more than 90°.  相似文献   

Though H2CO, H2CS, H2CCC, H2CCCC, H2CCO have been identified in cool interstellar molecular clouds, identification of H2CC is still awaited. To analyze its spectrum, collisional rate coefficients are required. We have calculated collisional rate coefficients for rotational transitions between 23 levels of ortho and para H2CC for kinetic temperatures 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 K. The scattering problem is analyzed using the computer code MOLSCAT where the colliding partner is He atom. The interaction between H2CC and He has been calculated with GAUSSIAN 2003. For the interaction potential obtained with GAUSSIAN 2003, MOLSCAT is used to derive the parameters q(L,M,M|E)q(L,M,M|E) as a function of energy E   of the colliding partner. After averaging the parameters q(L,M,M|E)q(L,M,M|E) over a Maxwellian distribution, the parameters Q(L,M,M|T)Q(L,M,M|T) as a function of the kinetic temperature T in the cloud are obtained. Finally, the collisional rate coefficients have been calculated.  相似文献   

To investigate the feasibility of new satellite observations, including air quality (AQ) observations from geostationary (GEO) orbit, it is essential to link the measurement precision (ε) with sensor specifications in advance. The present study attempts to formulate the linkage between ε and specifications of a UV/visible sensor (signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the slit function, and sampling ratio (SR)) on a GEO satellite. A sophisticated radiative transfer model (JACOSPAR) is used to calculate synthetic radiance spectra that would be measured by a UV/visible sensor observing the atmosphere over Tokyo (35.7°N, 139.7°E) from GEO orbit at 120°E longitude. The spectra, modified according to given sensor specifications, are analyzed by the differential optical absorption spectroscopy technique to estimate the ε for slant column densities of O3 and NO2. We find clear relationships: for example, the ε of the O3 slant column density (molecules cm−2) and SNR at 330 nm are linked by the equation log(ε) = −1.06 · log(SNR) + 20.71 in the UV region, and the ε of the NO2 slant column density and SNR at 450 nm are linked by log(ε) = −0.98 · log(SNR) + 18.00, at a FWHM = 0.6 nm (for the Gaussian slit function) and SR = 4. The relationships are mostly independent of other specifications (e.g., horizontal and temporal resolutions), as they affect ε primarily through SNR, providing constraints in determining the optimal SNR (and alternatively FWHM and SR) for similar UV/visible sensors dedicated for AQ studies.  相似文献   

Azolla shows high growth and propagation rates, strong photosynthetic O2-releasing ability and high nutritional value. It is suitable as a salad vegetable and can be cultured on a multi-layered wet bed. Hence, it possesses potential as a fresh vegetable, and to release O2 and absorb CO2 in a Controlled Ecological Life Support System in space. In this study, we investigated the O2-providing characteristics of Azolla in a closed chamber under manned, controlled conditions to lay a foundation for use of Azolla as a biological component in ground simulation experiments for space applications. A closed test chamber, representing a Controlled Ecological Life Support System including an Azolla wet-culture device, was built to measure the changes in atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations inside the chamber in the presence of coexisting Azolla, fish and men. The amount of O2 consumed by fish was 0.0805–0.0831 L kg−1 h−1 and the level of CO2 emission was 0.0705–0.0736 L kg−1 h−1; O2 consumption by the two trial volunteers was 19.71 L h−1 and the volume of respiration-released CO2 was 18.90 L h−1. Under 7000–8000 Lx artificial light and Azolla wet-culture conditions, human and fish respiration and Azolla photosynthesis were complementary, thus the atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations inside chamber were maintained in equilibrium. The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration in the closed chamber enhanced the net photosynthesis efficiency of the Azolla colony. This study showed that Azolla has strong photosynthetic O2-releasing ability, which equilibrates the O2 and CO2 concentrations inside the chamber in favor of human survival and verifies the potential of Azolla for space applications.  相似文献   

We report on the analysis of two fast CME-driven shocks observed with the UltraViolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The first event, detected on 2002 March 22 at 4.1 R with the UVCS slit placed in correspondence with the flank of the expanding CME surface, represents the highest UV detection of a shock obtained so far with the UVCS instrument in the corona. The second one, detected on 2002 July 23 at 1.6 R with the UVCS slit placed in correspondence with the front of the expanding CME surface, shows an anomalous deficiency of ion heating with respect to what observed in previous CME/shocks observed by UVCS, possibly reflecting the effect of different coronal plasma conditions over the solar cycle. From the two different sets of observations we derived an estimate for the shock compression ratio X, which turns out to be X = 2.4 ± 0.2 and X = 2.2 ± 0.1, respectively, for the first and second event. Comparison between the two events provides complementary perspectives on the dynamical evolution of CME-driven shocks.  相似文献   

An uniform out-of-plane magnetic field component By0 is added to the equilibrium Harris sheet with plasma β = 0.5 and Lc = 0.5di (where Lc is the half-width of the equilibrium current layer and di is the ion inertial length). Driven by the continuous boundary inflows, the magnetic reconnections with the guide field By0/B0 ranging from 0 to 4.0 are investigated using a 2.5D Hall magnetohydro-dynamic (MHD) code developed from a multi-step implicit scheme. The features of the reconnection field are substantially altered in the presence of the guide field. The openness of the magnetic separatrix angle is slightly reduced and the anti-symmetric quadrupolar structure of By field and the symmetric distribution of plasma pressure P are replaced by an asymmetric By four-wing structure and an asymmetric P plot as a non-zero By0 is added. The decoupling of electrons and ions also occurs near the X line in the case with a finite By0, but the effect of initial By0 on the electron flow is greater than that on the ion flow. The reconnection rates at the X-line drops from 0.151 to 0.06, namely, ∂A/∂t is reduced by a factor of 2.5 as By0/B0 increases from 0 to 4.0. The reduction of reconnection rate might be related to the reducing openness of reconnection layer with the increasing By0.  相似文献   

We have analysed a sample of 328 time-integrated GRB prompt emission spectra taken via the Konus instrument on board the US GGS-Wind spacecraft between 2002 and 2004 using a couple of two-components models, Cut-off Power Law (CPL) + Power Law (PL) and blackbody (BB) + PL. The spectra show clear deviation from the Band function. The PL term is interpreted as the low energy tail of a nonthermal emission mechanism. The distributions of corresponding index β give values β < −2/3 consistent with synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton mechanisms. The distribution of low energy index α associated with the CPL term shows clear discordance with synchrotron models for 31.4% of the analysed GRBs with values exceeding that for the line of death, α = −2/3. Then, a set of nonthermal radiation mechanisms producing harder slopes, i.e., α > −2/3, are presented and discussed. For the remaining majority (68.6%) of GRBs with CPL index α < −2/3, we show that optically thin synchrotron produced by a power law electron distribution of type, N(γ) ∼ γp, γ1 < γ < γ2, for finite energy range (γ2 ≠ ∞) is a likely emission mechanism with α ∼−(p + 1)/2 in the frequency range ν1 ? ν ? ν2 (where ν2 = η2ν1 with η = γ2/γ1), such that for p > 1/3, one gets α < −2/3. We also show that corresponding spectra in terms of Fν and νFν functions are peaked around frequency ν2 instead of ν1, respectively for p < 1 and p < 3. Besides, thermal emission is examined taking a single Planck function for fitting the low energy range. It can be interpreted as an early emission from the GRB fireball photosphere with observed mean temperature, kT′ ∼ 16.8 keV. Furthermore, we have performed a statistical comparison between the CPL + PL and BB + PL models finding comparable χ2-values for an important fraction of GRBs, which makes it difficult to distinguish which model and specific radiation mechanism (possible thermal or nonthermal γ-ray emissions) are best suitable for describing the reported data. Therefore, additional information for those bursts, such as γ-ray polarization, would be highly desirable in future determinations of GRBs observational data.  相似文献   

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