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We have used the technique suggested by Hocking [Hocking, W. A new approach to momentum flux determinations using SKiYMET meteor radars. Ann. Geophys. 23, 2005.] to derive short period wind variances in the 80–100 km region from meteor radar data. We find that these fluctuating winds, assumed to correspond to gravity waves and turbulence, are closely correlated with the vertical shear of the horizontal tidal winds. This close correlation suggests that in situ wind shear may be a major source of gravity waves and turbulence in the MLT. If this is the case, gravity waves generated in the troposphere and propagating up to the MLT region, generally assumed to constitute an important influence on the climatology of the region, may be a less important source of energy and momentum in the 80–100 km region than has been hitherto believed.  相似文献   

During 2004 and 2005 measurements of mesospheric/lower thermospheric (80–100 km) winds have been carried out in Germany using three different ground-based systems, namely a meteor radar (36.2 MHz) at the Collm Observatory (51.3°N, 13°E), a MF radar (3.18 MHz) at Juliusruh (54.6°N, 13.4°E) and the LF D1 measurements using a transmitter (177 kHz) at Zehlendorf near Berlin and receivers at Collm with the reflection point at 52.1°N, 13.2°E. This provides the possibility of comparing the results of different radar systems in nearly the same measuring volume. Meteor radar winds are generally stronger than the winds observed by MF and especially by LF radars. This difference is small near 80 km but increases with height. The difference between meteor radar and medium frequency radar winds is larger during winter than during summer, which might indicate an indirect influence of gravity waves on spaced antenna measurements.  相似文献   

This paper presents the meteor observations obtained using two radars installed at Davis (68.6°S, 78.0°E), Antarctica. The Davis MST radar was installed primarily for observation of polar mesosphere summer echoes, with additional transmit and receive antennas installed to allow all-sky interferometric meteor radar observations. The Davis meteor radar performs dedicated all-sky interferometric meteor radar observations. The annual count rate variation for both radars peaks in mid-summer and minimizes in early Spring. The height distribution shows significant annual variation, with minimum (maximum) peak heights and maximum (minimum) height widths in early Spring (mid-summer). Although the meteor radar count rate and height distribution variations are consistent with a similar frequency meteor radar operating at Andenes (69.3°N), the peak heights show a much larger variation than at Andenes, while the count rate maximum-to-minimum ratios show a much smaller variation. Investigation of the effects of the temporal sampling parameters suggests that these differences are consistent with the different temporal sampling strategies used by the Davis and Andenes meteor radars. The new radiant mapping procedure of [Jones, J., Jones, W., Meteor radiant activity mapping using single-station radar observations, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 367(3), 1050–1056, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10025.x, 2006] is investigated. The technique is used to detect the Southern delta-Aquarid meteor shower, and a previously unknown weak shower. Meteoroid speeds obtained using the Fresnel transform are presented. The diurnal, annual, and height variation of meteoroid speeds are presented, with the results found to be consistent with those obtained using specular meteor radars. Meteoroid speed estimates for echoes identified as Southern delta-Aquarid and Sextantid meteor candidates show good agreement with the theoretical pre-atmospheric speeds of these showers (41 km s−1 and 32 km s−1, respectively). The meteoroid speeds estimated for these showers show decreasing speed with decreasing height, consistent with the effects of meteoroid deceleration. Finally, we illustrate how the new radiant mapping and meteoroid speed techniques can be combined for unambiguous meteor shower detection, and use these techniques to detect a previously unknown weak shower.  相似文献   

A new meteor radar system was installed at the Amundsen–Scott station South Pole in 2001 to further the understanding of the dynamics of the Antarctic region. The antenna array consists of four yagis pointed along the 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° meridians and five folded crossed dipoles arranged in a cross configuration and operating as an interferometer to provide position measurements for the detected radio meteors. The four yagis are time division multiplexed and used for both transmitting and receiving while the five folded crossed dipoles are only used for reception. The current arrangement of data acquisition (DAQ) systems at the South Pole allows the collection of meteors in a configuration similar to the previous meteor radar system that operated at the South Pole in the mid 1990s while also using an interferometer to accurately determine the meteor positions in the sky, which enables the determination of the vertical structure of the observed waves. This has been accomplished through the use of two DAQ and post-processing systems: COBRA (Colorado Obninsk radar) connected to the yagis and MEDAC (meteor echo detection and collection) connected to the folded crossed dipoles. With two separate DAQ systems operating in parallel we have the ability to directly compare the results and understand the inherent variability in the derived scientific results based on different system architectures and processing assumptions. The impact of operating a system without an interferometer on the amplitudes and phases of the observed wave components is considered. We find that the lack of altitude resolution of the COBRA DAQ system leads to an underestimation of the amplitude of the s = 1 component of the semidiurnal tide of ∼20% during the summer months.  相似文献   

Scale height, H, estimates are calculated from the decrease/increase of ionospheric virtual reflection heights of low-frequency (LF) radio waves at oblique incidence in suitably defined morning intervals around sunrise during winter months. The day-to-day variations of H qualitatively agree with daily mean temperature variations around 90 km from meteor radar measurements. Since mesospheric long-period temperature variations are generally accepted to be the signature of atmospheric planetary waves, this shows that LF reflection height measurements can be used for monitoring the dynamics of the upper middle atmosphere. The long-term variations of monthly mean H estimates have also been analysed. There is no significant trend, which is in agreement with other measurements of mesopause region temperature trends.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the charging process of small grain particles by anisotropic multi-component solar wind plasmas (electrons, protons and heavy ions), versus two-component (electron/proton) plasmas. We are focusing attention on the important characteristics of the charging process, namely the charging time, floating potential and current content as functions of plasma parameters such as He++/H+ (α/p) number density and Tα/Tp temperature ratios of alpha particles to protons, as well as plasma streaming velocity v0. Measured statistical properties of solar wind plasma parameters at 1 AU show considerable variations in α/p-temperature ratios from 1 to 10, in α/p-number density ratio from 0.01 to 0.35, as well as in values of streaming velocity v0 from 200 km/s to 1000 km/s and more. Periods of these variations could last for several days each, leading to significant variability in the charging process, according to newly derived general analytical expressions. Numerical calculations performed for protons/alphas plasmas showed large disparity in the charging characteristics. For example, in anisotropic plasma, grain charging time varies up to 90% depending on α/p-particles temperature and number density ratios, whereas changes in floating potential are up to 40%. In contrast, in isotropic plasma, charging characteristic for grains do not change very much for the same plasma parameters variations, with charging time varying about 12% and floating potential only varying about 4%. It is also shown that in highly anisotropic plasma, with all ballistic electrons and ions, dust grains could not hold their charges, and characteristic discharged time is calculated. We note that the analysis is equally applicable to any sized body immersed in solar wind plasma.  相似文献   

In order to test laser ranging possibilities to space debris objects, the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Station Graz installed a frequency doubled Nd:YAG pulse laser with a 1 kHz repetition rate, a pulse width of 10 ns, and a pulse energy of 25 mJ at 532 nm (on loan from German Aerospace Center Stuttgart – DLR). We developed and built low-noise single-photon detection units to enable laser ranging to targets with inaccurate orbit predictions, and adapted our standard SLR software to include a few hundred space debris targets. With this configuration, we successfully tracked – within 13 early-evening sessions of each about 1.5 h – 85 passes of 43 different space debris targets, in distances between 600 km and up to more than 2500 km, with radar cross sections from >15 m2 down to <0.3 m2, and measured their distances with an average precision of about 0.7 m RMS.  相似文献   

The continual monitoring of the low Earth orbit (LEO) debris environment using highly sensitive radars is essential for an accurate characterization of these dynamic populations. Debris populations are continually evolving since there are new debris sources, previously unrecognized debris sources, and debris loss mechanisms that are dependent on the dynamic space environment. Such radar data are used to supplement, update, and validate existing orbital debris models. NASA has been utilizing radar observations of the debris environment for over a decade from three complementary radars: the NASA JPL Goldstone radar, the MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT/LL) Long Range Imaging Radar (known as the Haystack radar), and the MIT/LL Haystack Auxiliary radar (HAX). All of these systems are highly sensitive radars that operate in a fixed staring mode to statistically sample orbital debris in the LEO environment. Each of these radars is ideally suited to measure debris within a specific size region. The Goldstone radar generally observes objects with sizes from 2 mm to 1 cm. The Haystack radar generally measures from 5 mm to several meters. The HAX radar generally measures from 2 cm to several meters. These overlapping size regions allow a continuous measurement of cumulative debris flux versus diameter from 2 mm to several meters for a given altitude window. This is demonstrated for all three radars by comparing the debris flux versus diameter over 200 km altitude windows for 3 nonconsecutive years from 1998 to 2003. These years correspond to periods before, during, and after the peak of the last solar cycle. Comparing the year to year flux from Haystack for each of these altitude regions indicate statistically significant changes in subsets of the debris populations. Potential causes of these changes are discussed. These analysis results include error bars that represent statistical sampling errors.  相似文献   

中频雷达用来开展夜间100km高度以上的流星观测,获得流星随时间、高度、方位的分布情况及流星体速度、流星辐射点、流星余迹径向速度等参数,其探测数据可用于流星天文学、中层大气动力学等领域的研究.利用2017年11月16日12:00UT-22:00UT期间廊坊观测站(39.4°N,116.7°E)的中频雷达数据,首次开展了中国中纬度地区夜间流星观测实验,共检测到94个流星回波信号,集中分布在97~115km高度范围内,平均高度为106.5km,计算得到了流星回波的双极扩散系数、方位分布等相关参数,并与国外中频雷达流星探测结果进行了初步比较.   相似文献   

The column densities of impact-produced metal atoms in the exosphere during the peaks of activity of the main meteor showers – Geminids, Quadrantids and Perseids – and during quiet periods are estimated. The Na supply rate is estimated to be 2 × 104, 3 × 103, 104, and 2 × 104 atoms cm−2 s−1 for sporadic meteoroids, Perseid, Geminid, and Quadrantid meteor showers, respectively. A low upper limit on Ca in the lunar exosphere is explained by the condensation of Ca into dust grains during expansion of the cooling impact-produced vapor cloud. The chemical composition of gas-phase species released to the lunar exosphere during meteoroid impacts has been estimated. Most impact-produced molecules that contain metals are destroyed by solar photons while on ballistic trajectories. Energies of Na, K, Ca, and Mg atoms produced via photolysis of the respective monoxides are estimated to be 0.4, 0.35, 0.6, and 0.45 eV, respectively. The relative content of impact-produced Na and K atoms is maximal at altitudes of about 1000–2000 km and during the main meteor showers, lunar eclipses, and passages of the Moon through the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use canonical correlation analysis (CCA) method to investigate the semi-diurnal tidal winds in mesosphere and low thermosphere (MLT) region, observed by a newly installed meteor radar at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.4°E), during the year 2002. In general, 4(3) effective semi-diurnal tidal pairs of patterns are obtained, which represent ∼2/3 total variances of the origin data set. These patterns are expected to be corresponding to the atmospheric oscillations within the semi-diurnal frequency band excited or modulated by different sources, i.e., the seasonal variations, the modulations by the planetary wave oscillations or the solar 27-day activity. Among all the patterns, the 1st pattern, which represents ∼1/3 of total variances, is the most notable. Its amplitudes show maximum values in spring and autumn, and the vertical wavelengths are longer in summer and shorter in winter, which is in line with the results obtained from traditional harmonic analysis. The vertical wavelengths of the higher order patterns (∼50 km) suggest the classic semi-tidal mode S(2, 4)/S(2, 5) is dominant.  相似文献   

Release of stored magnetic energy via particle acceleration is a characteristic feature of astrophysical plasmas. Magnetic reconnection is one of the mechanisms for releasing energy from magnetized plasmas. Collisionless magnetic reconnection could provide both the energy release mechanism and the particle accelerator in space plasmas. Here we studied particle acceleration when fluctuating (in-time) electric fields are superposed on an static X-type magnetic field in collisionless hot solar plasma. This system is chosen to mimic the reconnective dissipation of a linear MHD disturbance. Our results are compared to particle acceleration from constant electric field superposed on an X-type magnetic field. The constant electric field configuration represents the effects of steady state magnetic reconnection. Time evolution of ion and electron distributions are obtained by numerically integrating particle trajectories. The frequencies of the electric field represent a turbulent range of waves. Depending on the frequency and amplitude of the electric field, electrons and ions are accelerated to different degrees and have energy distributions of bimodal form consisting of a lower energy part and a high energy tail. For frequencies (ω in dimensioless units) in the range 0.5 ? ω ? 1.0 a substantial fraction (20%–30%) of the proton distribution is accelerated to gamma-ray producing energies. For frequencies in the range 1 ? ω ? 100.0 the bulk of the electron distribution is accelerated to hard X-ray producing energies. The acceleration mechanism is important for solar flares and solar noise storms but it could be applicable to all collisionless astrophysical plasmas.  相似文献   

A band of enhanced amplitudes which follows a local plasma frequency fn in raw high frequency (HF) noise spectra is usually related to plasma emissions in the upper hybrid band (fn, fu). The enhanced band in question occurs permanently in noise spectra recorded on the Intercosmos-19, APEX and CORONAS satellites in the altitude range of 500 km–3000 km. For moderately magnetized plasma with fn > 2fc (fc – electron gyro frequency), the band occurs below fn determined from the topside sounder and impedance data or from electron beam induced spectra. The simulations of an equivalent circuit composed of a dipole antenna in a cold plasma and its preamplifiers, determined the physical origin of the band as the passive circuit resonance, due to inductive character of the antenna in a frequency band (fc, fu). The resonance spectral content is highly structured due to an inflight variability of the circuit impedances. In this report we analyze the noise and impedance spectra which are the most typical in an auroral zone if fn > fc. We focus attention on determination of local electron plasma density, essential for provisional HF mode classification. We found that the natural plasma emission in the upper hybrid band does not manifest itself as the banded natural emission, which may be used for reliable determination of local plasma frequency in the altitude range of 500–3000 km. The fast magnetosonic mode predominates in the auroral emissions. The broadband and multi banded electromagnetic emissions extending from the fast magnetosonic band well above fn > fc are characteristic for the strong wave activity and are much less frequent.  相似文献   

The monitoring of solar wind parameters is a key problem of the space weather program. We are presenting a new solution of plasma parameter determination suitable for small and fast solar wind monitors. The first version will be launched during the SPECTR-R project into a highly elongated orbit with apogee ∼350,000 km. The method is based on simultaneous measurements of the total ion flux and ion integral energy spectrum by six identical Faraday cups. Three of them are dedicated to determination of the ion flow direction, the other three (equipped with control grids supplied by a retarding potential) are used for determination of the density, temperature, and speed of the plasma flow. The version under development is primarily designed for the measurements in the solar wind and tail magnetosheath, thus for velocities range from 270 to 750 km/s, temperatures from 1 to 30 eV, and densities up to 200 cm−3. However, the instrument design can be simply modified for measurements in other regions with a substantial portion of low-energy plasma as a subsolar magnetosheath, cusp or low-latitude boundary layer. Testing of the engineering model shows that the proposed method can provide reliable plasma parameters with a high time resolution (up to 8 Hz). The paper presents not only the method and its technical realization but it documents all advantages and peculiarities of the suggested approach.  相似文献   

We continue to analyze the distribution of electron fluxes with energy 30–500 keV under the radiation belts at low and middle latitudes (L = 1.2–1.9) using experimental data obtained onboard ACTIVE satellite. Special attention is given to altitudinal distribution of electron fluxes and detailed analysis of these electron formations. We observe three main regions of electron flux registration that seem to exist constantly under the radiation belts. These regions are: magneto-conjugated to SAA region (in the north hemisphere), local zone of low intense electron flux accumulation to the west of SAA, and extensive region in the north hemisphere to the east. The analysis of experimental data obtained from ACTIVE satellite (orbit height 500–2500 km) shows that electron fluxes are registered in the wide altitude range up to 1100 km. It is shown that these formations have complicated initial structure with two regions of flux maximums: at L = 1.3 and L = 1.6–1.8. We compare particle data with low frequency (LF) data (ARIEL-4 satellite) and high frequency (HF) data (CORONAS-I satellite). Also we discuss the possible mechanisms of the appearance of these formations under the radiation belts.  相似文献   

利用武汉流星雷达,首次成功地观测了象限仪座流星雨及流星雨期间的流星速度,讨论了利用单站全天空流星雷达观测流星雨的相关问题.从观测结果可以发现此次象限仪座流星雨发生在2004年1月4日的0000-0800LT,其中流星峰值出现在0400LT,而且通过流星雷达观测到的流星雨期间的流星回波平面推测得到的流星雨辐射点也与该流星雨的理论辐射点位置对应非常好.利用流星回波振幅的Fresnel振荡方法计算了此次流星雨期间观测到的流星的速度,分析了该流星速度的分布,这次流星雨期间观测到的流星速度主要集中在10-30 km/s,可以看出这种速度分布是由流星雨进入地球大气的初始速度和流星在大气中的减速过程共同决定的.最后研究了流星速度随高度的变化,并且由此讨论了地球大气对于流星体的减速作用.   相似文献   

We address the problem of interacting relativistic current sheets in self-consistent kinetic plasma simulations within the framework of the Particle-In-Cell model. The interaction is enforced in head-on collisions of up to 10 current sheets at relativistic bulk speeds. The simulations are motivated by the general problem of Poynting flux dissipation in ‘striped wind’ configurations presumably governing the relativistic outflows pervasive in pulsar winds and gamma-ray bursts. We identify the generation of non-thermal particles and formation of a stable power-law shape in the particle energy distributions f(γ) dγ ∝ γs dγ. In 1D, a spectral index s ∼ 2 is observed and attributed to a stochastic Fermi-type acceleration mechanism. In 2D, the generic index of s ∼ 3–4 is retained as in previous simulations of individual current sheets. Whereas in 2D the high energy cut-off is constrained by the limited dissipation of magnetic energy, in 1D the process converts the bulk motion of current sheets towards directed particle momentum of an exclusive class of non-thermal particles.  相似文献   

We have conducted a feasibility study for the geostationary monitoring of the diurnal variation of tropospheric NO2 over Tokyo. Using NO2 fields from a chemical transport model, synthetic spectra were created by a radiative transfer model, SCIATRAN, for summer and winter cases. We then performed a Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) analysis to retrieve NO2 slant column densities (SCDs), and after converting SCDs into vertical column densities (VCDs), we estimated the precision of the retrieved VCDs. The simulation showed that signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ? 500 is needed to detect the diurnal variation and that SNR ? 1000 is needed to observe the local minimum occurring in the early afternoon (LT13–14) in summer. In winter, the detection of the diurnal variation during LT08–15 needs SNR ? 500, and SNR ? 1000 is needed if early morning (LT07) and early evening (LT16) are included. The currently discussed sensor specification for the Japanese geostationary satellite project, GMAP-Asia, which has a horizontal resolution of 10 km and a temporal resolution of 1hr, has demonstrated the performance of a precision of several percent, which is approximately corresponding to SNR = 1000–2000 during daytime and SNR ? 500 in the morning and evening. We also discuss possible biases caused by the temperature dependence of the absorption cross section utilized in the DOAS retrieval, and the effect of uncertainties of surface albedo and clouds on the estimation of precisions.  相似文献   

The problem of day-to-day variability in onset of equatorial spread F (ESF) is addressed using data from the 2002 COPEX observational campaign in Brazil and numerical modeling. The observational results show that for values of virtual height of the F layer base less than 355 km at around 18:35 LT, and for the prereversal peak enhancement of the vertical plasma drift (Vp) less than 30 m/s, the spread-F (ESF) was absent on four nights over Cachimbo (9.5°S, 54.8°W, dip latitude = −2.1°). In this work we analyze the geophysical conditions for the generation of the irregularities by comparing the nights with and without the ESF. In the comparison a numerical code is used to simulate plasma irregularity development in an extended altitude range from the bottom of the equatorial F   layer. The code uses the flux corrected transport method with Boris–Book’s flux limiter for the spatial integration and a predictor–corrector method for the direct time integration of the continuity equation for O+O+ and the SOR (Successive-Over-Relaxation) method for electric potential equation. The code is tested with different evening eastward electric fields (or vertical drifts Vp < 30 m/s and Vp > 30 m/s) in order to study the influence of the prereversal enhancement in the zonal electric field on plasma bubble formation and development. The code also takes into account the zonal wind, the vertical electric field and the collision frequency of ions with neutrals and the amplitude of initial perturbation. The simulation shows a good agreement with the observational results of the ESF. The results of the code suggest that the instability can grow at the F layer bottomside by the Rayleigh–Taylor mechanism only when the Vp > 30 m/s. In the analyzed cases we have considered the competition of other geophysical parameters in the generation of plasma structures.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new mechanism of the main energy conversion of the solar flare. Since a flare inducing prominence (flux tube) rises Vz ? 300 km s−1, the plasmas below it cannot continuously eject with Alfvén speeds of VA = 3000 km s−1 but probably with Vz ≈ ±100 km s−1. Plasma up and downflows with VA will within a short duration be blocked between the chromosphere where reconnected flux tubes are piling up, and the slowly rising flux rope. Hence the Petschek slow shock mechanism is difficult to be realized as a major energy converting mechanism.  相似文献   

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