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武汉中层、低热层大气角谱中频雷达观测   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
武汉中频雷达是利用中层、低热层中电子密度不均匀体的散射来测量大气的水平风场和电子密度剖面。雷达在计算风场的过程中可得到一些该层大气中电子密度不均匀体的寿命和空间尺度等参量值。结合这些参量和大气风场值可计算得到大气的角谱。其计算方法包括全相关分析技术的谱宽法和空间相关法。前者计算的值被认为是大气角谱的上限值。应用这两种方法,利用2001年2月9日武汉中频雷达的观测数据,对武昌上空中层、低热层大气的角谱进行了计算。结果得到大气角谱随高度增加略微增加,如在68km为6°,90km达最大为11°,其平均值为9.2°。利用2001年2月4—10日86km高度上的数据,得到一个7天平均的日变化曲线,发现大气角谱值在本地夜晚最小。  相似文献   

基于WACCM+DART(Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model,Data Assimilation Research Test-Bed)临近空间资料同化预报系统,以2016年2月的一次平流层爆发性增温(SSW)事件为例,开展了临近空间SABER(Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry)和MLS(Microwave Limb Sounder)温度观测资料集合滤波同化试验.结果表明:同化SABER和MLS温度观测资料可显著降低WACCM模式在中间层和平流层中上部(0.001~10hPa)大气温度场的预报误差,改善CR试验在SSW发生时中间层变冷现象偏强、纬向风场首次发生反转的层次偏低以及增温恢复阶段0.1~10hPa的东风层提前消退、纬向风速偏大、平流层顶位置偏高等现象.基于ERA5(The Fifth Generation of ECMWF Reanalyses)再分析资料的检验表明:同化SABER和MLS温度资料明显有利于减小北半球高纬度地区(60°-90°N)平流层中上层和下中间层(0.1~14hPa)纬向风场以及平流层和中间层中下层(0.01~100hPa)温度场的分析误差;同化低层大气观测也有利于减小0.1~14hPa纬向风场和0.01~100hPa温度场的分析误差,但是不如同化SABER和MLS温度资料对临近空间纬向风场和温度场分析误差的改善效果显著.  相似文献   

The mid-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) wind speeds measured by two SKiYMET meteor radars (MRs) at Collm (51°N, 13°E) and Kazan (56°N, 49°E) during 2016–2017 were analyzed to study longitudinal wind structures. The differences between monthly mean prevailing wind speeds and tidal amplitudes were compared with the corresponding differences obtained from TIMED/TIDI satellite winds and gradient wind speeds from the AURA/MLS instrument. It is shown that the MR wind difference between the two sites is statistically significant. The difference of the horizontal prevailing winds can be explained by a superposition of the background zonal flow, which is different at the two latitudes, with stationary planetary waves of different origin. Non-migrating tides contribute significantly to the difference of the semidiurnal tidal winds between the two sites.  相似文献   

This review article briefly brings out the historical development of atmospheric sodium (Na) measurements over India and the importance of coordinated measurements with multiple techniques to address physical processes in the Earth's upper atmosphere. These measurements were initiated in the early 1970s by observing Na airglow emission intensities with broad band airglow photometer from Mt. Abu, a low-latitude hill station in India. Considerable amount of night-to-night variations in nocturnal emission intensities of the Na airglow were observed. Later, investigations regarding the dependence with the magnetic activities from the equatorial and low latitudes were carried out and double-humped structures in the nocturnal variation of intensities were reported. With the advent of Na lidar at Gadanki around 2005, the measurements of atmospheric neutral Na atom concentration became possible and more frequent occurrences of sporadic Na layers over the magnetic low latitude station compared to other latitudes were detected indicating the role played by electrodynamics. Later, a possible relationship between E-region field aligned plasma irregularities and the concentration of neutral Na atoms was investigated using coordinated measurements of VHF radar and Na lidar. Further, simultaneous measurements with Na lidar and a narrow band airglow photometer with narrow field of view brought out the importance of coordinated observation wherein the characterization of gravity waves could be carried out and also revealed the importance of collisional quenching due to ambient molecules in the Na airglow emission processes. In addition, combining the ground based measurements of Na lidar and meteor wind radar along with satellite measurements made possible to hypothesize the over-turning Kelvin–Helmholtz billow in the Na layer manifests “C-type” or inverted lambda shape structures in the height-time-concentration map of neutral Na atoms. This review paper presents a synoptic view mostly based on the previously reported observations of Na airglow emission, Na lidar and coordinated Na airglow and Na lidar observations from the Indian sector and highlights the importance of simultaneous measurements of mesospheric Na and its emissions along with satellite-borne measurements to address interesting geophysical processes in the Earth's upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

利用武汉流星雷达2002年2月20日至2003年11月10日的观测数据,研究了武汉上空中间层-低热层(MLT)中的准16日波,即周期范围在12—20天的行星波。分析结果表明,16日波的纬向成分通常比经向成分要强.(1)在2002年和2003年,波振幅最强都出现在当年的秋季(约9月10日—10月10日).Lomb-Scargle(L-S)谱分析得到振幅最大值约为16m/s.2002年夏季出现了同年次最强的波动,但2003年没有发现这一现象.两年的冬季都没有出现强的16日波.(2)2002年,在86—98km处波动较强,最大振幅(约16m/s)出现在90km、94km处,而2003年低高度的波动要比较高高度的波动强.武汉上空MLT中,秋季的16日波是能量上传的波动,即它的源在较低的大气层.2002年夏季的波动的能量是下行的,波源可能在南半球.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the response of quasi-10-day waves (Q10DWs) to the sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event which occurred on March 23, 2020. The Q10DWs are observed in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region by three meteor radars, which are located at middle latitudes along the 120°E meridian from Mohe (MH, 53.5°N, 122.3°E), Beijing (BJ, 40.3°N, 116.2°E), to Wuhan (WH, 30.5°N, 114.6°E). The Q10DWs reveal similar temporal and altitudinal variations during the SSW in the MLT region at the three stations. The activities of Q10DWs are also captured in the temperature measurements from the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) on the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics satellite in the MLT region. Further analysis of the Q10DW phases indicates that the Q10DWs might be in situ generated due to mesospheric instabilities at higher latitudes around MH and then propagate southward to lower latitudes at BJ and WH. The atmospheric instabilities are not directly responsible for the excitations of Q10DWs at lower latitudes, while the observed equatorward propagation of the Q10DWs is important. Our result provides the observational evidence for latitudinal couplings in the MLT region after the SSW onset, which is achieved by southward propagating planetary waves in the MLT region.  相似文献   

Nonlinear interactions between the quasi 5-day wave and tides based on meteor radar observation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) at Maui are studied in this paper. Strong sum interaction between quasi 5-day wave and diurnal tide, and evident difference interaction between quasi 5-day wave and semidiurnal tide are observed during the time of attention. However, their difference and sum counterparts are clearly weaker. The secondary waves generated from those interactions beat with the tide and show intense modulation at the period of 5 days which confirms the existence of their interactions. Additionally, correlation coefficients among these waves are calculated to further explore their interactions and find that they can persist for several days although they are highly intermittent. The energy exchange among these waves can be reversible during the observational time. The periods when the significant difference interaction between the quasi 5-day wave and semidiurnal tide occur are much shorter than those when the significant sum interaction between the quasi 5-day wave and diurnal tide occur. Moreover, these two strong interactions can take place simultaneously. In generally, this study provides the proof of nonlinear interactions between quasi 5-day wave and tides which were seldom reported before.  相似文献   

Nonlinear interactions between the quasi 5-day wave and tides based on meteor radar observation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere(MLT) at Maui are studied in this paper.Strong sum interaction between quasi 5-day wave and diurnal tide,and evident difference interaction between quasi 5-day wave and semidiurnal tide are observed during the time of attention.However,their difference and sum counterparts are clearly weaker.The secondary waves generated from those interactions beat with the tide and show intense modulation at the period of 5 days which confirms the existence of their interactions.Additionally,correlation coefficients among these waves are calculated to further explore their interactions and find that they can persist for several days although they are highly intermittent.The energy exchange among these waves can be reversible during the observational time.The periods when the significant difference interaction between the quasi 5-day wave and semidiurnal tide occur are much shorter than those when the significant sum interaction between the quasi 5-day wave and diurnal tide occur.Moreover,these two strong interactions can take place simultaneously.In generally,this study provides the proof of nonlinear interactions between quasi 5-day wave and tides which were seldom reported before.  相似文献   

A new meteor radar system was installed at the Amundsen–Scott station South Pole in 2001 to further the understanding of the dynamics of the Antarctic region. The antenna array consists of four yagis pointed along the 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° meridians and five folded crossed dipoles arranged in a cross configuration and operating as an interferometer to provide position measurements for the detected radio meteors. The four yagis are time division multiplexed and used for both transmitting and receiving while the five folded crossed dipoles are only used for reception. The current arrangement of data acquisition (DAQ) systems at the South Pole allows the collection of meteors in a configuration similar to the previous meteor radar system that operated at the South Pole in the mid 1990s while also using an interferometer to accurately determine the meteor positions in the sky, which enables the determination of the vertical structure of the observed waves. This has been accomplished through the use of two DAQ and post-processing systems: COBRA (Colorado Obninsk radar) connected to the yagis and MEDAC (meteor echo detection and collection) connected to the folded crossed dipoles. With two separate DAQ systems operating in parallel we have the ability to directly compare the results and understand the inherent variability in the derived scientific results based on different system architectures and processing assumptions. The impact of operating a system without an interferometer on the amplitudes and phases of the observed wave components is considered. We find that the lack of altitude resolution of the COBRA DAQ system leads to an underestimation of the amplitude of the s = 1 component of the semidiurnal tide of ∼20% during the summer months.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of the researches on the middle and upper atmosphere obtained by Chinese scientists in 2008-2010. The focuses are specifically placed on the researches being associated with ground-based observation capability development, dynamical processes, the property of atmospheric circulation and the chemistry-climate coupling of the middle atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

重力波对中间层和低热层大气环流的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用β通道准地转近似大气平均运动方程组,采用重力波线性饱和参量化方法,定性地研究大气重力波对中间层和低热层大气环流的作用.模拟计算得到,大气重力波对平均东西风速可产生100m·s-1/d左右的作用力和产生120 m2/s的湍流扩散,这些作用平衡了Coriolis扭力,导致大气的平均东西风速大大偏离辐射平衡风场,中层顶附近的平均东西风速在冬季(夏季)甚至反转为东风(西风).平均东西风速计算结果与冬季和夏季中频雷达东西风速观测值和大气模式剖面等大致一致.  相似文献   

2012年7月海南激光雷达站(20°N,110°E)和北京激光雷达站(40°N,116°E)同时进行观测,对比低纬和中纬度中高层大气钠层分布及密度变化特性.两地使用相同的Nd:YAG激光器和泵浦染料激光器产生589nm激光,设定相同的激光参数,使用相同的直径1000mm的望远镜接收钠层的光子回波.两地均观测到突发钠层和双钠层事件.其中:海口观测到突发钠层事件9个,双钠层事件1个;北京观测到突发钠层事件1个,双钠层事件4个.分析海口和北京同一天夜间观测的大气钠层特性,对比两地同时观测到的钠层高度与密度的不同变化,发现当天夜间低纬度地区海口市上空钠层出现双钠层结构,持续时间123min,但是北京上空钠层没有发现该结构.  相似文献   

利用中国廊坊站(39.4°N,116.7°E)流星雷达在2012年4月1日至2013年3月31日的水平风场观测数据,分析廊坊上空80~100km的中间层与低热层(Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere,MLT)大气平均纬向风和经向风的季节变化特征.结果表明平均纬向风和经向风都表现出明显的季节变化特征.平均纬向风在冬季MLT盛行西风,极大值位于中间层顶,随高度增加西风减弱;在夏季中间层为东风,低热层为强西风,风向转换高度约为82km.平均经向风在冬季以南风为主,在夏季盛行北风.纬向风和经向风在春秋两季主要表现为过渡阶段.流星雷达观测结果与WACCM4模式和HWM93模式模拟的气候变化特点基本一致,但WACCM4模式纬向风和经向风风速偏大,而HWM93模式纬向风和经向风风速偏小.  相似文献   

平流层臭氧和辐射场的季节分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用美国NCAR化学气候耦合模式WACCM3对平流层温度场、风场、臭氧及辐射场进行了模拟.结果表明,在适宜飞艇长期驻留的准零风层高度20~22km(对应大气压强范围为50~30hPa,以下均采用气压值表征对应大气高度),7-8月风速小于5m·s-1的风带可长期稳定在40°N以北.臭氧空间分布显示,在30hPa气压高度处中国地区臭氧浓度出现了带状分布,30hPa高度以下低纬度地区臭氧浓度低于中纬度地区.平流层太阳加热率的时空变化表明,在平流层上层,太阳加热率可达100×10-6K·s-1,而在平流层下层,只有10×10-6K·s-1.6-8月中国区域的太阳加热率大于9月;在100~30hPa高度内,中纬度地区太阳加热率高于低纬度地区,在30hPa高度以上,低纬度地区太阳加热率高于中纬度地区;8-9月30~40hPa高度处,太阳加热率的空间变化较小.在30hPa高度上,太阳加热率在40°N昼夜变化最大;50hPa高度处,太阳加热率的昼夜变化小于30hPa高度处,而且白天太阳加热率出现极大值的纬度明显靠北.平流层低纬度地区的长波加热率小于中纬度地区.青藏高原由于地形特殊,其6-7月的臭氧浓度、太阳加热率和长波加热率均小于同纬度其他地区.  相似文献   

通过分析武汉、宜昌和恩施气象局无线电探空仪2001-2003年的观测数据,研究了中国中部地区对流层和低平流层中行星波的特性.通过Lomb-Scargle(L-S)的周期图方法发现了周期为准16天和周期为准10天的谱分量占据着主导地位.观察发现,较大振幅的行星波振荡主要集中在5-15 km之间.准16天行星波沿纬圈向西传播,对应的纬圈波数大约为2,水平波长约为17 324.8 km,传播相速度约为-12.5 m·s-1(东向为正),通过计算准16天行星波在10 km以下相位随高度的改变可以得到其垂直波长大约为25-30 km,而在对波层顶附近其相位几乎没有发生改变,呈现出静态波特性.准10天行星波沿纬圈向东传播,对应的纬圈波数大约为4,水平波长约为8627.3 km,传播相速度约为10.0 m·s-1,垂直波长约为22-40 km.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use canonical correlation analysis (CCA) method to investigate the semi-diurnal tidal winds in mesosphere and low thermosphere (MLT) region, observed by a newly installed meteor radar at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.4°E), during the year 2002. In general, 4(3) effective semi-diurnal tidal pairs of patterns are obtained, which represent ∼2/3 total variances of the origin data set. These patterns are expected to be corresponding to the atmospheric oscillations within the semi-diurnal frequency band excited or modulated by different sources, i.e., the seasonal variations, the modulations by the planetary wave oscillations or the solar 27-day activity. Among all the patterns, the 1st pattern, which represents ∼1/3 of total variances, is the most notable. Its amplitudes show maximum values in spring and autumn, and the vertical wavelengths are longer in summer and shorter in winter, which is in line with the results obtained from traditional harmonic analysis. The vertical wavelengths of the higher order patterns (∼50 km) suggest the classic semi-tidal mode S(2, 4)/S(2, 5) is dominant.  相似文献   

Since the middle of 1957 till present time the group of researchers of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has carried out the regular balloon borne measurements of charged particle fluxes in the atmosphere. The measurements are performed at polar (northern and southern) and middle latitudes and cover the interval of heights from the ground level up to 30–35 km. Standard detectors of particles (gas-discharged counters) have been used. More than 80,000 measurements of cosmic ray fluxes in the atmosphere have been performed to the present time. In the data analysis the geomagnetic field and the Earth’s atmosphere are used as cosmic ray spectrometers.  相似文献   

中纬度冬季低热层潮汐水平风分量相位关系的MF雷达观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用武汉(30°N,114°E)MF雷达在2001年冬季的风场观测数据研究中纬度低热层大气潮汐水平风分量之间的相位关系.统一用弧度定义的各潮汐经纬向分量的拟合初相位在三个连续的高度上分别显示出相同的时间变化倾向和相近的相位差,但是在绝大多数观测时间△ψ24和△ψ12准正交,而△ψ8出乎意料地准同相.周日、半日和8 h潮汐经纬向分量的二次相位耦合(QPC)方程被分别估计出来,利用它们相减还得到一个潮汐相位差相关方程.推测的8 h潮汐相位和相位差与相应的观测值很好地符合.在第14个时间窗内,三个潮汐一般表现为椭圆偏振而不是圆偏振或线偏振,但是△ψ24和△ψ12在三个连续的高度上准正交,而△ψ8在92.0和94.0 km上准同相.因此估计的潮汐QPC方程、推导的潮汐相位差相关方程、观测的8 h潮汐准同相相位差以及典型的潮汐偏振图都是观测的周日、半日和8 h潮汐之间真实QPC的反映.  相似文献   

In this report we summarize the research results by Chinese scientists in 2018-2020. The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere, specifically the researches on atmospheric structure and composition, climate and chemistry-climate coupling and climate modelling, dynamics in particular those inducing the coupling of the atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

In this report the research results by Chinese scientists in 2014-2016 are summarized. The focuses are placed on the researches of the middle and upper atmosphere, specifically the researches associated with ground-based observation capability development, dynamical processes, and properties of circulation and chemistry-climate coupling of the middle atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

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