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发展静脉产业对于改造或调控现行物质流模式,提高资源和能源的利用效率,形成资源和能源的高效物质循环模式具有重要意义。本文基于我国静脉产业的发展现状,针对静脉产业发展的投融资问题进行了分析,提出了相应的对策和模式建议,为我国静脉产业发展在投融资方面提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,人类社会面临着越来越严重的环境污染与资源匮乏问题。为了实现人类社会的可持续发展,必须重视并大力发展静脉产业。我国城市静脉产业经过几年的发展,已经取得了一定的成绩,但仍存在着诸多问题,必须有针对性的加以解决,为其长远目标的实现提供保障。  相似文献   

师哲 《中国航天》2021,(1):59-61
航天产业作为引领我国国防科技以及经济社会快速发展的重要力量之一,是我国高新技术及人才的聚集地,航天领域军民产业协同发展更具代表性和示范性.航天科研院所作为中国航天的重要组成及军民协同发展实施主体,大力推进军民协同发展也符合其自身发展的需求.军民协同发展可以更加充分、有效地利用社会资源,避免军民"双轨制"造成的资源浪费....  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,中国航天科技集团有限公司所属中国运载火箭技术研究院(以下简称研究院)坚持聚焦主业归核发展,产业经营成果显著,转型升级取得突破,新领域拓展见成效,投融资呈现新格局,深化改革取得实效,综合治理有效提升,为“十四五”航天技术应用及服务产业实现轻装上阵转型升级和持续高质量发展奠定了坚实基础.  相似文献   

近些年来,是否对我国的电子商务征税问题引起了热议.论文介绍了电子商务征税问题的讨论情况,认为虽然我国的电子商务发展速度很快,但相对而言,作为一种新型的市场模式,其发展仍处于起步阶段.在这个阶段,应该探讨如何促进这个产业的快速、良性发展,而不是出台一项政策而使之受到打击.  相似文献   

随着航天技术的进步及全球对卫星技术应用和服务业需求的扩张,近年来全球航天经济总量保持着持续增长的态势,而中国航天强国的建设实施又为全球航天发展注入了新动力,特别是我国航天已形成的全产业体系模式也为中国航天深度参与全球航天发展和航天治理提供了能力基础.《孙子兵法·谋攻篇》曰:“知彼知己者,百战不殆;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼,不知己,每战必殆.”如何在诸多挑战中寻找发展机遇,特别是在全面了解和准确把握全球航天产业发展趋势的基础上,因势利导地拓宽国际市场是中国航天国际化所面临的突破性重大问题.本文从全球航天产业发展趋势的角度来探究我国航天国际化方向,其目的就是使我国航天国际化达到扬己之长,发挥优势,努力抢占未来科技和航天产业制高点,不断增强我国航天长远、健康和可持续发展的后劲.  相似文献   

廿世纪后半世纪,航天活动扩大了人类的知识领域,提供了新的信息和物质资源,对人类的生产活动和日常生活产生了重大的影响,并带来了巨大的社会效益、经济效益和军事效益。与此同时航天技术本身也不断取得进步,成为一项现代高技术,并已发展为新的技术密集型产业。  相似文献   

美国航天基金会发表的《2008年航天报告》展示了过去一年航天产业发展的新视点,航天产业是全球经济最有活力和最具创新性的产业。从2005年至今,《航天报告》像一台望远镜,每一年都在凝视着不断发展的航天产业,帮助读者更深入地认识和了解航天产业界的工作人员、航天系统、航天器运行和社会效益。为了吸引和培育更广泛的读者群,从行业专家、政府官员、研究人员到投资者,航天报告既提供详细的统计分析,又给出了前景评估。《2008年航天报告》广泛涉及了从通信卫星,及其发射、操作和投融资人员,到月球和火星探测的各个领域。它描述了以创新、扩展和机遇为特点的航天产业发展情况。  相似文献   

首先从核心驱动出发提出航天发展三阶段第一推动力,从产业要素出发分析航天产业进阶的市场、技术和产业政策三要素。而后从价值链出发研究航天产业产值分布和产业整合策略。最后分析了新兴航天发射服务公司的模式、产品和技术,为我国航天发射服务提供参考。  相似文献   

研究新的高临界温度的超导性物质,是解决能源和信息问题的一个重要课题.目前人们正在重新研究低温超导技术.着重介绍超导氧化物陶瓷的特性、发展,及其在宇航工业中应用的前景.陶瓷超导体的应用取决于它的超导电性和完全抗磁性.  相似文献   

This article is a literary review focused on the problem of the stress-effect of microgravity. Based on the all-round analysis of data from manned missions and space experiments with rats it is concluded that microgravity as a permanent factor of space flight does not produce an intense chronic stress in either humans or animals. On the other hand, microgravity is responsible for deconditioning of a number of vital systems and of the organism as a whole. On return to Earth, the deconditioned bodies of humans and animals exaggerate the usual terrestrial loads due to gravity forces and respond by acute gravitational stress.  相似文献   

本文以廊坊市中小企业为研究对象,阐述了廊坊市中小企业融资的具体发展现状,分析出目前中小企业存在的一些问题,并从企业、金融市场和政府三个方面分析了原因,最后重点的提出了解决廊坊市中小企业融资问题的方法。  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is a complex network of fibers that is sensitive to environmental factors including microgravity and altered gravitational forces. Cellular functions such as transport of cell organelles depend on cytoskeletal integrity; regulation of cytoskeletal activity plays a role in cell maintenance, cell division, and apoptosis. Here we report cytoskeletal and mitochondria alterations in cultured human lymphocyte (Jurkat) cells after exposure to spaceflight and in insect cells of Drosophila melanogaster (Schneider S-1) after exposure to conditions created by clinostat rotation. Jurkat cells were flown on the space shuttle in Biorack cassettes while Schneider S-1 cells were exposed to altered gravity forces as produced by clinostat rotation. The effects of both treatments were similar in the different cell types. Fifty percent of cells displayed effects on the microtubule network in both cell lines. Under these experimental conditions mitochondria clustering and morphological alterations of mitochondrial cristae was observed to various degrees after 4 and 48 hours of culture. Jurkat cells underwent cell divisions during exposure to spaceflight but a large number of apoptotic cells was also observed. Similar results were obtained in Schneider S-1 cells cultured under clinostat rotation. Both cell lines displayed mitochondria abnormalities and mitochondria clustering toward one side of the cells which is interpreted to be the result of microtubule disruption and failure of mitochondria transport along microtubules. The number of mitochondria was increased in cells exposed to altered gravity while cristae morphology was severely affected indicating altered mitochondria function. These results show that spaceflight as well as altered gravity produced by clinostat rotation affects microtubule and mitochondria organization and results in increases in apoptosis. Grant numbers: NAG 10-0224, NAG2-985.  相似文献   

社会进入新的发展历史时期,市场经济条件下的思想政治工作出现了许多新情况、新问题,使原有的模式、格局、形式以及内容、载体等方方面面都发生了较大变化,并随着社会的发展和改革的深化重又赋予了新的内涵。如何有针对性、实效性地做好思想政治工作,是当前摆在各级领导、尤其是思想政治工作者面前不能不研究和解决的一道新课题。结合民航基层单位的实际,笔者以为有必要认识和处理好以下十个关系,以期引起更多思想政治工作者的关注与探索。  相似文献   

教师是道德的实践者和垂范者,为人师表是教师履行教书育人职能的前提条件。但由于各种原因,高校师德建设出现了一些令人深思的问题。高校加强师德建设,提高教师师德修养水平,应坚持"四个注重四个结合",注重师德教育的创新,教育和引导教师崇教厚德、自尊自励,要大力倡导"慎独"的修养方法,要完善教师管理制度,健全考核评价机制。  相似文献   

This article analyses established models of imperialism and seeks to apply them to possible space development scenarios. Inherent in such an analysis is a critique of the predominant rationales for advanced Solar System development (permanent planetary bases, settlements and colonies). The argument that emerges suggests that no single rationale is sufficiently strong to propel humans towards Solar System expansion as yet. However, in the instance that an extraterrestrial material becomes economically valuable, Solar System development will probably proceed. Under this scenario the present politico-legal regimes which govern prospective space development (and, moreover, the philosophical inclinations of many of those involved in formulating such regimes) dictate that Solar System development will be of an imperialistic nature.  相似文献   

随着计算机科学技术的发展,信息技术的广泛应用,传统的图书馆档案管理体系已经无法满足网络和存储技术处理下的社会发展进程,信息化给传统的档案管理工作带来严峻挑战。本文试图对图书馆档案信息化的内涵及建设内容角度进行分析,探讨高校的图书档案管理及信息化的对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对河北省兼并重组钢铁企业——河北钢铁集团的发展现状及存在的问题进行分析,剖析此次全球性金融危机对其的影响,用波特五力模型分析和探讨河北省兼并重组企业——河北钢铁集团核心竞争力的优势和劣势,并且提出提升核心竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

This work is devoted to studying the processes of the acceleration of plasma particles in thin current sheets that appear during magnetospheric substorms in the Earth’s magnetosphere tail. A numerical model of magnetic dipolarization accompanied by plasma turbulence has been constructed and studied. The model allows one to investigate the particle acceleration due to the action of three principal mechanisms: (1) plasma turbulence; (2) magnetic dipolarization; (3) their simultaneous action. For the given velocity kappa-distributions, we obtained energy spectra of three types of accelerated particles, i.e., protons p+, ions of oxygen O+, and electrons e. It has been shown that the combined mechanism of dipolarization with turbulence (3) makes the largest contribution to the increase in the energy of protons and heavy ions as compared with a separate action of each of mechanisms (1) and (2); in this case, electrons accelerate less. The consideration of the joint action of acceleration mechanisms (1) and (2) can explain the apparition of particles with energies on the order of magnitude equal to hundreds keV in the Earth’s magnetosphere tail.  相似文献   

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