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进入10月,国际油价连创历史新高,夏季旺季消费的结束并未缓解原油市场的紧张局面,在世界经济仍保持较高增速背景下,原油消费需求预期仍较为乐观,11月1日开始执行的OPEC增产计划并未缓解市场对冬季燃油消费旺季即将到来的担忧,同时受美国次级债市场影响,近期外汇市场上美元快速贬值也有利地支撑了油价上涨,国际油价从月初80美元连创历史新高,迅速上涨到95美元,逼近100美元。  相似文献   

进入3月.次级债引发的经济动荡继续推进.不利的经济数据显示美国经济进入衰退的可能性越来越大。面对不利经济环境和担心金融机构因次级债危机导致破产.美联储3月进行了年内第三次大幅度降息,将联邦基金利率降至2.25%.年内三次降幅累计达到200个基点,为缓解经济放缓和信贷紧缩,联储采取的极为激进而大胆的策略。国际原油价格受美元贬值和库存意外下降影响+维持历史高位.并创出112.21美元/桶新高,进入2008年.美元对主要货币大幅贬值直接刺激大量对冲基金进入原油期货市场,推高国际油价。  相似文献   

一、近期世界石油市场概况 (一)近期世界石油价格变化2007年9月以来,国际原油价格开始呈加速上升趋势,进入2008年更是直线飙升。2008年1~7月,国际油价在美元贬值、机构炒作和国际地缘政治形势不稳等诸多因素共同作用下屡创新高,依次攻克了100美元/桶、110美元/桶、120美元/桶、130美元/桶大关、140美元/桶和145美元/桶大关。  相似文献   

进入五月,随着原油消费旺季的到来,国际原油价格加速上涨,连续创出历史新高,6月初达到139美元历史新高,月度涨幅超过20%,近期原油价格加速上涨与美元贬值。新兴市场需求增速未受到高油价影响,以及投机资金推动的结果。近期国际油价的快速上扬,加重了全球通货膨胀预期,并给部分国家带来金融动荡和危机。  相似文献   

为摆脱上半年的严重亏损和下半年可能出现的大规模亏损局面,福克计划在第三季度内完成更深入的成本削减计划.据福克和戴姆勒·奔驰公司的官员讲,造成这一严重亏损局面的主要原因是美元对欧洲货币的贬值.其他一些欧洲公司,如法国宇航、达索和阿莱尼亚也受此不利对换率的影响,损害了其产品在出口市场上的竞争.1995年上半年,福克公司帐上损失3.943亿美元(按目前的  相似文献   

一、运营收益按照2003年营业收入世界排名前100家的航空公司共实现营业收入3231.84亿美元,比2002年度(3055.42亿美元)增加5.77%,比上年增幅较大。排名前50位的航空公司实现2812.84亿美元,占前100家的87%,排名前10位的航空公司实现1450.34亿美元,占前100家的46%。2002年为88%和45%。营业收入排名前10位的航空公司见表1。2002年排名第1位的美国美利坚航空公司AmericanAirlines下降到2003年的第3位。营业利润由2002年的亏损2.45亿美元上升到2003年的盈利25.38亿美元;净利润也从2002年亏损86.37亿美元减亏至亏损66.94亿美元。在前10…  相似文献   

进入2008年以来,国际油价在震荡中不断走高,到7月初已达到140美元以上,较年初的110美元涨幅近30%。与此同时,发达国家的经济受美元贬值和次贷危机等因素影响,航空乘客数量减少,这两项累加给一些刚刚开始盈利的航空公司带来了沉重打击。为此,国际民航组织已经调低了2008年对其成员航空公司的行业利润预期。  相似文献   

2004年世界前100家航空公司经营状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、运营收益按照2004年营业收入世界排名,前100家航空公司共实现营业收入3735.78亿美元,比2003年度(3231.84亿美元)增加15.59%,而前一年度增长仅为5.77%。排名前50位的航空公司实现3260.31亿美元,占前100家的87%;排名前10位的航空公司实现1722.58亿美元,占前100家的46%,这两个比例均与去年持平,2002年为88%和45%。营业收入排名前10位的航空公司见表一。2004年营业收入前100家航空公司的营业利润为92.43亿美元(2003年盈利25.38亿美元,2002年亏损2.45亿美元),净利润为亏损32亿美元(2003年亏损66.94亿美元,2002年亏损86.37亿美元)。其中美国达…  相似文献   

进入2月,全球股市低迷依旧,多重不利经济数据加剧了投资者对美国经济可能划入衰退的担忧,月初美国劳工部发布的2月份非农就业岗位出人意料的减少了63万人,显示美国经济陷入衰退的风险。同期受美元加速贬值影响,国际油价连创历史新高,达到1.9美元,2008年以来国际石油均价达到95.36美元,同比上涨50%,石油价格高涨和美国经济放缓,对全球航空业盈利能力构成巨大压力。  相似文献   

美利坚航2003年大幅度减亏,2003年的净亏损为12亿美元。减亏主要靠裁员和削减工资福利,仅此就使得航空公司2003年的劳动成本节省11.3亿美元。美利坚航2003年大幅度减亏@晓文  相似文献   

美元汇率的走势是分析各种期货品种价格如何波动的风向标。文章首先探讨美元疲软的两个原因:经常账户赤字、财政赤字和次级债危机;进而尝试利用巨无霸指数和蒙特卡罗模拟构筑一个经济学模型对美元未来几年的走势作出预测;最后根据预测结果给出了美元汇率持续走低下现阶段的黄金期货投资的策略。  相似文献   

X-Rays From Mars     
X-rays from Mars were first detected in July 2001 with the satellite Chandra. The main source of this radiation was fluorescent scattering of solar X-rays in its upper atmosphere. In addition, the presence of an extended X-ray halo was indicated, probably resulting from charge exchange interactions between highly charged heavy ions in the solar wind and neutrals in the Martian exosphere. The statistical significance of the X-ray halo, however, was very low. In November 2003, Mars was observed again in X-rays, this time with the satellite XMM-Newton. This observation, characterized by a considerably higher sensitivity, confirmed the presence of the X-ray halo and proved that charge exchange is indeed the origin of the emission. This was the first definite detection of charge exchange induced X-ray emission from the exosphere of another planet. Previously, this kind of emission had been detected from comets (which are largely exospheres) and from the terrestrial exosphere. Because charge exchange interactions between atmospheric constituents and solar wind ions are considered as an important nonthermal escape mechanism, probably responsible for a significant loss of the Martian atmosphere, X-ray observations may lead to a better understanding of the present state of the Martian atmosphere and its evolution. X-ray images of the Martian exosphere in specific emission lines exhibited a highly anisotropic morphology, varying with individual ions and ionization states. With its capability to trace the X-ray emission out to at least 8 Mars radii, XMM-Newton can explore exospheric regions far beyond those that have been observationally explored to date. Thus, X-ray observations provide a novel method for studying processes in the Martian exosphere on a global scale.  相似文献   

以2003—2006年国际航空旅客运输量和流向为数据构建,通过可视化软件和复杂网络的理论和方法,对以国家/地区为节点所组成的国际航空客运网络结构进行研究。以平均路径长度、簇系数、度分布和中心性等网络结构特征指标为依据,分析了国际航空客运网络结构特点和中国航空客运在网络结构中的结构特征。  相似文献   

公允价值在我国新会计准则中的应用及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪90年代以来,公允价值在国际会计准则和美、英等国会计准则中的地位日益凸显,其应用范围一再扩展。受这一趋势的影响,我国于20世纪90年代后期在部分具体会计准则中开始引入公允价值,但公允价值在我国的应用并非一帆风顺,先后经历了“引入、回避、重新引入”的曲折过程。重新引入公允价值成为我国新会计准则的最大亮点,但面临着市场环境不完善、公司治理结构不完善、会计人员素质整体水平偏低、会计监督体制不健全等方面的突出问题。因此,我国应当采取加强公允价值理论研究、加强相关法规制度建设、进一步完善市场环境、完善公司治理结构、加强道德教育与业务培训、完善内部会计控制制度、强化外部审计监督等措施,以促进公允价值在我国的推广应用。  相似文献   

This article discusses one of the main strategies which China has implemented to develop its competency in the aviation field. It is strategic for China to boost its aviation industry via international cooperation and several models of involvement into the global aviation value chain with leading aviation industries. As it is depicted as a strategy here, it is not necessary to say that a formal strong national strategy in encouraging exists. Actually, it is clearly a way China’s aero industry takes to develop its competency and business at the context it encounters. From an observer’s perspective, it is indeed a critical strategy. This article describes this strategy via the context, policies, program cases, as well as the evolution of the cooperation models in order to synthesize the strategy.  相似文献   

针对航母舰载机蒸汽弹射器滑道逸散水蒸气的传热与凝结现象,建立空气/水蒸气/凝结水三流体的流动、传热及相变过程数学模型。其中具有描述水蒸气复杂过程热力学行为的IAPWS模块以自定义程序并入模型中,利用Eulerian-Eulerian模型加入质量传递、能量传递和动量传递方程来实现水蒸气流动过程中传热传质问题的研究;在质量传递模型中加入液滴成核和生长理论模型,研究水蒸气的凝结过程。结果表明:在流动过程中,空气-水蒸气-液态水三流体混合,温度逐渐趋于一致;进气道入口压力越低,发动机对水蒸气的吸入量越大;伴随空气流动的水蒸气温度不断下降,并且会因有凝结现象发生;随着空气来流速度的增加,水蒸气的吸入量也会呈现先增加后下降的趋势;随着水蒸气流速的提高,水蒸气进气量上升,空气所占比例有所下降,但仍然是主导地位。   相似文献   

The dollar consequence functions associated with consumer's and producer's risks are developed and optimized through use of computer technology. The bivariate normal distribution is used to compute the probabilities resulting from establishment of test limits inside or outside of specffication limits after the manner of Grubbs and Coon [1] and Eagle [2]. Methods of application and precautions during use are described. Practical limits on parameters are discussed, but these are shown to exert no mathematical restrictions on the solutions presented.  相似文献   

为减少操作和维护 (O&M)费用 ,增强靶场设备能力 ,夸贾林导弹靶场于 1997年夏开始对目标特性雷达、遥测和光学设备以及靶场指控中心进行升级改造 ,2 0 0 3年 2月改造取得圆满成功。本文主要介绍此次改造的相关内容及特点  相似文献   

CAD/CAPP的信息渠成是CIMS的关键技术之一,它的实施必须应用STEP技术。本文介绍了一个基于STEP的CAD/CAPP集成系统,它是通过建立CAD和CAPP之间的信息转换接口,将MPIM和BRCAPP连接起来实现的。MPIM和BRCAPP之间的信息交换方式采用了STEP中性文件交换。  相似文献   

There is significant progress in the observations, theory, and understanding of the x-ray and EUV emissions from comets since their discovery in 1996. That discovery was so puzzling because comets appear to be more efficient emitters of x-rays than the Moon by a factor of 80 000. The detected emissions are general properties of comets and have been currently detected and analyzed in thirteen comets from five orbiting observatories. The observational studies before 2000 were based on x-ray cameras and low resolution (E/δE ≈ 1.5-3) instruments and focused on the morphology of xrays, their correlations with gas and dust productions in comets and with the solar x-rays and the solar wind. Even those observations made it possible to choose uniquely charge exchange between the solar wind heavy ions and cometary neutrals as the main excitation process. The recently published spectra are of much better quality and result in the identification of the emissions of the multiply charged ions of O, C, Ne, Mg, and Si which are brought to comets by the solar wind. The observed spectra have been used to study the solar wind composition and its variations. Theoretical analyses of x-ray and EUV photon excitation in comets by charge exchange, scattering of the solar photons by attogram dust particles, energetic electron impact and bremsstrahlung, collisions between cometary and interplanetary dust, and solar x-ray scattering and fluorescence in comets have been made. These analyses confirm charge exchange as the main excitation mechanism, which is responsible for more than 90% of the observed emission, while each of the other processes is limited to a few percent or less. The theory of charge exchange and different methods of calculation for charge exchange are considered. Laboratory studies of charge exchange relevant to the conditions in comets are reviewed. Total and state-selective cross sections of charge exchange measured in the laboratory are tabulated. Simulations of synthetic spectra of charge exchange in comets are discussed. X-ray and EUV emissions from comets are related to different disciplines and fields such as cometary physics, fundamental physics, x-rays spectroscopy, and space physics.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

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