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Fish exhibit looping and rolling behaviors when subjected to short periods of microgravity during parabolic flight. Strain-differences in the behavioral response of adult Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) were reported previously, however, there have been few studies of larval fish behavior under microgravity. In the present study, we investigated whether microgravity affects the swimming behavior of larvae at various ages (0 to 20 days after hatching), using different strains: HNI-II, HO5, ha strain, and variety of different strains (variety). The preliminary experiments were done in the ground laboratory: the development of eyesight was examined using optokinetic response for the different strains. The visual acuity of larvae improved drastically during 20 days after hatching. Strain differences of response were noted for the development of their visual acuity. In microgravity, the results were significantly different from those of adult Medaka. The larval fish appeared to maintain their orientation, except that a few of them exhibited looping and rolling behavior. Further, most larvae swam normally with their backs turning toward the light source (dorsal light response, DLR), and the rest of them stayed with their abdomen touching the surface of the container (ventral substrate response, VSR). For larval stages, strain-differences and age-differences in behavior were observed, but less pronounced than with adult fish under microgravity. Our observations suggest that adaptability of larval fish to the gravitational change and the mechanism of their postural control in microgravity are more variable than in adult fish.  相似文献   

The mutant strain (ha) of medaka (Oryzias latipes) lack utricular otoliths as fry, and some never form otoliths for life. The cross (F1 generation) between the strain having good eyesight and another strain having ordinary eyesight augmented visual acuity of the F1 generation. Crossing the good eyesight strain and ha mutant produced fish having good eyesight and less sensitivity to gravity in the F2 population. Their tolerance to microgravity was tested by parabolic flight using an airplane. The fish exhibited less looping and no differences in degree of looping between light and dark conditions, suggesting that loss of eyesight (in darkness) is not a direct cause for looping behavior in microgravity. The ha embryos could not form utricular otoliths. They did form saccular otoliths, but with a delay. Fry of the mutant fish lacking the utricular otoliths are highly dependent on light upon hatching and exhibit a perfect dorsal-light response (DLR). As they grow, they eventually shift from being light-dependent to being gravity-dependent. Continuous treatment of the fry with altered light direction suppressed this shift to gravity dependence. Being less dependent on gravity, these fish can serve as models in studying the differences expected for the vestibular system of fish reared in microgravity. When these fish were exposed to microgravity (parabolic flights) of an airplane, they spent far less time looping than fish reared in an ordinary light regimen.  相似文献   

Rhythmic phenomena in biology cover a wide frequency spectrum. In Space, the rhythms will encounter microgravity conditions which can, therefore, be a valuable tool for their understanding. A review and discussion of important effects of gravity/absence of gravity on biological systems will be given. Convection will be emphasized as a mechanism which is drastically reduced in Space. Microgravity might also affect the coupling between individual oscillators in a multi-oscillatory system. The environmental interference with rhythms will be discussed with a simple feedback as a starting point. Model simulations will be presented and clinostat and microgravity-conditions will be discussed in a specific case, viz. the gravitropical system of plants which can show sustained oscillations.  相似文献   

Time dependent evolutions of the profile of free surface (bubble shapes) for a cylindrical container partially filled with a Newtonian fluid of constant density, rotating about its axis of symmetry, have been studied. Numerical computations of the dynamics of bubble shapes have been carried out with the following situations: (1) linear functions of spin-up and spin-down in low and microgravity environments, (2) step functions of spin-up and spin-down in a low gravity environment, and (3) sinusoidal function oscillation of gravity environment in high and low rotating cylinder speeds. The initial condition of bubble profiles was adopted from the steady-state formulations in which the computer algorithms have been developed by Hung and Leslie/1/, and Hung et al./2/  相似文献   

To study the effects of weightlessness on mouse fetal long bone rudiment growth and mineralization we have developed a tissue culture system for the Biorack facility of Spacelab. The technique uses standard liquid tissue culture medium, supplemented with NA-beta-glycerophosphate, confined in gas permeable polyethylene bags mounted inside ESA Biorack Type I experiment containers. The containers can be flushed with an air/5% CO2 gas mixture necessary for the physiological bicarbonate buffer used. Small amounts of fluid can be introduced at the beginning (e.g. radioactive labels for incorporation studies) or at the end of the experiment (fixatives). A certain form of mechanical stimulation (continuous compression) can be used to counteract the, possibly, adverse effect of microgravity. Using 16 day old metatarsals the in vitro calcification process under microgravity conditions can be studied for a 4 day period.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation of plants under microgravity and its simulation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In series of space experiments aboard the biosatellites "Cosmos 1887", "Bion 9", the orbital stations "Salut", "Mir" and under clinostating, changes of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidation activity (AOA) of Chlorella, Haplopappus tissue culture, wheat and pea roots were determined. The changes had a complex fluctuation character; three steps of response were established: LPO decreasing accompanied by AOA increase; stabilization LPO <==> AOA balance; secondary LPO activation. Most early and highly amplitude decreasing of LPO were fixed in mitochondria. The rate of response have been increased on multicellular level of plants organization.  相似文献   

The influence of microgravity on the repair of radiation induced genetic damage in a temperature-conditional repair mutant of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (rad 54-3) was investigated onboard the IML-1 mission (January 22nd-30th 1992, STS-42). Cells were irradiated before the flight, incubated under microgravity at the permissive (22 degrees C) and restrictive (36 degrees C) temperature and afterwards tested for survival. The results suggest that repair may be reduced under microgravity.  相似文献   

The results of experiments aboard spacecraft demonstrated the dependence of the pattern of biological processes on microgravity and on the ability of biological objects to adapt themselves to new environmental conditions. This is of fundamental importance for solving theoretical and practical problems of space biology, or elaborating the theory of organism's behavior in weightlessness, and for elucidating the global mechanisms of the action of microgravity on living systems.  相似文献   

Plant seedlings exhibit automorphogenesis on clinostats. The occurrence of automorphogenesis was confirmed under microgravity in Space Shuttle STS-95 flight. Rice coleoptiles showed an inclination toward the caryopsis in the basal region and a spontaneous curvature in the same adaxial direction in the elongating region both on a three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat and in space. Both rice roots and Arabidopsis hypocotyls also showed a similar morphology in space and on the 3-D clinostat. In rice coleoptiles, the mechanisms inducing such an automorphic curvature were studied. The faster-expanding convex side of rice coleoptiles showed a higher extensibility of the cell wall than the opposite side. Also, in the convex side, the cell wall thickness was smaller, the turnover of the matrix polysaccharides was more active, and the microtubules oriented more transversely than the concave side, and these differences appear to be causes of the curvature. When rice coleoptiles grown on the 3-D clinostat were placed horizontally, the gravitropic curvature was delayed as compared with control coleoptiles. In clinostatted coleoptiles, the corresponding suppression of the amyloplast development was also observed. Similar results were obtained in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Thus, the induction of automorphogenesis and a concomitant decrease in graviresponsiveness occurred in plant shoots grown under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

Stem growth of Prunus trees under simulated microgravity conditions was examined using a three-dimensional clinostat. The stems elongated with bending under such conditions. Stem elongation and leaf expansion were both promoted, whereas the formation of xylem in the secondary thickening growth was inhibited under the simulated microgravity condition. In secondary xylem, sedimentable amyloplasts were observed in the 1g control. The present results suggest that stem elongation and leaf expansion may be inhibited at 1g, while growth direction and secondary xylem formation depend on a gravity stimulus. A space experiment is expected to advance research on thickening growth in trees.  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of adult and neonate swordtail fish Xiphophorus helleri was qualitatively analysed from video recordings taken throughout the STS 89 spaceshuttle mission from launch to landing and thereafter. After the flight, the swimming behaviour of neonate samples was quantitatively assessed in the course of the readaptation to 1g earth gravity at days 0, 1 and 4 after recovery. Regarding the swimming behaviour during the mission, the adult fish swam thigmotactically (i.e., responding to tactile stimuli) along the walls of their aquarium, but like the neonates, they did not show any aberrant behavioural patterns. This indicates that they could easily adapt themselves to microgravity. On mission day 9, however, looping responses (most probably initiated by mechanical disturbances) occurred indicating a continuously performed "C-start" escape response (the respective body bend looks like the letter "C"). Immediately after landing (observed in videos recorded onboard the space shuttle), the adults performed a head-up swimming beating heavily with the caudal and pectoral fins; this aberrant behaviour gradually decreased during the first hours after recovery.  相似文献   

Aggregation mechanism of erythrocytes under normal and microgravity conditions is analyzed from their recorded images. The video data is analyzed by PC/AT based image processing system. The results show that the shape of individual erythrocytes and their formed aggregates changes significantly which may affect the formation process of aggregates under microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

We compared quantitatively vinculin-related adhesion parameters in osteoblastic cells submitted to opposite mechanical stresses, i.e., low deformation and frequency strain regimens (stretch condition) and microgravity exposure (relaxed condition). Cyclic deformation induced a biphasic response comprising new focal contacts formation followed by their clustering in ROS cells. Microgravity exposure induced a reduction in focal contact number and clustering in ROS cells. We previously demonstrated that 1% cyclic deformations at 0.05 Hz during a daily 10 min episode over 7 days stimulated ROS 17/2.8 growth as compared to static culture whereas relaxed ROS proliferated similarly to static culture (BC). To evaluate whether the proliferation (stretch) or the survival (relaxed) status of ROS cells influences focal contact organization, we inhibited ERKs proliferative-dependent pathway. Inhibition of proliferation by PD98059 was overcome although not fully restored by stretch. Furthermore stretch-induced clustering of vinculin-positive contacts still occurs in the presence of ERKs inhibitor, whereas the increase in focal contact number is abolished. In conclusion, we showed that focal contacts are mechanoeffectors and that hyper-mechanical stimulation could up regulate focal contacts size as compared to hypo-mechanical that down regulate clusterization.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat equipped with two rotation axes placed at right angles was constructed, and various growth processes of higher plants grown on this clinostat were compared with ground controls, with plants grown on the conventional horizontal clinostat, and with those under real microgravity in space. On the 3-D clinostat, cress roots developed a normal root cap and the statocytes showed the typical polar organization except a random distribution of statoliths. The structural features of clinostatted statocytes were fundamentally similar to those observed under real microgravity. The graviresponse of cress roots grown on the 3-D clinostat was the same as the control roots. On the 3-D clinostat, shoots and roots exhibited a spontaneous curvature as well as an altered growth direction. Such an automorphogenesis was sometimes exaggerated when plants were subjected to the horizontal rotation, whereas the curvature was suppressed on the vertical rotation. These discrepancies in curvature between the 3-D clinostat and the conventional ones appear to be brought about by the centrifugal force produced. Thus, the 3-D clinostat was proven as a useful device to simulate microgravity.  相似文献   

Experiments executed on the upper limb are assuming increasing significance in the frame of the Human Physiology in space, for at least two reasons: the upper limb is the principal means of locomotion for the subject living in a space station; furthermore, fatigue can have a significant effect on the hand, for the ordinary work on board, and in particular for the extra-vehicular activities. The degradation of the performances affecting the muscular-skeletal apparatus can be easily recognized on the upper limb, by exerting specific scientific protocols, to be repeated through the permanence of the subject in weightlessness conditions. Another aspect relevant to the effect of microgravity on the upper limb is associated with the alteration of the motor control programs due to the different gravity factor, affecting not only the bio-mechanics of the subject, but in general all his/her psycho-physical conditions, induced by the totally different environment. Specific protocols on the upper limb can facilitate the studies on learning mechanisms for the motor control. The results of such experiments can be transferred to the Earth, useful for treatment of subjects with local traumas or diseases of the Central Nervous System.  相似文献   

Ionic and structural hetorogeneity of cells, tissues, and organs of plants are associated with a spectrum of electric characteristics such as bioelectric potentials, electrical conductance, and bioelectric permeability. An important determinant for the plant function is electric properties of the cell membranes and organelles which maintain energy and substance exchange with the environment. Enzymes and other biologically active substances have a powerful charge at the molecular level. Finally, all molecules, including those of water, represent dipoles, and this determines their reactive capacity. A major determinant is the bioelectric polarity of a plant is genetically predetermined and cannot be modified. It is an intrinsic structural feature of the organism whose evolution advent was mediated by gravity. An illustrative presentation of polarity is the downward growth of the roots and upward growth of stems in the Earth's gravitation field. However, gravity is a critical, but not the sole determinant of the plant organism polarization. Potent polarizing effects are exerted by light, the electromagnetic field, moisture, and other factors. It is known that plant cultivation in an upturned position is associated with impairment of water and nutrient uptake, resulting in dyscoordination of physiological processes, growth and developmental retardation. These abnormalities were characteristic when early attempts were made to grow plants in weightlessness conditions.  相似文献   

Japanese tree frogs (Hyla japonica) were flown to the space station MIR and spent eight days in orbit during December, 1990. Under microgravity, their postures and behaviors were observed and recorded. On the MIR, floating frogs stretched four legs out, bent their bodies backward and expanded their abdomens. Frogs on a surface often bent their neck backward and walked backwards. This behavior was observed on parabolic flights and resembles the retching behavior of sick frogs on land--a possible indicator of motion sickness. Observations on MIR were carried out twice to investigate the frog's adaptation to space. The frequency of failure in landing after a jump decreased in the second observation period. After the frogs returned to earth, readaptation processes were observed. The frogs behaved normally as early as 2.5 hours after landing.  相似文献   

Experiment on aggregation of red cells under microgravity on STS 51-C.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kinetics and morphology of aggregation of red cells were studied using automatic slit-capillary photo-viscometers, one situated on the middeck of the space shuttle 'Discovery', and the other in the ground laboratory at KSC. Experiments were run simultaneously, blood samples being adjusted to haematocrit of 0.30 using native plasma, at temp. of 25 degrees C, and anticoagulated by EDTA. Donors included patients with myocardial infarction, insulin-dependent diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension. Macro and microphotographs were obtained during flow and stasis. There was a striking difference in the morphology of aggregates formed in space and on the ground. Aggregates formed under zero gravity showed rouleaux formation, while the same blood samples showed severe clumping on the ground, in all patients blood. Normal blood showed rouleaux on the ground, but a random swarm-like pattern in space. The shape of the red cells remained normal under zero gravity.  相似文献   

The changes of [Ca2+]i controlled is known to play a key regulatory role in numerous cellular processes especially associated with membranes. Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated an increase in calcium level in root cells of pea seedlings grown aboard orbital station "Salyut 6". These results: 1) indicate that observed Ca(2+)-binding sites of membranes also consist in proteins and phospholipids; 2) suggest that such effects of space flight in membrane Ca-binding might be due to the enhancement of Ca2+ influx through membranes. In model presented, I propose that Ca(2+)-activated channels in plasma membrane in response to microgravity allow the movement of Ca2+ into the root cells, causing a rise in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ levels. The latter, in its turn, may induce the inhibition of a Ca2+ efflux by Ca(2+)-activated ATPases and through a Ca2+/H+ antiport. It is possible that increased cytosolic levels of Ca2+ ions have stimulated hydrolysis and turnover of phosphatidylinositols, with a consequent elevation of cytosolic [Ca2+]i. Plant cell can response to such a Ca2+ rise by an enhancement of membranous Ca(2+)-binding activities to rescue thus a cell from an abundance of a cytotoxin. A Ca(2+)-induced phase separation of membranous lipids assists to appear the structure nonstable zones with high energy level at the boundary of microdomains which are rich by some phospholipid components; there is mixing of molecules of the membranes contacted in these zones, the first stage of membranous fusion, which was found in plants exposed to microgravity. These results support the hypothesis that a target for microgravity effect is the flux mechanism of Ca2+ to plant cell.  相似文献   

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