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利用AR2522活动区多波段的观测资料,分析了暗条演化与1B/M4级双带耀斑爆发之间的关系。结果表明:(1)足点的剪切运动导致暗条电流增强和耀斑贮能;(2)暗条上升运动和绞扭现象是暗条电流增强和耀斑贮能的结果;(3)Marttens-Kuin模型至少适合于解释与暗条快速上升有关的双带耀斑爆发。   相似文献   

收集了Cluster卫星在2001-2005年间观测到的磁尾磁通量绳事件,并对磁通量绳(magnetic flux rope)形成及其内部磁场结构与行星际磁场(IMF)的关系作了统计研究.考虑磁通量绳被观测到时行星际磁场的条件,在所有73个磁通量绳事件中,行星际磁场By分量占有主导地位的事件有80%,且78%的事件具有与行星际磁场By分量相同方向的核心场.行星际磁场通过在磁层顶与地球磁场相互作用改变南北等离子体片内磁场相对方向,形成有利于磁通量绳形成的磁场位形,并且行星际磁场By分量的方向对磁通量绳内部核心场的方向具有决定性影响.从统计结果来看,磁通量绳的形成并不会依赖于行星际磁场Bz分量的方向.  相似文献   

对ISEE-3人造卫星在1980年5月—1981年8月中,观测到的48个X射线耀斑进行了分析,发现其中有1/3是在6个活动区中重复爆发的.研究这部分X射线耀斑的物理性质与所在活动区的黑子面积、活动区类型及磁结构的关系,得到了一些结果:(1)发生在同一活动区中的X射线耀斑,其硬X射线峰值积分流量及谱硬度与活动区黑子面积成正相关;(2)多次爆发X射线耀斑的活动区全部具有δ型磁结构;(3)发生在不同活动区中的X射线耀斑,其物理特征与所在活动区的面积大小无明显关系.由此可以认为,活动区磁场梯度的大小,亦即活动区电流的大小,在爆发耀斑的过程中具有决定性作用.此外,还用电流环模型从理论上讨论了上述特征.  相似文献   

观测表明:在耀斑前活动区上空的日冕中普遍存在低温的磁环结构, 其中一些这种磁环结构的温度在105K以下;同时, 耀斑脉冲相存在非常迅速的加热过程.本文在这些观测事实的基础上, 提出了一个太阳耀斑爆发时离子电离的模型, 并由这一模型研究了耀斑时离子电离的弛豫过程.在太阳宇宙线的源物质来自高色球层的条件下, 得到了与观测结果符合得较好的太阳耀斑能量离子的平均电荷及其电离态分布.   相似文献   

王洋 《空间科学学报》2019,39(5):603-612
2002年8月28日09:50UT-10:50UT,Cluster卫星在地球磁尾观测到一次导向场磁场重联事件.卫星观测到磁场重联扩散区附近清晰的霍尔(Hall)四极型磁结构.由于导向场的存在,该四极型结构被扭曲变形.在该磁场重联事件中,卫星观测到多个磁通量绳,大部分磁通量绳的核心场极性与导向场极性一致.但是,其中一例磁通量绳的核心场结构极性较复杂.该例磁通量绳中心区域核心场强度出现峰值,核心场极性和导向场极性一致;中心以外区域的核心场极性和导向场极性相反.这种复杂核心场结构以前未见报道.通过最小方向导数法,发现该磁通量绳的轴向是弯曲的.C1和C3卫星穿越了磁通量绳弯曲部分,探测到核心场极性变化;C2和C4卫星位于C1和C3卫星的北侧,仅穿越了磁通量绳弯曲处的一部分,故核心场具有单极性.   相似文献   

1986年2月4日AR4711拱形双带黑子暗条系激活的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据1986-02-04AR47ll由观测所确定的物理参数和特征值,采用电动力学方法数值计算该活动区中两个拱形黑子暗条在大耀斑爆发前的动力学演化过程.结果表明:(1)以旋涡黑子为标志的光球物质旋转运动和以暗条下方磁力线强剪切为特征的剪切运动引起暗条电流增加和背景磁场变化,电流和磁场的相互作用导致暗条向上运动,大耀斑爆发前暗条的上升速度达26km/S;(2)背景场位形对暗条整体动力学行为有很大影响,AR47ll在7×104km高度范围内场强随高度似乎按指数规律衰减.   相似文献   

张枚 《太空探索》2000,(6):32-33
太阳是我们唯一能观测到表面细节的恒星,我们直接观测到的太阳的大气层,从里向外分为光球、色球和日冕三层。就总体而言,太阳是一个稳定、平衡、发光的气体球,但它的大气层中有些地方却时常产生剧烈的运动,如黑子群的神秘出没、日珥的变化、耀斑的爆发。  相似文献   

日地平动点L4和L5是太阳观测的理想位置,针对太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射,提出了一种在日地L4和L5点以及太阳极轨布置4颗探测器的太阳探测构想,实现太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射的全方位观测.在国内外相关任务调研的基础上,给出了控制系统初步设计方案,并通过仿真验证了关键指标,满足了太阳立体探测任务高精度高稳定度的对日指向需求.  相似文献   

本文综合了冲浪的主要观测特征,特别是冲浪活动区的磁特征;利用等离子体动力箍缩理论及Petschek机制,提出太阳冲浪的一种可能机制:活动区磁流的脉冲式浮现-等离子体的周期性动力箍缩-活动区磁场的快速湮灭-冲浪等离子体抛射.这个机制能较好地解释太阳冲浪的重复性及其它重要物理性质.   相似文献   

正NASA网站近日报道,利用太阳动力学天文台(SDO)的观测数据,法国研究人员发现太阳表面形成的磁笼能阻止耀斑的喷发,相关论文发表在Nature上。SDO任务在2014年10月期间记录了太阳表面木星大小的太阳黑子群事件。这一区域太阳活动十分活跃,但始终未发生大规模的日冕物质抛射,仅出现了一次X级的耀斑。针对这一奇怪的现象,法国天  相似文献   

Solar filament eruptions play a crucial role in triggering coronal mass ejections (CMEs). More than 80% of eruptions lead to a CME. This correlation has been studied extensively during the past solar cycles and the last long solar minimum. The statistics made on events occurring during the rising phase of the new solar cycle 24 is in agreement with this finding. Both filaments and CMEs have been related to twisted magnetic fields. Therefore, nearly all the MHD CME models include a twisted flux tube, called a flux rope. Either the flux rope is present long before the eruption, or it is built up by reconnection of a sheared arcade from the beginning of the eruption.  相似文献   

This paper examines a possible mechanism for the initiation of coronal mass ejections by means of the eruption of magnetic flux beneath a closed magnetic structure analogous to a coronal helmet structure. Anumerical computation shows that such an eruption deforms the helmet structure into an expanding bright "loop", followed by a dark cavity due to the expansion of the erupted magnetic field. The morphology and the internal structure of the loop are mainly determined by the background magnetic field whereas its ejective speed is largely controlled by the rate of flux ejection. The present model identifies the loop-like mass ejections with the above plasma structures moving with the frozen-in magnetic field and it may well explain some general properties of such ejections.   相似文献   

在双极背景场下,光球层反向磁通量的喷发将会在新老磁场之间形成中性电流片.本文从理想磁流体方程组出发,考虑磁场和日冕等离子体的相互作用,对上述电流片的形成过程进行了数值研究.结果表明,对亚音速喷发,将由里向外形成四个区域:(1)由喷发物质直接形成的低温,高密度日珥,位于最里层;(2)紧挨抛射日珥的低温稀疏区;(3)喷发物质和日冕物质向中性电流片集中形成的高温.高密度物质环;(4)在环的周围,由快磁声波形成的,密度略比日冕背景为高的前鞘区.上述结构与典型的环形日冕瞬变的观测特征相符.由此表明双极背景场下反向磁通量的喷发可能是触发这类瞬变的重要机制.   相似文献   

Mounting observational evidence of the emergence of twisted magnetic flux tubes through the photosphere have now been published. Such flux tubes, formed by the solar dynamo and transported through the convection zone, eventually reach the solar atmosphere. Their accumulation in the solar corona leads to flares and coronal mass ejections. Since reconnections occur during the evolution of the flux tubes, the concepts of twist and magnetic stress become inappropriate. Magnetic helicity, as a well preserved quantity, in particular in plasma with high magnetic Reynolds number, is a more suitable physical quantity to use, even if reconnection is involved.  相似文献   

Emergence of complex magnetic flux in the solar active regions lead to several observational effects such as a change in sunspot area and flux embalance in photospheric magnetograms. The flux emergence also results in twisted magnetic field lines that add to free energy content. The magnetic field configuration of these active regions relax to near potential-field configuration after energy release through solar flares and coronal mass ejections. In this paper, we study the relation of flare productivity of active regions with their evolution of magnetic flux emergence, flux imbalance and free energy content. We use the sunspot area and number for flux emergence study as they contain most of the concentrated magnetic flux in the active region. The magnetic flux imbalance and the free energy are estimated using the HMI/SDO magnetograms and Virial theorem method. We find that the active regions that undergo large changes in sunspot area are most flare productive. The active regions become flary when the free energy content exceeds 50% of the total energy. Although, the flary active regions show magnetic flux imbalance, it is hard to predict flare activity based on this parameter alone.  相似文献   

采用球坐标下二维三分量理想MHD模型,研究部分开放多极背景磁场中日冕磁绳的灾变现象.背景磁场由含3个闭合双极场的冕流和带赤道中性电流片的开放场构成,磁绳位于中心双极场的下方,其特性由环向磁通和轴向磁通表征.对给定的环向磁通,存在轴向磁通的一个临界值;对给定的轴向磁通,也存在环向磁通的一个临界值.在该临界值以下,磁绳附着于太阳表面,系统处于平衡状态;该临界值一旦被超越,磁绳将脱离太阳表面向上喷发,说明部分开放多极背景磁场中的日冕磁绳系统存在灾变现象.本文算例表明,灾变点对应的磁能阈值超过对应部分开放场(中心双极场开放,两侧的双极场仍维持闭合)能量约15%,其超过部分可为日冕物质抛射一类太阳爆发提供能源.  相似文献   

Magnetic clouds are the interplanetary manifestation of coronal mass ejections, which are transient expulsions of major quantities of magnetized plasma, from the Sun toward the heliosphere. The magnetic flux and helicity are two key physical magnitudes to track solar structures from the photosphere-corona to the interplanetary medium. To determine the content of flux and helicity in magnetic clouds, we have to know their 3D structure. However, since spacecrafts register data along a unique direction, several aspects of their global configuration cannot be observed. We present a method to estimate the magnetic flux and the magnetic helicity per unit length in magnetic clouds, directly from in situ magnetic observations, assuming only a cylindrical symmetry for the magnetic field configuration in the observed cross-section of the cloud. We select a set of 20 magnetic clouds observed by the spacecraft Wind and estimate their magnetic flux and their helicity per unit length. We compare the results obtained from our direct method with those obtained under the assumption of a helical linear force-free field. This direct method improves previous estimations of helicity in clouds.  相似文献   

We present a combined analysis of the applications of the weighted horizontal magnetic gradient (denoted as WGM in Korsós et al. (2015)) method and the magnetic helicity tool (Berger and Field, 1984) employed for three active regions (ARs), namely NOAA AR 11261, AR 11283 and AR 11429. We analysed the time series of photospheric data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory taken between August 2011 and March 2012. During this period the three ARs produced a series of flares (eight M- and six X-class) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). AR 11261 had four M-class flares and one of them was accompanied by a fast CME. AR 11283 had similar activities with two M- and two X-class flares, but only with a slow CME. Finally, AR 11429 was the most powerful of the three ARs as it hosted five compact and large solar flare and CME eruptions. For applying the WGM method we employed the Debrecen sunspot data catalogue, and, for estimating the magnetic helicity at photospheric level we used the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP’s) vector magnetograms from SDO/HMI (Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager). We followed the evolution of the components of the WGM and the magnetic helicity before the flare and CME occurrences. We found a unique and mutually shared behaviour, called the U-shaped pattern, of the weighted distance component of WGM and of the shearing component of the helicity flux before the flare and CME eruptions. This common pattern is associated with the decreasing-receding phases yet reported only known to be a necessary feature prior to solar flare eruption(s) but found now at the same time in the evolution of the shearing helicity flux. This result leads to the conclusions that (i) the shearing motion of photospheric magnetic field may be a key driver for solar eruption in addition to the flux emerging process, and that (ii) the found decreasing-approaching pattern in the evolution of shearing helicity flux may be another precursor indicator for improving the forecasting of solar eruptions.  相似文献   

The decaying solar active region that crossed the central meridian on May 20, 1980 at latitude S13° produced a major flare (2B/X1) at 2054 on May 21. This region was a target of the international Flare Buildup Study and was well observed. The buildup was characterized by little flare activity during two days prior to the major flare but a great deal of activity in the filament that separated the opposite magnetic polarities of the active region. Large proper motions of sunspots and magnetic fields suggest that the magnetic field was stressed prior to the flare. The immediate trigger of the flare appears to have been an eruption of new magnetic flux in the center of the active region. The new flux erupted in a configuration that decreased the net flux of the active region and contributed to the decay of the region.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the processes that energize and trigger M- and X-class solar flares and associated flux-rope destabilizations. Numerical modeling of specific solar regions is hampered by uncertain coronal-field reconstructions and by poorly understood magnetic reconnection; these limitations result in uncertain estimates of field topology, energy, and helicity. The primary advances in understanding field destabilizations therefore come from the combination of generic numerical experiments with interpretation of sets of observations. These suggest a critical role for the emergence of twisted flux ropes into pre-existing strong field for many, if not all, of the active regions that produce M- or X-class flares. The flux and internal twist of the emerging ropes appear to play as important a role in determining whether an eruption will develop predominantly as flare, confined eruption, or CME, as do the properties of the embedding field. Based on reviewed literature, I outline a scenario for major flares and eruptions that combines flux-rope emergence, mass draining, near-surface reconnection, and the interaction with the surrounding field. Whether deterministic forecasting is in principle possible remains to be seen: to date no reliable such forecasts can be made. Large-sample studies based on long-duration, comprehensive observations of active regions from their emergence through their flaring phase are needed to help us better understand these complex phenomena.  相似文献   

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