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For a planar-array antenna with a monopulse feed horn, this study describes a simple algorithm for the determination of the direction of target echoes. Antenna pattern measurements of the array indicate that the direction sines of a received wavefront can be independently obtained with one simple relation between a normalized difference channel output and a direction sine. This paper determines the accuracy of the algorithm.  相似文献   

A technique is presented to calculate the noise figure and available power gain for electricially small antenna amplifier circuits over a wide bandwidth. The method permits reasonable predictions of circuit performance solely from the manufacturer's transistor data, i.e., without resorting to extensive measurements. Results for a system designed for 10 kHz to 500 MHz coverage are presented. The agreement between the calculated and measured noise figures and available power gain is within 3 dB over most of the frequency range.  相似文献   

Diffuse multipath is a random phenomenon that arises out of the diffraction of waves from rough surfaces. This form of multipath can in turn affect the angle estimation performance of monopulse antenna systems. In order to evaluate its effect, it is necessary to obtain the channel spread function that results. This function is basically the wave number spectrum of the resulting random field generated by the scattering. To do this, use is made of the Kodis-Barrick arrick scattering cross section and Wagner's shadowing function. The evaluation is performed for the specific geometry of a spherical earth. Evaluation of the system performance degradation is made for various angle estimation system configurations.  相似文献   

The factors which affect the target-handling capacity of an agile-beamelectronically scanned multitarget-tracking radar are reviewed and analyze.Consideration is given to the choice of strategy for dwell allocation amongtargets, the choice of trajectory extrapolation algorithms for target tracking, and the determination of saturation target acquisition rates. Emphasisis placed upon radar systems with control computers having limited speed and memory, and recommendations are made for allocation strategy and targetytracking algorithms, based on uniform sampling, to be used in maximizing thetarget-handling capacity in this situation.  相似文献   

The LMS adaptive array requires an integrator in each weight feedback control loop. In practice the integrator is often replaced by a low-pass filter, i.e., by a filter with a single pole at s = - ? (where s is complex frequency). The effect of this pole position on array performance is examined. It is shown that to obtain optimal performance from the array, ? must be less than k?2, where k is the loop gain and ?2 is the thermal noise power per element. When at exceeds k?2, the output signal-to-inter ference-plus-noise ratio from the array is degraded for intermediate values of interference power.  相似文献   

甚低频拖曳天线的稳态构型计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
拖曳天线力学特征和控制是飞机对潜通信系统进一步深入论证需要解决的关键问题之一,而对其稳态动力学研究是进行拖曳天线力学特征和控制的基础。文章通过对其运动状态及其受力进行分析,建立机载甚低频拖曳天线稳态动力学模型。运用打靶法进行求解,计算出了在不同空气阻尼情况下天线稳定构型,分析了绳索的张力分布情况并比较了空气阻尼对天线稳...  相似文献   

A signal processor that provides ratio-squared predetection combining, has been investigated for application in an adaptive antenna array. The analysis and experimental data presented here pertain to the signal processing gain when the antenna array is illuminated by a coherent signal source and a partially coherent noise source. For a noise source which is coherent, the processing gain depends on relative strength of the signal and noise, relative directions of arrival, and the usual "array factor." The array exhibits capturing effects much as in an FM receiver. The effective antenna pattern is a superposition of two beams of different magnitudes, one directed to the signal source and the other to the noise source. When the noise is partially coherent, the behavior of the signal processor is quite complex. Analytical prediction and experimental simulation measurement on a four-channel system indicate that the partially coherent noise may be regarded as the source of an incoherent noise component plus a coherent noise component with the magnitude of the latter determined by the coherence coefficient for the noise source.  相似文献   

针对某型测控雷达改造后天线重量增加引起的伺服性能降低问题,详细分析天线重量增加对伺服系统环路带宽和负载转矩的影响,提出调整伺服系统内部各环路参数的解决方案,使得系统与负载之间在转速、转矩和惯量上能够相匹配,并对系统进行了阶跃响应测试,得到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

有源相控阵中场测量中的空间误差研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于中场监测设备量少,且测量效率高,所以是有源相控阵雷达阵面测量的重要方法之一,在工程中得到了广泛应用。其系统误差包括监测方法误差和测量设备误差,其中测量方法误差非常关键,而测量设备误差与所采用的具体设备有关。在中场测量中,探头的位置偏移导致的空间误差是其特有的测量方法误差。本文对空间误差进行了理论分析,并以x波段有源相控阵的中场测量为例,给出了空间误差的计算结果和实验结果。计算结果表明,空间幅度误差很小;空间相位误差与被测阵面口径、测量距离和探头位置偏移有关。实验结果进一步验证了这种计算结果。分析结果为中场测量的实施提供了参考,具有一定的工程意义。  相似文献   

结冰对民机飞行性能的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
结冰是威胁民机飞行安全、影响飞行性能的主要因素之一。分析总结了飞机的结冰机理及影响冰型的主要因素,并着重研究了结冰对民机的主要飞行性能,包括起飞性能、爬升性能、飞行包线、续航性能、下滑性能以及着陆性能的影响。研究结果可为国内民用飞机的研制和现役民机的改进、改型提供参考。  相似文献   

基于捷联跟踪式三轴天线“动中通”系统推导了天线姿态角求解算法,并且定义了天线俯仰角和方位角范围。针对工程中出现的三轴天线“动中通”系统在低纬度地区跟踪卫星时天线方位角跳变的情况,在理论分析的基础上结合仿真得出了天线姿态角突变的机理。由于卫星矢量在车体系内水平两个坐标分量的符号会出现改变,从而引起天线方位角的突变,引起伺服系统驱动能力不足,致使跟踪中断。最后针对该问题设计了两种解决方案。  相似文献   

为保证航空发动机燃烧室具有良好的气动雾化性能并实现稳定、高效地燃烧,设计6种带有旋向相反的双级径向旋流器方案的单头部燃烧室,通过双级径向旋流器设计参数对燃烧性能影响的数值计算,得到不同主、副旋流器旋流数对燃烧室性能的影响规律,并进行试验验证。结果表明:数值计算与试验结果基本吻合。双级径向旋流燃烧室的燃烧效率超过99.9%,双级径向旋流器存在最佳的匹配方案,该方案使得燃烧室形成合适的回流区,并得到均匀的出口温度场。  相似文献   

建立了带推力矢量的涡扇发动机数学模型。结合某型涡扇发动机研究了矢量喷管偏转对发动机工作和性能的影响,研究结果表明,矢量喷管偏转时,在一定条件下,发动机低压转子共同工作线向喘振边界移动,而高压转子共同工作线不发生变化,发动机总推力是增大的。但当将矢量喷管偏转与喉部面积放大相结合,可使发动机保持原工作状态不变,而发动机总推力却随着几何矢量角的增大而减小。   相似文献   

The performance of a least mean square (LMS) adaptive array in the presence of a pulsed interference signal is examined. It is shown that a pulsed interference signal has two effects. First, it causes the array to modulate the desired signal envelope (but not its phase). Second, it causes the array output signal-to-interferenceplus-noise ratio (SINR) to vary with time. The desired signal modulation is evaluated as a function of signal arrival angles, powers and interference pulse-repetition frequency (PRF) and pulsewidth. It is shown that the signal modulation is small except when the interference arrives close to the desired signal. To evaluate the effect of the time-varying SINR, it is assumed that the array is used in a differential phase-shift keyed (DPSK) communication system. It is shown that the SINR variation causes a noticeable but not disastrous increase in the bit error probability.  相似文献   

点火药量对微型脉冲推力器内弹道性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了用于高速动能导弹和超高速火箭弹道修正的微型脉冲推力器的三种推力—时间(F-t)曲线,发现由于脉冲推力器点火药量与主装药量之比明显高于常规固体火箭发动机该两者的比值,点火药量的多少会对推力器F-t曲线的形状和内弹道性能产生明显影响。必须严格控制点火药量,特别是引燃药剂的量,才能获得较为满意的内弹道性能。   相似文献   

The time-domain transient response of a thin dipole antenna is discussed in terms of element lengths and the surge impedances of the transmission line and element terminals. Theory and measurements show that, unlike symmetric configurations, asymmetry in the element lengths, together with appropriate mismatch of the transmission line, produces radiation proportional to the first time derivative of the signal voltage, and replica reception proportional to the incoming field.  相似文献   

天线测量理论中的基本方程组   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了天线远场测量理论中的基本方程组,并由此导出目标的雷达散射截面、天线增益以及天线系数等参数的重要计算公式。  相似文献   

叶片表面喷气对叶栅性能影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
航空发动机的不断发展,使涡轮前的温度越来越高.尽管材料科研发展迅速,但仍赶不上温度提高的要求,涡轮叶片必须采用气冷,这就对涡轮气动性能带来了影响.本文介绍了用平面叶栅吹风试验方法研究气膜冷却叶栅在各种工况下对叶栅气动性能的影响,获得了许多有价值的结论.  相似文献   

电晕线布置方式对静电旋风除尘器除尘性能影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对静电旋风除尘器内部流场及浓度场分析的基础上,提出了电晕线靠近筒壁布置的构想,并通过实验证明,壁面布置方式大大提高了静电力的作用,提高了除尘性能,明显优于传统的中心布置电晕线方式,并从理论上给予了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

壁温蒸发器对脉冲爆震发动机工作性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
设计了脉冲爆震发动机(PDE)壁温蒸发器,利用PDE工作时的壁温对煤油进行预蒸发,以改善煤油在PDE中的起爆性能。通过适当设计的油路系统将煤油蒸汽供入由汽油启动工作的PDE中,在改变PDE工作频率、蒸发器供气量和PDE煤油/汽油比例等条件下,对PDE的爆震特性进行了研究。研究结果表明,不同工作频率和蒸发器内的余气系数对PDE点火、起爆特性和爆震波压力、速度特性均有明显影响。使用经过预蒸发的煤油/汽油混合燃料能有效缩短点火时间和爆震波形成过程,对煤油进行预蒸发可以很好地提高多循环、吸气式两相PDE的爆震特性。  相似文献   

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