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6月4日,波音公司董事长、总裁兼CEO詹姆斯·迈克纳尼来到中国,就波音在中国的合作以及承诺与相关政府部门进行了沟通。6月5日,总裁专门来到厦门走访了波音在这里的两个重要合作伙伴和客户——厦门太古和厦门航空公司。在此期间,本刊记者有幸对其进行了采访。  相似文献   

9月5日,波音公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官吉姆-迈克纳尼(Jim McNerney)任命斯科特·卡森(Scott E.Carson)为波音民用飞机集团总裁兼首席执行官。  相似文献   

美国国家标准化协会主席托斯先生应中国标准化协会的邀请,于1980年10月7日至24日,对我国进行了访问,并在北京、西安、苏州等地就航天标准化工作进行了讲学。下面刊登的是托斯先生讲学的部分内容。  相似文献   

1月14日,履任罗·罗国际有限公司中国地区总裁仅仅9天的罗德伟先生(Rod Williams)在罗·罗北京办事处接受了专业媒体记者的访问。在访问过程中,“保持与中国的长期合作伙伴关系”成为这位新任总裁吐露最多的话语,这同时也是罗·罗公司在华开展业务40年来一直遵守的准则。  相似文献   

SITA是世界首屈一指的航空运输业全球信息和电讯解决方案供应商,在中国已有25年的发展历史。今年2月,SITA信息技术公司(SITAINC)常务董事弗朗西斯科·维尔兰特先生、销售及市场营销高级副总裁布鲁诺·富兰特兹尔先生来到中国访问。以下是本刊记者对他们的专访,同时接受专访的还有SITA北亚及中国区副总裁穆瑞德先生。《中国民用航空》:请介绍一下SITA成立的历史、组织结构及其特征。弗朗西斯科:SITA是在1949年由11家航空公司为分享共同的基础设施而创办的,这一使命后来被许多其他航空公司所认可,并且发展到今天超过750个SITA成…  相似文献   

3月18-21日,空客公司总裁皮尔逊先生对中国进行了工作访问。访问期间,皮尔逊先生受到了李鹏总理的接见,并分别同民航总局、中航总、国航、航材公司等领导进行了会谈。3月24-26日,波音民机集团总裁伍达德先生到中国参加波音向国航出售B777飞机的签字仪式。这是伍达德先生继今年1月底访华之后的第二次来华。中国国际航空公司订购五架波音7771997年3月25日中国国际航空公司向波音订购五架B777-200飞机,总值约6.85万美元。中国国务院总理李鹏和美国副总统戈尔出席了在人民大会堂举行的协议签字仪式,参加签字的还有国家计委主任陈锦华、…  相似文献   

应中国航空工业总公司的邀请,美国凯门航宇公司总经理沃尔特·R·康智乐率领包括公司董事(退役海军四星上将)汉汀顿·哈弟斯梯、复合材料及加工部主任戴维·巴列斯及公司资深空气动力学工程师魏阜旋在内的四人代表团,于3月11~18日访问了中国航空工业总公司、哈尔滨和昌河飞机制造厂、景德镇直升机设计所。这是该公司创建50多年以来首次对中国的访问,也是该公司创始人——现已75岁高龄的凯门先生的最大愿望之一,即能在有生之年能够开始和中国航空工业界、特别在直升机领域内进行合作。  相似文献   

"中国市场已经成为全球各个航空公司都垂涎三尺的货运市场。但这块大蛋糕在十分诱人的同时,是否也滋生着一些泡沫?"这是本文作者Peter Conway先生对中国航空货运市场的评价和担心。俗话说:"旁观者清。"当Conway先生站在全球的高度来审视中国航空货运的现状时,他看出我们的发展潜力,同时也洞察出我们潜在的不足。但愿Conway先生的分析对国内各航空货运公司在开发市场、制定决策时有所启迪,有所裨益。  相似文献   

《中国航空史》一书于1987年在中国出版后,很快用完。想再版,由于发行量不大,出版社无意再版,致使《中国航空史》不能再版发行。本文作者刘文孝先生於1992年5月来西安访问时,见到姜老的巨著《中国航空》,敬佩不已。并感到《中国航空史》印刷质量不高,纸张也不够好,他表示愿意将此书稿带到台湾出版,向世界发行。经姜老同意,刘文孝先生随即将书稿及照片等带回台湾。下面就是已在台湾出版的《中国航空史》一书的编言及文良彦先生的文序。同时报道《香山天将》及《台山近代航空人物录》出版的消息。  相似文献   

空客公司总裁兼首席执行官法布里斯·布利叶在访问中国期间表示,得益于中国经济持续、健康发展,中国航空业将继续引领世界航空业的未来发展。未来"中国力量"将进一步显现,空中客车也将一如既往地支持中国航空业的发展。  相似文献   

叶晓英  王荣 《航空材料学报》2003,23(Z1):147-150
研究了ICP-AES法测定纯铜中的Bi,Sb,As,Fe,Ni,Pb,Sn,Zn和Ag等9个元素的分析方法.进行了基体元素铜对9个分析元素的光谱干扰研究,选择了合适的分析谱线,同时测定了分析方法的检出限.  相似文献   

A survey of current knowledge about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and their satellites is presented. The best available numerical values are given for physical parameters, including orbital and body properties, atmospheric composition and structure, and photometric parameters. The more acceptable current theories of these bodies are outlined with thorough referencing offering access to the details. The survey attempts to cover the literature through May 1, 1972. Prepared Under Contract No. NAS7-100 National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Numerical calculations of the collapse of adiabatic clouds from uniform density and rotation initial conditions show that when restricted to axisymmetry, the clouds form either near-equilibrium spheroids or rings. Rings form in the collapse of low thermal energy clouds and have = T/ ¦W¦ 0.43. When the axisymmetric constraint is removed and an initial m=2 density variation is introduced, clouds either collapse to form near-equilibrium ellipsoids or else fragment into binary systems through a bar phase. Ellipsoids form in the collapse of high thermal energy clouds and have 3 0.27. The results are consistent with the critical values of for instabilities in Maclaurin spheroids, and suggest that protostellar clouds may undergo a dynamic fragmentation in the nonisothermal collapse regime.National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

Increased computer capacity has made it possible to model the global plasma and neutral dynamics near Venus, Mars and Saturn??s moon Titan. The plasma interactions at Venus, Mars, and Titan are similar because each possess a substantial atmosphere but lacks a global internally generated magnetic field. In this article three self-consistent plasma models are described: the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model, the hybrid model and the fully kinetic plasma model. Chamberlain and Monte Carlo models of the Martian exosphere are also described. In particular, we describe the pros and cons of each model approach. Results from simulations are presented to demonstrate the ability of the models to capture the known plasma and neutral dynamics near the three objects.  相似文献   

Chemistry,accretion, and evolution of Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high FeO concentrations measured by VIKING for the Martian soils correspond to all probability to a FeO-rich mantle. In general, the VIKING XRF-data indicate a mafic crust with a considerably smaller degree of fractionation compared to the terrestrial crust.In recent years evidence has been collected which points towards Mars being the parent body of SNC-meteorites and, hence, these meteorites have become a valuable source of information about the chemistry of Mars. Using element correlations observed in SNC-meteorites and general cosmochemical constraints, it is possible to estimated the bulk composition of Mars. Normalized to Si and Cl, the mean abundance value for the elements Ga, Fe, Na, P, K, F, and Rb in the Martian mantle is found to be 0.35 and thus exceeds the terrestrial value by about a factor of two. Aside pressure effects and the H2O poverty, the high P and K content of the Martian mantle may lead to magmatic processes different from those on Earth.The composition of the Earth's mantle can successfully be described by a two component model. Component A: highly reduced and almost free of all elements more volatile than Na; component B: oxidized and containing all elements in Cl-abundances including volatile elements. The same two components can be used as building blocks for Mars, if one assumes that, contrary to the inhomogeneous accretion of the Earth, Mars accreted almost homogeneously. The striking depletion of all elements with chalcophile character indicates that chemical equilibrium between component A and B was achieved on Mars which lead to the formation of significant amounts of FeS which, on segregation, extracted the elements according to their sulphide-silicate partition coefficients. While for the Earth a mixing ratio AB = 8515 was derived, the Mars ratio of 6040 reflects the higher concentrations of moderately volatile elements like Na, K, and sulphur on Mars. A homogeneous accretion of Mars could also explain the obvious low abundances of water and primordial rare gases.  相似文献   

进行了用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)法测定钛合金中稀土元素Y,La,Pr,Sm,Ce,Gd和Nd的研究.研究样品的溶解,待测稀土元素分析谱线的选择,钛合金基体及共存元素对稀土元素测量的影响等,确定了待测稀土元素的分析线,校准曲线采用基体匹配消除基体效应的影响,对仪器测量条件进行优化.进行了加入回收实验.精密度和准确度结果表明:本方法快速、准确,可以满足钛合金中的稀土元素的测定要求,RSD<4%,回收率98%~105%.  相似文献   

Origin,age, and composition of meteorites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper attempts to bring together and evaluate all significant evidence on the origin of meteorites.The iron meteorites seem to have formed at low pressures. Laboratory evidence shows that the absence of a Widmanstätten pattern in meteorites with > 16% Ni cannot be attributed to high pressures, but to supercooling or an unusually fast cooling rate for these meteorites, which prevented the development of a pattern. The presence of tridymite in the Steinbach siderophyre provides further, direct proof that the Widmanstätten pattern can form at pressures less than 3 kb. Neither diamond, nor cliftonite, nor cohenite are reliable pressure indicators in meteorites. Diamonds were formed by shock while cliftonite may have been derived from a cubic carbide such as Fe4C. Cohenite is apparently stabilized by kinetic rather than thermodynamic factors. Several lines of evidence suggest that the irons come from more than one parent body, perhaps as many as four.The frequency of pallasites is perfectly consistent with an origin in the transition zone between core and mantle of the parent body. Hybrid meteorites such as Brenham are not necessarily derived from the metal-silicate interface, but probably resulted from dendrite growth in the solidifying melt.Ordinary chondrites definitely are equilibrium assemblages rather than chance conglomerates. According to the best available evidence, Prior's rules seem to be valid. The metal particles in chondrites differentiated into kamacite and taenite in their present location, rather than in a remote earlier environment. Trace element abundances in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites suggest that these meteorites accreted from two types of matter: an undepleted fraction that separated from its complement of gases at low temperatures, and a depleted fraction that lost its gases at high temperatures. These two fractions of primitive meteoritic matter are tentatively identified with the matrix and chondrules-plus-metal, respectively. New restrictive limits are placed on the iron-silicate fractionation in chondrites. No direct evolutionary path exists that connects the currently accepted solar abundances of Fe and Ni and the observed Fe/Si and Ni/Si ratios in chondrites. Apparently the solar abundance of iron is in error. The iron-silicate fractionation seems to have occurred while chondritic matter was in a more strongly reduced state than its present one.The U-He and K-Ar ages of hypersthene chondrites are systematically shorter than those of bronzite chondrites. Short ages are correlated with shock effects, and it seems that the hypersthene chondrites suffered reheating and partial-to-complete outgassing 0.4 AE ago. The cosmic-ray exposure ages of all classes of meteorites cluster distinctly, indicating that the meteorites were produced in a few discrete major collisions rather than by a quasi-continuum of smaller ones. The dates of the principal breakups are: irons, 0.6 and 0.9 AE; aubrites, 45 m.y.; bronzite chondrites, 4 m.y.; hypersthene chondrites, 0.025, 3, 7–13, and 16–31 m.y. All four clusters of hypersthene chondrites show evidence of severe outgassing 0.4 AE ago, which implies that most or all hypersthene chondrites come from the same parent body.As already noted by Signer and Suess, two distinct types of primordial gas occur in meteorites. Differentiated meteorites always contain unfractionated gas, while relatively undifferentiated meteorites contain fractionated gas. The former component is invariably associated with shock effects, and seems to have been derived from the solar wind. The latter component is correlated with other volatiles and seems to be a truly primitive constituent of meteoritic matter. Isotopic anomalies in the fractionated gas suggest that meteoritic matter was irradiated with 1017 protons/cm2 at a very early stage of its history.There is very little doubt that most, if not all, meteorites come from the asteroid belt rather than from the moon. The orbits and geocentric velocities of stony meteorites resemble those of the Apollo asteroids (most of which are former members of the asteroid belt that have strayed into terrestrial space), but disagree strongly with the calculated orbits and velocities for lunar ejecta. Öpik's conclusions about the difficulty of accelerating lunar debris to escape velocity represent a further argument against a lunar origin of stony meteorites.The most likely parent bodies of the meteorites are the 34 asteroids which cross the orbit of Mars. Collisional debris from these objects will remain in Mars-crossing orbits, and perturbations by Mars will inject some fraction of this material into terrestrial space. Most of the Mars asteroids, comprising 98% of the mass and 92% of the cross-section, belong to three Hirayama families (Phocaea, Desiderata, and Aethra), and an additional, previously unrecognized family. These families were apparently produced by disruption of parent asteroids ca. 104, 105, and 46 km in diameter. The size distribution and light curves of asteroids indicate that the larger asteroids are original accretions, rather than collision fragments. There is no reason to believe that the meteorites ever resided in bodies larger than Ceres (d = 770 km).Various theories on the origin of the meteorites are critically reviewed in the light of the preceding evidence. Wood's theory, which postulates a high-temperature and a low-temperature variety of primordial matter, is in best accord with the evidence. Apparently the asteroids accreted from varying proportions of these two types of material, and were then heated by extinct radioactivity produced in the early irradiation.  相似文献   

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