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Ulysses observed a stable strong CIR from early 1992 through 1994 during its first journey into the southern hemisphere. After the rapid latitude scan in early 1995, Ulysses observed a weaker CIR from early 1996 to mid-1997 in the northern hemisphere as it traveled back to the ecliptic at the orbit of Jupiter. These two CIRs are the observational basis of the investigation into the latitudinal structure of CIRs. The first CIR was caused by an extension of the northern coronal hole into the southern hemisphere during declining solar activity, whereas the second CIR near solar minimum activity was caused by small warps in the streamer belt. The latitudinal structure is described through the presentation of three 26-day periods during the southern CIR. The first at ∼24°S shows the full plasma interaction region including fast and slow wind streams, the compressed shocked flows with embedded stream interface and heliospheric current sheet (HCS), and the forward and reverse shocks with associated accelerated ions and electrons. The second at 40°S exhibits only the reverse shock, accelerated particles, and the 26-day modulation of cosmic rays. The third at 60°S shows only the accelerated particles and modulated cosmic rays. The possible mechanisms for the access of the accelerated particles and the CIR-modulated cosmic rays to high latitudes above the plasma interaction region are presented. They include direct magnetic field connection across latitude due to stochastic field line weaving or to systematic weaving caused by solar differential rotation combined with non-radial expansion of the fast wind. Another possible mechanism is particle diffusion across the average magnetic field, which includes stochastic field line weaving. A constraint on connection to a distant portion of the CIR is energy loss in the solar wind, which is substantial for the relatively slow-moving accelerated ions. Finally, the weaker northern CIR is compared with the southern CIR. It is weak because the inclination of the streamer belt and HCS decreased as Ulysses traveled to lower latitudes so that the spacecraft remained at about the maximum latitudinal extent of the HCS. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure and evolution of CIRs and their successors in the outer heliosphere. These structures undergo significant evolution as they are convected to greater heliocentric distances. A progression of different types of structure are observed at increasing distance from the Sun. Similar structures are observed at similar heliocentric distance at different portions of the solar cycle. CIRs and their successors are associated with many important physical processes in the outer heliosphere. We discuss the relationship between these structures and recurrent phenomena such as cosmic ray variations, and review some of the associated theoretical models on the role of corotating structures and global merged interaction regions (GMIRs) in global cosmic ray modulation. We also discuss some outstanding questions related to the origin of non-dispersive quasi-periodic particle enhancements associated with CIRs and their successors in the outer heliosphere. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) form as a consequence of the compression of the solar wind at the interface between fast speed streams and slow streams. Dynamic interaction of solar wind streams is a general feature of the heliospheric medium; when the sources of the solar wind streams are relatively stable, the interaction regions form a pattern which corotates with the Sun. The regions of origin of the high speed solar wind streams have been clearly identified as the coronal holes with their open magnetic field structures. The origin of the slow speed solar wind is less clear; slow streams may well originate from a range of coronal configurations adjacent to, or above magnetically closed structures. This article addresses the coronal origin of the stable pattern of solar wind streams which leads to the formation of CIRs. In particular, coronal models based on photospheric measurements are reviewed; we also examine the observations of kinematic and compositional solar wind features at 1 AU, their appearance in the stream interfaces (SIs) of CIRs, and their relationship to the structure of the solar surface and the inner corona; finally we summarise the Helios observations in the inner heliosphere of CIRs and their precursors to give a link between the optical observations on their solar origin and the in-situ plasma observations at 1 AU after their formation. The most important question that remains to be answered concerning the solar origin of CIRs is related to the origin and morphology of the slow solar wind. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper reviews three important effects on energetic particles of corotating interaction regions (CIRs) in the solar wind that are formed at the leading edges of high-speed solar wind streams originating in coronal holes. A brief overview of CIRs and their important features is followed by a discussion of CIR-associated modulations in the galactic cosmic ray intensity, with an emphasis on observations made by spacecraft particle telescope ‘anti-coincidence’ guards. Such guards combine high counting rates (hundreds of counts/s) and a lower rigidity response than neutron monitors to provide detailed information on the relationship between cosmic ray modulations and CIR structure. The modulation of Jovian electrons by CIRs is then described. Finally, the acceleration of ions to energies of ~20 MeV/n in the vicinity of CIRs is reviewed.  相似文献   

A brief overview on particle injection and acceleration in corotating interaction regions is presented. After introducing the diffusion-convection transport equation for energetic particles we discuss diffusive acceleration at the corotating shocks, stochastic acceleration within the interaction region, and the injection and acceleration of pickup ions at the corotating shocks. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We review observations from Voyager 2 of CIRs and merged CIRs in the outer heliosphere. The rather simple characteristics of the CIR-associated changes in plasma, magnetic field, and particles become more complex as observations are made at greater and greater distances. Pickup ions from charge exchange undoubtedly play an important role in the structure, but the full details are not yet understood. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

徐建中 《推进技术》2017,38(10):2161-2163
<正>2017年7月27日是吴仲华先生诞辰100周年的日子。作为一位杰出的科学家,他奠基的叶轮机械两类相对流面三元流动理论为航空发动机的发展做出了巨大的贡献;而他提出的总能系统理论,尤其是"温度对口,梯级利用"的原理在能源的高效清洁利用中也发挥了巨大的作用;他与我国老一辈科学家创立的工程热物理学科,今天已经在航空航天推进、能源利用和环境保护中,发挥着越来越大的作用。  相似文献   

人机交互风格及其发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

人机交互风格及其发展趋势   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
人机交互的风格经历了命令界面、图形界面、多媒体界面等主要发展阶段,目前正向虚拟现实技术和多通道用户界面的方向发展。本文简要回顾人机交互技术的历史,并进而探讨什么是理想、自然的人机交互模式。  相似文献   

分析了三维裂纹扩展寿命主要影响因素及其分布形式,构造了正交设计表L49(7^8)来设计各种随机变量对裂纹扩展寿命关系的模拟组合,以这些模拟结果为学习训练样本,采用7-12-1三层BP网络仿真了各种随机因素与裂纹扩展寿命的复杂非线性关系,并研究了计算给定可靠度下扩展寿命和给定寿命下可靠度的分析方法和实现流程。扭力轴表面裂纹算例表明该方法合理可行。  相似文献   

分离流和涡运动横截面流态的拓扑   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
为表片分离流和涡运动的空间特征,实验和计算多给出各横截面上流态。本文给出了横截面流态的拓扑规则,它们是:物体截面轮廓线上半奇点的分布规则;横截面流态奇点数的拓扑规则;Poincare指数判定表面纵向分离起始和终结的原则;物面坡度为正时,截面对称线上奇点数目的规则。  相似文献   

A discussion is given of the role of dimensional fundamental constants in gravitational and particle physics. It is concluded that such constants can most usefully be interpreted as representing asymptotic states. This interpretation is in agreement with the widespread use of dimensional analysis in astronomy, and implies that angular momentum can be expected to vary like the mass squared in the astronomical limit of large masses.  相似文献   

This contribution describes the formation of circumstellar disks and their earliest evolutionary phases when self-gravity in the disk plays a crucial role in eliciting the transport of mass and angular momentum. We first discuss the formation of protostellar disks within the context of analytic infall-collapse solutions. We then discuss our efforts to understand the behavior of the newly formed disks. Our specific approach consists of performing a detailed analysis of a simplified model disk which is susceptible to the growth of a spiral instability. Using a combination of numerical simulation and semi-analytic analysis, we show how the dramatic early phase of mass and angular momentum transport in the disk can be explained by a second-order nonlinear process involving self-interaction of a dominant two-armed spiral mode. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

三维编织复合材料蠕变行为的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对不同编织结构、不同编织角、不同纤维体积含量和不同应力水平下的三维编织复合材料试件进行了蠕变测试实验,研究了三维编织复合材料的蠕变性能.结果表明,三维四向编织复合材料的蠕变性能低于五向编织复合材料;编织角小的材料抗蠕变性能较好;纤维体积含量高的材料抗蠕变性能较好.并且材料所受应力水平越高,蠕变速率越高.此外,还表明幂指函数可以较好地拟合三维编织复合材料的蠕变曲线.  相似文献   

三维工序模型的演进式构建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现以三维工序模型为核心的三维工艺构建,基于从毛坯模型到最终产品模型的演进过程,对三维工序模型的生成方法进行研究.在制造特征信息模型的基础上,结合基准信息建立了面向工序模型生成的工序信息模型.提出制造特征信息在工序模型中的映射机制,解决该模式下工序模型信息缺失的问题.以工序信息模型为模板,首先定义加工特征基元,然后通过实例化实现工序模型的变换.最后,通过集成工艺决策系统,构建三维工序模型生成系统,为后续工艺尺寸标注和工艺展示提供模型支持.  相似文献   

企业三维设计规范的制定和实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要阐述了制定三维设计规范时4个因素的作用,提出了制定三维设计规范的工作思路和各阶段的工作要求。  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of Titan’s enigmatic atmosphere is reviewed. Starting with the present-day volatile inventory, the question of what was the original composition on Titan and how a satellite of similar size to other Galilean moons managed to acquire and hold on to the required material is discussed. In particular the possible sources and sinks of the main mother molecules (nitrogen, methane and oxygen) are investigated in view of the most recent models and laboratory experiments. The answers expected to be provided by the instruments aboard the Cassini-Huygens mission to some of the most prominent current questions regarding Titan’s atmosphere are defined.  相似文献   

三维定常分离流和涡运动的定性分析研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文由两部分组成。第一部分研究和分析了物体表面上的分离形态,指出若分离线从奇点始,该奇点为鞍点;若在奇点终,该奇点为结点。若分离线上有很多奇点,其鞍点和结点是交替分布的。分离线的起始,可能有三种形态:一种称之为闭式分离的鞍点起始;一种为正常点起始;一种为鞍、结点组合形态起始。可以把正常点起始和距离很近的鞍、结点组合形态起始称之为开式分离。在一定条件下,闭式分离的形态,先转变为鞍、结点组合的形态,然后过渡到正常点的开式分离。第二部分研究了旋涡沿其轴线发展过程中,其横截面流线形态的发展,指出旋涡轴线上物理量λ=(1/ρ)(ρw/z)是决定流线形态的重要参量。如果λ>0,截面流线在涡心附近是稳定的螺旋点形态。如果λ<0,为不稳定的螺旋点形态,如果λ=0,流线形态是中心型的,当沿涡轴λ由正变负或由负变正时,相应在涡心附近截面流线由稳定螺旋点形态变为不稳定螺旋点形态,或由不稳定螺旋点形态变为稳定螺旋点形态;并且从λ由正到负的变号点起,截面流线产生稳定的极限环,或从λ由负到正的变号点起,产生不稳定的极限环。旋涡破裂只能发生在截面流线为不稳定螺旋点形态的区域中,在通过涡轴的纵向平面内,破裂点处的流线形态是鞍型的。破裂涡的合拢点处在不稳定的极限环区域内。  相似文献   

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