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中国载人航天工程步入空间站时代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正2018年9月15日,天宫二号空间实验室圆满完成2年在轨飞行和各项试验任务。为进一步发挥空间应用效益,9月20日,天宫二号空间实验室运营管理委员会会议研究决定,天宫二号在轨飞行至2019年7月,之后将受控离轨。早在20世纪90年代,我国载人航天工程就确立了"三步走"发展战略。工程实施20多年来,先后将11名航天员14人次送入太空,全面突破和掌握了载人天地往返、空间出舱和空间交会对接等载人航天基本技术,验证了货物运输和推进剂在轨补加、航天员中期驻留等关键技术,中国载人航天工程步入空间  相似文献   

<正>近日,正在国际空间站执行太空飞行任务的欧洲航天员佩斯凯向中国航天员同行发来问候视频。佩斯凯在视频中赞扬了中欧载人航天合作取得的重要成果,并祝愿中欧载人航天合作友谊之树常青。此前,根据中国载人航天工程办公室与欧洲空间局之间的约定,我国航天员景海鹏、陈冬在神舟十—号飞行任务期间,从天宫二号空间实验室中向即将执行国际空间站飞行任务的欧洲航天员同行录制了问候视频,表达了今后与欧洲航天员一道飞行的愿  相似文献   

国外载人航天的发展已有二十多年的历史。在这二十多年里,对载人航天器的研究取得了长足的进步,从而也促进了作为生命保障技术医学基础的航天医学的发展。 60年代,航天工程技术和航天医学保证了航天员的航天安全,证明人可在太空生活并能有效地工作。70年代,出现了空间站,航天医学开始研究较长时间的空间环境对人体的影响,并进行一些新的生物医  相似文献   

2003年10月10日清晨.航天员杨利伟搭乘“神舟”五号飞船成功完成了我国首次载人航天飞行.使我国成为世界上第三个能够独立开展载人航天飞行活动的国家。[编者按]  相似文献   

正俄罗斯航天员选拔和训练系统的建立,与尤里·阿列克谢耶维奇·加加林标志性的首飞是分不开的。加加林的首飞也奠定了载人航天飞行纪元的开端。在过去的半个多世纪里,俄罗斯航天员选拔和训练系统确保了多个载人计划的高效实施。目前,该系统已成为航天探索过程中必不可缺的关键要素,离开这一系统的支持,载人飞行将是寸步难行。事实上,航天员训练中心建立之日与人类历史上重要的时刻之一—尤里·加加林首次太空飞行仅仅相隔了1年多。为实现人类的首次航天飞行,需要成立一个专门的中心,其任务就是选拔预备航天员,并训练他们  相似文献   

缪印堂先生是我国著名漫画家.先进科普工作者、艺术教育家.近年以来他目睹了我国航天事业的蓬勃发展,随着“嫦娥探月工程”的成功实施和神舟七号载人航天飞行首次实现航天员自主出舱.中国航天史上的这一系列壮举。  相似文献   

近日记者获悉,我国第二批预备航天员选拔工作已经完成,将于近期最终确定5名男航天员、2名女航天员人选,这是我国首次选拔女航天员。我国还同时完成了载人空间站工程(2011年~2022年)实施方案论证。据介绍,我国载人航天工程正在稳步向前推进,  相似文献   

将在2005年下半年进行的“神舟”六号飞船载人航天飞行,计划由两名航天员进行多天飞行,并在轨道舱里开展空间技术试验。航天员系统负责人介绍说,“神舟”六号飞行对航天员的训练提出了更高的要求,载人航天飞行面临的风险性也增加了许多,为此,正在积极准备“神舟”六号飞船载人航天飞行任务的总装备部航天员大队全体航天员,牢记肩负的使命,注重立足本职岗位强素质、练本领,使载人航天飞行训练取得显著成果。  相似文献   

正从1992年正式立项到今天,中国独立自主地实施了载人航天工程。20多年来,中国相继突破了载人航天飞行、航天员空间出舱、航天器空间交汇对接、航天员中期驻留等多项关键技术,并根据国情和需求开展了规模适度的空间科学试验。随着神舟十一号进行的我国第6次载人航天飞行的圆满成功,中国人的太空探索又站在了一个新起点上。不久的将来,中国人自己建造的空间站就将在太空遨游。自信、自强、自立的中国  相似文献   

我国载人航天实行“三步走”的发展战略。神舟六号载人航天飞行是在神舟五号飞船实现了我国载人航天技术的历史性突破,解决了载人航天的基本技术的基础上的一次承上启下的重要飞行任务,神舟六号载人航天飞行任务的圆满成功,标志着我国载人航天工程一期工程目标的胜利实现,也为实现第二步战略目标奠定了基础。第二步是除继续用载人飞船进行对地观测和空间实验外,重点要完成出舱活动、空间交会对接试验和发展长期自主飞行、有人照料的空间实验室。那么提到出舱活动,必然会涉及到舱外航天服,舱外航天服与神舟五号和六号航天员使用的舱内航天服有什么不同呢?  相似文献   

The development of Chinese manned space engineering has a great role in promoting the progress of Chinese space medicine. With the accelerated implementation of Chinese Space Station Program, China's space medicine has made fruitful achievements over the past three years. This report summarizes the major progress of Chinese space medicine in terms of basic research and space applications from 2016 to 2018.   相似文献   

The human exploration of space is one of the great voyages of discovery in human history. For over forty years space exploration, human have gotten more profound knowledge about outer space and life phenomena, ranging from understanding and recognizing space to adapting and utilizing space. With these development, space medicine that aimed at studying effect of space environment on human health and ensuring the safety, health and effective working of human in space exploration, will become increasingly improved and matured.The contents of research will develop from the early phenomena observation of the effect of space environment on human physiology and biochemistry, and the effect definition, to the study of the mechanism of changes of cell, molecule, and gene, from the passive adaptation for space environment to taking the initiative countermeasures, in order to ensure the safety, health and effective working of astronauts during space flight.Space practices in the past forty years have confirmed that a variety of physiological and pathological changes have been found for organism exposed to space flight. These changes include cardiovascular dysfunction, bone loss,muscle atrophy, decline of immune function, endocrine function disorder and space motion sickness. In recent years, more attention has been focused on the study of the mechanism of these changes, especially the effects of space environment on cell, molecule and its gene expression. With the demand of China's manned space engineering task and continuous development, a series of studies on medical problem caused by space environment have been carried out.  相似文献   

Accompanying the flourishing developments of China’s manned spaceflight, space medicine has achieved great development during the past two years in China. In this paper, scientific research of space medicine and its application in China during 2010?2012 have been briefly introduced.   相似文献   

中国空间天文40周年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
过去40年中国空间天文学研究取得了巨大的发展.尤其是近10年内发射了数颗天文卫星,未来几年还将有一些天文卫星计划发射.本文简要回顾了国际空间天文学的发展历程.对中国空间天文学过去40年的发展进行了回顾和总结,包括1970年代第一颗天文卫星计划、气球空间天文探测、基于载人航天工程的空间天文实验以及天文卫星等.此外,介绍了...  相似文献   

During the past two years, space environment has achieved great development in space environment monitoring, model research, system developing and space environment service in China. In this paper, we mainly introduce space environment safety support for Shenzhou-7 manned spacecraft, two typical space environment operation platforms, and the advance of Re-locatable Atmospheric Observatory (RAO). At the last part of this paper, the Sub-committee on Space Environment(SSE) which was set up in 2009 under the Technical Committee on Space Technology and Operation of Standardization Administration of China is briefly introduced.   相似文献   

Space Medicine is a special subject to be rising with the development of manned spaceflight. In China, Space Medicine has achieved great development during the past two years. In this paper, the basic research of Space Medicine and its application in China during 2008--2010 were briefly introduced.   相似文献   

China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly, and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station (CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas, including:life science and biotechnology, microgravity fluid physics and combustion science, space material science, fundamental physics, space astronomy and astrophysics, earth sciences and application, space physics and space environment, experiments of new space technology. The research facilities, experiment racks, and supporting system planned in CSS have been described, including:multifunctional optical facility, research facility of quantum and optic transmission, and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module, etc. In the next decade, significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved, and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.   相似文献   

Space Research Plan of China's Space Station   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
China's manned spaceflight missions have been introduced briefly,and the research planning of space sciences for China's Space Station(CSS) has been presented with the topics in the research areas,including:life science and biotechnology,microgravity fluid physics and combustion science,space material science,fundamental physics,space astronomy and astrophysics,earth sciences and application,space physics and space environment,experiments of new space technology.The research facilities,experiment racks,and supporting system planned in CSS have been described,including:multifunctional optical facility,research facility of quantum and optic transmission,and a dozen of research racks for space sciences in pressurized module,etc.In the next decade,significant breakthroughs in space science and utilization will hopefully be achieved,and great contributions will be made to satisfy the need of the social development and people's daily life.  相似文献   

The Porous Tube Plant Nutrient Delivery System or PTPNDS (U.S. Patent #4,926,585) has been under development for the past six years with the goal of providing a means for culturing plants in microgravity, specifically providing water and nutrients to the roots. Direct applications of the PTPNDS include plant space biology investigations on the Space Shuttle and plant research for life support in Space Station Freedom. In the past, we investigated various configurations, the suitability of different porous materials, and the effects of pressure and pore size on plant growth. Current work is focused on characterizing the physical operation of the system, examining the effects of solution aeration, and developing prototype configurations for the Plant Growth Unit (PGU), the flight system for the Shuttle mid-deck. Future developments will involve testing on KC-135 parabolic flights, the design of flight hardware and testing aboard the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

选择中国载人航天发展目标的讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
回顾人类载人航天 40余年的历程 ,出现过一些弯路 ,究其原因是多方面的 ,但主要的是如何合理选择各自的发展目标。发展载人航天的目标大致可有6项 :开发利用空间微重力环境物质资源 ,开发利用空间轨道能源资源 ,开发利用月球能源资源 ,发展天基航天利用空间位置资源 ,在月球上扩大人类生存空间 ,在火星上扩大人类生存空间。文章系统分析了国际上现有载人航天工程的经验和教训 ,认为结合中国的具体实际 ,中国载人航天发展的目标应重点考虑开发利用空间微重力环境物质资源和发展天基航天。  相似文献   

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