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英语的“flight”和汉语的“飞行”为对等的基本意义上的名词,均属一词多义。本文从句法、语义、社会价值等角度解析英语的“flight”。结果发现:英语的“flight”不仅在其基本意义的基础上派生出多种词义,而且“flight”还具有重要的社会价值意义,代表着一个国家在世界航空飞行技术方面的地位。  相似文献   

学生的英语书面表达能力不高,原因是多方面的.本文试图阐明在写作过程中"审校"的重要性,怎样在写作课堂上运用本人"审校"和他人"审校",以及在运用过程中应注意的事项,以达到提高学生英语书面表达能力的目的.  相似文献   

在我国传统美学中,认为人美应是外美与内美的和谐统一,但更强调和更突显内美.道家提出"德充"为美;儒家提出"尽善尽美","充实"之美,"全粹"之美;楚骚提出"内厚质正"美等主张,都表达了对内美价值的肯定、崇尚与追求,对现代人培养、树立正确的审美观仍有独具的意义.  相似文献   

"中国英语"融合了中国传统和现代文化元素,是一种以标准英语为基础的特殊英语变体。中国元素体现在英语语言的各个方面及社会生活的各个领域,它对提高中华民族文化软实力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A clustering algorithm and a probability statistics method were applied to different phases of a flight to analyze operation time during aircraft ground taxiing and airborne flight.And the clustering pattern,distribution characteristics and dynamically changing rules of the two phases were identified.Further,an estimate method was established to measure operation time of flight legs,with creative steps of calculating individual segment separately and then integrating them accordingly.The method can both objectively and dynamically measure operation time,and accurately reflect real situation.It helps to better utilize airport slot resources and provides a strong support for air traffic flow management when scheduling flight plan in strategic and pre-tactic phases.  相似文献   

A high-precision nominal flight profile,involving controllers′intentions is critical for 4Dtrajectory estimation in modern automatic air traffic control systems.We proposed a novel method to effectively improve the accuracy of the nominal flight profile,including the nominal altitude profile and the speed profile.First,considering the characteristics of trajectory data,we developed an improved K-means algorithm.The approach was to measure the similarity between different altitude profiles by integrating the space warp edit distance algorithm,thereby to acquire several fitted nominal flight altitude profiles.This approach breaks the constraints of traditional K-means algorithms.Second,to eliminate the influence of meteorological factors,we introduced historical gridded binary data to determine the en-route wind speed and temperature via inverse distance weighted interpolation.Finally,we facilitated the true airspeed determined by speed triangle relationships and the calibrated airspeed determined by aircraft data model to extract a more accurate nominal speed profile from each cluster,therefore we could describe the airspeed profiles above and below the airspeed transition altitude,respectively.Our experimental results showed that the proposed method could obtain a highly accurate nominal flight profile,which reflects the actual aircraft flight status.  相似文献   

基于应用型人才培养模式,以建构主义理论为指导,从"ESP实践教学体系基本原则构建、ESP实践教学课程设置、ESP实践教学实践环境建设"三方面论述开放的、持续的、动态的、多元的会计类专业大学英语ESP实践教学体系的构建,以培养出更多符合社会需要的ESP应用型人才。  相似文献   

"学习型组织"与建设学习型高职教师队伍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
党的"十六大"提出建设学习型社会,向小康社会迈进的奋斗目标.学校首先应该成为学习型组织,而教师职业的特殊性要求教师应成为学习型社会的先行者和示范者.对于创建学习型组织和建设学习型高职教师队伍,高职院校的领导要高度重视,加强领导和引导,提高广大教师的思想认识,增强其责任感和使命感.  相似文献   

Airlines adjust their flight schedules to satisfy more stringent airport capacity constraints caused by inclement weather or other unexpected disruptions.The problem will be more important and complicated if uncertain disruptions occur in hub airports.A two-stage stochastic programming model was established to deal with the realtime flight schedule recovery and passenger re-accommodation problem.The first-stage model represents the flight re-timing and re-fleeting decision in current time period when capacity information is deterministic,while the second-stage recourse model evaluates the passenger delay given the first-stage solutions when one future scenario is realized.Aiming at the large size of the problem and requirement for quick response,an algorithmic framework combining the sample average approximation and heuristic method was proposed.The computational results indicated of that the proposed method could obtain solutions with around 5% optimal gaps,and the computing time was linearly positive to the sample size.  相似文献   

理想信念教育是高校德育的核心.冷战结束后,世界格局发生变化,世界社会主义处于低潮,中国社会主义市场经济的建立,极大地冲击着人们的意识形态,也使高校"两课"教学面临新的挑战,我们必须在理论教学中引入社会中的热点、难点问题,并加以解答;在实践环节中加强指导,才能使大学生树立坚定的理想信念,投身社会主义现代化建设.  相似文献   

Air route network(ARN)planning is an efficient way to alleviate civil aviation flight delays caused by increasing development and pressure for safe operation.Here,the ARN shortest path was taken as the objective function,and an air route network node(ARNN)optimization model was developed to circumvent the restrictions imposed by″three areas″,also known as prohibited areas,restricted areas,and dangerous areas(PRDs),by creating agrid environment.And finally the objective function was solved by means of an adaptive ant colony algorithm(AACA).The A593,A470,B221,and G204 air routes in the busy ZSHA flight information region,where the airspace includes areas with different levels of PRDs,were taken as an example.Based on current flight patterns,a layout optimization of the ARNN was computed using this model and algorithm and successfully avoided PRDs.The optimized result reduced the total length of routes by 2.14% and the total cost by 9.875%.  相似文献   

While much of the rest of the world was lockin down to combat Covid-19,the Asia-Pacific(APAC)region was"beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel,"said Asian Business Aviation Association(AsBAA)chairman and CEO Wu Zhendong.This despite restricted flight operatior and unknown industry effects going forward.Yet any region anchored by a 4,000-year-old civilization takes a long-term view,and with the epidemic receding,the Chinese business aviation community is looking ahead.  相似文献   

本文基于情感教育理论框架,深入阐释当代大学阶段情感教育多维度目标内涵,并探讨在大学阶段英语学科这一显性课程中如何进行"情感教育"隐性课程建设,最后结合情感教育融入学科教学中的散点建议,提出适合大学阶段英语学科性质和特点的情感教育教学原则,包括教学情境化——锻炼价值选择原则、挖掘教材文本——大小切入点相结合原则、合作学习和独立学习相结合原则,旨在为情感教育和大学英语学科教育融合的实践教学提供参考。  相似文献   

日前,建设部传来喜讯,棕榈泉国际花园经建设部专家组对8个大项目、59个小项目的逐一评审,最终获得有中国物管行业奥斯卡之称的"2007全国物业管理示范住宅小区"称号。成功得益于高起点。棕榈泉以打造豪宅闻名全国,豪宅服务理念贯穿于项目建设全过程。罕有的英式贴身管家服务,使得棕榈泉在三次业主满意度调查中,满意率达到98.35%、99.13%和99.36%。棕榈泉在通过区级和市级物管主管部门进行的区、市级示范小区的评审后,被力荐参加国家级评审,最终一次通过,获得物管行业的"奥斯卡"。仅仅2年时间,棕榈泉就实现了三级跳—由区级到市级示范小区,再到国家级物管示范小区,打破重庆物业管理行业记录。荣誉源于多年的积淀。从1997年的深圳沙河高尔夫球会和高尔夫别墅开始,棕榈泉地产经过10余年在发达城市的实践积累,建立和完善了服务于"棕榈泉"这一高端物业品牌的核心服务价值理念和物业管理服务模式,且渐趋成熟。更重要的是,该模式具备赋予业主物业价值不断提升的能力,这是棕榈泉服务模式最深层次的价值体现。在深圳、北京、重庆,这一能力已被反复证实。  相似文献   

语言是人类赖以生存的交流工具,语词的可生成性以及开放性特征是日常话语能产性的根本.在最近的网络流行语中,"打工人"类词语的流行推动了日常话语中一系列"AB人"词语的出现,"AB人"类词语大多并非新造词语,但是其意义已经发生改变.通过对该类词语语音特征、语法特征和语义特征的探究,可以理清"AB人"构式生成的机制,探究该构式内部发生的词汇压制和构式压制现象,以及明确该构式生成的合理性.同时,通过对"AB人"生成原因的探讨,可以较好把握社会性网络语言生成的总方向,明晰网络流行词语的一般生成机制.  相似文献   

高校音乐教育的育人功能主要体现在对大学生的品德、智力、身心、审美等多方面的影响与熏陶,促进大学生德智体美全面发展.高校音乐教育要充分发挥其育人功能,必须坚持"以人为本",树立音乐教育大教育观,强化"以学生为本"的教学理念,倡导"音乐生活"观.  相似文献   

《中国新闻翻译的语篇分析》旨在探讨中国新闻的翻译机制及译者在新闻制作环节中所发挥的作用和扮演的角色,包括其所受的"操控性"影响.梁霞(音译)运用综合分析法,从文本、语篇和社会文化三个层面分析了批评性语篇的原则,从《参考消息》在翻译过程中所涉及的制度背景和人文因素两方面,对选定的英语源新闻和汉语译文进行了文本比较.  相似文献   

A scheduling model of closely spaced parallel runways for arrival aircraft was proposed,with multi-objections of the minimum flight delay cost,the maximum airport capacity,the minimum workload of air traffic controller and the maximum fairness of airlines′scheduling.The time interval between two runways and changes of aircraft landing order were taken as the constraints.Genetic algorithm was used to solve the model,and the model constrained unit delay cost of the aircraft with multiple flight tasks to reduce its delay influence range.Each objective function value or the fitness of particle unsatisfied the constrain condition would be punished.Finally,one domestic airport hub was introduced to verify the algorithm and the model.The results showed that the genetic algorithm presented strong convergence and timeliness for solving constraint multi-objective aircraft landing problem on closely spaced parallel runways,and the optimization results were better than that of actual scheduling.  相似文献   

艾丽丝·沃克在其小说《紫色》中第一个提出了"妇女主义"并引发强烈反响.妇女主义明显体现在黑人妇女的反性别主义、反种族主义方面,还体现在黑人女性必须争取经济上的独立和精神上的独立,且要团结互助、互敬互爱,只有如此才能取得最终胜利.《紫色》的妇女主义在当下依然极具社会价值,必将启发广大女性为自由和权利进行不懈的斗争.  相似文献   

利用理工类专业课堂开展课程思政教育能够有效弥补思政课程在落实立德树人根本任务方面的不足.本文首先介绍课程思政建设背景及意义,分析思政教育现状,以"能源与动力装置基础"为例,探讨课程思政建设方法,提出构建和落实课程思政,要从课程本身出发,深挖思政元素,通过顶层设计和育人理念融合,依托知识的传授来落实育人目标.  相似文献   

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