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The Franco-Soviet Signe experiments on Venera 11 and Venera 12 allow a spectral analysis of gamma-ray bursts with a time resolution of 250 ms. Evidence is presented for i) short annihilation flashes of up to 20 photons cm−2s−1 and ii) rapid variations of the continuum, from a study of the intense 4 November 1978 event.  相似文献   

A study of the morphology of 14 short ( 1 s) gamma ray bursts observed by the Franco Soviet SIGNE detectors onboard the VENERA spacecraft between 1978 and 1982 is presented. We find two major groups of short bursts characterised not only by their different durations ( 1 s and 100 ms respectively), but also by different e-folding rise and decay times. A study of the time history of the impulsive portion of the 1979 March 5 event at 2 ms resolution shows evidence for a previously undiscovered 23ms quasi periodicity. These results are discussed in the context of neutron star models for gamma ray bursters.  相似文献   

The Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) is an approved NASA mission, programmed for launch in 1988. Its complement of four detectors has established goals: 1) to study the nature of compact γ-ray sources such as neutron stars and black holes, or objects whose nature is yet to be understood; 2) to search for evidence of nucleosynthesis especially in the regions of supernovae; 3) to study structural features and dynamical properties of our galaxy; 4) to explore other galaxies, especially the extraordinary types such as radio, Seyferts, and quasars; and 5) to study cosmological effects by examining the diffuse radiation in detail. This paper discusses the design, objectives, and expected scientific results of each of the GRO instruments in view of the GRO mission goals.  相似文献   

The preliminary results from optical search for light pulses associated with gamma ray bursts by means of the Czechoslovak Fireball Network plate collection at the Ondřejov observatory are given. Optical monitoring represents more than 7700 hours, but no real optical counterpart was found. Problems associated with the optical search for gamma ray bursts are discussed.  相似文献   

The detailed study of the spectral evolution during the steep decay phase of early X-ray light curves of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is a very important task that can give us information on different emission components contributing to the prompt-to-afterglow transition and help to understand the link between these two stages. Time resolved spectral analysis of bright GRBs detected by Swift has shown that a good modeling of the early X-ray light curves can be obtained with Band or cut-off power-law broad band spectra with evolving parameters (e.g., decaying peak energy). We developed a procedure to simultaneously fit the temporal evolution of all the spectral parameters of a GRB during the prompt-to-afterglow transition based on the analysis of the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) and the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT) count rate and hardness ratio light curves. The procedure has been tested on GRB 060614 and GRB 090618, two very peculiar bright GRB detected by Swift that show a long exponentially decaying tail with strong softening and peak energy crossing the XRT energy band.  相似文献   

Several luminosity relations currently exist for long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Some were derived from the light curves; others were obtained from the spectra. In this study, we consider two of these luminosity relations: the time-lag, τlagτlag, relation and the variability, V, relation and investigate their possible dependence on (or “evolution” with) the redshift, z.  相似文献   

The complex structure of the light curves of Swift GRBs (e.g. superimposed flares and shallow decay) has made their interpretation and that of the blast wave caused by the burst, more difficult than in the pre-Swift era. We aim to constrain the blast wave parameters: electron energy distribution, p, density profile of the circumburst medium, k, and the continued energy injection index, q. We do so by comparing the observed multi-wavelength light curves and X-ray spectra of a Swift sample to the predictions of the blast wave model.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of a late-1983 cluster of soft transients /1,2/ adds a new aspect to the study of gamma ray bursts. Its source is consistent with that of an isolated, > 4-year earlier event from the galactic bulge /3/. It is the third repeating series found to date with gamma-ray burst instrumentation; typical events of all three are fairly brief in duration and have energies below those typical of the harder, > 150-keV events and well above those of X-ray bursts. One may speculate that these soft repeaters form a separate population with sources in high-density (galactic or LMC) regions, given the disk and the N49 source directions for the three series.Gamma ray burst workshops and conferences of recent years are cited. Current viewpoints include a size spectrum based on peak intensity that can fit the −1.5-index power law /4/; this, consistent with the continuing isotropy of hard bursts /5/, implies the absence of any source region information. Observations of spectral evolution /6,7/ and of very high every components /8/, together with uncertainties as to the low-energy features, suggest that the understanding of hard burst spectra may be premature. Evidence for regular features in time histories has been inferred /9/; less convincing than in the soft prototype of 1979 March 5, the effects of quasi-periodic processes may be indicated instead.Since the hard, “classical” bursts and the soft repeaters may not necessarily have a great deal in common, and with no conclusive counterpart studies, the assumption that nearby neutron stars are the sources of the hard events remains plausible but unproved.  相似文献   

The COMPTEL experiment on GRO images 0.7 – 30 MeV celestial gamma-radiation that falls within its 1 steradian field of view. During the first fifteen months in orbit, preliminary localizations from BATSE triggers indicated that about 1 in 6 cosmic events could have fallen within COMPTEL's field of view. We summarize work on the brightest of these gamma-ray bursts and present new position constraints for GRB 911118 and GRB 920622.  相似文献   

The γ-ray emission of blazar jets shows a pronounced variability and this feature provides limits to the size and to the speed of the emitting region. We study the γ-ray variability of bright blazars using data from the first 18 months of activity of the Large Area Telescope on the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. From the daily light-curves of the blazars characterized by a remarkable activity, we firstly determine the minimum variability time-scale, giving an upper limit for the size of the emitting region of the sources, assumed to be spheroidal blobs in relativistic motion. These regions must be smaller than ∼10−3 parsec. Another interesting time-scale is the duration of the outbursts. We conclude that they cannot correspond to radiation produced by a single blob moving relativistically along the jet, but they are either the signature of emission from a standing shock extracting energy from a modulated jet, or the superposition of a number of flares occurring on a shorter time-scale. We also derive lower limits on the bulk Lorentz factor needed to make the emitting region transparent for gamma-rays interacting through photon–photon collisions.  相似文献   

We have analysed a sample of 328 time-integrated GRB prompt emission spectra taken via the Konus instrument on board the US GGS-Wind spacecraft between 2002 and 2004 using a couple of two-components models, Cut-off Power Law (CPL) + Power Law (PL) and blackbody (BB) + PL. The spectra show clear deviation from the Band function. The PL term is interpreted as the low energy tail of a nonthermal emission mechanism. The distributions of corresponding index β give values β < −2/3 consistent with synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton mechanisms. The distribution of low energy index α associated with the CPL term shows clear discordance with synchrotron models for 31.4% of the analysed GRBs with values exceeding that for the line of death, α = −2/3. Then, a set of nonthermal radiation mechanisms producing harder slopes, i.e., α > −2/3, are presented and discussed. For the remaining majority (68.6%) of GRBs with CPL index α < −2/3, we show that optically thin synchrotron produced by a power law electron distribution of type, N(γ) ∼ γp, γ1 < γ < γ2, for finite energy range (γ2 ≠ ∞) is a likely emission mechanism with α ∼−(p + 1)/2 in the frequency range ν1 ? ν ? ν2 (where ν2 = η2ν1 with η = γ2/γ1), such that for p > 1/3, one gets α < −2/3. We also show that corresponding spectra in terms of Fν and νFν functions are peaked around frequency ν2 instead of ν1, respectively for p < 1 and p < 3. Besides, thermal emission is examined taking a single Planck function for fitting the low energy range. It can be interpreted as an early emission from the GRB fireball photosphere with observed mean temperature, kT′ ∼ 16.8 keV. Furthermore, we have performed a statistical comparison between the CPL + PL and BB + PL models finding comparable χ2-values for an important fraction of GRBs, which makes it difficult to distinguish which model and specific radiation mechanism (possible thermal or nonthermal γ-ray emissions) are best suitable for describing the reported data. Therefore, additional information for those bursts, such as γ-ray polarization, would be highly desirable in future determinations of GRBs observational data.  相似文献   

Diffuse Galactic gamma-ray flux resulting from the evaporation of primordial black holes has been the subject of intensive research work during the last few decades. Theoretical work addressing this issue started in the 1970s whereas data started pouring in only in the 1990s. We discuss in this paper a model of the potential contribution to the Galactic gamma-ray flux of primordial black holes in binary systems and extend the argument to include stable gravitational bound states called Holeums. The model has a predictive power and can be tested by looking for gamma-ray excess in the vicinity of violent events occurring in the Galaxy such as supernova explosions.  相似文献   

The results obtained on cosmic gamma-ray bursts over the last several years are reviewed and compared with the older “historical” results. Fine time resolution measurements of burster light curves continue to reveal structure at the millisecond and sub-millisecond level, suggesting a compact object origin. Similarly, the evolution of the low energy X-ray spectra of bursts towards shapes consistent with 1–2 keV blackbodies may be interpreted in terms of a neutron star origin, as can the continuing detection of absorption and emission features. The statistical evidence, however, argues strongly for an isotropic distribution which has been completely sampled. To reconcile this with galactic neutron stars requires the assumption that they are Population II objects. Counterpart searches have evolved to the point where they may be carried out within days of an event, and a soft X-ray source has now been detected in the error box of one recent burst.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 101 CMEs, and their associated ICMEs and interplanetary (IP) shocks observed during the period 1997–2005. The main aim of the present work is to study the interplanetary characteristics of metric and DH type II associated CMEs such as, shock strength, IP shock speed, ICME speed, stand off distance and transit time. Among these 101 CMEs, 38 events show both metric and DH type II bursts characteristics. There are no metric and DH type II association for 52 events. While DH type II alone is found in 7 cases, metric type II alone is found in 4 events. It is found that the mean speeds of CMEs increase progressively from CMEs without type II events to CMEs associated with metric and DH type IIs as suggested by Gopalswamy et al. (2005). In addition, we found that the speeds of ICMEs and IP shocks progressively increase in the following order: events without metric and DH type IIs, events with metric alone, events with DH alone and events with both metric and DH type IIs. Similarly the Mach number is found to increase in the same order. While there is not much change in the stand-off distance among these cases, it is minimum (∼18 R) for CMEs with speed greater than 2200 km/s. The above results confirm that more energetic CMEs can produce both metric and DH type IIs for which the interplanetary parameters such as mean values of ICME speed and IP shock speed and Mach number are found to be higher.  相似文献   

We analyze the weak component of the localized temporal pattern variability of 3 GHz solar burst observed by the Ondrejov radiospectrograph. A complex, short and weak impulsive sample from the time series was analyzed by applying a method based on the gradient pattern analysis and discrete wavelet decomposition. By analyzing canonical temporal variability patterns we show that the new method can reliably characterize the phenomenological dynamical process of short time series (N ? 103 measurements) as the radio burst addressed here. In the narrowest sense, by estimating the mutual information distance in the gradient spectra, we show that the fluctuation pattern of the short and weak 3 GHz impulsive solar burst, with energetic amplitudes <350 SFU, is closer to the intermittent and strong MHD turbulent variability pattern.  相似文献   

The INTEGRAL satellite has been successfully launched in October 2002 and has recently started its operational phase. The INTEGRAL burst alert system (IBAS) will distribute in real time the coordinates of the gamma ray bursts (GRBs) detected with INTEGRAL. After a brief introduction on the INTEGRAL instruments, we describe the main IBAS characteristics and report on the initial results. During the initial performance and verification phase of the INTEGRAL mission, which lasted about two months, two GRBs have been localized with accuracy of 2–4 arcmin. These observations have allowed us to validate the IBAS software, which is now expected to provide quick (few seconds delay) and precise (few arcmin) localization for 10–15 GRBs per year.  相似文献   

The amount of data on gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and the detected afterglows observed by the Swift satellite contributed significantly to the understanding of the phenomenon. The behavior of the early afterglow rises some interesting questions. With the early afterglow localizations of gamma-ray burst positions made by Swift, the clear delimitation of the prompt phase and the afterglow is not so obvious any more. There are hints of a canonical X-ray afterglow lightcurve with segments of different slopes. Not all bursts necessarily show all the segments. It is important to see if the prompt phase and the afterglow has the same origin or they stem from different parts of the progenitor system. We will combine the of gamma-ray burst data from BAT and XRT and compare the extrapolated gamma-ray flux to the X-ray in a sample of bursts and find that there is a good agreement between the two measurements. This indicates that the physical process shaping burst and the early afterglow are the same.  相似文献   

Recently the H.E.S.S. collaboration announced the detection of an unidentified gamma-ray source with an off-set from the galactic plane of 3.5°: HESS J1507-622. If the distance of the object is larger than about one kpc it would be physically located outside the galactic disk. The density profile of the ISM perpendicular to the galactic plane, which acts as target material for hadronic gamma-ray production, drops quite fast with increasing distance. This fact places distance dependent constraints on the energetics and properties of off-plane gamma-ray sources like HESS J1507-622 if a hadronic origin of the gamma-ray emission is assumed. For the case of this source it is found that there seems to be no simple way to link this object to the remnant of a stellar explosions.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that the prompt transient signal in the 10 keV–10 GeV band from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) arises from multiple shocks internal to the ultra-relativistic expansion. The detailed understanding of the dissipation and accompanying acceleration at these shocks is a currently topical subject. This paper explores the relationship between GRB prompt emission spectra and the electron (or ion) acceleration properties at the relativistic shocks that pertain to GRB models. The focus is on the array of possible high-energy power-law indices in accelerated populations, highlighting how spectra above 1 MeV can probe the field obliquity in GRB internal shocks, and the character of hydromagnetic turbulence in their environs. It is emphasized that diffusive shock acceleration theory generates no canonical spectrum at relativistic MHD discontinuities. This diversity is commensurate with the significant range of spectral indices discerned in prompt burst emission. Such system diagnostics are now being enhanced by the broad-band spectral coverage of bursts by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope; while the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) provides key diagnostics on the lower energy portions of the particle population, the focus here is on constraints in the non-thermal, power-law regime of the particle distribution that are provided by the Large Area Telescope (LAT).  相似文献   

We highlight how the downward revision in the distance to the star cluster associated with SGR 1806–20 by Bibby et al. (2008) reconciles the apparent low contamination of BATSE short GRBs by intense flares from extragalactic magnetars without recourse to modifying the frequency of one such flare per 30 years per Milky Way galaxy. We also discuss the variety in progenitor initial masses of magnetars based upon cluster ages, ranging from ∼50 M for SGR 1806–20 and AXP CXOU J164710.2–455216 in Westerlund 1 to ∼17 M for SGR 1900+14 according to Davies et al. (2009) and presumably also 1E 1841–045 if it originated from one of the massive RSG clusters #2 or #3.  相似文献   

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