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认购书是商品房买卖双方当事人在签署预售契约或买卖契约前所签订的文书,是对双方交易房屋有关事宜的初步确认.因为认购书在房屋交易过程中的地位及对双方当事人权利义务不甚清晰的界定,人们对认购书的性质存在争议.笔者通过对各种观点进行辨析,得出商品房认购书是预约合同的观点.  相似文献   

余凌云教授的《行政契约论》可以说打破了行政契约理论领域的空白,成为国内行政契约理论领域的开拓之作。书的第一编即“理论构建”是在余凌云教授的博士论文的基础上扩充修改而成的。其中最引人注目的是行政契约概念本身能否成立以及行政契约与民事契约如何区分这两个问题。  相似文献   

本文对会计主体的认识进行了反思,认为会计主体是一组具有内在联系的、相互依存的契约所构成的契约集,并由此引发了对主体权益论的质疑,作者认为会计权益理论应当与公司的治理相统一,忽视了这一点,会计对契约效率的辅助功能就会严重受损.当前企业资产负债表中对权益的揭示方法确有待改进,会计等式或许应本着如下模式展开即资产=负债+资本所有者权益+管理者权益.  相似文献   

本文对会计主体的认识进行了反思,认为会计主体是一组具有内在联系的、相互依存的契约所构成的契约集,并由此引发了对主体权益论的质疑,作者认为会计权益理论应当与公司的治理相统一,忽视了这一点,会计对契约效率的辅助功能就会严重受损。当前企业资产负债表中对权益的揭示方法确有待改进,会计等式或许应本着如下模式展开:即资产=负债+资本所有者权益+管理者权益。  相似文献   

在总顾客价值不变的情况下 ,顾客成本决定顾客让渡价值。顾客成本包括价格成本、购物成本和使用成本。顾客成本是顾客在进行商品房购买决策时考虑的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

提出成败型产品试验双方风险分析方法,打破经典假设检验方法对鉴别比的依赖,并考虑到对验前信息的综合利用,使试验双方风险的计算更具一般性。该方法在试验双方风险分析和试验方案设计上都将有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

《移动设备国际利益公约关于空间资产特定问题的议定书》(下称《议定书》)中有两个条款涉及法律选择问题,一是第八条,原则上赋予了当事人自主选择准据法的权利;二是第十六条,授权当事人排除、限制或变更《议定书》条款的权利。  相似文献   

国际空间站的第一个商业性舱段——企业号可能在 2 0 0 3年发射国际空间站上将建“商品房”  美国太空居室公司和俄罗斯能源科研生产航天中心准备建造一个舱段 ,并将其安装到国际空间站上。该舱称为企业号 ,除用于商业微重力试验外 ,还将设一个演播室 ,用于电视和因特网广播。其中后一项业务可能将与一家因特网空间新闻与信息服务商联手。企业号舱将是国际空间站上的第一个私营商业舱段 ,太空居室公司总裁称之为“轨道上的第一间商品房”。企业号舱需要 1亿美元的投资。它将由质子号运载火箭发射 ,并与国际空间站上的俄罗斯部分相连 ,预计…  相似文献   

对预警机进行合理配置对于提高航母编队防空作战效能至关重要。根据双方态势,在利用精确模型分析敌可能攻击路线的基础上,结合预警机配置要求,对预警机的前出距离和配置数量进行了定量研究,最后结合具体实例进行了仿真,并分析了双方态势和装备参数对预警机配置的影响。  相似文献   

在北京举办亚太经济合作组织(APEC)峰会期间,2014年11月11日,中美双方宣布已经在《信息技术协议(ITA)》扩围谈判中打破僵局,达成双边共识。如果中美双方最终签署协议,将对GPS用户设备、医疗设备和视频游戏机等200多项信息技术产品相互给予接近零关税的待遇。但截至发稿时,中美之间以及参与扩围谈判各方仍在博弈中。《信息技术协议》是WTO框架下旨在将信息技术  相似文献   

Space is now a global business, yet the cost of getting to space is still high. Developing new launch vehicles that are cheaper, safer, and more reliable is the key to both rapid commercial growth and to more and better government uses of space. However, the R&D process leading to new launch vehicles is expensive and technically challenging; the past 50 years have seen many government development programs, but no major technological breakthroughs. Perhaps, it is therefore time to think about other ways of developing new launch vehicles. The best expertise in this field resides primarily with private companies and is spread across many actors and nations. A consortium led by space firms might be a better approach to opening up space in the 21st century. Governments will have to develop new policies treating space as though it were a commercial industry, in particular, relaxing export trade restrictions wherever possible. Issues of dual-use may be outweighed by the rapidly growing widespread availability of launch capabilities. Since new launch vehicles will require large up-front R&D expenditures, government support will continue to be needed to supplement private capital funds. Contributions to this effort should be international. However, difficult it might be in today's security conscious environment to reorient government policy, doing so may offer the most efficient and successful way to break the technological and economic barriers to more reliable access to space.  相似文献   

The commercial space sector to date has failed to develop comprehensive regulations--"rules of the road"--for its international activities. Within the next 5 years, conflicts with respect to international trade in satellite sales and launch services could emerge, highlighting the need for such a regulatory framework. If the commercial space sector is to continue to develop, it is important to begin discussions now, before these conflicts become significant, on the elements of an appropriate international regulatory framework. The existing framework for space activities was developed when government, not commercial, space activities were dominant, or was adapted from regulations in other sectors such as terrestrial telecommunications.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):817-825
This paper will provide an overview of the Iridium business venture in terms of the challenges faced, the successes achieved, and the causes of the ultimate failure of the venture — bankruptcy and system de-orbit. The paper will address technical, business, and policy issues. The intent of the paper is to provide a balanced and accurate overview of the Iridium experience, to aid future decision-making by policy makers, the business community, and technical experts. Key topics will include the history of the program, the objectives and decision-making of Motorola, the market research and analysis conducted, partnering strategies and their impact, consumer equipment availability, and technical issues — target performance, performance achieved, technical accomplishments, and expected and unexpected technical challenges. The paper will use as sources trade media and business articles on the Iridium program, technical papers and conference presentations, Wall Street analyst's reports, and, where possible, interviews with participants and close observers.  相似文献   

基于Pushlet架构,设计了一个浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式的航天器在轨实时监测报警系统。该系统采用“发布/订阅”机制,客户端需要首先订阅在服务器端的某个主题,服务器端则接收订阅并进行注册,同时实时接收航天器在轨遥测数据并进行判读,通过持久HTTP连接向监测客户端实时推送异常判读结果,实现航天器在轨运行状态的实时监测和报警功能。测试结果表明,文章提出的系统具有实时性强、效率高和稳定性好的优点。  相似文献   

Attempts to rebuild US commercial launch capabilities through stimulating private industry will be constrained by the fact that free-market competition does not really exist in the space industry. As the worldwide supply of launch vehicles grows, the policy now offered by the US government is only likely to fragment the US space launch vehicle industry. The author argues in favour of a proposal to establish a quasi-governmental corporation for space launches which would both safeguard the interests of government and commercial users and ensure that business acumen was applied.  相似文献   

Both commercial organizations and government agencies invest in spacecraft technology programmes aimed at increasing the performance of communications satellites. Government agencies also make policy decisions which may affect communications satellite business ventures. This article describes an economic evaluation and planning tool which has been developed to assess the impact of various policies on typical fixed satellite service business ventures. The methodology is based upon a stochastic financial simulation model (DOMSAT II) which allows for consideration of reliability and various market, performance and cost uncertainties. Results of the assessment of NASA on-orbit and space power technology programmes are presented, as are results of insurance v self insurance decisions and the choice of transportation system.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the WTO process may affect the development of commercial space industries in Asia. It does so by examining how the ever greater reach of trade rules may constrain industrial and technology policies aimed at developing an indigenous space capability. The role of the USA is also examined, as it is the US industry that will be among the most affected by increased competition in satellite and launcher services.  相似文献   

The agreement on remote sensing principles adopted by the UN General Assembly in late 1986 clarified the legal framework in the international environment. Investment decisions can now be made, and the agreement thus offers an important opportunity for commercial remote sensing. Several issues are still not settled, but there is time for governments to avoid political conflict which could affect international business relations. The creation of Intelsat and Inmarsat offers a model for international cooperation in remote sensing.  相似文献   

David Green 《Space Policy》1985,1(2):215-217
‘Space — the commercial opportunities’, an international business strategy conference, London, UK, 31 October–1 November 1984, organized by Online Conferences Ltd, Pinner Green House, Ash Hill Drive, Pinner HA5 2AE, Middlesex, UK.  相似文献   

Super View-1 satellite constellation(Super View-1 for short) is the first commercial remote sensing constellation with a resolution down to 0.5 m. It's an important part of the national spatial information infrastructure construction. It will play an important role for the global users providing remote sensing data, application solutions and remote sensing value-added services with its high-resolution and 24-hour observation capability. At present, 4 satellites of the constellation have been successfully launched and networked on orbit. The services cover surveying and mapping, land resource surveying, urban planning, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, geological mining, environmental monitoring, defense, disaster reduction along with other traditional industries. There are also great potential applications in Mobile Internet, LBS, Smart city, insurance and other emerging professions. The successful operation of Super View-1 breaks the overseas monopoly for commercial high-resolution remote sensing satellite imagery in the China market. It's one of the major achievements in China space science and technology by actively exploring the development of commercial remote sensing markets, which is of strategic significance to the development of China remote sensing satellite business.  相似文献   

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