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介绍了美国天基太阳能发电概念可行性论证经历的几个过程,重点介绍了美国国家安全航天办公室新一轮探索研究的结论和建议,提出实现天基太阳能发电面临的挑战,指出军事部门可能成为天基太阳能发电的市场培育者和受益者。  相似文献   

据新华网2011年10月10日报道,日本京都大学日前宣布,其研究人员已建成一座太空太阳能发电实验设施。其用途是主要验证通过无线方式远距离输送能量的可行性。太空太阳能发电是指用火箭把太阳能电池阵发射到太空,太阳能电池阵在太空发电,再将产生的电能转换成微波传回地面,并重新转换为电能。  相似文献   

石油在2050年以后将枯竭。人类应寻找新能源以替代石油,利用太阳能发电卫星,可将巨大的太阳能转变为电能而送至地面,供人类使用。本方法的特点是消除了大气的衰减;此外,不存在地球日夜变化的影响。也不受气象等自然因素的影响,而能充分地收集利用太阳能。文中介绍了整个系统的构成,列出其基本参数、天线结构,实现的各种条件,也讨论了电磁波的影响等一些情况。结论认为,其发电效率远优于火力发电、原子能发电,达到2.1,十分优越.  相似文献   

文章选用U形铜管式太阳能集热器作为基本的太阳能光热转换单元,针对一个标准的室内游泳池的恒温加热,给出了游泳池太阳能加热系统的工程设计,并且通过相关计算,得到了优化的设计方案。  相似文献   

空间用太阳能热动力发电装置热力参数优化计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了空间用太阳能热动力发电装置的结构、特点及其应用前景,并以10kW闭式布雷顿循环太阳能热动力发电装置为对象,重点对以系统总质量和总当量阻力面积最小为目标 参数进行优化计算。计算结果为此类发电装置提供了选取涡轮压比,压气机入口温度等参数的方法。  相似文献   

通过分析烟幕对抗光电制导武器的过程,得出了烟幕干扰光电制导武器的可行性,并讨论了舰艇烟幕使用中的若干问题。  相似文献   

空间太阳能电站技术的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
简要介绍世界空间太阳能电站的太阳发电卫星/太阳能发电(SPS/LSP)系统两种设想及相关技术的可行性研究与发展情况。总体说,实现空间电站所需无线电能传输技术(WPT)、太阳电池技术及空间技术已基本成熟,可望于下世纪初建立初步的空间太阳能发电系统。  相似文献   

据科技网2010年7月1日报道,台湾太阳能电池板定制商绿霖光电(Greendix)本月研发出了全球首款太阳能足球。虽然足球的外观设计不断变化,但相信还是对黑白相问由五边形、六边形球皮组成的传统足球记忆深刻。绿霖光电此次使用独家的太阳能电池板形状定制技术,将传统足球中的黑色五边形球皮换成了同形状的太阳能电池板。该太阳能足球内置动作感应器和音频设备,  相似文献   

空间太阳能热动力发电系统是一种新型的空间电力系统,吸热器是热动力发电系统关键部件之一,吸热器腔体的热辐射将直接影响到吸热腔的热损失和吸热器的传热,建立了太阳能热动力发电系统吸热器腔体辐射模型,结合换热管的传热模型计算了吸热器的传热过程,得到了吸热器热损失,换热管最大温度,工质出口温度等结果,并进行了比较,分析、计算结果可以用于吸热器的设计。  相似文献   

空间太阳能发电系统及其关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源是影响人类社会可持续发展的一个重要因素。在空间利用太阳能发电与核能发电并列解决地球上能源-电力不足的两大出路之一。空间太阳能电系统具有广阔的商业前景。有可能成为下世纪初空间技术的发展的新热点。本文在简要回顾了已有研究成果的基础上,重点阐述空间太阳能发电系统的空间段-太阳能发电卫星的构成,设计要求及需突破的关键技术。  相似文献   

为了提高GTO轨道卫星温度预计的准确度,文章建立了卫星瞬态热分析模型。针对GTO特定工况,采用时段平均当量法模拟太阳翼变化规律供电时仪器间断工作热耗,并在整星热分析中应用PSCHG函数模拟贮箱推进剂相变换热以及推进系统管路温度预计方法等,准确地预计了GTO卫星在轨瞬时温度及变轨期间推进系统温度,验证结果表明:温度预计值...  相似文献   

大型太阳模拟器研制技术综述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
文章简要介绍了国外典型的大型太阳模拟器及其技术指标,并对其研制过程中的相关技术问题进行了较为全面的总结,包括光源的选择及点燃方式、光学系统的选用与设计、光学系统的装校、太阳模拟器性能测量以及冷却等,为我国研制KM6太阳模拟器提供了技术借鉴与参考。文章最后讨论了KM6太阳模拟器的总体设计方案,提出拟采用中等功率的氙灯作为光源,并将氙灯的点燃方式从垂直点燃改成水平点燃,避免了由于平面反射镜的存在而导致15%的能量损失。  相似文献   

To meet the future needs of energy on Earth, the transmission of solar power from space is being extensively studied. Since the power station will occupy a position in the geostationary orbit and will use radio frequency spectrum for transmission of energy to Earth, the relative benefits of space solar power and space communications should be considered. The resource allocation of orbit-spectrum to a power station requires a sacrifice from space communications as they both utilize similar limited resources. The power station is to energy what communication is to information. While the cost of energy is going up, the cost of information processing, storage, sharing and transmission is decreasing. Also, increased means of communication are used as a measure of energy conservation. With the advent of computer communication and the Large Scale Integrated (LSI) microprocessors, the technique of multiple access, message switching and satellite switching can be cost-effectively combined. The computer-satellite communication will allow information resource sharing among large numbers of users besides the conventional application of space communications. Since space communication means work effectively in many other areas where ultimate energy use and conservation is possible, the space solar power will not be able to compete or substitute on the basis of equality and social benefits. But, as the transmission technology is similar for both areas, the R & D effort for solar power will certainly increase efficiency and reduce cost for space communications.  相似文献   

研究太阳电池对平流层飞艇驻空阶段热特性的影响。建立了太阳电池热模型、平流层飞艇热分析模型,包括热平衡方程、太阳直射辐射、天空散射辐射、地面反射辐射、大气长波辐射、地球长波辐射、蒙皮长波辐射、对流换热等;采用多节点模型,对平流层飞艇在驻空期间太阳电池、蒙皮与艇内氦气温度变化过程进行了数值模拟,得到了温度昼夜变化规律;分析了太阳电池(含隔热结构)的等效面积热阻、转换效率、铺装面积对平流层飞艇热特性的影响,得到了其温度昼夜变化规律。本文为平流层飞艇热性能分析和热控系统设计提供依据。  相似文献   

姜东升  刘震  张沛 《航天器工程》2014,23(6):122-127
介绍了"自动转移飞行器"(ATV)电源系统采用的3项关键技术:太阳翼X构型设计,太阳电池电路交叉布阵,蓄电池组充电控制模式;探讨了这些技术对平衡不同光照条件输出功率、降低遮挡对每个太阳电池阵输出功率的影响,以及确保蓄电池性能安全可靠的优势;并讨论了ATV电源设计方案对我国货运飞船和空间站电源系统设计的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

圆形太阳同步轨道卫星的空间热环境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来得到广泛应用的微小型卫星大多运行于圆形的太阳同步轨道,空间外热流的计算对卫星热控制系统的设计至关重要。分析了圆形太阳同步近地轨道受太阳照射的特性,建立了运行于圆形太阳同步轨道的三轴稳定的长方体卫星的外热流模型,归纳了太阳辐射热流、地球反照热流和地球辐射热流的瞬时和周期平均值的计算公式,分析了外热流的变化规律。分析指出太阳同步轨道的受晒特性主要由轨道的降交点地方时决定,外热流中太阳辐射最强,地球反照最弱。通过计算卫星各表面的外热流特性,可选择合适的散热面及太阳能电池安装面。  相似文献   

Space light: space industrial enhancement of the solar option   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The solar option can be enhanced significantly by space light technology. Reflectors in suitable orbits beam to Earth measured amounts of sunlight, the most versatile and bio-compatible energy source. The multitude of space light functions ranges from night illumination of rural and urban areas (by Lunetta systems) to photosynthetic production enhancement for the growth of food and of biomass for conversion to chemical fuels, local agricultural irradiation for crop drying and weather stabilization and to electric power generation by irradiating suitable photovoltaic or thermal ground receivers at night or by adding to the natural solar energy input during daytime (Soletta systems).

The Lunetta and Soletta concepts, developed by the author during the past ten years, building on the foundations laid by the great space pioneer Prof. H. Oberth (1928), are reviewed, along with their socio-economic merits. An assessment of terrestrial alternatives shows that many useful functions have no practical alternative, the major exception being electric power generation. Three systems are selected, bracketing the broad versatility of space light—Lunetta, Powersoletta and a large Biosoletta for large-scale seafood production in Antarctic and Artic waters. The systems, and several maintenance and supply requirements are described, sized and analyzed, along with suitable orbit selection for different applications. Models are developed for rural and urban area lighting, power generation at selected sites around the globe with photovoltaic and thermal ground stations and for the large-scale production of seafood at high southern and northern latitudes with ample nutrient upwell, but insufficient annual supply of solar energy. The economics of these systems is analyzed.  相似文献   

航天器的结构复杂化与表面热光学性能差异,使得航天器热平衡试验中对大型太阳模拟器的需求越来越大。文章根据离轴式太阳模拟器的结构,分析了使用太阳模拟器进行热平衡试验时,真空容器中附加外热流的来源及其对试验的影响,并通过建立热控星模型和容器与热控星的联合模型进行仿真计算,给出温度分布结果,进而提出相应的试验设计改进建议。  相似文献   

本文探讨如何通过地源热泵技术实现建筑节能。研究通过地源热泵来实现一机多用,使其既能用于冬季供暖,又可以用于夏季制冷。同时也讨论了如何与太阳能相配合,来实现地热平衡。文中还给出了通过插值法和曲线拟合法对测量数据进行处理获得变温带和增温带的温度-深度曲线的方法。  相似文献   

The efficiency of using the light pressure of solar radiation for increasing the semimajor axis of the orbit of an Earth Satellite carrying a solar sail is estimated. The orbit is nearly circular and has an altitude of about 900 km. The satellite is in the mode of single-axis solar orientation: it rotates at an angular velocity of 1 deg/s around the axis of symmetry, which traces the direction to the Sun. This mode is maintained by the solar sail, which serves in this case as a solar stabilizer. The following method of increasing the semimajor axis of the orbit (which is equivalent to increasing the total energy of the satellite's orbital motion) is considered. On those sections of the orbit, where the angle between the light pressure force acting upon the sail and the vector of geocentric velocity of the satellite does not exceed a specified limit, the sail is functioning as a solar stabilizer. On those sections of the orbit, where the above-indicated angle exceeds this limit, the sail is furled by way of turning the edges of the petals towards the Sun. Such a control increases the semimajor axis by more than 150 km for three months of flight. In this case, the accuracy of solar orientation decreases insignificantly.  相似文献   

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