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Accurate knowledge of the electron density is the key point in correcting ionospheric delays of electromagnetic measurements and in studying ionosphere physics. During the last decade Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have become a promising tool for monitoring ionospheric parameters such as the total electron content (TEC). In this contribution we present a four-dimensional (4-D) model of the electron density consisting of a given reference part, i.e., the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), and an unknown correction term expanded in terms of multi-dimensional base functions. The corresponding series coefficients are calculable from the satellite measurements by applying parameter estimation procedures. Since satellite data are usually sampled between GPS satellites and ground stations, finer structures of the electron density are modelable just in regions with a sufficient number of ground stations. The proposed method is applied to simulated geometry-free GPS phase measurements. The procedure can be used, for example, to study the equatorial anomaly.  相似文献   

The paper describes the technique that has been implemented to model the electron density distribution above and below the F2 peak making use of only the profiles obtained from the INTERCOSMOS-19 topside ionograms. Each single profile from the satellite height to the ionosphere peak has been fitted by a semi-Epstein layer function of the type used in the DGR model with shape factor variable with altitude. The topside above the satellite height has been extrapolated to match given values of plasmaspheric electron densities to obtain the full topside profile. The bottomside electron density has been calculated by using the maximum electron density and its altitude estimated from the topside ionogram as input for a modified version of the DGR derived profiler that uses model values for the foF1 and foE layers of the ionosphere. Total electron content has also been calculated. Longitudinal cross sections of vertical profiles from latitudes 50° N to 50° S latitude are shown for low and high geomagnetic activity. These cross sections indicate the equatorial anomaly effect and the changes of the shape of low latitude topside ionosphere during geomagnetic active periods. These results and the potentiality of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron density measurements obtained from China Seismo‐Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) and Swarm-B can play an increasingly important role in the study of ionosphere above F2 peak height. This study presented a comprehensive comparison of electron density products obtained from Langmuir probe mounted on CSES and Swarm-B with ionospheric tomography for a whole year period of 2019. CSES was fully compared with Swarm-B on a global scale, including both absolute and relative differences, and a new index called NFI was developed to better quantify the similarity between two latitudinal profiles of electron density. CSES and Swarm-B were then compared with tomography respectively in four regions, roughly located in America, Europe, Australia and China. Results indicated that CSES data are consistent with Swarm-B, as NFI values exceed 0.6 for most of the analyses. Tomography and Swarm-B were found to have a good agreement as their biases are less than 0.2 × 105 el/cm3 in general. For the comparison between CSES and tomography, the bias increased to around 0.6 × 105 el/cm3 but the standard deviation changed slightly, validating the underestimation of electron density by CSES. The spatiotemporal comparisons of CSES and Swarm-B with tomography showed that: 1) the differences in electron density were relatively low in middle latitudes and increased rapidly in the regions of equatorial ionization anomaly; 2) Swarm-B has a better consistent with tomography than CSES, but both are capable of detecting ionosphere anomalies such as midlatitude arcs; and 3) CSES and Swarm-B both can capture the seasonal changes of electron density, while their values are basically smaller than those from tomography in Spring and Summer months.  相似文献   

Topside sounding electron density profiles are analyzed to explore interrelations of the F2 layer critical frequency and the peak height for a representative set of conditions provided by ISIS1, ISIS2, IK19 and Cosmos-1809 satellites for the period of 1969–1987. The foF2 and hmF2 are delivered with exponential extrapolation of electron density profile to zero of its 1st derivative. It is shown that the linear regression exists between foF2 and hmF2 under different conditions. The linkage between the two parameters amended to the empirical model of the peak height [Gulyaeva, T.L., Bradley, P.A., Stanislawska, I., Juchnikowski, G. Towards a new reference model of hmF2 for IRI. Adv. Space Res. 42, 666–672, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.02.021, 2008] results in an empirical model of the both foF2 and hmF2 expressed by superposition of functions in terms of local-time, season, geodetic longitude, modified dip latitude and solar activity. For the solar activity we use a proxy Fsp index averaged from the mean solar radio flux F10.7s for the past 81 days (3 solar rotations) and F10.7 value for 1 day prior the day of observation. Impact of geomagnetic activity is not discernible with the topside sounding data due to mixed positive and negative storm-time effects. Appreciable differences have been revealed between IRI-CCIR predictions and outcome of the new model which might be attributed to the different techniques of the peak electron density and height derivation, different epochs and different global distribution of the source data as well as the different mathematical functions involved in the maps and the model presentation.  相似文献   

Electron density obtained by IRI (topside options NeQuick and IRI-Corr) and NeQuick models in their standard versions have been compared with plasma density values measured by F13 and F15 DMSP satellites for years of different solar activities. A statistical study of the differences between modeled and experimental data has been carried out to investigate each model performance.  相似文献   

The plasma density distribution of plasmasphere in the geomagnetic equatorial plane can help us study the magnetosphere like plasmasphere, ionosphere and their kinetics. In this paper, we introduce a new inversion method, GE-ART, to calculate the plasma density distribution in the geomagnetic equatorial plane from the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) data of IMAGE satellite under the assumption that the plasma density is constant along each geomagnetic field line. The new GE-ART algorithm was derived from the traditional Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques (ART) in Computed Tomography (CT) which was different from the several existing methods. In this new method, each value of the EUV image data was back-projected evenly to the geomagnetic field lines intersected by this EUV sight. A 3-D inversion matrix was produced by the contributions of all the voxels contained in the plasmasphere covered by the EUV sensor. That is, we considered that each value of the EUV image data was relative to the plasma densities of all the voxels passed through by the corresponding EUV radiation, which is the biggest difference to all the existing inversion methods. Finally, the GE-ART algorithm was evaluated by the real EUV data from the IMAGE satellite.  相似文献   

In the realistic case of multiple electromagnetic plasma wave sources and multiple propagation paths, auto-correlation and cross-correlation products of the six wave components can be utilized to fit model parameters for the wave normal vector and Poynting vector distribution functions. With the complete wave vector characteristics, the wave mode can be identified, the index of refraction derived and the wave ray traced back towards the wave source region. Plasma wave instrumentation suitable for estimating some wave vector characteristics has been carried on satellites starting with FR-1 in 1964 and has evolved in various configurations on OGO-5, Injun-5, GEOS, Voyager, ISEE, Dynamics Explorer and the proposed OPEN spacecraft. Plasma wave research needs to advance along two parallel lines: (a) developing more sophisticated computer techniques for extracting the wave vector information from extensive data sets and (b) utilizing microprocessor technology in flight instruments to recognize specified phenomena and to capture the appropriate wave data for further on-board or ground processing.  相似文献   

Since 1995, with the first GPS occultation mission on board Low Earth Orbiter (LEO) GPS/MET, inversion techniques were being applied to GPS occultation data to retrieve accurate worldwide distributed refractivity profiles, i.e. electron density profiles in the case of Ionosphere. Important points to guarantee the accuracy is to take into account horizontal gradients and topside electron content above the LEO orbit. This allows improving the accuracy from 20% to 50%, depending on the conditions, latitude and epoch regarding to Solar cycle as reported in previous works.  相似文献   

Deviations from horizontal stratification in the F-region can cause significant errors in electron density profile calculations from ionograms. Such situations exist every day during sunrise and sunset. Angle of arrival measurements and studies of the variation of other F-region parameters indicate that gravity waves are frequently strong enough to produce effects of comparable magnitudes. Ray tracing model studies permit a first order estimate of the resulting errors which are largest for the peak parameters.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for reconstructing the electron density profiles N(h) of the IRI model from ionograms of topside satellite sounding of the ionosphere. An ionograms feature is the presence of traces of signal reflection from the Earth's surface. The profile reconstruction is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the N(h) –profile is calculated from the lower boundary of the ionosphere to the satellite height (total profile) by the method presented in this paper using the ionogram. In this case, the monotonic profile of the topside ionosphere is calculated by the classical method. The profile of the inner ionosphere is represented by analytical functions, the parameters of which are calculated by optimization methods using traces of signal reflection, both from the topside ionosphere and from the Earth. At the second stage, the profile calculated from the ionogram is used to obtain the key parameters: the height of the maximum hmF2 of the F2 layer, the critical frequency foF2, the values of B0 and B1, which determine the profile shape in the F region in the IRI model. The input of key parameters, time of observation, and coordinates of sounding into the IRI model allows obtaining the IRI-profile corrected to real experimental conditions. The results of using the data of the ISIS-2 satellite show that the profiles calculated from the ionograms and the IRI profiles corrected from them are close to each other in the inner ionosphere and can differ significantly in the topside ionosphere. This indicates the possibility of obtaining a profile in the inner ionosphere close to the real distribution, which can significantly expand the information database useful for the IRTAM (IRI Realmax Assimilative Modeling) model. The calculated profiles can be used independently for local ionospheric research.  相似文献   

Incoherent scatter radar (ISR) is the most powerful ground-based measurement facility to study the ionosphere. The plasma lines are not routinely detected by the incoherent scatter radar due to the low intensity, which falls below the measured spectral noise level of the incoherent scatter radar. The plasma lines are occasionally enhanced by suprathermal electrons through the Landau damping process and detectable to the incoherent scatter radar. In this study, by using the European Incoherent Scatter Association (EISCAT) UHF incoherent scatter radar, the experiment observation presents that the enhanced plasma lines were observed. These plasma lines were considered as manifest of the suprathermal electrons generated by the high-frequency heating wave during the ionospheric modification. The electron density profile is also obtained from the enhanced plasma lines. This study can be a promising technique for obtaining the accurate electron density during ionospheric modification experiment.  相似文献   

Low Earth Orbiting satellites carrying a dual frequency GPS receiver onboard offer a unique opportunity to remote sensing of the global ionosphere on a continuous basis. No other profiling technique unifies profiling through the entire F2-layer with global coverage. The FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data can make a positive impact on the global ionosphere study providing essential information about the height electron density distribution and particularly over regions that are not accessible with ground-based measuring instruments such as ionosondes and GPS dual frequency receivers. Therefore, it is important to verify occultation profiles with other techniques and to obtain experience in the reliability of their derivation. In the given study we present results of comparison of the electron density profiles derived from radio occultation measurements on-board FS-3/COSMIC and from the Kharkov incoherent scatter radar sounding.  相似文献   

Ring current ions and relativistic electrons simultaneously measured on board MOLNIYA-1 are analyzed in comparison with the ground-based magnetometer data for the period of a strong magnetic storm (|Dst|max≈230 nT). Injection of >500 keV electrons into the slot region (L≈3) near equatorial plane is occurred on time scale ≈1 hour, when, during the magnetic storm maximum, the extreme low-latitude position of auroral electrojets is reached and ring current becomes more symmetrical. Positions of both the ring current maximum and electron intensity maximum (Lmax) are consistent to our previous result: |Dst|max = 2.75 • 104/L4max. An extreme storm-time low-latitude position of the west electrojet center (for amplitudes of |Dst|max up to 600 nT) is shown to be in a good consistence with this empirical dependence. It is supposed the trapped radiation boundary collapses down to L≈Lmax in the course of the storm main phase.  相似文献   

An algorithm is proposed for evaluation of the probability of occurrence of an F1 layer or L condition, based on tables. Observations independent of the tables database are used for comparison between the estimated probability of occurrence, the formulation used at present in IRI, and the occurrence actually observed. The importance of the inclusion of L condition in the electron density profile model is shown.  相似文献   

In this paper the influence of large-scale decreasing and increasing gradients of the density of magnetized plasma on the relaxation process of a continuously injected relativistic electron beam with an energy of 660 keV (vb=0.9c) and a pitch-angle distribution is studied using particle-in-cell numerical simulations. It is found that for the selected parameters in the case of a smoothly decreasing gradient and in a homogeneous plasma the formation of spatially limited plasma oscillations of large amplitude occurs. In such cases, modulation instability develops and a long-wave longitudinal modulation of the ion density is formed. In addition, the large amplitude of plasma waves accelerates plasma electrons to energies on the order of the beam energy. In the case of increasing and sharply decreasing gradients, a significant decrease in the amplitude of plasma oscillations and the formation of a turbulent ion density spectrum are observed. The possibility of acceleration of beam electrons to energies more than 2 times higher than the initial energy of the beam particles is also demonstrated. This process takes place not only during beam propagation in growing plasma density, but also in homogeneous plasma due to interaction of beam particles with plasma oscillations of large amplitude.  相似文献   

This study aims to validate the electron density profiles from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites with data from Digisondes in Brazil during the low solar activity period of the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. Data from three Brazilian Digisondes located in Cachoeira Paulista (22.7°S, 45°W), São Luís (2.5°S, 44.2°W) and Fortaleza (3.8°S, 38°W) were used in the comparisons. Only the profiles whose density peak have been obtained near the stations coordinates were chosen for the comparison. Although there is generally good agreement, some cases of discrepancies are observed. Some of these discrepancies cannot be explained simply by the differences in the position and local time of the measurements made by the satellite and the ground-based station. In such cases it is possible that local conditions, such as the presence of a trans-equatorial wind or electron density gradients, could contribute to the observed differences. Comparison of the F2 layer peak parameters, the NmF2 and hmF2, obtained from the two techniques showed that, in general, the agreement for NmF2 is pretty good and the NmF2 has a better correlation than hmF2. Cachoeira Paulista had the worst correlation for hmF2 possibly because this station is situated in the region under the influence of the equatorial ionization anomaly, a region where it is more difficult to apply the RO technique without violating the spherical symmetry condition.  相似文献   

In order to improve its representation of the dependence on time and space of the ionospheric parameters, the International Reference Ionosphere ought to take account of realistic sunrise and sunset conditions in the upper atmosphere. Such input is needed for quite a few parameters for which only day and night values were taken as input in the present IRI. Of the 24 hours of a day, true nighttime comprises a fraction of 37% at an altitude of 300 km and only 26% at 1000 km. In order to demarcate the day/night/day transition periods, the present IRI proposes solar zenith angles of 98° to 120°, depending on the altitude.Electron density profiles, obtained during these periods, have been studied with two data sources: 10 vertical-incidence sounding data observed during the meridional voyages of the research vessel “Akademik Korolev” in the Pacific Ocean; 2° data observed at the South Pole. It is shown that the height of the turning point in the sub-peak F2-layer profile and also the corresponding minimum scale height appear to be independent of latitude, season and index of geomagnetic activity. A method is discussed by which the IRI electron density profiles might be improved, in particular during these hours.  相似文献   

Methods are described by which the desired analytical representation of the whole profile might be reached while enforcing the most important observed physical features. An outline of future work in this connection is given.  相似文献   

Complex electrodynamic processes over the low latitude region often result in post sunset plasma density irregularities which degrade satellite communication and navigation. In order to forecast the density irregularities, their occurrence time, duration and location need to be quantified. Data from the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite was used to characterize the low latitude ion density irregularities from 2011 to 2013. This was supported by ground based data from the SCIntillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA) receivers at Makerere (Geographic coordinate 32.6°E, 0.3°N, and dip latitude ?9.3°N) and Nairobi (Geographic coordinate 36.8°E, ?1.3°N, and dip latitude ?10.8°N). The results show that irregularities in ion density have a daily pattern with peaks from 20:00 to 24:00 Local Time (LT). Scintillation activity at L band and VHF over East Africa peaked in 2011 and 2012 from 20:00 to 24:00 LT, though in many cases scintillation at VHF persisted longer than that at L band. A longitudinal pattern in ion density irregularity occurrence was observed with peaks over 135–180°E and 270–300°E. The likelihood of ion density irregularity occurrence decreased with increasing altitude. Analysis of C/NOFS zonal ion drift velocities showed that the largest nighttime and daytime drifts were in 270–300°E and 300–330°E longitude regions respectively. Zonal irregularity drift velocities over East Africa were for the first time estimated from L-band scintillation indices. The results show that the velocity of plasma density irregularities in 2011 and 2012 varied daily, and hourly in the range of 50–150 m s?1. The zonal drift velocity estimates from the L-band scintillation indices had good positive correlation with the zonal drift velocities derived from VHF receivers by the spaced receiver technique.  相似文献   

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