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飞机选型应进行的航线分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概述 随着我国民航事业的快速发展,国内各大航空公司在飞机引进方面投入了大量的资金。尤其是国家允许民营资本进入航空市场后,数家民营航空公司便相继问世并开航。新飞机的引入和航空公司的成立都存在飞机机型选择的问题,飞机选型工作是一个牵动航空公司全局的决策行动,机型及机队规模选择得合理与否,不仅直接决定了航空公司长期的经济效益,还在一定程度上影响到公司的技术、管理水平及其市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

引言随着我国航空业迅猛发展,繁忙机场和航路的飞行架次飞速增长,空中拥堵的问题日益严重。作为民用航空活动的重要参与者和推动者,空管部门能够使用的空域资源相当有限且增长缓慢,虽说浩瀚蓝天一望无际,但真正能为民航飞机使用的空域确显不足,  相似文献   

伪谱法在飞行器轨迹优化中应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡松启  陈雨 《火箭推进》2014,40(5):61-68
伪谱法作为一种在飞行器轨迹优化领域广泛应用的方法,国内外缺乏对其进行综合研究分析的相关文献。介绍了伪谱法在飞行器轨迹优化领域的发展现状,详细分析了已应用于飞行器轨迹优化的4种伪谱法的特点和应用情况,总结了这4种方法优缺点:Legendre伪谱法研究较早、应用最为广泛,Gauss伪谱法和Radau伪谱法精度较高,而Chebyshev伪谱法理论上精度高但研究刚起步。伪谱法具有全局特性,计算精度高,收敛快,但也存在缺乏收敛解判定准则、难以处理非光滑问题等不足。介绍了伪谱法在处理bang-bang控制问题时所遇到的困难,对伪谱法的改进工作做出总结:改进算法,研究与其他算法相结合的优化方法。总体而言,伪谱法在轨迹优化问题上的应用前景很广。  相似文献   

本文在混合网格基础上用多重网格法求解了紊流N-S方程。混合网格是由在物面附近采用的柱状网格与其他区域则采用的非结构网格组成。方程的求解采用Jamson的有限体积法,紊流模型采用两层Baldwin-Lomax代数紊流模型。用多重网格法来加速解的收敛。数值算例表明,用混合网格及多重网格法来求解紊流Navier-Stokes是非常有效的。  相似文献   

针对目前军用飞机无维修待命时间指标尚未开展详细预计的问题,通过对影响无维修待命时间的因素分析,提出非电子产品的非工作失效率外场评估方法,结合电子产品的非工作失效率预计值,对军用飞机的无维修待命时间进行了详细预计,并分析了薄弱环节,提出了相应的设计准则。  相似文献   

Despite the extensive search for glycine (NH?CH?COOH) and other amino acids in molecular clouds associated with star-forming regions, only upper limits have been derived from radio observations. Nevertheless, two of glycine's precursors, formic acid and acetic acid, have been abundantly detected. Although both precursors may lead to glycine formation, the efficiency of reaction depends on their abundance and survival in the presence of a radiation field. These facts could promote some favoritism in the reaction pathways in the gas phase and solid phase (ice). Glycine and these two simplest carboxylic acids are found in many meteorites. Recently, glycine was also observed in cometary samples returned by the Stardust space probe. The goal of this work was to perform theoretical calculations for several interstellar reactions involving the simplest carboxylic acids as well as the carboxyl radical (COOH) in both gas and solid (ice) phase to understand which reactions could be the most favorable to produce glycine in interstellar regions fully illuminated by soft X-rays and UV, such as star-forming regions. The calculations were performed at four different levels for the gas phase (B3LYP/6-31G*, B3LYP/6-31++G**, MP2/6-31G*, and MP2/6-31++G**) and at MP2/6-31++G** level for the solid phase (ice). The current two-body reactions (thermochemical calculation) were combined with previous experimental data on the photodissociation of carboxylic acids to promote possible favoritism for glycine formation in the scenario involving formic and acetic acid in both gas and solid phase. Given that formic acid is destroyed more in the gas phase by soft X-rays than acetic acid is, we suggest that in the gas phase the most favorable reactions are acetic acid with NH or NH?OH. Another possible reaction involves NH?CH? and COOH, one of the most-produced radicals from the photodissociation of acetic acid. In the solid phase, we suggest that the reactions of formic acid with NH?CH or NH?CH?OH are the most favorable from the thermochemical point of view.  相似文献   

从雷达距离公式和干扰方程出发,结合隐身飞机不同姿态角对应的RCS值,建立了隐身飞机战术干扰条件下的雷达探测距离模型.在考虑烧穿距离这一限制因素后,依据不同干扰模式设定了相应的干扰距离,仿真研究了雷达探测距离在不同干扰模式下的变化,并评估了隐身飞机的战术干扰性能.仿真结果表明,隐身飞机战术干扰方式灵活、干扰压制效能高,在一定程度上缩减了雷达探测距离.  相似文献   

Tuanjie Li  Yao Wang 《Acta Astronautica》2009,65(9-10):1383-1392
Performance testing is very useful in the design of deployable space antennas. It is arduous and costly to carry out the prototype experiments on the ground because of the large aperture of the antenna and the difficulty of simulating space environments. Thus, a smaller replica of the antenna, called scale model, is used to achieve the performance testing for reasons of economy, convenience, and saving in time. In this paper, a two-step approach is proposed to predict the prototype performance of the antenna in the space environment according to the performance testing of the scale model. The first step is to analyze the similarity between the prototype and the model in the same environment. Different methods are adopted according to the different performance of the antenna. The scaling laws of the driving force of the deployable Astromesh antenna are established through the differential equations on the basis of the deployment dynamic equations, while the scaling laws of frequency are derived by the dimensional analysis method. The second step is to analyze the performance relationships of the scale model in the different environments. Experiments on the scale model can be performed to obtain the performance relationships. Finally, a complete example of the natural frequency analysis is given to illustrate the two-step method.  相似文献   

月面特性的模拟是月面软着陆验证试验的重要设计因素。文章结合探测器的设计状态和试验需求,论述了月面特性模拟的具体要求;基于月面地形统计分布规律,实现了月面原始形貌的模拟;通过高程剔除设计和模块化组合设计,实现了对多种典型月貌的快速模拟;最后通过月表反射特性的模拟,全面满足了试验要求,并取得了良好的试验效果。文中所述的模拟方法可为我国后续行星表面探测器及着陆技术的验证提供借鉴。  相似文献   

临近空间高超声速飞行器测控通信的需求及策略分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对运行在临近空间的高超声速飞行器,由于其速度快、加速度大、距离跨度大等特点,对其试验及运行过程中的遥测遥控通信问题是一个关键难题。从临近空间的概念、特点出发,结合高超声速飞行器飞行状态、环境,分析了对试验过程中测控通信技术的需求,给出了分析结论及初步应对策略,可对有关高超声速飞行器的测控系统设计提供参考输入。  相似文献   

高超声速飞行器对结构性能、热防护性能以及结构重量有很高的要求。为了获得最小的结构重量,文章从热防护的角度进行了优化分析:分别选择铝合金和先进复合材料作为蒙皮,在不同的热载荷条件下,对多种热防护结构(TPS)建立一维传热模型,并进行了结构尺寸优化,得到了单位面积TPS的最小重量;分析飞行器再入过程中的温度载荷、再入时间以及蒙皮材料可承受的最高温度对热防护结构最小重量的影响。ANSYS仿真分析结果表明:温度对TPS的单位面积最小重量有显著影响,LI900刚性陶瓷隔热瓦和先进金属蜂窝夹层防热结构有重量优势;采用复合材料蒙皮的TPS可使重量大幅减轻;飞行器再入时间和再入初始温度对刚性陶瓷隔热瓦重量的影响大于对金属盖板式隔热结构。  相似文献   

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