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Small satellites, weighting between 100 and 200 kg, have witnessed increasing use for a variety of space applications including remote sensing constellations and technology demonstrations. The energy storage/stored power demands of most spacecraft, including small satellites, are currently accommodated by rechargeable batteries—typically nickel–cadmium cells (specific energy of 50 Wh kg−1), or more recently lithium-ion cells (150 Wh kg−1). High energy density is a primary concern for spacecraft energy storage design, and these batteries have been sufficient for most applications. However, constraints on the allowable on-board battery size have limited peak power performance such that the maximum power supply capability of small satellites currently ranges between only 70 and 200 W. This relatively low maximum power limits the capabilities of small satellites in terms of payload design and selection. In order to enhance these satellites' power performance, the research reported in this paper focused on the implementation of super-capacitors as practical rechargeable energy storage medium, and as an alternative to chemical batteries. Compared to batteries, some super-capacitors are able to supply high power at high energy-efficiency, but unfortunately they still have a very low energy density (5–30 Wh kg−1). However, the provision of this high power capability would considerably widen the range of small satellite applications.  相似文献   

The history of the deployment of nuclear reactors in Earth orbits is reviewed with emphases on lessons learned and the operation and safety experiences. The former Soviet Union's “BUK” power systems, with SiGe thermoelectric conversion and fast neutron energy spectrum reactors, powered a total of 31 Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellites (RORSATs) from 1970 to 1988 in 260 km orbit. Two of the former Soviet Union's TOPAZ reactors, with in-core thermionic conversion and epithermal neutron energy spectrum, powered two Cosmos missions launched in 1987 in ~800 km orbit. The US’ SNAP-10A system, with SiGe energy conversion and a thermal neutron energy spectrum reactor, was launched in 1965 in 1300 km orbit. The three reactor systems used liquid NaK-78 coolant, stainless steel structure and highly enriched uranium fuel (90–96 wt%) and operated at a reactor exit temperature of 833–973 K. The BUK reactors used U-Mo fuel rods, TOPAZ used UO2 fuel rods and four ZrH moderator disks, and the SNAP-10A used moderated U-ZrH fuel rods. These low power space reactor systems were designed for short missions (~0.5 kWe and ~1 year for SNAP-10A, <3.0 kWe and <6 months for BUK, and ~5.5 kWe and up to 1 year for TOPAZ). The deactivated BUK reactors at the end of mission, which varied in duration from a few hours to ~4.5 months, were boosted into ~800 km storage orbit with a decay life of more than 600 year. The ejection of the last 16 BUK reactor fuel cores caused significant contamination of Earth orbits with NaK droplets that varied in sizes from a few microns to 5 cm. Power systems to enhance or enable future interplanetary exploration, in-situ resources utilization on Mars and the Moon, and civilian missions in 1000–3000 km orbits would generate significantly more power of 10's to 100's kWe for 5–10 years, or even longer. A number of design options to enhance the operation reliability and safety of these high power space reactor power systems are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(8-9):752-762
A study of the evolution and optical detectability of a fragmentation debris cloud in geosynchronous orbit has been carried out. The 1998 NASA breakup model has been used to generate orbit data for 95 fragments larger than 10 cm size from a 1000 kg satellite. The orbital evolution of these fragments is studied using a precision numerical propagator, employing a high-fidelity force model. Although the fragments rapidly disperse throughout the geostationary arc, they remain localised in right ascension of ascending node and inclination, and are driven along a narrow inertial corridor by luni-solar perturbations. The ESA PROOF software is used to study the detectability of the fragments using a 1- and 0.5-m telescope design. The 1-m telescope can detect 82% of the fragments (down to 13 cm in size) whilst the 0.5-m telescope can detect 39% of the fragments (down to 30 cm size). Due to the large along-track spread of the fragments, a time limit of 1-month post-breakup can be established for a space surveillance system to catalogue the breakup fragments. After this time the angular separation is such that the fragments disperse into the background population, and are no longer distinguishable as originating from a common breakup event.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):635-644
The Inner Formation Flying System (IFFS) consisting of an outer satellite and an inner satellite which is a solid sphere proof mass freely flying in the shield cavity can construct a pure gravity orbit to precisely measure the earth gravity field. The gravitational attraction on the inner satellite due to the outer satellite is a significant disturbance source to the pure gravity orbit and is required to be limited to 10−11 m s−2 order. However, the gravitational disturbance force was on 10−9 m s−2 order actually and must be reduced by dedicated compensation mass blocks. The region of relative motion of the inner satellite about its nominal position is within 1 cm in dimension, which raises the complexity of the compensation blocks design. The iterative design strategy of the compensation blocks based on reducing the gravitational attraction at the nominal position of the inner satellite is presented, aiming to guarantee the gravitational force in the relative motion region within requirements after the compensation. The compensation blocks are designed according to the current status of IFFS, and the gravitational disturbance force in the region is reduced to 10−11 ms−2 order with minimized adding mass.  相似文献   

Space telecom scenarios like data relay satellite and broadband/broadcast service providers require reliable feeder links with high bandwidth/data rate for the communication between ground station and satellite. Free space optical communication (FSOC) is an attractive alternative to microwave links, improving performance by offering abundant bandwidth at small apertures of the optical terminals. At the same time Near-Earth communication by FSOC avoids interference with other services and is free of regulatory issues. The drawback however is the impairment by the laser propagation through the atmosphere at optical wavelengths. Also to be considered are questions of eye safety for ground personnel and aviation. In this paper we assess the user requirements for typical space telecom scenarios and compare these requirements with solutions using optical data links through the atmosphere. We suggest a site diversity scheme with a number of ground stations and a switching scheme using two optical terminals on-board the satellite. Considering the technology trade-offs between four different optical wavelengths we recommend the future use of 1.5 µm laser technology and calculate a link budget for an atmospheric condition of light haze on the optical path. By comparing link budgets we show an outlook to the future potential use of 10 µm laser technology.  相似文献   

Predictions of rain rate and rain attenuation are the most vital steps when analyzing a satellite link operating at frequencies above 10 GHz. Rain attenuation at 12.594 GHz over a satellite path link was measured for the period of 3 years (i.e. January 2002 to December 2004) at Bangkok (13.7°N, 100.7°E). In this paper, a comparison between the current methodologies available to model the impact of rain in earth-space propagation and a dataset of 3 years of rain accumulation with a sampling period of 1 min is made.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(10-11):939-945
The NASA/JSC sodium potassium (NaK) RORSAT coolant source and propagation model has been extended to 1 mm in diameter via a size distribution, which is an inverse power law fit that has been modified to damp out in the large size regime. This function matches the observed Haystack NaK population down to diameters of about 6 mm. The extrapolated function takes the population to arbitrarily small sizes all the while retaining the mass dominance of the 1–3 cm droplets that is observed in the Haystack data. This result is physically satisfying since the mechanism of NaK ejection appears to be a nonviolent release at low relative velocities. We propose that any NaK particles smaller than about 1 mm that exist would not be due to that mechanism. Instead, we show that such a population could be the result of subsequent collisions of NaK droplets with larger resident space objects and the micrometeoroid population. Our preliminary analysis shows that collisions between these populations are likely in the time period of 1980 through present-day. Though the result of such collisions is generally unknown it is probable that some ejecta of NaK enter the low Earth orbit (LEO) environment as a result. It is these secondary NaK droplets/particles that we contend are the likely impactors noted on returned surfaces.  相似文献   

More than 60 years after the late Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén had published a letter stating that oscillating magnetic fields can accelerate ionised matter via magneto–hydrodynamic interactions in a wave like fashion, the technical implementation of Alfvén waves for propulsive purposes has been proposed, patented and examined for the first time by a group of inventors.Consequently improved since then, the name of the latest concept, relying on magneto-acoustic waves to accelerate electric conductive matter, is MOA2—Magnetic field Oscillating Amplified Accelerator. Based on computer simulations, which were undertaken to get a first estimate on the performance of the system, MOA2 is a corrosion free and highly flexible propulsion system, whose performance parameters might easily be adapted in operation, by changing the mass flow and/or the power level. As such the system is capable of delivering a maximum specific impulse of 13116 s (12.87 mN) at a power level of 11.16 kW, using Xe as propellant, but can also be attuned to provide a thrust of 236.5 mN (2411 s) at 6.15 kW of power. First tests—that are further described in this paper—have been conducted successfully with a 400 W prototype system at an ambient pressure of 0.20 Pa, delivered 9.24 mN of thrust at 1472 s ISP, thereby underlining the feasibility of the concept.Based on these results, space propulsion is expected to be a prime application for MOA2—a claim that is supported by numerous applications such as Solar and/or Nuclear Electric Propulsion or even as an ‘afterburner system’ for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion. However, MOA2 has so far seen most of its R&D impetus from terrestrial applications, like coating, semiconductor implantation and manufacturing as well as steel cutting. Based on this observation, MOA2 resembles an R&D paradigm buster, as it is the first space propulsion system, whose R&D is driven primarily by its terrestrial applications. Different terrestrial applications exist, but the most successful scenarios so far revolve around MOA2's unique features with respect to high throughput/low target temperature coatings on sensitive materials. In combination with its intrinsic high flexibility, MOA2 is highly suited for a common space-terrestrial application research and utilisation strategy.This paper presents the recent developments of the MOA2 R&D activities at Q2 Technologie(s), the company in Vienna, Austria, which has been set up to further develop and test the magneto-acoustic wave technology and its applications.  相似文献   

On 14 May 2009 the European Space Agency launched 2 space observatories: Herschel (with a 3.5 m mirror it is the largest space telescope ever) will collect long-wavelength infrared radiation and will be the only space observatory to cover the spectral range from far-infrared to sub-millimetre wavelengths, and Planck will look back at the dawn of time, close to the Big Bang, and will examine the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation to a sensitivity, angular resolution and frequency range never achieved before. This paper will present the Flight Dynamics, mission analysis challenges and flight results from the first 3 months of these missions.Both satellites were launched on the same Ariane 5 and travelled to the L2 Lagrange point of the sun–earth system 1.5 million km from the earth in the opposite direction of the sun. There they were injected to a quasi-halo orbit (Herschel) with the dimension of typically 750,000 km×450,000 km, and a Lissajous orbit (Planck) of 300,000 km×300,000 km.In order to reach these Lissajous orbits it is mandatory to perform large trajectory correction manoeuvres during the first days of the mission. Herschel had its main manoeuvres on the first day. Planck had to be navigated on the first day and by a mid-course correction manoeuvre, the L2 orbit insertion manoeuvre was planned on day 50. If these slots were missed, fuel penalties would rapidly increase.This posed a heavy load on the operations teams because both spacecrafts have to be thoroughly checked out and put into the correct modes of their attitude control systems during the first hours after launch.The sequence of events will be presented and explained and the orbit determination results as well as the manoeuvre planning will be emphasised.  相似文献   

An analysis is performed on four typical materials (aluminum, liquid hydrogen, polyethylene, and water) to assess their impact on the length of time an astronaut can stay in deep space and not exceed a design basis radiation exposure of 150 mSv. A large number of heavy lift launches of pure shielding mass are needed to enable long duration, deep space missions to keep astronauts at or below the exposure value with shielding provided by the vehicle. Therefore, vehicle mass using the assumptions in the paper cannot be the sole shielding mechanism for long duration, deep space missions. As an example, to enable the Mars Design Reference Mission 5.0 with a 400 day transit to and from Mars, not including the 500 day stay on the surface, a minimum of 24 heavy lift launches of polyethylene at 89,375 lbm (40.54 tonnes) each are needed for the 1977 galactic cosmic ray environment. With the assumptions used in this paper, a single heavy lift launch of water or polyethylene can protect astronauts for a 130 day mission before exceeding the exposure value. Liquid hydrogen can only protect the astronauts for 160 days. Even a single launch of pure shielding material cannot protect an astronaut in deep space for more than 180 days using the assumptions adopted in the analysis. It is shown that liquid hydrogen is not the best shielding material for the same mass as polyethylene for missions that last longer than 225 days.  相似文献   

In this paper we calculate the effect of atmospheric dust on the orbital elements of a satellite. Dust storms that originate in the Martian surface may evolve into global storms in the atmosphere that can last for months can affect low orbiter and lander missions. We model the dust as a velocity-square depended drag force acting on a satellite and we derive an appropriate disturbing function that accounts for the effect of dust on the orbit, using a Lagrangean formulation. A first-order perturbation solution of Lagrange's planetary equations of motion indicates that for a local dust storm cloud that has a possible density of 8.323×10−10 kg m−3 at an altitude of 100 km affects the orbital semimajor axis of a 1000 kg satellite up −0.142 m day−1. Regional dust storms of the same density may affect the semimajor axis up to of −0.418 m day−1. Other orbital elements are also affected but to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP) is a technology conceptually proposed since the 1940s by E. Stuhlinger in Germany. The JIMO mission originally planned by NASA in the early 2000s produced at least two designs of ion thrusters fed by a 20–30 kW nuclear powerplant. When compared to conventional (chemical) propulsion, the major advantage of NEP in the JIMO context was recognized to be the much higher Isp (lab-tested at up to 15,000 s) and the capability for sustained power generation, up to 8–10 years when derated to Isp about 8000 s.The goal of this paper is to show that current or near term NEP technology enables missions far beyond our immediate interplanetary backyard. In fact, by extending the semi-analytical approach used by Stuhlinger, with reasonable ratios α≡power/mass of the propulsion system (i.e., 0.1– 0.4 kW/kg), missions to the Kuiper Belt (40 AU and beyond) and even the so-called FOCAL mission (at 540 AU) become feasible with an attractive payload fraction and in times of order 10–15 years.Further results regarding missions to Sedna’s perihelion/aphelion, and to Oort’s cloud will also be presented, showing the constraints affecting their feasibility and mass budget.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the drag-free and attitude control (DFAC) of the European Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer satellite (GOCE), during the science phase. GOCE aims to determine the Earth's gravity field with high accuracy and spatial resolution, through complementary space techniques such as gravity gradiometry and precise orbit determination. Both techniques rely on accurate attitude and drag-free control, especially in the gradiometer measurement bandwidth (5–100 mHz), where non-gravitational forces must be counteracted down to micronewton, and spacecraft attitude must track the local orbital reference frame with micro-radian accuracy. DFAC aims to enable the gravity gradiometer to operate so as to determine the Earth's gravity field especially in the so-called measurement bandwidth (5–100 mHz), making use of ion and micro-thruster actuators. The DFAC unit has been designed entirely on a simplified discrete-time model (Embedded Model) derived from the fine dynamics of the spacecraft and its environment; the relevant control algorithms are implemented and tuned around the Embedded Model, which is the core of the control unit. The DFAC has been tested against uncertainties in spacecraft and environment and its code has been the preliminary model for final code development. The DFAC assumes an all-propulsion command authority, partly abandoned by the actual GOCE control system because of electric micro-propulsion not being fully developed. Since all-propulsion authority is expected to be imperative for future scientific and observation missions, design and simulated results are believed to be of interest to the space community.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis considering the capabilities of nano electrokinetic thrusters for space propulsion is presented. The work describes an electro-hydro-dynamic model of the electrokinetic flow in nano-channels and represents the first attempt to exploit the advantages of the electrokinetic effect as the basis for a new class of nano-scale thrusters suitable for space propulsion. Among such advantages are their small volume, fundamental simplicity, overall low mass, and actuation efficiency. Their electrokinetic efficiency is affected by the slip length, surface charge, pH and molarity. These design variables are analyzed and optimized for the highest electrokinetic performance inside nano-channels. The optimization is done for power consumption, thrust and specific impulse resulting in high theoretical efficiency ∼99% with corresponding high thrust-to-power ratios. Performance curves are obtained for the electrokinetic design variables showing that high molarity electrolytes lead to high thrust and specific impulse values, whereas low molarities provide highest thrust-to-power ratios and efficiencies. A theoretically designed 100 nm wide by 1 μm long emitter optimized using the ideal performance charts developed would deliver thrusts from 5 to 43 μN, specific impulse from 60 to 210 s, and would have power consumption between 1–15 mW. It should be noted that although this is a detail analytical analysis no prototypes exist and any future experimental work will face challenges that could affect the final performance. By designing an array composed of thousands of these single electrokinetic emitters, it would result in a flexible and scalable propulsion system capable of providing a wide range of thrust control for different mission scenarios and maintaining very high efficiencies and thrust-to-power ratio by varying the number of emitters in use at any one time.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,66(11-12):1571-1581
A dual one-way ranging (DOWR) system provides very high accuracy range measurements between two satellites. The GRACE satellite mission implements the DOWR, called KBR (K-band ranging), to measure very small inter-satellite range change in order to map the Earth gravity field. The flight performance of the KBR is analyzed by using a hybrid software simulator that incorporates actual satellite orbit data into a comprehensive KBR simulator, which was earlier used for computing the GRACE baseline accuracy. Three types of experiments were performed. First is the comparison of the flight data with the simulated data in spectral domain. Second is the comparison of double differenced noise level. Third is the comparison of the range-rate difference with GPS clock estimates. The analysis shows a good agreement with the simulation model except some excessive high frequency noise, e.g. 10−4 m/√Hz at 0.1 Hz. The range-rate difference shows 0.003 cyc/s discrepancy with the clock estimates. These analyses are helpful to refine the DOWR simulation model and can be benefit to future DOWR instrument development.  相似文献   

The present paper describes thrust measurement results for an arcjet thruster using Dimethyl ether (DME) as the propellant. DME is an ether compound and can be stored as a liquid due to its relatively low freezing point and preferable vapor pressure. The thruster successfully produced high-voltage mode at DME mass flow rates above 30 mg/s, whereas it yielded low-voltage mode below 30 mg/s. Thrust measurements yielded a thrust of 0.15 N and a specific impulse of 270 s at a mass flow rate of 60 mg/s with a discharge power of 1300 W. The DME arcjet thruster was comparable to a conventional one for thrust and discharge power.  相似文献   

The Thermal Hyperspectral Imager (THI) is a low cost, low mass, power efficient instrument designed to acquire hyperspectral remote sensing data in the long-wave infrared. The instrument has been designed to satisfy mass, volume, and power constraints necessary to allow for its accommodation in a 95 kg micro-satellite bus, designed by staff and students at the University of Hawai'i. THI acquires approximately 30 separate spectral bands in the 8–14 μm wavelength region, at 16 wavenumber resolution. Rather than using filtering or dispersion to generate the spectral information, THI uses an interferometric technique. Light from the scene is focused onto an uncooled microbolometer detector array through a stationary interferometer, causing the light incident at each detector at any instant in time to be phase shifted by an optical path difference which varies linearly across the array in the along-track dimension. As platform motion translates the detector array in the along-track direction at a rate of approximately one pixel per frame (the camera acquires data at 30 Hz) the radiance from each scene element can be sampled at each OPD, thus generating an interferogram. Spectral radiance as a function of wavelength is subsequently obtained for each scene element using standard Fourier transform techniques. Housed in a pressure vessel to shield COTS parts from the space environment, the total instrument has a mass of 15 kg. Peak power consumption, largely associated with the calibration procedure, is <90 W. From a nominal altitude of 550 km the resulting data would have a spatial resolution of approximately 300 m. Although an individual imaging event yields approximately 1 Gbit of raw uncompressed data, onboard processing (to convert the interferograms into a conventional spectral hypercube) can reduce this to tens of Mega bits per scene. In this presentation we will describe (a) the rationale for the project, (b) the instrument design, and (c) how the data are processed. Finally we will present data acquired by THI on a laboratory microscope stage to demonstrate the spectro-radiometric quality of the data that the instrument can provide.  相似文献   

A new and innovative type of gridded ion thruster, the “Dual-Stage 4-Grid” or DS4G concept, has been proposed and its predicted high performance validated under an ESA research, development and test programme. The DS4G concept is able to operate at very high specific impulse and thrust density values well in excess of conventional 3-grid ion thrusters at the expense of a higher power-to-thrust ratio. This makes it a possible candidate for ambitious missions requiring very high delta-V capability and high power. Such missions include 100 kW-level multi-ton probes based on nuclear and solar electric propulsion (SEP) to distant Kuiper Belt Object and inner Oort cloud objects, and to the Local Interstellar medium. In this paper, the DS4G concept is introduced and its application to this mission class is investigated. Benefits of using the DS4G over conventional thrusters include reduced transfer time and increased payload mass, if suitably advanced lightweight power system technologies are developed.A mission-level optimisation is performed (launch, spacecraft system design and low-thrust trajectory combined) in order to find design solutions with minimum transfer time, maximum scientific payload mass, and to explore the influence of power system specific mass. It is found that the DS4G enables an 8-ton spacecraft with a payload mass of 400 kg, equipped with a 65 kW nuclear reactor with specific mass 25 kg/kW (e.g. Topaz-type with Brayton cycle conversion) to reach 200 AU in 23 years after an Earth escape launch by Ariane 5. In this scenario, the optimum specific impulse for the mission is over 10,000 s, which is well within the capabilities of a single 65 kW DS4G thruster. It is also found that an interstellar probe mission to 200 AU could be accomplished in 25 years using a “medium-term” SEP system with a lightweight 155 kW solar array (2 kg/kW specific mass) and thruster PPU (3.7 kg/kW) and an Earth escape launch on Ariane 5. In this case, the optimum specific impulse is lower at 3500 s which is well within conventional gridded ion thruster capability.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2008,62(11-12):995-1001
A mission to the surface of Venus would have high scientific value, but most electronic devices and sensors cannot operate at the 450 °C ambient surface temperature of Venus. Power and cooling systems were analyzed for Venus surface operation. A radioisotope power and cooling system was designed to provide electrical power for a probe operating on the surface of Venus. For a mission duration of substantial length, the use of thermal mass to maintain an operable temperature range is likely impractical, and active refrigeration may be required to keep components at a temperature below ambient. Due to the high thermal convection of the high-density atmosphere, the heat rejection temperature was assumed to be at a 500 °C radiator temperature, 50 °C above ambient. The radioisotope Stirling power converter designed produces a thermodynamic power output capacity of 478.1 W, with a cooling power of 100 W. The overall efficiency is calculated to be 23.36%. The mass of the power converter is estimated at approximately 21.6 kg.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2010,66(11-12):1765-1771
The ESA SWARM mission will consist of three satellites that will measure the Earth magnetic field. The system calls for metre accuracy knowledge of the measurement locations. To achieve this a GPS receiver is used. At least four GPS signals are tracked to determine the code and carrier ranges, from which the position can be derived. The accuracy improves when using more GPS satellites and by averaging over many measurements. The latter is achieved in ground processing with a model-based orbit prediction, resulting in cm accuracy. The main error contributions in the processing are often measurement errors due to satellite multi-path effects. The multipath effects are characterized by measuring the antenna on a 1.5 m mock-up, representing the 9 m long satellite. In order to verify that the mock-up is representative, extensive electromagnetic simulations were made. The simulations included the antenna and the complete satellite and were then reduced to the antenna and a section of the satellite. The actual design of the antenna was performed with several levels of software. First, a fast bodies-of-revolution simulation found a geometry with the right coverage. Then, a finite element method simulation allowed us to match the antenna at two frequencies simultaneously.  相似文献   

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