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Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) precise positioning can be significantly affected by severe multipath effects and outliers in harsh environments, and highly relies on quality control strategies. Previous studies mainly focus on the posterior residuals to check and exclude the outliers in GNSS observations, limited work emphasizes the combined quality control method considering both the prior and posterior knowledge simultaneously. This paper proposed a real-time combined quality control method to process the multipath effects and outliers in harsh environments simultaneously. Specifically, in the prior stage, a modified multipath processing strategy is proposed for both phase and code observations, then a modified detection, identification, and adaptation (DIA) method considering the maximum times of data snooping is studied in the posterior stage. Two dedicated experiments in real harsh environments were carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed combined quality control method. For the static experiment, the proposed method exhibits smaller positioning errors, the best positioning accuracy, and the highest availability in this study. Specifically, the proposed method exhibits an improved percentage of 55.4 %, 56.3 %, and 59.7 % for positioning accuracy compared to those without the quality control method in the E, N, and U directions, respectively. Besides, the proposed method can further improve the performance of ambiguity resolution with an improved percentage of 32.2 %. For the kinematic experiment, the three-dimensional positioning accuracy of the proposed method is 0.577 m, which exhibits a 40.0 % improvement compared to those without the quality control method. Also, the proposed method exhibits better performance under relatively strong multipath effects. In this sense, the proposed real-time combined quality control method is highly appreciated in terms of positioning availability, accuracy, and ambiguity resolution for GNSS precise positioning, especially in harsh environments.  相似文献   

Continuous and timely real-time satellite orbit and clock products are mandatory for real-time precise point positioning (RT-PPP). Real-time high-precision satellite orbit and clock products should be predicted within a short time in case of communication delay or connection breakdown in practical applications. For prediction, historical data describing the characteristics of the real-time orbit and clock can be used as the basis for performing the prediction. When historical data are scarce, it is difficult for many existing models to perform precise predictions. In this paper, a linear regression model is used to predict clock products. Seven-day GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) final clock products sampled at 30 s are used to analyze the characteristics of GNSS clocks. It is shown that the linear regression model can be used as the prediction model for the satellite clock products. In addition, the accuracy of the clock prediction for different satellites are analyzed using historical data with different periods (such as 2 and 10 epochs). Experimental results show that the accuracy of the clock with the linear regression prediction model using historical data with 10 epochs is 1.0 ns within 900 s. This is higher accuracy than that achieved using historical data of 2 epochs. Finally, the performance analysis for real-time kinematic precise point positioning (PPP) is provided using GFZ final clock prediction results and state space representation (SSR) clock prediction results when communication delay or connection breakdown occur. Experimental results show that the positioning accuracy without prediction is better than that with prediction in general, whether using the final clock product or the SSR clock product. For the final clock product, the positioning accuracy in the north (N), east (E), and up (U) directions is better than 10.0 cm with all visible GNSS satellites with prediction. In comparison, the 3D positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions with visible GNSS satellites whose prediction accuracy is better than 0.1 ns using historical data of 10 epochs is improved from 15.0 cm to 7.0 cm. For the SSR clock product, the positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions is better than 12.0 cm with visible GNSS satellites with prediction. In comparison, the 3D positioning accuracy of N, E, and U directions with visible GNSS satellites whose prediction accuracy is better than 0.1 ns using historical data of 10 epochs is improved from 12.0 cm to 9.0 cm.  相似文献   

Integer ambiguity resolution in precise point positioning (PPP) can shorten the initialization and re-initialization time, and ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions are also more reliable and accurate than ambiguity-float PPP solutions. However, signal interruptions are unavoidable in practical applications, particularly while operating in urban areas. Such signal interruptions can cause discontinuity of carrier phase arc, which introduces new integer ambiguities. Usually it will take approximately 15 min of continuous tracking to a reasonable number of satellites to fix new integer ambiguities. In many applications, it is impractical for a PPP user to wait for such a long time for the re-initialization. In this paper, a method for rapid ambiguity fixing in PPP is developed to avoid such a long re-initialization time. Firstly, the atmospheric delays were estimated epoch by epoch from ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions before the data gap or cycle slip occurs. A random walk procedure is then applied to predict the atmospheric delays accurately over a short time span. The predicted atmospheric delays then can be used to correct the observations which suffer from signal interruptions. Finally, the new ambiguities can be fixed with a distinct WL-LX-L3 (here LX denotes either of L1, L2) cascade ambiguity resolution strategy. Comprehensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed method and strategy can fix zero-difference integer ambiguities successfully with only a single-epoch observation immediately after a short data gap. This technique works even when all satellites are interrupted at the same time. The duration of data gap bridged by this technique could be possibly extended if a more precise atmospheric delay prediction is found or on-the-fly (OTF) technology is applied. Based on the proposed method, real-time PPP with integer ambiguity fixing becomes more feasible in practice.  相似文献   

Integer ambiguity resolution at a single station can be achieved by introducing predetermined uncalibrated phase delays (UPDs) into the float ambiguity estimates of precise point positioning (PPP). This integer resolution technique has the potential of leading to a PPP-RTK (real-time kinematic) model where PPP provides rapid convergence to a reliable centimeter-level positioning accuracy based on an RTK reference network. Nonetheless, implementing this model is technically subject to how rapidly we can fix wide-lane ambiguities, stabilize narrow-lane UPD estimates, and achieve the first ambiguity-fixed solution. To investigate these issues, we used 7 days of 1-Hz sampling GPS data at 91 stations across Europe. We find that at least 10 min of observations are required for most receiver types to reliably fix about 90% of wide-lane ambiguities corresponding to high elevations, and over 20 min to fix about 90% of those corresponding to low elevations. Moreover, several tens of minutes are usually required for a regional network before a narrow-lane UPD estimate stabilizes to an accuracy of far better than 0.1 cycles. Finally, for hourly data, ambiguity resolution can significantly improve the accuracy of epoch-wise position estimates from 13.7, 7.1 and 11.4 cm to 0.8, 0.9 and 2.5 cm for the East, North and Up components, respectively, but a few tens of minutes is required to achieve the first ambiguity-fixed solution. Therefore, from the timeliness aspect, our PPP-RTK model currently cannot satisfy the critical requirement of instantaneous precise positioning where ambiguity-fixed solutions have to be achieved within at most a few seconds. However, this model can still be potentially applied to some near-real-time remote sensing applications, such as the GPS meteorology.  相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) has been widely used in many geosciences areas with its Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) service. However, GNSS still has its own bottleneck, such as the long initialization period of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) without dense reference network. Recently, the concept of PNTRC (Positioning, Navigation, Timing, Remote sensing and Communication) has been put forward, where Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations are recruited to fulfill diverse missions. In navigation aspect, a number of selected LEO satellites can be equipped with a transmitter to transmit similar navigation signals to ground users, so that they can serve as GNSS satellites but with much faster geometric change to enhance GNSS capability, which is named as LEO constellation enhanced GNSS (LeGNSS). As a result, the initialization time of PPP is expected to be shortened to the level of a few minutes or even seconds depending on the number of the LEO satellites involved. In this article, we simulate all the relevant data from June 8th to 14th, 2014 and investigate the feasibility of LeGNSS with the concentration on the key issues in the whole data processing for providing real-time PPP service based on a system configuration with fourteen satellites of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), twenty-four satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS), and sixty-six satellites of the Iridium satellite constellations. At the server-end, Precise Orbit Determination (POD) and Precise Clock Estimation (PCE) with various operational modes are investigated using simulated observations. It is found out that GNSS POD with partial LEO satellites is the most practical mode of LeGNSS operation. At the user-end, the Geometry Dilution Of Precision (GDOP) and Signal-In-Space Ranging Error (SISRE) are calculated and assessed for different positioning schemes in order to demonstrate the performance of LeGNSS. Centimeter level SISRE can be achieved for LeGNSS.  相似文献   

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), in particular the Global Positioning System (GPS), have been widely used for high accuracy geodetic positioning. The Least Squares functional models related to the GNSS observables have been more extensively studied than the corresponding stochastic models, given that the development of the latter is significantly more complex. As a result, a simplified stochastic model is often used in GNSS positioning, which assumes that all the GNSS observables are statistically independent and of the same quality, i.e. a similar variance is assigned indiscriminately to all of the measurements. However, the definition of the stochastic model may be approached from a more detailed perspective, considering specific effects affecting each observable individually, as for example the effects of ionospheric scintillation. These effects relate to phase and amplitude fluctuations in the satellites signals that occur due to diffraction on electron density irregularities in the ionosphere and are particularly relevant at equatorial and high latitude regions, especially during periods of high solar activity. As a consequence, degraded measurement quality and poorer positioning accuracy may result.  相似文献   

Motivated by the IGS real-time Pilot Project, GFZ has been developing its own real-time precise positioning service for various applications. An operational system at GFZ is now broadcasting real-time orbits, clocks, global ionospheric model, uncalibrated phase delays and regional atmospheric corrections for standard PPP, PPP with ambiguity fixing, single-frequency PPP and regional augmented PPP. To avoid developing various algorithms for different applications, we proposed a uniform algorithm and implemented it into our real-time software. In the new processing scheme, we employed un-differenced raw observations with atmospheric delays as parameters, which are properly constrained by real-time derived global ionospheric model or regional atmospheric corrections and by the empirical characteristics of the atmospheric delay variation in time and space. The positioning performance in terms of convergence time and ambiguity fixing depends mainly on the quality of the received atmospheric information and the spatial and temporal constraints. The un-differenced raw observation model can not only integrate PPP and NRTK into a seamless positioning service, but also syncretize these two techniques into a unique model and algorithm. Furthermore, it is suitable for both dual-frequency and sing-frequency receivers. Based on the real-time data streams from IGS, EUREF and SAPOS reference networks, we can provide services of global precise point positioning (PPP) with 5–10 cm accuracy, PPP with ambiguity-fixing of 2–5 cm accuracy, PPP using single-frequency receiver with accuracy of better than 50 cm and PPP with regional augmentation for instantaneous ambiguity resolution of 1–3 cm accuracy. We adapted the system for current COMPASS to provide PPP service. COMPASS observations from a regional network of nine stations are used for precise orbit determination and clock estimation in simulated real-time mode, the orbit and clock products are applied for real-time precise point positioning. The simulated real-time PPP service confirms that real-time positioning services of accuracy at dm-level and even cm-level is achievable with COMPASS only.  相似文献   

Integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) can improve precise point positioning (PPP) performance significantly. IAR for PPP became a highlight topic in global positioning system (GPS) community in recent years. More and more researchers focus on this issue. Progress has been made in the latest years. In this paper, we aim at investigating and demonstrating the performance of a global zero-differenced (ZD) PPP IAR service for GPS users by providing routine ZD uncalibrated fractional offsets (UFOs) for wide-lane and narrow-lane. Data sets from all IGS stations collected on DOY 1, 100, 200 and 300 of 2010 are used to validate and demonstrate this global service. Static experiment results show that an accuracy better than 1 cm in horizontal and 1–2 cm in vertical could be achieved in ambiguity-fixed PPP solution with only hourly data. Compared with PPP float solution, an average improvement reaches 58.2% in east, 28.3% in north and 23.8% in vertical for all tested stations. Results of kinematic experiments show that the RMS of kinematic PPP solutions can be improved from 21.6, 16.6 and 37.7 mm to 12.2, 13.3 and 34.3 mm for the fixed solutions in the east, north and vertical components, respectively. Both static and kinematic experiments show that wide-lane and narrow-lane UFO products of all satellites can be generated and provided in a routine way accompanying satellite orbit and clock products for the PPP user anywhere around the world, to obtain accurate and reliable ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions.  相似文献   

Lots of ambiguities in un-differenced (UD) model lead to lower calculation efficiency, which isn’t appropriate for the high-frequency real-time GNSS clock estimation, like 1 Hz. Mixed differenced model fusing UD pseudo-range and epoch-differenced (ED) phase observations has been introduced into real-time clock estimation. In this contribution, we extend the mixed differenced model for realizing multi-GNSS real-time clock high-frequency updating and a rigorous comparison and analysis on same conditions are performed to achieve the best real-time clock estimation performance taking the efficiency, accuracy, consistency and reliability into consideration. Based on the multi-GNSS real-time data streams provided by multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) and Wuhan University, GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning prototype system is designed and constructed, including real-time precise orbit determination, real-time precise clock estimation, real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) and real-time Standard Point Positioning (RT-SPP). The statistical analysis of the 6 h-predicted real-time orbits shows that the root mean square (RMS) in radial direction is about 1–5 cm for GPS, Beidou MEO and Galileo satellites and about 10 cm for Beidou GEO and IGSO satellites. Using the mixed differenced estimation model, the prototype system can realize high-efficient real-time satellite absolute clock estimation with no constant clock-bias and can be used for high-frequency augmentation message updating (such as 1 Hz). The real-time augmentation message signal-in-space ranging error (SISRE), a comprehensive accuracy of orbit and clock and effecting the users’ actual positioning performance, is introduced to evaluate and analyze the performance of GPS + BeiDou + Galileo global real-time augmentation positioning system. The statistical analysis of real-time augmentation message SISRE is about 4–7 cm for GPS, whlile 10 cm for Beidou IGSO/MEO, Galileo and about 30 cm for BeiDou GEO satellites. The real-time positioning results prove that the GPS + BeiDou + Galileo RT-PPP comparing to GPS-only can effectively accelerate convergence time by about 60%, improve the positioning accuracy by about 30% and obtain averaged RMS 4 cm in horizontal and 6 cm in vertical; additionally RT-SPP accuracy in the prototype system can realize positioning accuracy with about averaged RMS 1 m in horizontal and 1.5–2 m in vertical, which are improved by 60% and 70% to SPP based on broadcast ephemeris, respectively.  相似文献   

Precise clock products are typically interpolated based on the sampling interval of the observational data when they are used for in precise point positioning. However, due to the occurrence of white noise in atomic clocks, a residual component of such noise will inevitable reside within the observations when clock errors are interpolated, and such noise will affect the resolution of the positioning results. In this paper, which is based on a twenty-one-week analysis of the atomic clock noise characteristics of numerous satellites, a new stochastic observation model that considers satellite clock interpolation errors is proposed. First, the systematic error of each satellite in the IGR clock product was extracted using a wavelet de-noising method to obtain the empirical characteristics of atomic clock noise within each clock product. Then, based on those empirical characteristics, a stochastic observation model was structured that considered the satellite clock interpolation errors. Subsequently, the IGR and IGS clock products at different time intervals were used for experimental validation. A verification using 179 stations worldwide from the IGS showed that, compared with the conventional model, the convergence times using the stochastic model proposed in this study were respectively shortened by 4.8% and 4.0% when the IGR and IGS 300-s-interval clock products were used and by 19.1% and 19.4% when the 900-s-interval clock products were used. Furthermore, the disturbances during the initial phase of the calculation were also effectively improved.  相似文献   

The performance of real-time (RT) precise positioning can be improved by utilizing observations from multiple Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) instead of one particular system. Since the end of 2012, BeiDou, independently established by China, began to provide operational services for users in the Asia-Pacific regions. In this study, a regional RT precise positioning system is developed to evaluate the performance of GPS/BeiDou observations in Australia in providing high precision positioning services for users. Fixing three hourly updated satellite orbits, RT correction messages are generated and broadcasted by processing RT observation/navigation data streams from the national network of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations in Australia (AUSCORS) at the server side. At the user side, RT PPP is realized by processing RT data streams and the RT correction messages received. RT clock offsets, for which the accuracy reached 0.07 and 0.28?ns for GPS and BeiDou, respectively, can be determined. Based on these corrections, an accuracy of 12.2, 30.0 and 45.6?cm in the North, East and Up directions was achieved for the BeiDou-only solution after 30 min while the GPS-only solution reached 5.1, 15.3 and 15.5?cm for the same components at the same time. A further improvement of 43.7, 36.9 and 45.0 percent in the three directions, respectively, was achieved for the combined GPS/BeiDou solution. After the initialization process, the North, East and Up positioning accuracies were 5.2, 8.1 and 17.8?cm, respectively, for the BeiDou-only solution, while 1.5, 3.0, and 4.7?cm for the GPS-only solution. However, we only noticed a 20.9% improvement in the East direction was obtained for the GPS/BeiDou solution, while no improvements in the other directions were detected. It is expected that such improvements may become bigger with the increasing accuracy of the BeiDou-only solution.  相似文献   

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems)-based attitude determination is an important field of study, since it is a valuable technique for the orientation estimation of remote sensing platforms. To achieve highly accurate angular estimates, the precise GNSS carrier phase observables must be employed. However, in order to take full advantage of the high precision, the unknown integer ambiguities of the carrier phase observables need to be resolved. This contribution presents a GNSS carrier phase-based attitude determination method that determines the integer ambiguities and attitude in an integral manner, thereby fully exploiting the known body geometry of the multi-antennae configuration. It is shown that this integral approach aids the ambiguity resolution process tremendously and strongly improves the capacity of fixing the correct set of integer ambiguities. In this contribution, the challenging scenario of single-epoch, single-frequency attitude determination is addressed. This guarantees a total independence from carrier phase slips and losses of lock, and it also does not require any a priori motion model for the platform. The method presented is a multivariate constrained version of the popular LAMBDA method and it is tested on data collected during an airborne remote sensing campaign.  相似文献   

传统的全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)信号模拟器通道群时延标定方法有相位翻转点法和相关峰法两种,两者均在零伪距或固定伪距的特殊仿真场景下进行测量,且在通道传输特性非理想的情况下测得的群时延均存在偏差.提出了基于闭环伪距测量的模拟器通道群时延标定方法,并设计实现了GNSS信号模拟器通道群时延标定系统.首先,采用高速直接射频采样存储系统对模拟器正常星座动态仿真场景下输出的导航信号和秒脉冲(1 PPS)信号同时进行记录.其次,使用软件接收机对信号进行捕获跟踪,利用三次样条插值判定1 PPS上升沿位置作为伪距观测历元时刻,对软件接收机的伪距观测量和模拟器仿真的伪距记录值做数据比对,得到模拟器的群时延标定值.最后,分别利用上述方法对两种商用模拟器的群时延进行了标定,实验结果表明,闭环伪距测量法有效可行,测量不确定度优于0.7 ns.   相似文献   

The Geodetic Observatory Pecný (GOP) routinely estimates near real-time zenith total delays (ZTD) from GPS permanent stations for assimilation in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models more than 12 years. Besides European regional, global and GPS and GLONASS solutions, we have recently developed real-time estimates aimed at supporting NWP nowcasting or severe weather event monitoring. While all previous solutions are based on data batch processing in a network mode, the real-time solution exploits real-time global orbits and clocks from the International GNSS Service (IGS) and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) processing strategy. New application G-Nut/Tefnut has been developed and real-time ZTDs have been continuously processed in the nine-month demonstration campaign (February–October, 2013) for selected 36 European and global stations. Resulting ZTDs can be characterized by mean standard deviations of 6–10 mm, but still remaining large biases up to 20 mm due to missing precise models in the software. These results fulfilled threshold requirements for the operational NWP nowcasting (i.e. 30 mm in ZTD). Since remaining ZTD biases can be effectively eliminated using the bias-reduction procedure prior to the assimilation, results are approaching the target requirements in terms of relative accuracy (i.e. 6 mm in ZTD). Real-time strategy and software are under the development and we foresee further improvements in reducing biases and in optimizing the accuracy within required timeliness. The real-time products from the International GNSS Service were found accurate and stable for supporting PPP-based tropospheric estimates for the NWP nowcasting.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new algorithm to aid stand-alone GNSS positioning in areas of bad signal reception using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Traditional Height-Aiding (HA) algorithms assume either a preset (fixed) value for the receiver elevation or rely on the elevation value that corresponds to the nearest available position fix. This may lead in erroneous receiver elevation estimates that, under circumstances, are inefficient to aid effectively GNSS positioning. In this study, the receiver elevation is updated at every iteration step of the navigation solution through dynamic interpolation of the elevation model. The algorithm, because of its ability to extract and fully exploit the elevation information derived from a digital model, it can prove particularly useful in forested areas with steep-sloped terrain. Extended test runs were undertaken to validate the correctness of the mathematical model and the feasibility of the algorithm and associated software. Particularly, analysis of a dataset acquired in a forested, rapidly undulating environment reveals significant average improvement in all performance metrics of positioning, namely the GNSS position availability (50%), accuracy (56%) and external reliability (86%) compared to the Standard Point Positioning (SPP) solution. Moreover, it was found that the method can cope successfully in marginal operating conditions with situations of bad satellite geometry and satellite signals affected by interference due to tree canopy.  相似文献   

The main challenge in real-time precise point positioning (PPP) is that the data outages or large time lags in receiving precise orbit and clock corrections greatly degrade the continuity and real-time performance of PPP positioning. To solve this problem, instead of directly predicting orbit and clock corrections in previous researches, this paper presents an alternative approach of generating combined corrections including orbit error, satellite clock and receiver-related error with broadcast ephemeris. Using ambiguities and satellite fractional-cycle biases (FCBs) of previous epoch and the short-term predicted tropospheric delay through linear extrapolation model (LEM), combined corrections at current epoch are retrieved and weighted with multiple reference stations, and further broadcast to user for continuous enhanced positioning during outages of orbit and clock corrections. To validate the proposed method, two reference station network with different inter-station distance from National Geodetic Survey (NGS) network are used for experiments with six different time lags (i.e., 5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 30 s, 45 s and 60 s), and one set of data collected by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is also used. The performance of LEM is investigated, and the troposphere prediction accuracy of low elevation (e.g., 10–20degrees) satellites has been improved by 44.1% to 79.0%. The average accuracy of combined corrections before and after LEM is used is improved by 12.5% to 77.3%. Without LEM, an accuracy of 2–3 cm can be maintained only in case of small time lags, while the accuracies with LEM are all better than 2 cm in case of different time lags. The performance of simulated kinematic PPP at user end is assessed in terms of positioning accuracy and epoch fix rate. In case of different time lags, after LEM is used, the average accuracy in horizontal direction is better than 3 cm, and the accuracy in up direction is better than 5 cm. At the same time, the epoch fix rate has also increased to varying degrees. The results of the UAV data show that in real kinematic environment, the proposed method can still maintain a positioning accuracy of several centimeters in case of 20 s time lag.  相似文献   

高轨飞行器可用卫星数目较少,信号空间链路损耗大,使用伪距进行测量的精度较低.提出基于GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)卫星载波相位与捷联惯导紧组合方法对高轨机动飞行器进行自主导航.该方法将连续跟踪的卫星初次可用时的整周模糊度的浮点解作为状态变量,通过平方根UKF建立了组合导航非线性滤波模型,提出了基于整周浮点解交集的滤波器故障检测方法.研究表明,提出的组合导航方法充分利用了载波相位高测量精度和系统性误差缓变的特点,提高了系统的可靠性和精度.  相似文献   

分析了深空通信中高动态微弱信号载波跟踪方法,提出并分析了载波跟踪中状态方程非线性与量测方程的非线性取舍问题,分析了滤波过程中影响高动态与低信噪比的决定因素,给出了两个推论,提出了强跟踪算法的必要性。并以此选择了以传统卡尔曼滤波(KF)为基础,以锁相环(FLL)、无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)为辅助使用两种工作模式来应对不同环境。针对组合跟踪环路状态转换过渡易出现的频率阶跃问题,给出新型环路的工作模式及切换门限的数学表达式,在环路中添加计算判别器,实时控制环路输出的同时不浪费计算力地剔除了野值,提高了环路稳定性。仿真表明,该新型环路算法与现有的算法相比有很好的低信噪高动态适应能力,消除了切换峰值,剔除了野值。  相似文献   

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