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The problem of attitude takeover control of spacecraft by using cellular satellites with limited communication, actuator faults and input saturation is investigated. In order to lighten the communication burden of cellular satellites, an event-triggered control strategy is adopted. The filtered attitude information needs to be transmitted only when the defined measurement error reaches the event-triggered threshold in this strategy. Then, to deal with the unknown inertia matrix, actuator faults, external disturbances and the errors caused by event-triggered scheme, fuzzy logic systems is introduced to estimate the uncertainties directly. Combining fuzzy logic control strategy and the event-triggered method, the first event-triggered adaptive fuzzy control law is developed. Then, torque saturation of cellular satellites is further considered in the second control law, where the upper bound of the uncertainties is estimated by fuzzy logic systems. The resulting closed-loop systems under the two control laws are guaranteed to be bounded. Finally, the effectiveness of two proposed control laws is verified by the numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The guaranteed performance control problem of spacecraft attitude tracking with control constraint, disturbance and time-varying inertia parameters is investigated. A new saturation function is designed to satisfy different magnitude constraints by introducing a piecewise smooth asymmetric Gauss error function. Based on the mean-value theorem, the constrained problem is transformed into an unconstrained control design subject to an unknown bounded coefficient matrix. To satisfy the constraints by performance functions, a tracking error constrained control is developed based on a hyperbolic arc-tangent asymmetric barrier Lyapunov function (BLF). In the backstepping framework, an adaptive robust control law is proposed by employing a smooth robust term simultaneously counteracting the parametric and non-parametric uncertainties, where the unknown coefficient matrix resulting from the control constraint is compensated by a Nussbaum function matrix. Rigorous stability analysis indicates that the proposed control law realizes the asymptotically tracking of spacecraft attitude and that the tracking error remains in a prescribed set which implies the achievement of the guaranteed transient performance. Numerical simulations validate the proposed theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the attitude tracking control for spacecraft formation with delay free and communication delays. With help of the idea of sliding control, an adaptive attitude synchronization control architecture is established. Furthermore, by introducing a nonsmooth feedback function, a new class of nonlinear controllers for the attitude tracking of spacecraft is developed. Both parameter uncertainties and unknown external disturbances are dealt with via the kind of controllers. Finally, some simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed results.  相似文献   

The problem of spacecraft attitude stabilization control system with limited communication and external disturbances is investigated based on an event-triggered control scheme. In the proposed scheme, information of attitude and control torque only need to be transmitted at some discrete triggered times when a defined measurement error exceeds a state-dependent threshold. The proposed control scheme not only guarantees that spacecraft attitude control errors converge toward a small invariant set containing the origin, but also ensures that there is no accumulation of triggering instants. The performance of the proposed control scheme is demonstrated through numerical simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive modified sliding mode control approach is developed for attitude tracking of a nano-satellite with three magnetorquers and one reaction wheel. A sliding variable is chosen based on finite-time convergence of the nano-satellite attitude tracking error and avoiding the singularity of the control signal. The control gain of the proposed method is developed adaptively to reduce the tracking error and improve the closed-loop control performance. The sliding variable and adaptive parameter are also employed in the reaching phase of the control law to decrease the chattering phenomenon. In addition, the finite-time convergence of attitude variables in the presence of actuator faults, inertia uncertainty, and external disturbances is proved using the extended Lyapunov theorem. The simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method according to different evaluation criteria. Monte Carlo simulations are also used to survey the reliability of the system in the presence of the mentioned condition.  相似文献   

An event-triggered control strategy based on extended state observer (ESO) is proposed for the attitude tracking problem of small plug-and-play spacecraft with uncertain inertia parameters, external disturbances, and actuator faults. A simplified controller is developed based on the angular velocity and the general disturbances estimated by the provided ESO using the information of the system inputs and the angular velocities. In the designed event-triggered sampling mechanism, a state-dependent event-triggered strategy determines the triggering instant of the controller to reduce the frequency of information transmission between the controller and the actuator. In comparison with the previous literature, this paper considers uncertain inertia parameters, external disturbances, and actuator faults as general disturbances estimated by ESO, especially for the actuator faults. The inputs of ESO are the error of the angular velocities, which can simplify the controller design. Moreover, the designed ESO can effectively attenuate the influence of measured noises generated by the gyroscopes. The proposed event-triggered policy balances the performance of event-triggering and the control stability performance, which reduces the final state convergence regions without increasing more triggering times compared to existing studies. Furthermore, the investigated policy achieves Zeno-free triggering. Numerical simulations verify theoretical results.  相似文献   

使用SGCMGs航天器滑模姿态容错控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于滑模控制与自适应理论,对使用单框架控制力矩陀螺群(SGCMGs)的刚性航天器的被动姿态容错控制问题进行了研究。首先建立了含有陀螺框架转速故障的系统数学模型。然后将框架转速直接作为控制量并应用滑模控制理论设计了容错控制器,同时控制器中还设计了自适应律对故障信息和干扰进行估计。由此,可在故障和干扰的先验信息未知的情况下,实现对航天器无故障和有故障情况下的姿态稳定控制,且具有较强的鲁棒性。最后,对2种构型单框架控制力矩陀螺群的不同故障模式进行数学仿真,验证了该控制方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对航天器三轴姿态大角度机动时动力学特性耦合强烈的情况,同时考虑外界干扰及执行器的不确定性,根据扩张状态观测器的相关理论,提出了航天器姿态机动的一种自适应输出反馈控制策略。首先,采用动量矩定理和欧拉法建立了航天器的姿态动力学模型。然后,在此基础上,利用扩张状态观测器能够准确地获取航天器三轴间非线性耦合及其他未知的外界干扰信息的能力,设计了一种仅需要姿态角测量值的自适应输出反馈控制律,使航天器在大角度姿态机动的同时能够通过自适应律补偿控制力矩的输出偏差。仿真结果表明,在多种任务模式下,航天器都可以很好地完成姿态机动任务,从而验证了控制律的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

近地航天器测控设备分配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对多个近地航天器同时在轨运行时,如何分配地面有限的测控设备以完成各航天器的测控任务提出了一种分配策略,并编写了相应的软件进行试算,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new control strategy (which we call “minimum sliding mode error feedback control, MSMEFC”) for small satellite attitude control. As we know, the attitude control algorithm plays a significant role in the whole performance of the satellite, especially under the existence of uncertain disturbances from the space. Without loss of generality, the MSMEFC is presented based on the sliding mode theory. It is assumed that the equivalent control error is defined to offset the uncertain disturbances to improve the control performance. Hence, in order to estimate the optimal equivalent control error, a cost function is derived on the basis of the principle of minimum sliding mode error. Then, the equivalent control error wills feedback to the conventional sliding mode control to obtain the final MSMEFC. According to the theoretical analyzes, the sliding mode after the MSMEFC will approximate to the ideal sliding mode, resulting in enhancing the control performance. Moreover, an adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode is employed to compare with the performance of MSMEFC. Several simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of proposed MSMEFC in the presence of serious perturbations, even in some fault-tolerant scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a novel finite-time attitude control method for the postcapture spacecraft with an unknown captured space target in the presence of input faults and quantization. First, a quasi fixed-time convergent performance function is developed to quantitatively characterize the attitude tracking performance. Then, a backstepping prescribed performance attitude controller is devised via using integral barrier Lyapunov function. Compared with the existing works, the fractional state feedback and discontinuous controller is directly avoided to achieve the fixed-time convergence rate. Namely, the proposed fixed-time controller is easily achieved online. Finally, two groups of illustrative examples are organized to validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

A nonlinear control technique pertaining to attitude synchronization problems is presented for formation flying spacecraft by utilizing the State-Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) technique. An attitude controller consisting of relative control and absolute control is designed using a reaction wheel assembly for regulator and tracking problems. To achieve effective relative control, the selective state-dependent connectivity is also adopted. The global asymptotic stability of the controller is confirmed using the Lyapunov theorem and is verified by Monte-Carlo simulations. An air-bearing-based Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulator (HILS) is also developed to validate the proposed control laws in real-time environments. The SDRE controller is discretized for implementation of a real-time processor in the HILS. The pointing errors are about 0.2° in the numerical simulations and about 1° in the HILS simulations, and experimental simulations confirm the effectiveness of the control algorithm for attitude synchronization in a spacecraft formation flying mission. Consequently, experiments using the HILS in a real-time environment can appropriately perform spacecraft attitude synchronization algorithms for formation flying spacecraft.  相似文献   

针对航天器相对姿态跟踪过程中严重的非线性及控制器设计的复杂性,建立了基于修正罗德里格斯参数的航天器相对姿态运动学和动力学方程并根据Lyapunov直接法设计了非线性前馈控制律.设计的控制律不仅保证闭环系统稳定,还使得航天器相对姿态跟踪误差快速收敛到零点邻域内.通过在Matlab/Simulink环境下对航天器相对姿态跟踪进行数值仿真,验证了建立模型和设计控制律的有效性.  相似文献   

在空间漂浮平台上,两自由度转台在跟踪指向空间目标的过程中对平台会产生姿态扰动,使平台姿态发生变化,从而影响转台末端的空间指向,降低指向跟踪精度,因此转台与平台间存在耦合关系.当指向机构的转动惯量相对较大或快速精密指向时这种耦合关系变得不可忽视.为改善这一情况下的跟踪控制精度,提出了耦合补偿方法,加入平台实时姿态来修正转台跟踪的目标,并使用结合反馈线性化的状态反馈控制方法,最终通过仿真实验与传统PD控制方法进行对比,结果表明结合反馈线性化的状态反馈控制方法有效提高了跟踪精度.  相似文献   

The capability of autonomous fault detection and reconstruction is essential for future manned Mars exploration missions. Considering actuator failures and atmosphere uncertainties, we present a new active fault-tolerant control algorithm for Mars entry by use of neural network and structure adaptive model inversion. First, the online BP neural network is adopted to conduct the fault detection and isolation. Second, based on the structure adaptive model inversion, an adaptive neural network PID controller is developed for Mars entry fault-tolerant control. The normal PID controller will be automatically switched into neural network PID controller when an actuator fault is detected. Therefore, the error between the reference model and the output of the attitude control system would be adjusted to ensure the dynamic property of the entry vehicle. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm developed in this paper is confirmed by computer simulation.  相似文献   

通过引入一致性理论针对电磁航天器编队相对位置协同控制问题设计了自适应协同控制器。分析了电磁航天器编队的基本原理,建立了电磁航天器编队相对运动精确的非线性动力学方程。基于电磁力远场计算模型的不确定性,对相对运动动力学模型进行了修正。在电磁力计算模型不确定和航天器间存在通信时延的条件下,对位置跟踪控制的目标设计了自适应协同控制器。考虑到电磁航天器磁矩产生能力的不同,给出了通过优化进行磁矩分配的方案。通过仿真表明:所设计的自适应协同控制器不仅实现了对期望轨迹的准确跟踪,而且相比人工势函数法,暂态维持编队构型的能力提高了4.9倍,并且所给出的磁矩分配方案实现了磁矩的合理分配。  相似文献   

The Attitude Control System (ACS) plays a pivotal role in the whole performance of the spacecraft on the orbit; therefore, it is vitally important to design the control system with the performance of rapid response, high control precision and insensitive to external perturbations. In the first place, this paper proposes two adaptive nonlinear control algorithms based on the sliding mode control (SMC), which are designed for small satellite attitude control system. The nonlinear dynamics describing the attitude of small satellite is considered in a circle reference orbit, and the stability of the closed-loop system in the presence of external perturbations is investigated. Then, in order to account for accidental or degradation fault in satellite actuators, the fault-tolerant control schemes are presented. Hence, two adaptive fault-tolerant control laws (continuous sliding mode control and non-singular terminal sliding mode control) are developed by adopting the nonlinear analytical model to describe the system, which can guarantee global asymptotic convergence of the attitude control error with the existence of unknown external perturbations. The nonlinear hyperplane based Terminal sliding mode is introduced into the control law design; therefore, the system convergence performance improves and the control error is convergent in “finite time”. As a result, the study on the non-singular terminal sliding mode control is the emphasis and the continuous sliding mode control is used to compare with the non-singular terminal sliding mode control. Meanwhile, an adaptive fuzzy algorithm has been proposed to suppress the chattering phenomenon. Moreover, several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed controllers by correcting for the external perturbations. Simulation results confirm that the suggested methodologies yield high control precision in control. In addition, actuator degradation, actuator stuck and actuator failure for a period of time are simulated to demonstrate the fault recovery capability of the fault tolerant controllers. The numerical results clearly demonstrate the good performance of the adaptive non-singular terminal control in the event of actuator fault compare with the continuous sliding mode control.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated angular velocity measurement and attitude control system of spacecraft using magnetically suspended double-gimbal control moment gyros (MSDGCMGs). The high speed rotor of MSDGCMG is alleviated by a five-degree-of-freedom permanent magnet biased AMB control system. With this special rotor supported manner, the MSDGCMG has the function of attitude rate sensing as well as attitude control. This characteristic provides a new approach to a compact light-weight spacecraft design, which can combine these two functions into a single device. This paper discusses the principles and implementations of AMB-based angular velocity measurement. Spacecraft dynamics with DGMSCMG actuators, including the dynamics of magnetically suspended high-speed rotor, the dynamics of inner gimbal and outer gimbal, as well as the determination method of spacecraft angular velocity are modeled, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed integrated system is also validated numerically and experimentally.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of high-precision line-of-sight (LOS) tracking of geosynchronous earth orbit target in highly dynamic conditions via spacecraft attitude maneuver. First, characteristics of the LOS motion are analyzed by a simplified linear relative motion model. Second, after transforming the quaternion-based attitude model into a double integrator system, a new nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller is proposed for spacecraft attitude tracking in a nominal case without parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. Third, an adaptive new nonsingular terminal mode controller is proposed for spacecraft attitude tracking in an uncertain case, which is done via constructing a pair of adaptive laws to estimate the parametric uncertainties and external disturbances online. The robust stability and finite time convergence property of the closed-loop system are demonstrated by Lyapunov theorem. Under control of the proposed controller, zero steady state error tracking of LOS with a smooth transition phase can be achieved in scheduled time, regardless of parametric uncertainties and external disturbances online. Finally, detailed numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and performance of the proposed controllers. Contrasting simulation results shows that proposed controllers can track the desired trajectories effectively and have better performance against the controllers based on linear sliding mode and the existing fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode.  相似文献   

The problem of controlling an all-thruster spacecraft in the coupled translational-rotational motion in presence of actuators fault and/or failure is investigated in this paper. The nonlinear model predictive control approach is used because of its ability to predict the future behavior of the system. The fault/failure of the thrusters changes the mapping between the commanded forces to the thrusters and actual force/torque generated by the thruster system. Thus, the basic six degree-of-freedom kinetic equations are separated from this mapping and a set of neural networks are trained off-line to learn the kinetic equations. Then, two neural networks are attached to these trained networks in order to learn the thruster commands to force/torque mappings on-line. Different off-nominal conditions are modeled so that neural networks can detect any failure and fault, including scale factor and misalignment of thrusters. A simple model of the spacecraft relative motion is used in MPC to decrease the computational burden. However, a precise model by the means of orbit propagation including different types of perturbation is utilized to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed approach in actual conditions. The numerical simulation shows that this method can successfully control the all-thruster spacecraft with ON-OFF thrusters in different combinations of thruster fault and/or failure.  相似文献   

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