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This paper presents the reliability-based sequential optimization (RBSO) method to settle the trajectory optimization problem with parametric uncertainties in entry dynamics for Mars entry mission. First, the deterministic entry trajectory optimization model is reviewed, and then the reliability-based optimization model is formulated. In addition, the modified sequential optimization method, in which the nonintrusive polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) method and the most probable point (MPP) searching method are employed, is proposed to solve the reliability-based optimization problem efficiently. The nonintrusive PCE method contributes to the transformation between the stochastic optimization (SO) and the deterministic optimization (DO) and to the approximation of trajectory solution efficiently. The MPP method, which is used for assessing the reliability of constraints satisfaction only up to the necessary level, is employed to further improve the computational efficiency. The cycle including SO, reliability assessment and constraints update is repeated in the RBSO until the reliability requirements of constraints satisfaction are satisfied. Finally, the RBSO is compared with the traditional DO and the traditional sequential optimization based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation in a specific Mars entry mission to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In order to accurately deliver an entry vehicle through the Martian atmosphere to the prescribed parachute deployment point, active Mars entry guidance is essential. This paper addresses the issue of Mars atmospheric entry guidance using the command generator tracker (CGT) based direct model reference adaptive control to reduce the adverse effect of the bounded uncertainties on atmospheric density and aerodynamic coefficients. Firstly, the nominal drag acceleration profile meeting a variety of constraints is planned off-line in the longitudinal plane as the reference model to track. Then, the CGT based direct model reference adaptive controller and the feed-forward compensator are designed to robustly track the aforementioned reference drag acceleration profile and to effectively reduce the downrange error. Afterwards, the heading alignment logic is adopted in the lateral plane to reduce the crossrange error. Finally, the validity of the guidance algorithm proposed in this paper is confirmed by Monte Carlo simulation analysis.  相似文献   

基于阻力跟踪的火星大气进入段非线性预测制导律设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对火星探测任务大气进入段的高精度着陆问题,提出一种基于阻力跟踪的非线性预测制导策略。基于火星探测器大气进入段的三维运动模型,综合考虑探测器气动参数摄动、火星大气密度摄动、外部扰动以及进入时刻状态初值不确定性,设计了基于优化思想的非线性预测制导律,并对所提出的制导方法进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明:非线性预测制导律在满足控制约束的条件下可以获得较高的着陆精度。  相似文献   

A multi-objective optimization procedure to design parachute triggering algorithm, based on Monte Carlo analysis of flight uncertainties, has been developed in this paper. Most of Mars explorations missions utilize parachute for a safe descent through the lowest of the atmosphere. The parachute triggering algorithm is designed to accommodate the range of off-nominal entry trajectories, and is aimed to parachute opening in certain range of Mach numbers, dynamic pressure and altitude. Our novel algorithm takes the fight uncertainty into the account through Monte Carlo analysis, selects maximization of altitude statistical mean and minimization of Mach number statistical mean as two objectives, then employs multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D), to search the Pareto-front framework. Such a methodology can be implemented on the future design of entry, descent, and landing (EDL) mission.  相似文献   

天问一号火星探测器成功实现了我国首次火星表面软着陆,进入舱制导导航与控制系统(GNC系统)负责在火星进入下降着陆过程实施进入舱的姿态与轨道控制,确保进入舱安全着陆火星表面.介绍了执行天问一号火星EDL任务的GNC系统飞行阶段划分、系统组成、方案架构,以及针对火星EDL任务的特色设计,最后介绍了GNC系统在轨飞行结果.  相似文献   

Future Mars missions will require precision landing capability, which motivates the need for entry closed-loop guidance schemes. A new tracking law – active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) – is presented in this paper. The ability of the ADRC tracking law to handle the atmospheric models and the vehicle’s aerodynamic errors is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations with dispersions in entry state variables, drag and lift coefficients, and atmospheric density show effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

天问一号火星进入舱携带祝融号火星车实施进入、下降、着陆过程,其热控系统设计主要面临地火转移外热流大幅变化、进入火星舱壁气动烧蚀长时高温、着陆发动机点火局部超高温等技术挑战。为此,综合采用隔热设计、等温化设计、主动控温设计等热控手段,针对外热流大幅变化应用了新型SAL-2热控涂层,为解决局部超高温问题研制了新型气凝胶热防护装置,完整构建了进入舱的高效可靠热控系统。飞行遥测数据表明,全飞行过程设备温度和热控功耗均优于指标要求,进入、下降、着陆过程工作设备温度范围5.0~40.3℃,整舱平均控温功耗不超过43W,验证了进入舱热控系统设计的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of Mars atmospheric entry trajectory optimization by use of the desensitized optimal control (DOC) and Direct Collocation and Nonlinear Programming (DCNLP). Firstly, desensitized optimal control methodology is adopted to reduce the sensitivity of terminal state variables with respect to uncertainties and perturbations along the trajectory, in addition to optimizing the original performance index. Then, Direct Collocation (DC) method is used to transform the optimal control problem into Nonlinear Programming (NLP) problem which can be easily solved using the SNOPT software package. Monte Carlo simulations of error analysis show that the sensitivity of terminal state variables with respect to uncertainties and perturbations is significantly reduced, leading to improved entry precision.  相似文献   

A thorough observability analysis of the Mars entry navigation using radiometric measurements from ground based beacons is performed. This analysis involves the evaluation of the Fisher information matrix which is derived from the maximum likelihood estimation. A series of navigation cases with multiple beacons are investigated, and both range and range-rate measurements are considered. The determinant of Fisher information matrix is used to quantify the observability of navigation system, while the trace of Fisher information matrix is used to determine the lower-bound of estimation errors. For one and two beacon cases, the navigation system is unobservable. However, the eigenvectors of Fisher information matrix give the observable and unobservable component. When three or more beacon measurements are employed, the states of entry vehicle become observable. Some valuable analytic conclusions on the relationship between the geometric configuration of beacons and observability are obtained consequently. Finally, simulation results from two navigation examples indicate that our effort is useful for understanding and assessing the observability of the Mars entry navigation using radiometric measurements.  相似文献   

上世纪六七十年代和21世纪后的两轮月/火探测热潮产出了丰硕成果,以Artemis计划、探月工程四期和火星采样返回为代表的新一批任务已拉开帷幕,站在这一特殊历史节点,对月/火着陆制导技术进行综述。首先,阐述了月/火着陆的物理过程,指出了未来复杂探测任务对制导技术的挑战。随后,鉴于轨迹优化这一技术分支近年取得的广泛发展,讨论了其与制导的联系。然后,回顾了月/火探测工程任务的技术遗产,包括多项式制导、动力显式制导、Apollo进入制导、预测校正制导以及凸规划制导。鉴于动力学与环境不确定性的挑战日益突出,讨论了来自人工智能、先进优化与控制等领域的潜在理论工具,能够为制导技术的发展提供新动力。最后,面向随时随地、高精度、高可靠、高自主着陆的制导技术发展需求,总结了后续研究方向。  相似文献   

为保证无人机安全稳定的飞行,实现高精度的航迹跟踪,基于引导点的非线性制导算法,提出了一种引导长度自适应的航迹跟踪方法。首先建立无人机运动学模型,依此对非线性的制导算法进行理论分析与试验验证,建立无人机飞行速度与引导长度之间的关系。之后引出引导长度自适应的航迹跟踪方法,详细讨论方法的具体实现过程。最后通过各种情况下的仿真对比试验,验证所提出方法的有效性。仿真结果表明,所提出的方法能较精确地跟踪各种复杂航迹,同时在较大的初始偏差和航路点临时切换的情况下能稳定、快速地收敛到期望航迹,更好地满足各种实际飞行任务的需求。  相似文献   

This paper presents a trajectory optimization scheme for powered-descent phase of Mars landing with considerations of disturbance. Firstly, θ–DθD method is applied to design a suboptimal control law with descent model in the absence of disturbance. Secondly, disturbance is estimated by disturbance observer, and the disturbance estimation is as feedforward compensation. Then, semi-global stability analysis of the composite controller consisting of the nonlinear suboptimal controller and the disturbance feedforward compensation is proposed. Finally, to verify the effectiveness of proposed control scheme, an application including relevant simulations on a Mars landing mission is demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to developing a closed-loop vibration suppression controller for a satellite with large flexible appendages based on component synthesis vibration suppression (CSVS) method. The dynamics model of a flexible satellite is firstly established by using the Newton–Euler methodology, and the dynamics model of the flywheel is also developed. A novel CSVS method is presented based on zero-vibration differentiator (ZVD), which can guarantee multi-order vibration suppression. Combined with the proposed CSVS method, traditional closed-loop controllers such as PD or sliding mode controllers can be applied to active vibration suppression. The stability of the proposed closed-loop CSVS controller is proved by the Lyapunov theory. Subsequently, the dynamic optimal control allocation algorithm is proposed for six flywheels, and a novel nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode controller is developed to obtain practical voltage control input for the flywheel drive control system. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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